発表者 :
Peng H., Bao K., Yuan L., Uchida M.(内田昌男), Cai C., Zhu Y., Hong B., Guo Q., Ding H., Yao H., Hong Y. 掲載誌 : QUATERNARY SCIENCE REVIEWS, 252(106749): (2021)
発表者 :
Okuda T., Takada H., Kumata H., Nakajima F., Hatakeyama S., Uchida M.(内田昌男), Tanaka S., He K., Ma Y. 掲載誌 : Aerosal and Air Quality Research, 13(2):436-449 (2013)
発表者 :
Itaki T., Kim S., Rella S. F. , Uchida M.(内田昌男), Tada R., Khim B.K. 掲載誌 : Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, 61-64:127-144 (2012)
発表者 :
Rella S. F. , Tada R., Nakashima K., Ikehara M., Itaki T., Ohkushi K., Sakamoto T., Harada N., Uchida M.(内田昌男) 掲載誌 : Paleoceanography, 27:3203 (2012)
査読付き 原著論文 Spetial distribution of Δ14C values of organic matter in surface sediments off Saru River in northern Japan, one year after a flood event in 2006
発表者 :
Peng H., Bao K., Yuan L., Uchida M.(内田昌男), Cai C., Zhu Y., Hong B., Guo Q., Ding H., Yao H., Hong Y. 掲載誌 : QUATERNARY SCIENCE REVIEWS, 252(106749): (2021)
発表者 :
Okuda T., Takada H., Kumata H., Nakajima F., Hatakeyama S., Uchida M.(内田昌男), Tanaka S., He K., Ma Y. 掲載誌 : Aerosal and Air Quality Research, 13(2):436-449 (2013)
発表者 :
Itaki T., Kim S., Rella S. F. , Uchida M.(内田昌男), Tada R., Khim B.K. 掲載誌 : Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, 61-64:127-144 (2012)
発表者 :
Rella S. F. , Tada R., Nakashima K., Ikehara M., Itaki T., Ohkushi K., Sakamoto T., Harada N., Uchida M.(内田昌男) 掲載誌 : Paleoceanography, 27:3203 (2012)
発表者 : Uchida M.(内田昌男), Kumata H., Mantoku K.(万徳佳菜子), Uchida M., Uthumi M., Kaneko R., Nakai R., Kobayashi T.(小林利行), Iwahana G., Shibata Y.(柴田康行), Kawamura K. 学会等名称 : Seventh International Symposium for Arctic Research (ISAR-7) (2023) 予稿集名 : Abstracts
発表者 : Uchida M.(内田昌男), Eglinton T.I., Mollenhauer G., Montlucon D., Hayes J.M., Coppola L., Gustafsson O., Mantoku K.(万徳佳菜子), Ahagon N., Harada N. 学会等名称 : Radiocarbon 24th (2022) 予稿集名 : Abstracts
研究発表 Isotopic signatures of fine organic aerosol in the deciduous forest and photosynthetic isotopic discrimination: Insights from compound-specific radiocarbon analysis
発表者 :
Iwahana G., Ohno H., Uchida M.(内田幸), Yokohata T.(横畠徳太), Saito K. 学会等名称 : Sixth International Symposium on Arctic Research (2020) 予稿集名 : Abstract
研究発表 Evidence of Heterotrophic Microbial Decomposition of Preaged Carbon in Arctic soil; Implications from radiocarbon analysis of phospholipid fatty acids (PLFAs)
発表者 : Uchida M.(内田昌男) 学会等名称 : The 23rd International Radiocarbon Conference (2018)
研究発表 The trans-Arctic water 14C sections from Mirai and NABOS cruises: reconstruction of surface-mid-deepwater ventilation ages and their comparison of past 14C inventory data
発表者 : Uchida M.(内田昌男), Kumamoto Y., Polyakov I., Murata M., Ivanov V., Rozman P., Kim Y., Utsumi M. 学会等名称 : The 23rd International Radiocarbon Conference (2018)
発表者 :
Bao R., Uchida M.(内田昌男), McNichol A., Zhao M., Haghipour N., Montlucon D.B., Eglinton T.I. 学会等名称 : 28th International Meeting on Organic Geochemistry (2017) 予稿集名 : Abstracts
発表者 :
Wang X., Yokozawa M., Arakida H., Mori K., Ise T., Kondo M.(近藤美由紀), Uchida M.(内田昌男), Kushida K., Toda M. 学会等名称 : The 62nd ESJ annual meeting (2015) 予稿集名 : Abstracts
研究発表 A study of soil organic matter stabilization using physical fraction, isotopic, and spectroscopic approaches
発表者 :
Wagai R., Asano M., Hayakawa C., Inoue Y., Kajiura M, Hiradate S., Yamaguchi N., Inagaki Y, Uchida M.(内田昌男), Takeichi Y., Suga H., Jinnou M., Ono K., Takahashi Y. 学会等名称 : Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2014 (2014) 予稿集名 : Abstracts
研究発表 A Southern Ocean trigger for Northwest Pacific ventilation during the Holocene?
発表者 :
Rella S.(Rella Stephan), Uchida M.(内田昌男) 学会等名称 : Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2014 (2014) 予稿集名 : Abstracts
研究発表 Shallow water environmental change in the Sea of Japan during the last 30 kyr deduced from foraminiferal isotopes
発表者 :
SAGAWA T., Uchida M.(内田昌男), Murayama M., Tada R. 学会等名称 : Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2014 (2014) 予稿集名 : Abstracts
発表者 :
Wagai R., Asano M., Kajiura M., Hayakawa C., Hiradate S., Uchida M.(内田昌男), Inoue Y. 学会等名称 : 61st Annual Meeting of Ecological Society of Japan (2014) 予稿集名 : Abstracts
研究発表 Source diagnosis of high level atmospheric PAHs from Kolkata and surrounding rural sites by using compound class specific radiocarbon analysis (CCSRA)
発表者 :
Kumata H., Uchida M.(内田昌男), Saha M., Kurumisawa R., Saito S., Umemura T., Kondo M.(近藤美由紀), Shibata Y.(柴田康行), Okuda T., Nakajima F., Hatakeyama S., Takada H. 学会等名称 : 5th EAST ASIA AMS SYMPOSIUM (2013) 予稿集名 : Abstracts, 73
研究発表 Radiocarbon based source apportioning of PM2.5 carbonaceous aerosols at Cape Hedo, Okinawa and Fukue island, Japan
発表者 : Uchida M.(内田昌男), Kondo M.(近藤美由紀), Kaneyasu N., Arakaki T., Handa D., Kumata H. 学会等名称 : 5th EAST ASIA AMS SYMPOSIUM (2013) 予稿集名 : Abstracts, 77
研究発表 The belowground C balances in Alaskan boreal and tundra ecosystems:Insights from radiocarbon-based C accumulation rates and turnover times
研究発表 Multibeam bathymetric and sediment profiler evidences for pockmarks and ice grounding scours on the chukchi borderland and beaufort sea
発表者 : Uchida M.(内田昌男), Shibahara A. 学会等名称 : 19th International symposium on Poler Science (2013) 予稿集名 : Abstracts, 190
研究発表 Sedimentary organic matter variations in the Chukchi Bordeland over the last 155 KYR
発表者 : Uchida M.(内田昌男), Rella S. (Rella Stephan), Kondo M.(近藤美由紀) 学会等名称 : 19th International symposium on Poler Science (2013) 予稿集名 : Abstracts, 189
研究発表 Turnovertime of soil organic carbon in permafrost using radiocarbon and their application for determining long and short therms carbon balances cas study in Alaskan tundra and boreal forest
発表者 : Kondo M.(近藤美由紀), Uchida M.(内田昌男), Utsumi M., Iwahana G., Yoshikawa K., Iwata H., Harazono Y., Nakai T., Tanabe K.(田邊潔), Shibata Y.(柴田康行) 学会等名称 : 19th International symposium on Poler Science (2013) 予稿集名 : Abstracts, 177
発表者 :
Mori K., Ise T., Kondo M.(近藤美由紀), Kim Y., Enomoto H., Uchida M.(内田昌男) 学会等名称 : 3rd International symposium on the Arctic Research (2013) 予稿集名 : Abstracts, 180
発表者 :
Shinozaki T., Uchida M.(内田昌男), Kondo M.(近藤美由紀), Minoura K., Shibata Y.(柴田康行) 学会等名称 : the 18 INQUA-Congress (2011) 予稿集名 : Abstracts of the XVIII INQUA-Congress
研究発表 Compound Class Specific Radiocarbon Analysis (CCRSA) of PAHs from Highly Contaminated Kolkata Canal Sediments
発表者 :
Saha M., Kumata H., Uchida M.(内田昌男), Takada H. 学会等名称 : Accelerator Mass Spectrometry 2011 (2011) 予稿集名 : Abstracts of Accelerator Mass Spectrometry 2011
研究発表 Radiocarbon Based Organic Carbon Source Identification of Soil Respired CO2 under Soil Warming in a Cultivated Andisol
発表者 : Kondo M.(近藤美由紀), Uchida M.(内田昌男), Kishimoto A., Yonemura S., Wagai R., Jomura M., Shirato Y., Shibata Y.(柴田康行) 学会等名称 : Accelerator Mass Spectrometry Conference 2011 (2011) 予稿集名 : Abstracts of Accelerator Mass Spectrometry Conference 2011
研究発表 Radiocarbon Dating of Peat Archives Using Plant Cellulose for the Reconstruction of Past Environmental Changes
発表者 :
Shinozaki T., Uchida M.(内田昌男), Kondo M.(近藤美由紀), Minoura K., Shibata Y.(柴田康行) 学会等名称 : Accelerator Mass Spectrometry Conference 2011 (2011) 予稿集名 : Abstracts of Accelerator Mass Spectrometry conference 2011
研究発表 Constraining radiocarbon signature of soil organic matter in Alaskan Arctic soil: Implication for importance basis examining the impact of climate warming on CO2 release
発表者 :
Kawamura K., Pavuluri C.M., Uchida M.(内田昌男), Fu P. 学会等名称 : The 4th East Asia AMS Symposium (2011) 予稿集名 : Abstracts of The 4th East Asia AMS Symposium, 173-175
発表者 :
Komatsubara J., Nakashima R., Kimura K., Uchida M.(内田昌男), Kondo M.(近藤美由紀), Shibata Y.(柴田康行) 学会等名称 : The 4th East Asia AMS Symposium (2011) 予稿集名 : Abstracts of The 4th East Asia AMS Symposium, 186-187
発表者 :
Kumata H., Uchida M.(内田昌男), Saha M., Kondo M.(近藤美由紀), Shibata Y.(柴田康行), Takada H. 学会等名称 : The 4th East Asia AMS Symposium (2011) 予稿集名 : Abstracts of The 4th East Asia AMS Symposium, 192-193
発表者 : Kondo M.(近藤美由紀), Uchida M.(内田昌男), Kim Y., Utsumi M., Adachi M.(安立美奈子), Shibata Y.(柴田康行) 学会等名称 : The 4th East Asia AMS Symposium (2011) 予稿集名 : Abstracts of The 4th East Asia AMS Symposium, 194-195
発表者 :
Ise T., Kato N., Enomoto H., Kondo M.(近藤美由紀), Uchida M.(内田昌男) 学会等名称 : The 4th East Asia AMS Symposium (2011) 予稿集名 : Abstracts of National Institute of Polar Research, 196-197
発表者 : Uchida M.(内田昌男), Kumamoto Y., Polyakov I, Utsumi M., Kim Y., Rozman P., Murata M., Shibata Y.(柴田康行) 学会等名称 : The 4th East Asia AMS Symposium (2011) 予稿集名 : Abstracts of The 4th East Asia AMS Symposium, 184-185
発表者 :
Shinozaki T., Uchida M.(内田昌男), Kondo M.(近藤美由紀), Yoshikawa K., Nomoto S., Utsumi M. 学会等名称 : AGU Fall Meeting 2011 (2011) 予稿集名 : Abstracts
研究発表 NIES atmospheric radiocarbon (14CO2) measurements
発表者 : Terao Y.(寺尾有希夫), Mukai H.(向井人史), Kitagawa H., Nojiri Y.(野尻幸宏), Uchida M.(内田昌男), Shibata Y.(柴田康行), Aramaki T.(荒巻能史) 学会等名称 : The 16th WMO/IAEA Meeting on Carbon Dioxide, Other Greenhouse Gases, and Related Measurement Techniques (GGMT-2011) (2011) 予稿集名 : Abstracts of The 16th WMO/IAEA Meeting on Carbon Dioxide, Other Greenhouse Gases, and Related Measurement Techniques (GGMT-2011)
発表者 :
Shirato Y., Jomura M., Wagai R, Uchida M.(内田昌男), Kondo M.(近藤美由紀) 学会等名称 : East and Southeast Asia Federation of Soil Science Societies (2011) 予稿集名 : Abstracts of East and Southeast Asia Federation of Soil Science Societies
研究発表 Heterotrophic microbial decomposition of soil ancient carbon in Norway Arctic; First evidence from molecular level natural radiocarbon analysis
発表者 : Uchida M.(内田昌男), Uchida M., Kondo M.(近藤美由紀), Shibata Y.(柴田康行) 学会等名称 : Organic matter stabilization and ecosystem functions SOM 2010 (2010) 予稿集名 : Program, 170
研究発表 Investigation of carbon turnover and CO2 evolution in soil organic carbon from Japanese forest soils: Insight from radiocarbon analysis of soil density fractions and soil respired CO2
研究発表 A physics-based, depth structured simulation of soil organic carbon: study in Alaska with 14C data
発表者 :
Ise T., Kondo M.(近藤美由紀), Uchida M.(内田昌男) 学会等名称 : Second International Symposium on the Arctic Research (2010) 予稿集名 : Abstracts of Second International Symposium on the Arctic Research
研究発表 Constructing a Depth-Stratified Model for Soil Organic Carbon: a Brand-new, Integrated Ecosystem Model with Radiocarbon Tracking
発表者 :
Ise T., kato N., Enomoto H., Kondo M.(近藤美由紀), Uchida M.(内田昌男) 学会等名称 : American Geophysical Union 2010 fall meeting (2010) 予稿集名 : Abstracts of American Geophysical Union 2010 fall meeting
研究発表 The heterotrophic respiration using old carbon in arctic soil: Insights from compound-specific radiocarbon analysis
研究発表 The trans-Arctic water (14)C sections from MIRAI and NABOS cruises: Reconstruction of surface mid-deep water ventilation ages and their comparison of past 14C inventory data
発表者 : Uchida M.(内田昌男), Kumamoto Y., Polyakov I., Ivanov V., Kim Y., Rozman P., Utsumi M., Shimada K., Murata M., Shibata Y.(柴田康行) 学会等名称 : 2nd Int.Symp.Arct.Res. (2010) 予稿集名 : Abstracts, 137
研究発表 NW Pacific mid-depth ventilation changes during the Holocene
発表者 :
Rella S. (Rella Stephan), Uchida M.(内田昌男) 学会等名称 : AGU Fall Meeting 2010 (2010) 予稿集名 : Program, 16
研究講演 North Pacific Intermediate Water changes in the Bering Sea during the last glacial and deglacial period in association with abrupt climate changes
発表者 :
Rella S. (Rella Stephan), Tada R., Nagashima K., Ikehara K., Itaki T., Ohkushi K, Sakamoto T., Harada N., Uchida M.(内田昌男) 学会等名称 : Climate Res.Semin. (2010) 予稿集名 : -
研究発表 Preliminary results of compound-specific radiocarbon analysis of nucleic acids: Implication for microbial carbon source identification and carbon cycles in the ocean
研究発表 Millennial-scale variations of sediment characteristics at Bering Sea slope during the last glacial and deglaciation period and their implications
研究発表 Late quaternary oceanic conditions deduced from the total organic carbon and total nitrogen contents of the sediment cores off the Shimokita Peninsula Northwest Pacific
研究発表 Alkenoens-SST and TEX86 variations synchronuzed with D/O cycles in the western North Pacific: First paleoceanographic results from the D/V CHIKYU shakedown cruise
研究発表 Deglacial ventilation history in the North Pacific mid-deep water: Implications for active North Pacific deep water formation synchronized with Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation
研究発表 Hydrodynamic controls on the molecular-level compositions Δ(14)C and δ(13)C signatures of organic matter in sediments along a shelf-slope-basin transect
発表者 : Uchida M.(内田昌男), Eglinton i. t., Montluçn d., Hayes j.m., Coppola l., Gustafsson Ö., Andersson p. 学会等名称 : Gordon Res.Conf.Org.Geochem. (2008) 予稿集名 : Abstracts
研究発表 Hydrodynamic controls on archaeal tetraether lipid compositions in Washington margin sediments: Insights from compound-specific radiocarbon measurements
研究発表 Soil organic matter storage and dynamics along altitudinal gradient in bornean tropical forests: Preliminary radiocarbon results of bulk soils and density fractions
研究発表 Molecular markers of archaeal tetraether lipids from the Chukchi Sea shelf sediments: Potential proxy for past terrestrial and marine environmental changes
研究発表 13C and 14C isotopic signatures of plant derived biomarkers in forest fine aerosol: Implication for a proxy for photosynthetic carbon isotopic discrimination at ecosystem-scale
研究発表 Hydrodynamic controls on the age and composition of terrestrial organic matter distributed over the washington margin: Implication from compound-specific radiocarbon analysis
発表者 :
Wang X., Yokozawa M., Arakida H., Mori K., Ise T., Kondo M.(近藤美由紀), Uchida M.(内田昌男), Kushida K., Toda M. 学会等名称 : The 62nd ESJ annual meeting (2015) 予稿集名 : Abstracts
発表者 :
Wagai R., Asano M., Kajiura M., Hayakawa C., Hiradate S., Uchida M.(内田昌男), Inoue Y. 学会等名称 : 61st Annual Meeting of Ecological Society of Japan (2014) 予稿集名 : Abstracts
発表者 : Terao Y.(寺尾有希夫), Mukai H.(向井人史), Kitagawa H., Nojiri Y.(野尻幸宏), Uchida M.(内田昌男), Shibata Y.(柴田康行), Aramaki T.(荒巻能史) 学会等名称 : The 16th WMO/IAEA Meeting on Carbon Dioxide, Other Greenhouse Gases, and Related Measurement Techniques (GGMT-2011) (2011) 予稿集名 : Abstracts of The 16th WMO/IAEA Meeting on Carbon Dioxide, Other Greenhouse Gases, and Related Measurement Techniques (GGMT-2011)
13C and 14C isotopic signatures of plant derived biomarkers in forest fine aerosol: Implication for a proxy for photosynthetic carbon isotopic discrimination at ecosystem-scale
Hydrodynamic controls on the age and composition of terrestrial organic matter distributed over the washington margin: Implication from compound-specific radiocarbon analysis
発表者 : Uchida M.(内田昌男), Kumata H., Mantoku K.(万徳佳菜子), Uchida M., Uthumi M., Kaneko R., Nakai R., Kobayashi T.(小林利行), Iwahana G., Shibata Y.(柴田康行), Kawamura K. 学会等名称 : Seventh International Symposium for Arctic Research (ISAR-7) (2023) 予稿集名 : Abstracts
発表者 : Uchida M.(内田昌男), Eglinton T.I., Mollenhauer G., Montlucon D., Hayes J.M., Coppola L., Gustafsson O., Mantoku K.(万徳佳菜子), Ahagon N., Harada N. 学会等名称 : Radiocarbon 24th (2022) 予稿集名 : Abstracts
Isotopic signatures of fine organic aerosol in the deciduous forest and photosynthetic isotopic discrimination: Insights from compound-specific radiocarbon analysis
発表者 : Uchida M.(内田昌男), Mantoku K.(万徳佳菜子), Kobayashi T.(小林利行) 学会等名称 : The 15th International Conference on Accelerator Mass Spectrometry (2021) 予稿集名 : -
Evidence of Heterotrophic Microbial Decomposition of Preaged Carbon in Arctic soil; Implications from radiocarbon analysis of phospholipid fatty acids (PLFAs)
発表者 : Uchida M.(内田昌男) 学会等名称 : The 23rd International Radiocarbon Conference (2018)
The trans-Arctic water 14C sections from Mirai and NABOS cruises: reconstruction of surface-mid-deepwater ventilation ages and their comparison of past 14C inventory data
発表者 : Uchida M.(内田昌男), Kumamoto Y., Polyakov I., Murata M., Ivanov V., Rozman P., Kim Y., Utsumi M. 学会等名称 : The 23rd International Radiocarbon Conference (2018)
発表者 :
Bao R., Uchida M.(内田昌男), McNichol A., Zhao M., Haghipour N., Montlucon D.B., Eglinton T.I. 学会等名称 : 28th International Meeting on Organic Geochemistry (2017) 予稿集名 : Abstracts
A study of soil organic matter stabilization using physical fraction, isotopic, and spectroscopic approaches
発表者 :
Wagai R., Asano M., Hayakawa C., Inoue Y., Kajiura M, Hiradate S., Yamaguchi N., Inagaki Y, Uchida M.(内田昌男), Takeichi Y., Suga H., Jinnou M., Ono K., Takahashi Y. 学会等名称 : Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2014 (2014) 予稿集名 : Abstracts
Multibeam bathymetric and sediment profiler evidences for pockmarks and ice grounding scours on the chukchi borderland and beaufort sea
発表者 : Uchida M.(内田昌男), Shibahara A. 学会等名称 : 19th International symposium on Poler Science (2013) 予稿集名 : Abstracts, 190
Sedimentary organic matter variations in the Chukchi Bordeland over the last 155 KYR
発表者 : Uchida M.(内田昌男), Rella S. (Rella Stephan), Kondo M.(近藤美由紀) 学会等名称 : 19th International symposium on Poler Science (2013) 予稿集名 : Abstracts, 189
Turnovertime of soil organic carbon in permafrost using radiocarbon and their application for determining long and short therms carbon balances cas study in Alaskan tundra and boreal forest
発表者 : Kondo M.(近藤美由紀), Uchida M.(内田昌男), Utsumi M., Iwahana G., Yoshikawa K., Iwata H., Harazono Y., Nakai T., Tanabe K.(田邊潔), Shibata Y.(柴田康行) 学会等名称 : 19th International symposium on Poler Science (2013) 予稿集名 : Abstracts, 177
発表者 :
Mori K., Ise T., Kondo M.(近藤美由紀), Kim Y., Enomoto H., Uchida M.(内田昌男) 学会等名称 : 3rd International symposium on the Arctic Research (2013) 予稿集名 : Abstracts, 180
発表者 :
Shinozaki T., Uchida M.(内田昌男), Kondo M.(近藤美由紀), Minoura K., Shibata Y.(柴田康行) 学会等名称 : the 18 INQUA-Congress (2011) 予稿集名 : Abstracts of the XVIII INQUA-Congress
Compound Class Specific Radiocarbon Analysis (CCRSA) of PAHs from Highly Contaminated Kolkata Canal Sediments
発表者 :
Saha M., Kumata H., Uchida M.(内田昌男), Takada H. 学会等名称 : Accelerator Mass Spectrometry 2011 (2011) 予稿集名 : Abstracts of Accelerator Mass Spectrometry 2011
Radiocarbon Based Organic Carbon Source Identification of Soil Respired CO2 under Soil Warming in a Cultivated Andisol
発表者 : Kondo M.(近藤美由紀), Uchida M.(内田昌男), Kishimoto A., Yonemura S., Wagai R., Jomura M., Shirato Y., Shibata Y.(柴田康行) 学会等名称 : Accelerator Mass Spectrometry Conference 2011 (2011) 予稿集名 : Abstracts of Accelerator Mass Spectrometry Conference 2011
Radiocarbon Dating of Peat Archives Using Plant Cellulose for the Reconstruction of Past Environmental Changes
発表者 :
Shinozaki T., Uchida M.(内田昌男), Kondo M.(近藤美由紀), Minoura K., Shibata Y.(柴田康行) 学会等名称 : Accelerator Mass Spectrometry Conference 2011 (2011) 予稿集名 : Abstracts of Accelerator Mass Spectrometry conference 2011
Constraining radiocarbon signature of soil organic matter in Alaskan Arctic soil: Implication for importance basis examining the impact of climate warming on CO2 release
発表者 :
Kawamura K., Pavuluri C.M., Uchida M.(内田昌男), Fu P. 学会等名称 : The 4th East Asia AMS Symposium (2011) 予稿集名 : Abstracts of The 4th East Asia AMS Symposium, 173-175
発表者 :
Komatsubara J., Nakashima R., Kimura K., Uchida M.(内田昌男), Kondo M.(近藤美由紀), Shibata Y.(柴田康行) 学会等名称 : The 4th East Asia AMS Symposium (2011) 予稿集名 : Abstracts of The 4th East Asia AMS Symposium, 186-187
発表者 :
Kumata H., Uchida M.(内田昌男), Saha M., Kondo M.(近藤美由紀), Shibata Y.(柴田康行), Takada H. 学会等名称 : The 4th East Asia AMS Symposium (2011) 予稿集名 : Abstracts of The 4th East Asia AMS Symposium, 192-193
発表者 : Kondo M.(近藤美由紀), Uchida M.(内田昌男), Kim Y., Utsumi M., Adachi M.(安立美奈子), Shibata Y.(柴田康行) 学会等名称 : The 4th East Asia AMS Symposium (2011) 予稿集名 : Abstracts of The 4th East Asia AMS Symposium, 194-195
発表者 :
Ise T., Kato N., Enomoto H., Kondo M.(近藤美由紀), Uchida M.(内田昌男) 学会等名称 : The 4th East Asia AMS Symposium (2011) 予稿集名 : Abstracts of National Institute of Polar Research, 196-197
発表者 : Uchida M.(内田昌男), Kumamoto Y., Polyakov I, Utsumi M., Kim Y., Rozman P., Murata M., Shibata Y.(柴田康行) 学会等名称 : The 4th East Asia AMS Symposium (2011) 予稿集名 : Abstracts of The 4th East Asia AMS Symposium, 184-185
発表者 :
Shirato Y., Jomura M., Wagai R, Uchida M.(内田昌男), Kondo M.(近藤美由紀) 学会等名称 : East and Southeast Asia Federation of Soil Science Societies (2011) 予稿集名 : Abstracts of East and Southeast Asia Federation of Soil Science Societies
Heterotrophic microbial decomposition of soil ancient carbon in Norway Arctic; First evidence from molecular level natural radiocarbon analysis
発表者 : Uchida M.(内田昌男), Uchida M., Kondo M.(近藤美由紀), Shibata Y.(柴田康行) 学会等名称 : Organic matter stabilization and ecosystem functions SOM 2010 (2010) 予稿集名 : Program, 170
Investigation of carbon turnover and CO2 evolution in soil organic carbon from Japanese forest soils: Insight from radiocarbon analysis of soil density fractions and soil respired CO2
A physics-based, depth structured simulation of soil organic carbon: study in Alaska with 14C data
発表者 :
Ise T., Kondo M.(近藤美由紀), Uchida M.(内田昌男) 学会等名称 : Second International Symposium on the Arctic Research (2010) 予稿集名 : Abstracts of Second International Symposium on the Arctic Research
Constructing a Depth-Stratified Model for Soil Organic Carbon: a Brand-new, Integrated Ecosystem Model with Radiocarbon Tracking
発表者 :
Ise T., kato N., Enomoto H., Kondo M.(近藤美由紀), Uchida M.(内田昌男) 学会等名称 : American Geophysical Union 2010 fall meeting (2010) 予稿集名 : Abstracts of American Geophysical Union 2010 fall meeting
The heterotrophic respiration using old carbon in arctic soil: Insights from compound-specific radiocarbon analysis
The trans-Arctic water (14)C sections from MIRAI and NABOS cruises: Reconstruction of surface mid-deep water ventilation ages and their comparison of past 14C inventory data
発表者 : Uchida M.(内田昌男), Kumamoto Y., Polyakov I., Ivanov V., Kim Y., Rozman P., Utsumi M., Shimada K., Murata M., Shibata Y.(柴田康行) 学会等名称 : 2nd Int.Symp.Arct.Res. (2010) 予稿集名 : Abstracts, 137
NW Pacific mid-depth ventilation changes during the Holocene
発表者 :
Rella S. (Rella Stephan), Uchida M.(内田昌男) 学会等名称 : AGU Fall Meeting 2010 (2010) 予稿集名 : Program, 16
Preliminary results of compound-specific radiocarbon analysis of nucleic acids: Implication for microbial carbon source identification and carbon cycles in the ocean
Late quaternary oceanic conditions deduced from the total organic carbon and total nitrogen contents of the sediment cores off the Shimokita Peninsula Northwest Pacific
Alkenoens-SST and TEX86 variations synchronuzed with D/O cycles in the western North Pacific: First paleoceanographic results from the D/V CHIKYU shakedown cruise
Deglacial ventilation history in the North Pacific mid-deep water: Implications for active North Pacific deep water formation synchronized with Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation
Hydrodynamic controls on the molecular-level compositions Δ(14)C and δ(13)C signatures of organic matter in sediments along a shelf-slope-basin transect
発表者 : Uchida M.(内田昌男), Eglinton i. t., Montluçn d., Hayes j.m., Coppola l., Gustafsson Ö., Andersson p. 学会等名称 : Gordon Res.Conf.Org.Geochem. (2008) 予稿集名 : Abstracts
Hydrodynamic controls on archaeal tetraether lipid compositions in Washington margin sediments: Insights from compound-specific radiocarbon measurements
Soil organic matter storage and dynamics along altitudinal gradient in bornean tropical forests: Preliminary radiocarbon results of bulk soils and density fractions
Molecular markers of archaeal tetraether lipids from the Chukchi Sea shelf sediments: Potential proxy for past terrestrial and marine environmental changes