Real time air quality monitoring system in three sites (Bogor, Cibeureum and Serpong)
発表者 :
Immanuel G.S., Rakhman A., Budianto B., Boer R., Ardiansyah M., Hamid N., Gumilang L., Nishihashi M.(西橋政秀), Mukai H.(向井人史),
Terao Y.(寺尾有希夫), Hashimoto S.(橋本茂), Osonoi Y.(遅野井祐美), Nugroho R., Suwedi N., Rifai A., Ihsan I.M., Sulaiman A., Gunawan D., Suharguniyawan E., Nugraha M.S., Wattimena R.C.
学会等名称 : 1st International Conference on Tropical Meteorology and Atmospheric Sciences (ICTMAS) (2018)
予稿集名 : Abstracts, 169