発表者 : Terazono A.(寺園淳), Oguchi M.(小口正弘), Akiyama H., Hagiwara T., Tomozawa H., Shintomi M., Kano S., Nakayama J. 学会等名称 : The 11th biennial conference of the International Society for Industrial Ecology (ISIE2023) (2023) 予稿集名 : Abstracts
研究発表 Flows of plastics and brominated flame retardants in the recycling of waste electrical and electronic equipment
発表者 : Oguchi M.(小口正弘), Terazono A.(寺園淳), Kajiwara N.(梶原夏子), Murakami S. 学会等名称 : The 6th 3R International Scientific Conference on Material Cycles and Waste Management (3RINCs 2020) (2020) 予稿集名 : Proceedings
研究発表 Small WEEE Recycling in Japan - Process Classification and Challenge after China’s Import Ban -
発表者 : Terazono A.(寺園淳), Oguchi M.(小口正弘) 学会等名称 : The 3R International Scientific Conference on Material Cycles and Waste Management (3RINCs) (2020) 予稿集名 : Proceedings
発表者 : Terazono A.(寺園淳) 学会等名称 : The 5th Meeting of the Basel Forum in Asia-Pacific Region on Promotion of Basel Convention Implementation (2018) 予稿集名 : -
研究講演 Evaluation of WEEE/ELV generation and systems of metals/FCs collection in Asian countries
発表者 : Terazono A.(寺園淳) 学会等名称 : Presentation of Research Projects Promoted by the Environment Research and Technology Development Fund by MOE, Japan(平成29年度環境省循環型社会形成推進研究発表会) (2018) 予稿集名 : Abstracts, 12-17
発表者 : Matsukami H.(松神秀徳), Suzuki G.(鈴木剛), Uchida N., Tue N.M. , Tuyen L.H., Viet P.H., Takahashi S., Kunisue T., Terazono A.(寺園淳) 学会等名称 : 3rd International Forum on Sustainable Future in Asia 3rd NIES International Forum (2018) 予稿集名 : 3rd International Forum on Sustainable Future in Asia 3rd NIES International Forum, 58
発表者 : Oguchi M.(小口正弘), Terazono A.(寺園淳), Hanaoka T.(花岡達也) 学会等名称 : The 9th biennial conference of the International Society for Industrial Ecology and the 25th annual conference of the International Symposium on Sustainable Systems and Technology (2017 Joint Conference ISIE and ISSST) (2017) 予稿集名 : -
発表者 : Terazono A.(寺園淳), Oguchi M.(小口正弘) 学会等名称 : The 9th biennial conference of the International Society for Industrial Ecology and the 25th annual conference of the International Symposium on Sustainable Systems and Technology (2017 Joint Conference ISIE and ISSST) (2017) 予稿集名 : -
研究発表 Modeling in-use stocks of consumer durables to forecast generation of end-of-life products and fluorocarbons potential in Asian countries
発表者 : Terazono A.(寺園淳), Oguchi M.(小口正弘), Hanaoka T.(花岡達也), Santo A. 学会等名称 : 8th Biennial Conference of the International Society for Industry Ecology (ISIE Conference 2015) (2015) 予稿集名 : Book of Abstracts, 208
研究発表 Material Recovery by Informal E-waste Processing in the Philippines
発表者 : Terazono A.(寺園淳), Oguchi M.(小口正弘), Kuzuhara S., Yoshida A.(吉田綾), Medina R.P., Ballesteros F.C.J. 学会等名称 : The 2nd 3R International Scientific Conference on Material Cycles and Waste Management (2015) 予稿集名 : Scientific Program, 254-256
研究発表 Battery recycling in Municipal Solid Waste Management in Japan - Collection Rules and Safety Challenges
発表者 : Terazono A.(寺園淳), Oguchi M.(小口正弘) 学会等名称 : 1st 3R Internaional Scientific Conference on Material Cycles and Waste Management (2014) 予稿集名 : Abstracts
研究発表 Evaluation of thermally treated asbestos by transmission electron microscopy
発表者 : Yamamoto T.(山本貴士), Kida A., Noma Y., Terazono A.(寺園淳), Sakai S. 学会等名称 : 1st 3R International Scientific Conference on Material Cycles and Waste Management (2014) 予稿集名 : Abstracts
研究発表 Modeling in-use stocks and lifespan distribution of consumer durables to forecast generation of end-of-life products in various countries
発表者 : Oguchi M.(小口正弘), Terazono A.(寺園淳), Tasaki T.(田崎智宏), Kobayashi G., Takagi S. 学会等名称 : The Joint 11th International Society For Industrial Ecology (ISIE) Socio-Economic Metabolism Section Conference and The 4th ISIE Asia-Pacific Conference (2014) 予稿集名 : Abstracts of The Joint 11th International Society For Industrial Ecology (ISIE) Socio-Economic Metabolism Section Conference and The 4th ISIE Asia-Pacific Conference
研究発表 Fire Prevention and Export Control of Mixed Metal Scrap
発表者 : Terazono A.(寺園淳), Oguchi M.(小口正弘), Yoshida A.(吉田綾), Koseki H. 学会等名称 : 17th Korea-Japan Joint International Session (2013 Annual Conference of KSWM) (2013) 予稿集名 : Abstracts, 141-143
研究講演 E-waste Recycling Process and Technology in Asian Developing Countries: an investigation of measures for improving the current condition
発表者 : Yoshida A.(吉田綾), Atienza V., Kojima M., Murakami-Suzuki R., Matsushita K., Nakajima K.(中島謙一), Sakata S., Terazono A.(寺園淳) 学会等名称 : The 12th Expert Meeting on Solid Waste Management in Asia and Pacific Islands (SWAPI) (2013) 予稿集名 : Abstracts, 241-244
研究講演 E-waste recycling in Japan and other Eastern Asia - Focusing on Material Flow and Responsibility
発表者 : Terazono A.(寺園淳), Yoshida A.(吉田綾) 学会等名称 : 30th Anniversary of Korean Society of Waste Management (2013) 予稿集名 : Proceedings (Special Session II, III), 253-270
研究講演 Current Status and Action Plan for Transboundary Movement of Wastes in Japan
発表者 : Terazono A.(寺園淳) 学会等名称 : 8th International Conference on Waste Management and Technology (2013) 予稿集名 : Abstracts
発表者 : Terazono A.(寺園淳) 学会等名称 : Greater Mekong Sub-region (GMS) sub- regional training workshop on building capacity to deal with the illegal shipments of e-waste and near-end-of-life electronics (2012) 予稿集名 : Abstracts
発表者 : Terazono A.(寺園淳) 学会等名称 : Greater Mekong Sub-region (GMS) sub- regional training workshop on building capacity to deal with the illegal shipments of e-waste and near-end-of-life electronics (2012) 予稿集名 : Abstracts
研究講演 E-waste potential as resource and an appropriate management of its hazardous substances in Asia
発表者 : Terazono A.(寺園淳) 学会等名称 : NIES-KMUTT-KU Collaboration Research Laboratory on Waste Management Commemoration Seminar (2012) 予稿集名 : Abstracts
研究講演 Contamination by trace elements in e-waste recycling workers in the Philippines
発表者 :
Agusa T., Takigami H.(滝上英孝), Eguchi A., Fujimori T. (藤森崇), Bekki K., Yoshida A.(吉田綾), Terazono A.(寺園淳), Ballesteros F.C.J., Takahashi S., Iwata H., Tanabe S. 学会等名称 : Workshop for Knowledge Sharing on E-waste in the Philippines (The 8th NIES Workshop on E-waste) (2012) 予稿集名 : Abstracts of Workshop for Knowledge Sharing on E-waste in the Philippines (The 8th NIES Workshop on E-waste)
研究講演 E-waste research at NIES
発表者 : Terazono A.(寺園淳), Yoshida A.(吉田綾), Takigami H.(滝上英孝), Oguchi M.(小口正弘), Fujimori T. (藤森崇), Yokoo H. (横尾英史) 学会等名称 : Workshop for Knowledge Sharing on E-waste in the Philippines (The 8th NIES Workshop on E-waste) (2012) 予稿集名 : Abstracts of Workshop for Knowledge Sharing on E-waste in the Philippines (The 8th NIES Workshop on E-waste)
研究講演 Transboundary Movement of Wastes between China and Japan
発表者 : Terazono A.(寺園淳) 学会等名称 : The 4th China-Japan Inter-Ministerial Working Group on Import and Export of Waste (2011) 予稿集名 : Agenda of The 4th China-Japan Inter-Ministerial Working Group on Import and Export of Waste
研究発表 Survey of metallic contamination at formal and informal E-waste recycling sites in the Philippines
発表者 :
Takigami H.(滝上英孝), Fujimori T. (藤森崇), Agusa T., Eguchi A., Bekki K., Yoshida A.(吉田綾), Terazono A.(寺園淳), Ballesteros Jr. F.C. 学会等名称 : 3R and Waste Management Workshop 2011 (2011) 予稿集名 : Abstracts of 3R and Waste Management Workshop 2011
研究講演 Collection and Recycling of E-waste in Japan and Other Asia
発表者 : Terazono A.(寺園淳) 学会等名称 : Regional Workshop on the Public Private Partnership for E-Waste Collection (2011) 予稿集名 : Agenda of Regional Workshop on the Public Private Partnership for E-Waste Collection
研究講演 Classification and environmental effect of E-waste recycling in Asia
発表者 : Terazono A.(寺園淳), Yoshida A.(吉田綾), Takigami H.(滝上英孝) 学会等名称 : The Sixth International Conference on Waste Management and Technology (2011) 予稿集名 : Program of The Sixth International Conference on Waste Management and Technology
研究講演 Transboundary movement, recycling and management measures of E-waste in Asia
発表者 : Terazono A.(寺園淳), Yoshida A.(吉田綾) 学会等名称 : The Life Cycle of Metals: Improving Health, Environment and Human Security (2011) 予稿集名 : Abstracts of The Life Cycle of Metals: Improving Health, Environment and Human Security, 7-8
研究講演 Human Exposure to Trace Elements from e-waste Recycling Sites in the Philippines
発表者 :
Agusa T., Takigami H.(滝上英孝), Eguchi A., Fujimori T. (藤森崇), Bekki K., Yoshida A.(吉田綾), Terazono A.(寺園淳), Ballesteros Jr.F.C., Takahashi S., Iwata H., Tanabe S. 学会等名称 : The Life Cycle of Metals: Improving Health, Environment and Human Security (2011) 予稿集名 : Abstracts of The Life Cycle of Metals: Improving Health, Environment and Human Security, 8
発表者 : Terazono A.(寺園淳) 学会等名称 : Workshop 2011 of the Asian Network for Prevention of Illegal Transboundary Movement of Hazardous Wastes in China (2011) 予稿集名 : Agenda of Workshop 2011 of the Asian Network for Prevention of Illegal Transboundary Movement of Hazardous Wastes in China
研究講演 Material flow, environmental effect and management measures of E-waste in Asia
発表者 : Terazono A.(寺園淳), Yoshida A.(吉田綾), Takigami H.(滝上英孝) 学会等名称 : ISWA World Congress 2011 World Congress of International Solid Waste Association (2011) 予稿集名 : Proceedings of ISWA World Congress 2011 World Congress of International Solid Waste Association, 129-136
発表者 : Terazono A.(寺園淳) 学会等名称 : Capacity-building and Awareness-raising Workshop on Environmental Sound Management (ESM) of Asbestos Waste in Asia and the Pacific (2010) 予稿集名 : -
発表者 :
Takigami H.(滝上英孝), Fujimori T. (藤森崇), Agusa T., Eguchi S., Bekki K., Yoshida A.(吉田綾), Terazono A.(寺園淳), Ballesteros Jr. F. C. 学会等名称 : 7th NIES Workshop E-waste (2010) 予稿集名 : -
研究発表 Challenges on municipal solid waste management research in China
発表者 : Terazono A.(寺園淳) 学会等名称 : Int.Workshop”Seeking for Cooperation and Collaboration in East Asian Region at City Level Towards Establishing Environmentally Sound Material-Cycle Society” (2008) 予稿集名 : Proceedings
研究発表 Preliminary study of the estimation procedure of environmental impacts under cost benefit analysis for the construction of roads and railways in Japan
発表者 : Terazono A.(寺園淳), Oguchi M.(小口正弘), Akiyama H., Hagiwara T., Tomozawa H., Shintomi M., Kano S., Nakayama J. 学会等名称 : The 11th biennial conference of the International Society for Industrial Ecology (ISIE2023) (2023) 予稿集名 : Abstracts
Flows of plastics and brominated flame retardants in the recycling of waste electrical and electronic equipment
発表者 : Oguchi M.(小口正弘), Terazono A.(寺園淳), Kajiwara N.(梶原夏子), Murakami S. 学会等名称 : The 6th 3R International Scientific Conference on Material Cycles and Waste Management (3RINCs 2020) (2020) 予稿集名 : Proceedings
Small WEEE Recycling in Japan - Process Classification and Challenge after China’s Import Ban -
発表者 : Terazono A.(寺園淳), Oguchi M.(小口正弘) 学会等名称 : The 3R International Scientific Conference on Material Cycles and Waste Management (3RINCs) (2020) 予稿集名 : Proceedings
Battery recycling in Municipal Solid Waste Management in Japan - Collection Rules and Safety Challenges
発表者 : Terazono A.(寺園淳), Oguchi M.(小口正弘) 学会等名称 : 1st 3R Internaional Scientific Conference on Material Cycles and Waste Management (2014) 予稿集名 : Abstracts
Modeling in-use stocks and lifespan distribution of consumer durables to forecast generation of end-of-life products in various countries
発表者 : Oguchi M.(小口正弘), Terazono A.(寺園淳), Tasaki T.(田崎智宏), Kobayashi G., Takagi S. 学会等名称 : The Joint 11th International Society For Industrial Ecology (ISIE) Socio-Economic Metabolism Section Conference and The 4th ISIE Asia-Pacific Conference (2014) 予稿集名 : Abstracts of The Joint 11th International Society For Industrial Ecology (ISIE) Socio-Economic Metabolism Section Conference and The 4th ISIE Asia-Pacific Conference
Survey of metallic contamination at formal and informal E-waste recycling sites in the Philippines
発表者 :
Takigami H.(滝上英孝), Fujimori T. (藤森崇), Agusa T., Eguchi A., Bekki K., Yoshida A.(吉田綾), Terazono A.(寺園淳), Ballesteros Jr. F.C. 学会等名称 : 3R and Waste Management Workshop 2011 (2011) 予稿集名 : Abstracts of 3R and Waste Management Workshop 2011
発表者 :
Takigami H.(滝上英孝), Fujimori T. (藤森崇), Agusa T., Eguchi S., Bekki K., Yoshida A.(吉田綾), Terazono A.(寺園淳), Ballesteros Jr. F. C. 学会等名称 : 7th NIES Workshop E-waste (2010) 予稿集名 : -
Challenges on municipal solid waste management research in China
発表者 : Terazono A.(寺園淳) 学会等名称 : Int.Workshop”Seeking for Cooperation and Collaboration in East Asian Region at City Level Towards Establishing Environmentally Sound Material-Cycle Society” (2008) 予稿集名 : Proceedings
発表者 : Matsukami H.(松神秀徳), Suzuki G.(鈴木剛), Uchida N., Tue N.M. , Tuyen L.H., Viet P.H., Takahashi S., Kunisue T., Terazono A.(寺園淳) 学会等名称 : 3rd International Forum on Sustainable Future in Asia 3rd NIES International Forum (2018) 予稿集名 : 3rd International Forum on Sustainable Future in Asia 3rd NIES International Forum, 58
発表者 : Oguchi M.(小口正弘), Terazono A.(寺園淳), Hanaoka T.(花岡達也) 学会等名称 : The 9th biennial conference of the International Society for Industrial Ecology and the 25th annual conference of the International Symposium on Sustainable Systems and Technology (2017 Joint Conference ISIE and ISSST) (2017) 予稿集名 : -
発表者 : Terazono A.(寺園淳), Oguchi M.(小口正弘) 学会等名称 : The 9th biennial conference of the International Society for Industrial Ecology and the 25th annual conference of the International Symposium on Sustainable Systems and Technology (2017 Joint Conference ISIE and ISSST) (2017) 予稿集名 : -
Modeling in-use stocks of consumer durables to forecast generation of end-of-life products and fluorocarbons potential in Asian countries
発表者 : Terazono A.(寺園淳), Oguchi M.(小口正弘), Hanaoka T.(花岡達也), Santo A. 学会等名称 : 8th Biennial Conference of the International Society for Industry Ecology (ISIE Conference 2015) (2015) 予稿集名 : Book of Abstracts, 208
Evaluation of thermally treated asbestos by transmission electron microscopy
発表者 : Yamamoto T.(山本貴士), Kida A., Noma Y., Terazono A.(寺園淳), Sakai S. 学会等名称 : 1st 3R International Scientific Conference on Material Cycles and Waste Management (2014) 予稿集名 : Abstracts
Control of hazardous substances and fire accident on mixed metal scrap exported from Japan
発表者 : Terazono A.(寺園淳) 学会等名称 : The 5th Meeting of the Basel Forum in Asia-Pacific Region on Promotion of Basel Convention Implementation (2018) 予稿集名 : -
E-waste Recycling Process and Technology in Asian Developing Countries: an investigation of measures for improving the current condition
発表者 : Yoshida A.(吉田綾), Atienza V., Kojima M., Murakami-Suzuki R., Matsushita K., Nakajima K.(中島謙一), Sakata S., Terazono A.(寺園淳) 学会等名称 : The 12th Expert Meeting on Solid Waste Management in Asia and Pacific Islands (SWAPI) (2013) 予稿集名 : Abstracts, 241-244
E-waste recycling in Japan and other Eastern Asia - Focusing on Material Flow and Responsibility
発表者 : Terazono A.(寺園淳), Yoshida A.(吉田綾) 学会等名称 : 30th Anniversary of Korean Society of Waste Management (2013) 予稿集名 : Proceedings (Special Session II, III), 253-270
Current Status and Action Plan for Transboundary Movement of Wastes in Japan
発表者 : Terazono A.(寺園淳) 学会等名称 : 8th International Conference on Waste Management and Technology (2013) 予稿集名 : Abstracts
E-waste recycling in Asia: Transboundary movement, Recycling process, Environmental Impact
発表者 : Terazono A.(寺園淳) 学会等名称 : Japan-Vietnam Joint Workshop on "Current Challenges for Managing Environmental Issues and Waste Recycling in Northern Vietnam" (2013) 予稿集名 : Abstract book, 9
Introduction and E-waste research in Asia
発表者 : Terazono A.(寺園淳) 学会等名称 : The 9th NIES Workshop on E-waste (2013) 予稿集名 : Abstracts
発表者 : Terazono A.(寺園淳) 学会等名称 : Greater Mekong Sub-region (GMS) sub- regional training workshop on building capacity to deal with the illegal shipments of e-waste and near-end-of-life electronics (2012) 予稿集名 : Abstracts
発表者 : Terazono A.(寺園淳) 学会等名称 : Greater Mekong Sub-region (GMS) sub- regional training workshop on building capacity to deal with the illegal shipments of e-waste and near-end-of-life electronics (2012) 予稿集名 : Abstracts
E-waste potential as resource and an appropriate management of its hazardous substances in Asia
発表者 : Terazono A.(寺園淳) 学会等名称 : NIES-KMUTT-KU Collaboration Research Laboratory on Waste Management Commemoration Seminar (2012) 予稿集名 : Abstracts
Contamination by trace elements in e-waste recycling workers in the Philippines
発表者 :
Agusa T., Takigami H.(滝上英孝), Eguchi A., Fujimori T. (藤森崇), Bekki K., Yoshida A.(吉田綾), Terazono A.(寺園淳), Ballesteros F.C.J., Takahashi S., Iwata H., Tanabe S. 学会等名称 : Workshop for Knowledge Sharing on E-waste in the Philippines (The 8th NIES Workshop on E-waste) (2012) 予稿集名 : Abstracts of Workshop for Knowledge Sharing on E-waste in the Philippines (The 8th NIES Workshop on E-waste)
Transboundary Movement of Wastes between China and Japan
発表者 : Terazono A.(寺園淳) 学会等名称 : The 4th China-Japan Inter-Ministerial Working Group on Import and Export of Waste (2011) 予稿集名 : Agenda of The 4th China-Japan Inter-Ministerial Working Group on Import and Export of Waste
Collection and Recycling of E-waste in Japan and Other Asia
発表者 : Terazono A.(寺園淳) 学会等名称 : Regional Workshop on the Public Private Partnership for E-Waste Collection (2011) 予稿集名 : Agenda of Regional Workshop on the Public Private Partnership for E-Waste Collection
Classification and environmental effect of E-waste recycling in Asia
発表者 : Terazono A.(寺園淳), Yoshida A.(吉田綾), Takigami H.(滝上英孝) 学会等名称 : The Sixth International Conference on Waste Management and Technology (2011) 予稿集名 : Program of The Sixth International Conference on Waste Management and Technology
Transboundary movement, recycling and management measures of E-waste in Asia
発表者 : Terazono A.(寺園淳), Yoshida A.(吉田綾) 学会等名称 : The Life Cycle of Metals: Improving Health, Environment and Human Security (2011) 予稿集名 : Abstracts of The Life Cycle of Metals: Improving Health, Environment and Human Security, 7-8
Human Exposure to Trace Elements from e-waste Recycling Sites in the Philippines
発表者 :
Agusa T., Takigami H.(滝上英孝), Eguchi A., Fujimori T. (藤森崇), Bekki K., Yoshida A.(吉田綾), Terazono A.(寺園淳), Ballesteros Jr.F.C., Takahashi S., Iwata H., Tanabe S. 学会等名称 : The Life Cycle of Metals: Improving Health, Environment and Human Security (2011) 予稿集名 : Abstracts of The Life Cycle of Metals: Improving Health, Environment and Human Security, 8
Good Practices on ESM
発表者 : Terazono A.(寺園淳) 学会等名称 : Workshop 2011 of the Asian Network for Prevention of Illegal Transboundary Movement of Hazardous Wastes in China (2011) 予稿集名 : Agenda of Workshop 2011 of the Asian Network for Prevention of Illegal Transboundary Movement of Hazardous Wastes in China
Material flow, environmental effect and management measures of E-waste in Asia
発表者 : Terazono A.(寺園淳), Yoshida A.(吉田綾), Takigami H.(滝上英孝) 学会等名称 : ISWA World Congress 2011 World Congress of International Solid Waste Association (2011) 予稿集名 : Proceedings of ISWA World Congress 2011 World Congress of International Solid Waste Association, 129-136
発表者 : Terazono A.(寺園淳) 学会等名称 : Capacity-building and Awareness-raising Workshop on Environmental Sound Management (ESM) of Asbestos Waste in Asia and the Pacific (2010) 予稿集名 : -
Evaluation of WEEE/ELV generation and systems of metals/FCs collection in Asian countries
発表者 : Terazono A.(寺園淳) 学会等名称 : Presentation of Research Projects Promoted by the Environment Research and Technology Development Fund by MOE, Japan(平成29年度環境省循環型社会形成推進研究発表会) (2018) 予稿集名 : Abstracts, 12-17
Recycling facilities and TBM in Asia
発表者 : Terazono A.(寺園淳) 学会等名称 : Basel Forum 2016 Workshop in Asia-Pacific Region (2016) 予稿集名 : Proceedings
発表者 : Terazono A.(寺園淳), Yoshida A.(吉田綾), Takigami H.(滝上英孝), Oguchi M.(小口正弘), Fujimori T. (藤森崇), Yokoo H. (横尾英史) 学会等名称 : Workshop for Knowledge Sharing on E-waste in the Philippines (The 8th NIES Workshop on E-waste) (2012) 予稿集名 : Abstracts of Workshop for Knowledge Sharing on E-waste in the Philippines (The 8th NIES Workshop on E-waste)
EMS of formal/informal sector
発表者 : Terazono A.(寺園淳) 学会等名称 : E-waste Train.Workshop Asia Pac. (2009) 予稿集名 : Program
Possible collaborative research for traded recyclable wastes -example of scrap metal
2010年度 : ERIA Research Project 2010 Working Group on "3R Policies in Southeast and East Asia" (ASEAN・東アジア経済研究センター2010年度研究プロジェクトワーキンググループ「東南アジア及び東アジアにおける3R政策」メンバー) (東アジア・ASEAN経済研究センター)
2009年度 : ERIA Research Project 2009 Working Group on "3R Policies in Southeast and East Asia" (ASEAN・東アジア経済研究センター2009年度研究プロジェクトワーキンググループ「東南アジア及び東アジアにおける3R政策」メンバー) (東アジア・ASEAN経済研究センター)
2009年度 : アジア太平洋廃棄物専門家会議実行委員会WG委員 ((一社)廃棄物資源循環学会)
2008年度 : ERIA Research Project 2008 Working Group on "3R Policies in Southeast and East Asia" (ASEAN・東アジア経済研究センター2008年度研究プロジェクトワーキンググループ「東南アジア及び東アジアにおける3R政策」メンバー) (東アジア・ASEAN経済研究センター)
2020年度 : 地球環境戦略研究機関報告書「Comparative Analysis on Circular Economy and Green Public Procurement Policy for preventing plastic pollution in Japan and the European Union」のレビュー ((公財)地球環境戦略研究機関)