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  • 2020.12.24お知らせ
    世界中で引用された論文が多い科学者を調べるクラリベイト・アナリティクス社の2020年版Highly Cited Researchers(高被引用論文著者)リストが発表され、統合環境経済研究室の増井室長が選出されました。選出分野はクロスフィールド(複合領域)。Highly Cited Researchersには、特定出版年・特定分野における世界の全論文のうち引用された回数が上位1%に入る論文を複数発表しており、後続の研究に大きな影響を与えている科学者や社会科学者が選出されています。
  • 2020.12.7更新情報
    著者:亀山康子 ・佐々木実紀(日本エヌ・ユー・エス株式会社) 
    掲載誌:環境科学会 Vol.33 No.6 159-171

    Promoting renewable energy through willingness to pay for transition to a low carbon society in Japan
    著者:Lu Gao, Yuki Hiruta, Shuichi Ashina
    掲載誌:Renewable Energy, Volume 162, Pages 818-830
  • 2020.12.1更新情報
    Analyzing the Uncertainty of Degree Confluence Project for Validating Global Land-Cover Maps Using Reference Data-Based Classification Schemes
    著者: Qian Tana, Fujii M., Kinoshita Tsuguki, Bao Yuhai
    掲載誌:Remote Sens., 12(16), 2589;

    Development of energy balance table for rural and urban households and evaluation of energy consumption in Indian states
    著者: Satish Kumar Yawale, Tatsuya Hanaoka, Manmohan Kapshe
    掲載誌:Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews (RSER), Vol: 136,

    Energy system transformation to meet NDC, 2 °C, and well below 2 °C targets for India
    著者: Saritha S. Vishwanathan, Amit Garg
    掲載誌:Climatic Change, Springer, vol. 162(4), pages 1877-1891, October

    Low carbon development and co-planning mitigation actions to achieve the SDGs targets-a case of Bogor
    著者: Sun L., Gomi K., Fujita T., Fujii M., Maki S., Gito I., Rizaldi B
  • 2020.12.1更新情報
    Sun L., Gomi K., Fujita T., Fujii M., Maki S., Gito I., Rizaldi B. (2020) Low carbon development and co-planning mitigation actions to achieve the SDGs targets-a case of Bogor. 第48回環境システム研究論文発表会,

    金_敏, 松橋啓介, 石河正寛, 有賀敏典 (2020) 第4次メッシュレベルの人口変動に及ぼす年齢・時代・コーホート効果の分析. 都市計画論文集, 55 (3), 1121-1127

    Masui T. (2020) Scenario approach and climate mitigation actions toward sustainable society. Minamata online science sessions Mercury emissions: Estimation and projection, -

    Marissa M., Masui T. (2020) Measuring the Potential Socio-Economic Impact of Emission Mitigation Policies in Indonesia: AIM/CGE model utilization.. Yale Indonesia Forum 2020, -

  • 2020.11.4更新情報
    Hanaoka T., Smith S., Chateau J., Dorheim K., Drouet L., Durand-Lasserve O., Fricko O., Fujimori S., Harmsen M., Hilaire J., Keramidas K., Klimont Z., Luderer G., Moura M.C.P., Riahi K., Rogelj J., Sano F., van Vuuren D.P., Wada K. (2020) Impact of methane and black carbon mitigation on forcing and temperature: a multi-model scenario analysis. Climate Change,

    Estoque R., Oba M., Togawa T., Hijioka Y. (2020) Projected land-use changes in the Shared Socioeconomic Pathways: Insights and implications. AMBIO: A Journal of the Human Environment , 49, 1972-1981

    Gao L., Hiruta Y., Ashina S. (2020) Promoting renewable energy through willingness to pay for transition to a low carbon society in Japan. Renewable Energy, 162, 818-830

    Qian Tana, Fujii M., Kinoshita Tsuguki, Bao Yuhai (2020) Analyzing the Uncertainty of Degree Confluence Project for Validating Global Land-Cover Maps Using Reference Data-Based Classification Schemes. Remote Sensing , 12, 2589

  • 2020.10.26更新情報
    Spatial discounting of ecosystem services
    著者: Rintaro Yamaguchi, Payal Shah
    掲載誌:Resource and Energy Economics, 62
  • 2020.10.6更新情報
    The Development of Climate Security Discourse in Japan
    著者: Yasuko Kameyama, Keishi Ono(防衛省防衛研究所)
    掲載誌:Sustainability Science オンライン

    Verification of Infection Prevention Control Using a Spatial Random Walk Model
    著者:Toshiaki Ichinose, Danhe Tian & Yifeng Li
    掲載誌:International Journal of Social Science Studies, Vol. 8, No. 6; 35-40.
  • 2020.10.2更新情報
    Kameyama Y., Ono K. (2020) The Development of Climate Security Discourse in Japan. Sustainability Science

    Ichinose T., D. Tian, Y. Li: (2020) Verification of infection prevention control using a spatial random walk model. International Journal of Social Science Studies, 8 (6), 35-40.

  • 2020.9.17お知らせ
    日本版 SSP(社会経済シナリオ)の叙述とイメージ

    著者: 松橋啓介, 高橋潔
  • 2020.9.1更新情報
    Wu W., Hasegawa T., Fujimori S., Takahashi K., Oshiro K. (2020) Assessment of bioenergy potential and associated costs in Japan for the 21st century. Renewable Energy, 162, 308-321

    Kameyama Y. (2020) Emitters in the Spotlight - Japan: Innovation First, Climate Next. Institut Montaigne Website,

  • 2020.8.28更新情報
    Assessment of bioenergy potential and associated costs in Japan for the 21st century
    著者: Wenchao Wu, 長谷川知子, 藤森真一郎, 高橋潔, 大城賢
    掲載誌:Renewable Energy, 162, 308-321

    Income inequality and the distributional effects of elevated carbon dioxide on dietary nutrient deficiency
    著者: Wenchao Wu, 高橋潔, Lin Zhou, Shaosheng Jin
    掲載誌:Journal of Cleaner Production, 265, 121606
  • 2020.8.20更新情報
    松橋啓介(2020)脱炭素社会と交通の姿.商工金融, 70(8), 48-51
  • 2020.8.17更新情報
    Development of large-point source emission downscale model by estimating the future capacity distribution of the Chinese iron and steel industry up to 2050
    著者: Zhaoling Li, Tatsuya Hanaoka
    掲載誌:Resources, Conservation and Recycling, Volume 161, October 2020, 104853
  • 2020.8.5更新情報
    Yamaguchi R., Shah P. (2020) Spatial discounting of ecosystem services. Resource and Energy Economics, 62

    青柳みどり (2020) アジア新興国における新中間層の形成についての実証的考察. 農業経済研究, 92 (1), 88-93

    Wu W., Takahashi K., Zhou L., Jin S. (2020) Income inequality and the distributional effects of elevated carbon dioxide on dietary nutrient deficiency. Journal of Cleaner Production, 265, 121606

    Li Z., Hanaoka T. (2020) Development of large-point source emission downscale model by estimating the future capacity distribution of the Chinese iron and steel industry up to 2050. Resources, Conservation & Recycling, 161

  • 2020.7.3更新情報
    増井利彦 (2020) パリ協定が提起した気候変動問題. 経済, (298), 44-53

    青柳みどり (2020) 東南アジア諸国におけるエネルギー貧困に関する検討-ミャンマーを例にして-. 2020年度日本農業経済学会大会, 2020年度日本農業経済学会大会報告要旨, 183

    中村省吾, 大場真, 森保文, 根本和宜 (2020) 福島県奥会津地域における木質バイオマス利用の現状. 第131回日本森林学会大会, 学術講演集, (T1-3), 101

  • 2020.6.25お知らせ
    松橋 啓介 室長(環境政策研究室)

    岡川 梓 主任研究員(環境政策研究室)

    石河 正寛 特別研究員(環境政策研究室)
  • 2020.6.22メディア
  • 2020.6.8更新情報
    Heat health risk assessment in Philippine cities using remotely sensed data and social-ecological indicators
    著者: Ronald C. Estoque, Makoto Ooba, Xerxes T. Seposo, Takuya Togawa, Yasuaki Hijioka, Kiyoshi Takahashi, & Shogo Nakamura
    掲載誌:Nature Communications 11: 1581

    A Review of the Sustainability Concept and the State of SDG Monitoring Using Remote Sensing
    著者: Ronald C. Estoque
    掲載誌:Remote Sensing 12: 1770

    Projected land-use changes in the Shared Socioeconomic Pathways: Insights and implications
    著者:Ronald C. Estoque, Makoto Ooba, Takuya Togawa, Yasuaki Hijioka
    掲載誌:AMBIO, https://doi.org/10.1007/s13280-020-01338-4

    Available capital, utilized capital, and shadow prices in inclusive wealth accounting.
    著者:Yamaguchi, R.
    掲載誌:Ecological Economics, 169.
  • 2020.6.8更新情報
    Cheewaphongphan P., Hanaoka T., Chatani S. (2020) Long-term trend of regional passenger road transport demand and emission estimation under exhaust emission regulation scenario in Thailand. Environmental Research Communications, 2 (5), 051009

    Liu K., Murayama Y., Ichinose T.(Toshiaki) (2020) Using a new approach for revealing the spatiotemporal patterns of functional urban polycentricity: A case study in the Tokyo metropolitan area.. Sustainable Cities and Society, 59

    松橋啓介, 石河正寛 (2019) 人口減少社会における空き家地図の作成. 地球環境, 24 (2), 145-150

  • 2020.5.11お知らせ
    環境社会イノベーション研究室のRonald C. Estoque特別研究員が、Elsevier:Top 25 most cited article since 2017"を受賞しました。
    Estoque, R.C., Murayama, Y., Myint, S.W. (2017) Effects of landscape composition and pattern on land surface temperature: An urban heat island study in the megacities of Southeast Asia
  • 2020.5.11更新情報
    Ziphozakhe Theophilus Shasha, Yong Geng, Huaping Sun, Walter Musakwa, Sun L. (2020) Past, current, and future perspectives on eco-tourism: a bibliometric review between 2001 and 2018. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 1-15

    Matsuhashi S., Hirata A., Akiba M., Nakamura K., Oguro M., Takano K.T., Nakao K., Hijioka Y., Matsui T. (2020) Developing a point process model for ecological risk assessment of pine wilt disease at multiple scales. Forest Ecology and Management journal, 463, 118010

    Hirata A., Kominami Y., Matsui T., Hijioka Y. (2020) Evaluation of the estimation of shortwave solar radiation in Japan using the Mountain Microclimate Simulation Model. Journal of Agricultural Meteorology, 76 (2), 96-103

  • 2020.5.7お知らせ

    著者: 一ノ瀬俊明, 田丹鶴, 李一峰
  • 2020.4.3更新情報

    著者: 松橋啓介, 陳鶴, 有賀敏典, 金森有子
    掲載誌:環境科学会誌, 33(1), 1-10
  • 2020.4.3お知らせ
    日本SSP市区町村別人口推計 環境研究総合推進費2-1805(気候変動影響・適応評価のための日本版社会経済シナリオの構築)の成果

    著者: 五味馨, 金森有子, 松橋啓介
  • 2020.4.3更新情報
    Estoque R., Ooba M., Seposo X., Togawa T., Hijioka Y, Takahashi K, Nakamura S. (2020) Heat health risk assessment in Philippine cities using remotely sensed data and social-ecological indicators. Nature Communications, 11:1581, -

    Kinose Y., Masutomi Y., Shiotsu F., Hayashi K., Ogawada D., Gomez-Garcia M., Matsumura A., Takahashi K., Fukushi K. (2020) Impact assessment of climate change on the major rice cultivar Ciherang in Indonesia. Journal of Agricultural Meteorology, 76 (1), 19-28

    Silva D., Fujimori S., Kainuma M. (2019) Implications of Japan’s long term climate mitigation target and the relevance of uncertain nuclear policy. Climate Policy, 19 (9), 1117-1131

  • 2020.1.24更新情報
    小野恭子, 真砂佳史, 松永猛裕, 矢守克也, 野崎洋之, 本間基照 (2019) 災害リスク,非定常リスクへの対応 分野を超えた共通知を探る. 日本リスク研究学会誌, 29 (2), 123-127

    Fujita T., Ariga T., Ohashi H.(*1Department of Plant Ecology, Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute), Hijioka Y., Fukasawa K., (2019) Assessing the potential impacts of climate and population change on land-use changes projected to 2100 in Japan. Climate Research, 79, 139-149

    牧誠也, 大西悟, 藤井実, 後藤尚弘, 五味馨 (2019) 地域特性を考慮した収集運搬による費用・CO2 排出量推計のための修正グリッドシティモデルの開発-愛知県を対象としたケーススタディ-. 廃棄物資源循環学会論文誌, 30, 153-165

    Kim S., Hijioka Y., Nagashima T., Kim H. (2019) Particulate Matter and Its Impact on Mortality among Elderly Residents of Seoul, South Korea. Atmosphere, 11 (18)

  • 2020.1.17報道発表
  • 2020.1.14お知らせ
    環境社会イノベーション研究室のSun特別研究員が、これまで多く引用された論文について、Resource, Conservation and Recycling誌から受賞しました。

    Sun, Lu; Li, Hong; Dong, Liang; Fang, Kai; Ren, Jingzheng; Geng, Yong; Fujii, Minoru; Zhang, Wei; Zhang, Ning; Liu, Zhe (2017) Eco-benefits assessment on urbanindustrial symbiosis based on material flows analysis and emergy evaluation approach: A case of Liuzhou city, China, Resource, Conservation and Recycling, Vol.119, 78-88
  • 2020.1.10更新情報
    小野恭子, 真砂佳史, 松永猛裕, 矢守克也, 野崎洋之, 本間基照 (2019) 災害リスク,非定常リスクへの対応 分野を超えた共通知を探る. 日本リスク研究学会誌, 29 (2), 123-127

    Fujita T., Ariga T., Ohashi H.(*1Department of Plant Ecology, Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute), Hijioka Y., Fukasawa K., (2019) Assessing the potential impacts of climate and population change on land-use changes projected to 2100 in Japan. Climate Research, 79, 139-149

    牧誠也, 大西悟, 藤井実, 後藤尚弘, 五味馨 (2019) 地域特性を考慮した収集運搬による費用・CO2 排出量推計のための修正グリッドシティモデルの開発-愛知県を対象としたケーススタディ-. 廃棄物資源循環学会論文誌, 30, 153-165

    Kim S., Hijioka Y., Nagashima T., Kim H. (2019) Particulate Matter and Its Impact on Mortality among Elderly Residents of Seoul, South Korea. Atmosphere, 11 (18)

  • 2019.12.23更新情報
    Assessing the potential impacts of climate and population change on land-use changes projected to 2100 in Japan

    著者:Tomohiro Fujita, Toshinori Ariga, Haruka Ohashi, Yasuaki Hijioka, Keita Fukasawa
    掲載誌:Climate Research  Vol. 79: 139_149
  • 2019.12.12更新情報
    気温と湿度に対する消費電力の感応度 一般送配電事業者ごとの毎時電力消費量に着目して

    著者:蛭田有希,GAO Lu ,芦名秀一
    掲載誌:土木学会論文集G(環境), 75 (6), Ⅱ_17-Ⅱ_27
  • 2019.12.6更新情報
    蛭田有希, GAO Lu, 芦名秀一 (2019) 気温と湿度に対する消費電力の感応度 一般送配電事業者ごとの毎時電力消費量に着目して. 土木学会論文集G(環境), 75 (6), Ⅱ_17-Ⅱ_27

    Lin Y. , Ichinose T.(Toshiaki), Yamao Y., Mouri H. (2020) Wind velocity and temperature fields under different surface heating conditions in a street canyon in wind tunnel experiments. Building and Environment,

  • 2019.12.5お知らせ
  • 2019.11.29お知らせ
  • 2019.11.15更新情報
    Connectivity Assessment Based on Circuit Theory for Suggestion of Ecological Corridor <in Korean>

    著者:Yoon E J., Kim E Y., Kim J Y., Lee D K
    掲載誌:J. Environ. Impact Assess. 28(3): 275~286
  • 2019.11.6更新情報
    Temperature as a risk factor of emergency department visits for acute kidney injury: a case-crossover study in Seoul, South Korea

    著者: Satbyul Estella Kim, Hyewon Lee, Jayeun Kim, Young Kyu Lee, Minjin Kang, Yasuaki Hijioka, Ho Kim
    掲載誌:Environmental Health 18, 55
  • 2019.11.6更新情報
    Kim S.E., Lee H., Kim J., Lee Y. K., Kang M., Hijioka Y., Kim H. (2019) Temperature as a risk factor of emergency department visits for acute kidney injury: a case-crossover study in Seoul, South Korea. Environmental Health, 18 (55)

    Yoon E., Kim E, Kim J, Lee D (2019) Connectivity Assessment Based on Circuit Theory for Suggestion of Ecological Corridor. J. Environ. Impact Assess., 28 (3), 275-286 <In Korean>

    青柳みどり (2019) 国際機関,EUなどの国際的なリスク管理に関する研究動向. リスク学事典, 636-637

    平野勇二郎, 安達健一, 藤田壮 (2019) 福島県新地駅周辺地域における地域分散型エネルギーマネジメントシステム構築とその計画・評価手法の開発. スマートグリッド, 60 (14), 24-29

  • 2019.11.5更新情報
    Vertical price transmission in the Nigerian cowpea market

    著者:Wenchao Wu, Hsiaoping Chien, Takeshi Sakurai, Satoru Muranaka
    掲載誌:British Food Journal, 121 (11), 2730-2745
  • 2019.10.15更新情報

    著者:高倉潤也, 藤森真一郎, 高橋潔, ZHOUQIAN, 花崎直太, 飯泉仁之直, 長谷川知子, 本田靖, 増井利彦, 肱岡靖明
    掲載誌:土木学会論文集G(環境)、75 (5)、I_73-I_80
  • 2019.10.15お知らせ
  • 2019.10.7更新情報
    市町村別家庭部門CO2排出量推計モデルの改良: 欠測データ処理と非線形回帰の適用

    掲載誌:土木学会論文集G(環境), Vol.75(5), I_89-I_98

    The Impact of Green house gas mitigation policy for land use and the forestry sector in Indonesia: Applying the computable general equilibrium model

    著者:Marissa Malahayati, Toshihiko Masui
    掲載誌:Forest Policy and Economics, 109 (2019)
  • 2019.10.3更新情報
    高倉潤也, 藤森真一郎, 高橋潔, ZHOUQIAN, 花崎直太, 飯泉仁之直, 長谷川知子, 本田靖, 増井利彦, 肱岡靖明 (2019) 気候変動による全球規模経済影響のエミュレーション手法の試作と評価. 土木学会論文集G(環境), 75 (5), I_73-I_80

    石河正寛, 松橋啓介, 金森有子, 有賀敏典 (2019) 市町村別家庭部門CO2排出量推計モデルの改良:欠測データ処理と非線形回帰の適用. 土木学会論文集G(環境), 75 (5), I_89-I_98

    Marissa M., Masui T. (2019) The impact of green house gas mitigation policy for land use and the forestry sector in Indonesia: Applying the computable general equilibrium model. Forest Policy and Economics, 109 (102003)

    Takakura J., Fujimori S., Hanasaki N., Hasegawa T., Hirabayashi Y., Honda Y., Iizumi T., Kumano N., Park C., Shen Z., Takahashi K., Tamura M., Tanoue M., Tsuchida K., Yokoki H., Zhou Q., Oki T., Hijioka Y. (2019) Dependence of economic impacts of climate change on anthropogenically directed pathways. Nature Climate Change, 9, 737-741

  • 2019.9.26報道発表
    この研究成果は、気候変動分野における学術誌Nature Climate Changeに9月25日付(現地時間)で掲載されます。
  • 2019.9.3更新情報
    Mapping of Research and Policy Concerning Climate Change and Cities in Asia

    著者: Toshiaki ICHINOSE, Kai LIU
    掲載誌:Journal of Art and Design, 7, 1-15
  • 2019.9.2更新情報
    Wu W., Hasegawa T., Ohashi H. , Hanasaki N., Liu J., Matsui T., Fujimori S., Masui T., Takahashi K. (2019) Global advanced bioenergy potential under environmental protection policies and societal transformation measures. Global change biology bioenergy, 11 (9), 1041-1055

    Ichinose T.(Toshiaki), Liu K. (2019) Mapping of research and policy concerning climate change and cities in Asia.. Journal of Art and Design, 7, 1-15

  • 2019.8.16更新情報
    Contribution to a low-carbon society from improving exergy of waste-to-energy system by upgrading utilization of waste

    著者:Fujii M., Dou Y., Sun L., Ohnishi S., Maki S., Dong H., Dong L., Chandran R.
    掲載誌:Resources, Conservation & Recycling, 149, 586-594

    Grouping of Water Supply-and-Demand Structure in the Yellow River Basin of China: Focusing on Balance between Groundwater and Surface-water

    著者: Toshiaki Ichinose, Kai Liu, Akio Onishi and Feng Shi
    掲載誌:Sustainability, 11, 3984
  • 2019.8.6その他
    2019年7月20日(土)9:30〜16:00 国立環境研究所にて
  • 2019.8.1更新情報
    Fujii M., Dou Y., Sun L., Ohnishi S., Maki S., Dong H., Dong L., Chandran R. (2019) Contribution to a low-carbon society from improving exergy of waste-to-energy system by upgrading utilization of waste. Resources, Conservation & Recycling, 149, 586-594

    Ichinose T.(Toshiaki), Liu K., Onishi A., Shi F. (2019) Grouping of water supply-and-demand structure in the Yellow River Basin of China: Focusing on balance between groundwater and surface water. Sustainability, 11

  • 2019.7.31お知らせ
    Estoque, R.C., Ooba, M., Avitabile, V., Hijioka, Y., DasGupta, R., Togawa, T., & Murayama, Y. (2019). The future of Southeast Asia’s forests. Nature Communications
  • 2019.7.31更新情報
    Scenario-based land abandonment projections: Method, application and implications

    著者:Ronald C. Estoque, Kei Gomi, Takuya Togawa, Makoto Ooba, Yasuaki Hijioka, Chiaki M. Akiyama, Shogo Nakamura, Akira Yoshioka, Keisuke Kuroda
    掲載誌:Science of the Total Environment 692:903_916
  • 2019.7.22更新情報
    Rajbhandari S., Limmeechokchai B., Masui T. (2019) The impact of different GHG reduction scenarios on the economy and social welfare of Thailand using a computable general equilibrium (CGE) model. Energy, Sustainability and Society, 9 (1)

  • 2019.7.16更新情報
    Inclusive wealth in the twenty-first century: A summary and further discussion of Inclusive Wealth Report 2018.

    著者:Yamaguchi, R., Islam, M., & Managi, S.
    掲載誌:Letters in Spatial and Resource Sciences, forthcoming
  • 2019.7.12更新情報
    Site-specific hourly resolution wet bulb globe temperature reconstruction from gridded daily resolution climate variables for planning climate change adaptation measures.

    著者:Takakura J., Fujimori S., Takahashi K., Hijioka Y., Honda Y
    掲載誌:International Journal of Biometeorology, 63 (6), 787-800
  • 2019.7.12更新情報
    Potential Diversified Transportation Energy Mix Solutions for the ASEAN Countries

    著者:Oka K., Mizutani W., Ichikawa S.
    掲載誌:Asian Journal of Atmospheric Environment, 13 (1), 45-61
  • 2019.6.18更新情報
    Ambiyah A. (2019) Impact of Fiscal Policy on Green Technologies Transfer. Handbook of Green Finance, 1-24

    Fang K., Zhang Q., Long Y., Yoshida Y., Sun L., Zhang H., Dou Y., Li S. (2019) How can China achieve its Intended Nationally Determined Contributions by 2030? A multi-criteria allocation of China’s carbon emission allowance. Applied Energy, 241, 380-389

    You W., Geng Y., Dong H., Wilson J., Pan H., Wu R., Sun L., Zhang X., Liu Z. (2018) Technical and economic assessment of RES penetration by modelling China's existing energy system. Energy, 165, 900-910

    Long Y., Yoshida Y., Zhang R., Sun L., Dou Y. (2018) Policy implications from revealing consumption-based carbon footprint of major economic sectors in Japan. Energy Policy, 119, 339-348

    Fujimori S., Hasegawa T., Krey V., Riahi K., Bertram C., Bodirsky B.L., Bosetti V., Callen J., Despres J., Doelman J., Drouet L., Emmerling J., Frank S., Fricko O., Havlik P., Humpenoder F., Koopman J.F.L., van Meijl H., Ochi Y., Popp A., Schmitz A., Takahashi K., van Vuuren D. (2019) A multi-model assessment of food security implications of climate change mitigation. Nature Sustainability, 2, 386-396

    Gomez-Garcia M., Matsumura A., Ogawada D., Takahashi K. (2019) Time Scale Decomposition of Climate and Correction of Variability Using Synthetic Samples of Stable Distributions. Water Resources Research, 55

    Takakura J., Fujimori S., Takahashi K., Hijioka Y., Honda Y. (2019) Site-specific hourly resolution wet bulb globe temperature reconstruction from gridded daily resolution climate variables for planning climate change adaptation measures. International Journal of Biometeorology, 63 (6), 787-800

    Yamaguchi R., Islam M., Managi S. (2019) Inclusive wealth in the twenty-first century: a summary and further discussion of Inclusive Wealth Report 2018. Letters in Spatial and Resource Sciences,

    Munesue Y., Masui T. (2019) The impacts of Japanese food losses and food waste on global natural resources and greenhouse gas emissions. Journal of Industrial Ecology,

    Oka K., Mizutani W., Ichikawa S. (2019) Potential Diversified Transportation Energy Mix Solutions for the ASEAN Countries. Asian Journal of Atmospheric Environment, 13 (1), 45-61

    浅見泰司, 蛭田 有希 (2019) 市街地空間の構成要素が気温に与える影響の動的変化. 住総研研究論文集・実践研究報告集, (45), 23-34

    Hirano Y., Ihara T., Gomi K., Fujita T. (2019) Simulation-Based Evaluation of the Effect of Green Roofs in Office Building Districts on Mitigating the Urban Heat Island Effect and Reducing CO2 Emissions. Sustainability, 11 (7)

    松橋啓介, 石河正寛 (2018) 家庭と乗用車から生じる市区町村別CO2排出量に関する考察. 都市計画論文集, 53 (3), 913-918

    Kim H., Rosa I.M.D., Alkemade R., Leadley P., Hurtt G., Popp A., van Vuuren D.P., Anthoni P., Arneth A., Baisero D., Caton E., Kramer R.C., Chini L., Palma A.D., Fulvio F.D., Marco M.D., Espinoza F., Ferrier S., Fujimori S., Gonzalez R.E., Gueguen M., Guerra C., Harfoot M., Harwood T.D., Hasegawa T., Haverd V., Havl_k P., Hellweg S., Hill S.L.L., Hirata A., Hoskins A.J., Janse J.H., Jetz W., Johnson J.A., Krause A., Leclere D., Martins I.S., Matsu T., Merow C., Obersteiner M., Ohash H., Poulter B., Purvis A., Quesada B., Rondinini C., Schipper A.M., Sharp R., Takahashi K., Thuiller W., Titeux N., Visconti P., Ware C., Wolf F., Pereira H.M. (2018) A protocol for an intercomparison of biodiversity and ecosystem services models using harmonized land-use and climate scenarios. Geoscientific Model Development, 11, 4537-4562

    Fujimori S., Iizumi T., Hasegawa T., Takakura J., Takahashi K., Hijioka Y. (2018) Macroeconomic Impacts of Climate Change Driven by Changes in Crop Yields. Sustainability, 10 (10), 3673

    Fronzek S., Carter T.R., Pirttioja N., Alkemade R., Audsley E., Bugmann H., Florke M., Holman I., Honda Y., Ito A., Janes-Bassett V., Lafond V., Leemans R., Mokrech M., Nunez S., Sandars D., Snell R., Takahashi K., Tanaka A., Wimmer F., Yoshikawa M. (2018) Determining sectoral and regional sensitivity to climate and socio-economic change in Europe using impact response surfaces. Regional Environmental Change, 19, 679-693

    Park C., Fujimori S., Hasegawa T., Takakura J., Takahashi K., Hijioka Y. (2018) Avoided economic impacts of energy demand changes by 1.5 and 2 °C climate stabilization. Environmental Research Letters, 13, 045010

    Fujimori S., Hasegawa T., Rogelj J., Su X., Havlik P., Krey V., Takahashi K., Riahi K. (2018) Inclusive climate change mitigation and food security policy under 1.5°C climate goal. Environmental Research Letters, 13 (7)

    森下慧, 田上雅浩, 岡田将誌, 肱岡靖明, 平林由希子 (2018) 灌漑による干ばつ時の穀物生産損失の低減効果とその費用に関する推計. 土木学会論文集B1(水工学), 74 (4), l_1225-l_1230

  • 2019.5.13お知らせ
    Estoque, R.C., Ooba, M., Avitabile, V., Hijioka, Y., DasGupta, R., Togawa, T., & Murayama, Y. (2019). The future of Southeast Asia’s forests. Nature Communications
  • 2019.5.8その他
    2019年3月21日 於 ボゴール市(インドネシア)
  • 2019.4.24お知らせ
    論文タイトル: The future of Southeast Asia’s forests

    著者:Ronald C. Estoque, Makoto Ooba, Valerio Avitabile, Yasuaki Hijioka, Rajarshi DasGupta, Takuya Togawa and Yuji Murayama
    掲載誌:Nature Communications, 10, 1829
  • 2019.4.5更新情報
    石河正寛, 松橋啓介, 金森有子, 有賀 敏典 (2018) 家庭CO2統計に基づく全国10地方別の排出要因分析と市町村別世帯あたり排出量の推計: 全国試験調査結果を用いて. 土木学会論文集G(環境), 74 (6), II_193-II_201

    藤井実 (2019) リサイクル分野でのIoT、AI導入の展望. 環境浄化技術, 18 (1), 63-66

  • 2019.4.5更新情報
    Global advanced bioenergy potential under environmental protection policies and societal transformation measures

    著者:Wenchao Wu, Tomoko Hasegawa, Haruka Ohashi, Naota Hanasaki, Jingyu Liu, Tetsuya Matsui, Shinichiro Fujimori, Toshihiko Masui, Kiyoshi Takahashi
    掲載雑誌:Global Change Biology Bioenergy (In Press)
  • 2019.3.1メディア
    内閣府が作成している動画シリーズのうちの一つとして制作された「Side by Side: Environmental Conservation in Fiji」に、亀山副センター長が出演しました。

  • 2019.2.25更新情報
    陳鶴, 松橋啓介 (2019) 持続可能な発展に関する価値観とライフスタイルの見直しの関係—より良い暮らし指標を用いて—. 土木学会論文集G(環境), 75 (1), 13-19

    Tang L., Furushima Y., Honda Y., Hasegawa T., Itsubo N. (2018) Estimating human health damage factors related to CO2 emissions by considering updated climate-related relative risks. The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment

    Takakura J., Fujimori S., Takahashi K., Hasegawa T., Honda Y., Hanasaki N., Hijioka Y., Masui T. (2018) Limited Role of Working Time Shift in Offsetting the Increasing Occupational-Health Cost of Heat Exposure. Earth's Future, 6

    Masaki Y., Hanasaki N., Takahashi K., Hijioka Y. (2018) Consequences of implementing a reservoir operation algorithm in a global hydrological model under multiple meteorological forcing. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 63 (7), 1047-1061

    牧誠也, 藤井実, 藤田壮, 白石靖, 芦名秀一 (2018) インドネシア産業施設のエネルギー消費量計測システムとエネルギー解析モデルの開発. 土木学会論文集G, 74 (6), II_73-II_83

    陳鶴, 有賀敏典, 松橋啓介 (2018) メッシュ周辺人口集積度に基づいた乗用車CO2排出量の推計. 土木計画学研究・論文集 第35巻(特集), 74 (5), 101-107

  • 2019.2.15講演
    2019年1月26-27日に開催された、東京財団政策研究所主催の第114回東京財団政策研究所フォーラム「フューチャー・デザイン・ワークショップ 2019」に松橋室長が登壇しました。


    著者:松橋啓介, 陳鶴, 有賀敏典, 金森有子
    掲載雑誌:土木学会論文集G, 74(6), Ⅱ_103-Ⅱ_110

  • 2019.1.18更新情報
    Intergenerational Discounting with Intragenerational Inequality in Consumption and the Environment

    掲載雑誌:Environmental and Resource Economics, forthcoming


    掲載雑誌:環境経済・政策研究, 11 (2), 92-95


    Backward- and Forward-looking Shadow Prices in Inclusive Wealth Accounting: An Example of Renewable Energy Capital

    著者:Yamaguchi R., Managi S.
    掲載雑誌:Ecological Economics, 156, 337-349


    Improving waste to energy rate by promoting an integrated municipal solid-waste management system

    著者:Sun L., Fujii M., Tasaki T., Dong H., Ohnishi S
    掲載雑誌:Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 139, PP 289-296


    Carbon footprint assessment for the waste management sector: A comparative analysis of China and Japan

    著者:Sun L., Li Z., Fujii M., Hijioka Y., Fujita T
    掲載雑誌:Frontiers in Energy, 12 (3), PP 400-410
  • 2019.1.16更新情報




    掲載雑誌:土木学会論文集D3, 74(5)

    Challenges in Implementing Emission Mitigation Technologies in Indonesia Agricultural Sector: Criticizing the Available Mitigation Technologies

    著者:Marissa Malahayati, Toshihiko Masui
    掲載雑誌:Open Agriculture, Vol 3, 46-56