著者: Toshiaki ICHINOSE, Kai LIU
掲載誌:Journal of Art and Design, 7, 1-15
Adaptation, Asia, Climate change, Research and policy
In recent years, the fundamental term in the climate change debate has shifted from mitigation to adaptation. Reducing the sources or enhancing the sinks of greenhouse gases should not be the only anthropogenic intervention for human beings. Scholars have proposed rich literatures and policy initiatives for seeking the adjustment to a coexistence environment between human and nature. Recent characteristic actions of climate change research and policy is the shifting from mitigation to adaptation (incl. implementation to the model municipalities). However, carbon emission mapping as a mitigation study seems popular in scientific sense. The objectives of this study are to highlight how the fundamental term in the climate change debate has shifted from mitigation to adaptation, and lastly to show the mapping of research and policy concerning climate change and cities in the context of Asian cities based on the achievement presented by a massive literature. Through the mapping of research and policy concerning climate change and cities in Asia, the achievements of this study provide an academic reference for urban planners and policy makers.