Latest Update:2024/05/24 09:28:01


Researcher Name
Div (Section) name/title
Material Cycles Division/Senior Principal Researcher
Research Subject
Analysis of material cycle systems in Asia
Dr. of Eng.
Professional Qualification(s)
Environmental Speciality Field
material cycles,waste management
1995.4. Instructor, Environmental Preservation Center, Kyoto Univ.
1996.2. Researcher, Social and Environmental Systems Division,
National Institute for Environmental Studies
2000.10. Guest Researcher, French-German Institute for Environmental Reserch,
Univ. of Karlsruhe
2001.4. Senior Researcher,
Social and Environmental Systems Division
& Research Center for Material Cycles and Waste Management,
National Institute for Environmental Studies
2006.4. Chief,
International Material Cycles Section,
Research Center for Material Cycles and Waste Management,
National Institute for Environmental Studies
2014.4. Deputy Director,
Center for Material Cycles and Waste Management Research,
National Institute for Environmental Studies
Membership of Academic Society
Japan Society of Material Cycles and Waste Management,Society for Environmental Economics and Policy Studies (SEEPS),The Institute of Life Cycle Assessment, Japan,Society of Environmetal Science,The Society for Risk Analysis Japan,International Society for Industrial Ecology,Japan Society of Civil Engineers (JSCE)
Research Subject
  • Fiscal Year: 2024
    • 26811 : Decarbonized and Sustainable Society Research Program
    • 26820 : Chemical management for material flows transition
    • 26852 : Simultaneous achievement of global decarbonization and sustainability
    • 26853 : Quantification of National Decarbonization and Sustainable Society Scenarios
    • 26854 : Material Cycles Research
  • Fiscal Year: 2023
    • 26406 : Decarbonized and Sustainable Society Research Program
    • 26413 : Chemical management for material flows transition
    • 26438 : Simultaneous achievement of global decarbonization and sustainability
    • 26439 : Quantification of National Decarbonization and Sustainable Society Scenarios
    • 26442 : Material Cycles Research
    • 26547 : Studies on the integrated assessment system for sustainable plastic management focusing on the 3R plus concept and the marine plastic litter control
    • 26548 : Environmental Emergency Management Office
    • 26559 : Policy and Management Study for Material Cycles and Waste Management
    • 26648 : Study on the major technical aspects related to the development of local disaster waste management policies
    • 26704 : Appropriate Management Measures of Lithium-Ion Batteries at Recycling and Disposal Processes based on Investigation of Fire Accidents
  • Fiscal Year: 2022
    • 25970 : Chemical management for material flows transition
    • 25984 : Decarbonized and Sustainable Society Research Program
    • 25985 : Simultaneous achievement of global decarbonization and sustainability
    • 25986 : Quantification of National Decarbonization and Sustainable Society Scenarios
    • 26007 : Material Cycles Research
    • 26110 : Policy and Management Study for Material Cycles and Waste Management
    • 26197 : Studies on the integrated assessment system for sustainable plastic management focusing on the 3R plus concept and the marine plastic litter control
    • 26198 : Environmental Emergency Management Office
    • 26292 : Study on the major technical aspects related to the development of local disaster waste management policies
    • 26333 : Appropriate Management Measures of Lithium-Ion Batteries at Recycling and Disposal Processes based on Investigation of Fire Accidents
  • Fiscal Year: 2021
    • 25504 : Decarbonized and Sustainable Society Research Program
    • 25510 : Chemical management for material flows transition
    • 25532 : Simultaneous achievement of global decarbonization and sustainability
    • 25533 : Quantification of National Decarbonization and Sustainable Society Scenarios
    • 25539 : Material Cycles Research
    • 25651 : Appropriate Management Measures of Lithium-Ion Batteries at Recycling and Disposal Processes based on Investigation of Fire Accidents
    • 25693 : Policy and Management Study for Material Cycles and Waste Management
    • 25725 : Studies on the integrated assessment system for sustainable plastic management focusing on the 3R plus concept and the marine plastic litter control
    • 25786 : Study on the major technical aspects related to the development of local disaster waste management policies
    • 25831 : Environmental Emergency Management Office
  • Fiscal Year: 2020
    • 25097 : Sustainable Material Cycles Research Program
    • 25105 : Material Cycles and Waste Management Research
    • 25125 : Environmental Emergency Management Office
    • 25132 : Assessment of Resource efficiency and Environmental Impact in the Cycles of Recyclable Materials and Accompanied Substances
    • 25133 : Proposal of Transition Paths and Adaptation Measures for a Circular Society
  • Fiscal Year: 2019
    • 24694 : Sustainable Material Cycles Research Program
    • 24700 : Material Cycles and Waste Management Research
    • 24712 : Assessment of Resource efficiency and Environmental Impact in the Cycles of Recyclable Materials and Accompanied Substances
    • 24713 : Proposal of Transition Paths and Adaptation Measures for a Circular Society
    • 24758 : Environmental Emergency Management Office
  • Fiscal Year: 2018
    • 24295 : Assessment of resource efficiency and environmental impact in the cycles of recyclable materials and accompanied substances
    • 24296 : Proposal of transition paths and adaptation measures for a circular society
    • 24341 : Environmental Emergency Management Office
    • 24344 : Material Cycles and Waste Management Research
    • 24353 : Sustainable Material Cycles Research Program
    • 24410 : Development of Models for Resource Use and Waste Management and Evaluation of Effectiveness of Policies towards a Sound Material-cycle Society
  • Fiscal Year: 2017
    • 23832 : Proposal of transition paths and adaptation measures for a circular society
    • 23833 : Assessment of resource efficiency and environmental impact in the cycles of recyclable materials and accompanied substances
    • 23844 : Sustainable Material Cycles Research Program
    • 23862 : Environmental Emergency Management Office
    • 23963 : Development of Models for Resource Use and Waste Management and Evaluation of Effectiveness of Policies towards a Sound Material-cycle Society
  • Fiscal Year: 2016
    • 23402 : Sustainable Material Cycles Research Program
    • 23404 : Assessment of resource efficiency and environmental impact in the cycles of recyclable materials and accompanied substances
    • 23405 : Proposal of transition paths and adaptation measures for a circular society
    • 23436 : Environmental Emergency Management Research Program
    • 23669 : Evaluation of the E-waste/ELV generation and the systems of metals/fluorocarbons collections in Asian countries
    • 23721 : Environmental Emergency Management Office
    • 23739 : Development of Models for Resource Use and Waste Management and Evaluation of Effectiveness of Policies towards a Sound Material-cycle Society
  • Fiscal Year: 2015
    • 22984 : Material Cycles and Waste Management Research
    • 22995 : Sustainable Material Cycles Research Program
    • 22996 : Appropriate management of materials with hazard and resource potentials in harmony with international material cycles
    • 23027 : Strategic establishment of informational research fundamentals about resource circulation and waste management
    • 23045 : Implementation Strategy for Resilience in Material Cycle and Waste Management
    • 23055 : Systems approach and policy study on life-cycle resource management
    • 23130 : Evaluation of the E-waste/ELV generation and the systems of metals/fluorocarbons collections in Asian countries
    • 23140 : Development and evaluation of treatment technologies and analytical methods for the countermeasures toward legacy wastes and materials with recycling difficulties
    • 23318 : Design of research hub for sustainable urban system and waste management
  • Fiscal Year: 2014
    • 22572 : Material Cycles and Waste Management Research
    • 22583 : Sustainable Material Cycles Research Program
    • 22584 : Appropriate management of materials with hazard and resource potentials in harmony with international material cycles
    • 22615 : Strategic establishment of informational research fundamentals about resource circulation and waste management
    • 22657 : Implementation Strategy for Resilience in Material Cycle and Waste Management
    • 22765 : Design of research hub for sustainable urban system and waste management
    • 22773 : Development and evaluation of treatment technologies and analytical methods for the countermeasures toward legacy wastes and materials with recycling difficulties
    • 22774 : Study on proper management of asbestos in disaster waste treatment
    • 22776 : Systems approach and policy study on life-cycle resource management
    • 22825 : Evaluation of the E-waste/ELV generation and the systems of metals/fluorocarbons collections in Asian countries
  • Fiscal Year: 2013
    • 22167 : Sustainable Material Cycles Research Program
    • 22168 : Appropriate management of materials with hazard and resource potentials in harmony with international material cycles
    • 22199 : Strategic establishment of informational research fundamentals about resource circulation and waste management
    • 22244 : Systems approach and policy study on life-cycle resource management
    • 22367 : Development and evaluation of treatment technologies and analytical methods for the countermeasures toward legacy wastes and materials with recycling difficulties
    • 22368 : Study on proper management of asbestos in disaster waste treatment
    • 22433 : Establishment of safe and effective recycling system for hazardous products and components
    • 22446 : Design of research hub for sustainable urban system and waste management
  • Fiscal Year: 2012
    • 21738 : Sustainable Material Cycles Research Program
    • 21739 : Appropriate Management of Materials with Hazard and Resource Potentials in harmony with International Material Cycles
    • 21770 : Strategic establishment of informational research fundamentals about resource circulation and waste management
    • 21804 : Systems approach and policy study on life-cycle resource management
    • 21878 : Study on proper management of asbestos in disaster waste treatment
    • 21879 : Development and evaluation of treatment technologies and analytical methods for the countermeasures toward legacy wastes and materials with recycling difficulties
    • 22038 : Design of research hub for sustainable urban system and waste management
    • 22049 : Establishment of safe and effective recycling system for hazardous products and components
  • Fiscal Year: 2011
    • 21296 : Appropriate Management of Materials with Hazard and Resource Potentials in harmony with International Material Cycles
    • 21328 : Strategic establishment of informational research fundamentals about resource circulation and waste management
    • 21387 : An emergency response research on environmental and human exposure to Tsunami sediments and sludges through atmosphere
    • 21457 : Classification of e-waste recycling technology in Asian developing countries
    • 21459 : Systems approach and policy study on life-cycle resource management
    • 21504 : Development and evaluation of treatment technologies and analytical methods for the countermeasures toward legacy wastes and materials with recycling difficulties
    • 21617 : Establishment of safe and effective recycling system for hazardous products and components
    • 21633 : Research for appropriate disposal/recycling technology and system against disaster waste to support establishiment of a safe, reassurance and sound material cycle society
  • Fiscal Year: 2010
    • 20904 : Classification of e-waste recycling technology in Asian developing countries
    • 21002 : Management of hazardous and valuable substances in the product life cycles
    • 21027 : Establishing appropriate management networks and technology systems to support sound international material cycles
    • 21030 : Development of appropriate management measures for scrap metal export from the perspective of hazardous materials control, fire prevention and material recovery
  • Fiscal Year: 2009
    • 20548 : Establishing appropriate management networks and technology systems to support sound international material cycles
    • 20552 : Development of appropriate management measures for scrap metal export from the perspective of hazardous materials control, fire prevention and material recovery
    • 20580 : Management of hazardous and valuable substances in product life cycles
    • 20598 : Classification of e-waste recycling technology in Asian developing countries
  • Fiscal Year: 2008
    • 20006 : Management of hazardous and valuable substances in product life cycles
    • 20030 : Establishment of sensitive test methods to confirm thermal degradation of waste asbestos
    • 20219 : Establishing appropriate management networks and technology systems to support sound international material cycles
    • 20261 : Analysis of material cycle systems for e-waste and waste plastics in Asia
    • 20263 : Appropriate management of scrap metal generated and exported<br>-hazardous materials control, disaster prevention and material recovery-
    • 20393 : Life-cycle comparison method for scenarios including transboundary recycling and its application to plastic waste
  • Fiscal Year: 2007
    • 10520 : Analysis of material cycle systems for e-waste and waste plastics in Asia
    • 10540 : Life-cycle comparison method for scenarios including transboundary recycling and its application to plastic waste
    • 10541 : Establishment of sensitive test methods to confirm thermal degradation of waste asbestos
    • 10579 : Management of hazardous and valuable substances in product life cycles
    • 10581 : Establishing appropriate management networks and technology systems to support sound international material cycles
  • Fiscal Year: 2006
    • 10278 : Life-cycle comparison method for scenarios including transboundary recycling and its application to plastic waste
    • 10279 : Establishment of sensitive test methods to confirm thermal degradation of waste asbestos
    • 10280 : Analysis of material cycle systems for e-waste and waste plastics in Asia
    • 10312 : Management of hazardous and valuable substances in product life cycles
    • 10314 : Establishing appropriate management networks and technology systems to support sound international material cycles
  • Fiscal Year: 2005
    • 9355 : Studies on material flow analysis and its linkage with input-output tables
    • 9356 : Life cycle assessment of technological and policy measures for promoting better material cycles
    • 9357 : Diagnosis on environmental, economical and social feasibility of regional material cycle system
    • 9374 : Measures and assessment tools for sustainable management of environmental burdens and natural resources
    • 9491 : A study on the sound material-cycle and management of durables
    • 9492 : A study on effective use of environmental assessment methods in the process of decision making for better environmental management
    • 9598 : Analysis and Measurement of Material Cycles System in Asia
    • 9599 : Investigation of sufficient conditions for degradation of waste asbestos
  • Fiscal Year: 2004
    • 9003 : Studies on material flow analysis and its linkage with input-output tables
    • 9004 : Life cycle assessment of technological and policy measures for promoting better material cycles
    • 9005 : Diagnosis on environmental, economical and social feasibility of regional material cycle system
    • 9008 : Measures and assessment tools for sustainable management of environmental burdens and natural resources
    • 9047 : Analysis of measures for reducing environmental impacts using behaviour model for decision makers
    • 9074 : Structural Analysis of Material Cycles and Waste Management in Asia
    • 9242 : A study on the sound material-cycle and management of durables
    • 9243 : A study on effective use of environmental assessment methods in the process of decision making for better environmental management
  • Fiscal Year: 2003
    • 8608 : Development of communication technique toward the acceptance of environmental information by citizens
    • 8664 : A study on the sound management of recyclable resources originating from durables
    • 8707 : Studies on material flow analysis and its linkage with input-output tables
    • 8708 : Life cycle assessment of technological and policy measures for promoting better material cycles
    • 8709 : Diagnosis on environmental, economical and social feasibility of regional material cycle system
    • 8726 : Measures and assessment tools for sustainable management of environmental burdens and natural resources
    • 8773 : Analysis of measures for reducing environmental impacts using behaviour model for decision makers
    • 8796 : Structural Analysis of Material Cycles and Waste Management in Asia
  • Fiscal Year: 2002
    • 8337 : Development of communication technique toward the acceptance of environmental information by citizens
    • 8436 : Development of environmental accounting and indicators for measuring sustainability at company, industry and national level (2) Development of environmental and resource efficiency indicators using Material Flow Accounting
    • 8445 : A study on the sound management of recyclable resources originating from durables
    • 8488 : Studies on material flow analysis and its linkage with input-output tables
    • 8489 : Life cycle assessment of technological and policy measures for promoting better material cycles
    • 8508 : Measures and assessment tools for sustainable management of environmental burdens and natural resources
    • 8569 : Analysis of measures for reducing environmental impacts using behaviour model for decision makers
  • Fiscal Year: 2001
    • 8082 : Development of communication technique toward the acceptance of environmental information by citizens
    • 8219 : H-9 Development of environmental accounting and indicators for measuring sustainability at company, industry and national level (2) Development of environmental and resource efficiency indicators using Material Flow Accounting
    • 8228 : A study on the sound management of recyclable resources originating from durables
    • 8271 : Measures and assessment tools for sustainable management of environmental burdens and natural resources
Research Result (Publication)
  • all
  • Original Paper
  • Book
  • Other Publications
  • Current International Flows of Electronic Waste, Future Tasks, and Possible Solutions
    Presenter : Terazono A., Yoshida A.
    Title : , E-Waste Management (2012)
Research Result (Presentation)
  • all
  • Research Presentation
  • Research Lecture
  • Presenter : Oguchi M., Terazono A., Akiyama, H., Kobayashi, G.
    Name of Society : The 11th International Conference on Industrial Ecology (ISIE2023) (2023)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstracts
  • Presenter : Terazono A., Oguchi M., Akiyama H., Hagiwara T., Tomozawa H., Shintomi M., Kano S., Nakayama J.
    Name of Society : The 11th biennial conference of the International Society for Industrial Ecology (ISIE2023) (2023)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstracts
  • Presenter : Terazono A.
    Name of Society : 27th International Congress for Battery Recycling (ICBR 2022) (2022)
    Name of Proceedings : -
  • Presenter : Terazono A., Akiyama H., Hagiwara T., Tomozawa H., Oguchi M., Nakayama J.
    Name of Society : EcoBalance 2022 (The 15th Biennial International Conference on EcoBalance) (2022)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstract, 48
  • Presenter : Terazono A.
    Name of Society : ISEE2022 (The 2nd International Symposium on Electronic Waste and End-of-Life Vehicles) (2022)
    Name of Proceedings : -
  • Presenter : Terazono A., Oguchi M.
    Name of Society : ISEE2022 (The 2nd International Symposium on Electronic Waste and End-of-Life Vehicles) (2022)
    Name of Proceedings : -
  • Research Lecture
    Current Status and Challenges of Plastic Waste Management in Japan
    Presenter : Terazono A.
    Name of Society : 8th Meeting of the Basel Forum in Asia-Pacific Region on Promotion of Basel Convention Implementation (2022)
    Name of Proceedings : -
  • Presenter : Terazono A.
    Name of Society : 11th International Conference on Sustainable Waste Management & Circular Economy (IconSWM-CE) and IPLA Global Forum 2021 (2021)
    Name of Proceedings : -
  • Research Presentation
    WEEE plastics flows and the corresponding behavior of brominated flame retardants - A Japanese case before and after China's ban on waste imports
    Presenter : Oguchi M., Terazono A., Kajiwara N., Murakami S.
    Name of Society : Electronics Goes Green 2020+ (2020)
    Name of Proceedings : Proceedings, 333-338
  • Research Presentation
    Small WEEE Recycling in Japan and Challenge after China’s Import Ban
    Presenter : Terazono A., Oguchi M.
    Name of Society : Electronics Goes Green 2020+ (2020)
    Name of Proceedings : Proceedings, 372-376
  • Research Presentation
    Flows of plastics and brominated flame retardants in the recycling of waste electrical and electronic equipment
    Presenter : Oguchi M., Terazono A., Kajiwara N., Murakami S.
    Name of Society : The 6th 3R International Scientific Conference on Material Cycles and Waste Management (3RINCs 2020) (2020)
    Name of Proceedings : Proceedings
  • Research Presentation
    Small WEEE Recycling in Japan - Process Classification and Challenge after China’s Import Ban -
    Presenter : Terazono A., Oguchi M.
    Name of Society : The 3R International Scientific Conference on Material Cycles and Waste Management (3RINCs) (2020)
    Name of Proceedings : Proceedings
  • Presenter : Oguchi M., Tasaki T., Terazono A., Nishijima D.
    Name of Society : The 3rd Product Lifetimes And The Environment Conference (PLATE2019) (2019)
    Name of Proceedings : Final Programme
  • Research Presentation
    Refrigerant Fluorocarbon Emissions Projections and Mitigation Costs in Asia by 2050
    Presenter : Hanaoka T., Oguchi M., Terazono A.
    Name of Society : The 8th International Symposium on Non‐CO2 Greenhouse Gasses (2019)
    Name of Proceedings : -
  • Research Lecture
    Current Issues and Challenges of E-waste Management in Japan - after Revised Domestic Waste Regulations and China's Waste Import Ban -
    Presenter : Terazono A.
    Name of Society : ISEE2019(1st International Symposium on Electronic Waste and End-of-Life Vehicles) (2019)
    Name of Proceedings : Proceedings, 97-105
  • Research Lecture
    Recent Management Policy of Plastic and Packaging Waste in Japan
    Presenter : Terazono A.
    Name of Society : ISEE2019(1st International Symposium on Electronic Waste and End-of-Life Vehicles) (2019)
    Name of Proceedings : Proceedings, 252-261
  • Research Presentation
    E-waste Management and Resource Recovery Potential in Asia and the Pacific
    Presenter : Ghosh S.K., Herat S., Terazono A., Li J., Rhee S.W., Agamuthu P., Thang N.T.
    Name of Society : ISEE2019(1st International Symposium on Electronic Waste and End-of-Life Vehicles) (2019)
    Name of Proceedings : Proceedings, 309
  • Research Lecture
    Measures on Informal Sectors of E-waste Collection and Recycling
    Presenter : Terazono A.
    Name of Society : JICA E-waste Training Course (2019)
    Name of Proceedings : -
  • Research Lecture
    Battery and sollar panel recycling in Japan, and E-waste management in Japan and Asia
    Presenter : Terazono A.
    Name of Society : Pre-ISEE (International Symposium on Electronic Waste and End-of-Life Vehicles) (2018)
    Name of Proceedings : Proceedings, 45-62
  • Presenter : Terazono A., Oguchi M., Hanaoka T.
    Name of Society : The 13th International Conference on Waste Management and Technology (2018)
    Name of Proceedings : -
  • Presenter : Terazono A.
    Name of Society : The 5th Meeting of the Basel Forum in Asia-Pacific Region on Promotion of Basel Convention Implementation (2018)
    Name of Proceedings : -
  • Research Lecture
    Evaluation of WEEE/ELV generation and systems of metals/FCs collection in Asian countries
    Presenter : Terazono A.
    Name of Society : Presentation of Research Projects Promoted by the Environment Research and Technology Development Fund by MOE, Japan(平成29年度環境省循環型社会形成推進研究発表会) (2018)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstracts, 12-17
  • Presenter : Matsukami H., Suzuki G., Uchida N., Tue N.M. , Tuyen L.H., Viet P.H., Takahashi S., Kunisue T., Terazono A.
    Name of Society : 3rd International Forum on Sustainable Future in Asia 3rd NIES International Forum (2018)
    Name of Proceedings : 3rd International Forum on Sustainable Future in Asia 3rd NIES International Forum, 58
  • Presenter : Oguchi M., Terazono A., Hanaoka T.
    Name of Society : The 9th biennial conference of the International Society for Industrial Ecology and the 25th annual conference of the International Symposium on Sustainable Systems and Technology (2017 Joint Conference ISIE and ISSST) (2017)
    Name of Proceedings : -
  • Presenter : Terazono A., Oguchi M.
    Name of Society : The 9th biennial conference of the International Society for Industrial Ecology and the 25th annual conference of the International Symposium on Sustainable Systems and Technology (2017 Joint Conference ISIE and ISSST) (2017)
    Name of Proceedings : -
  • Research Presentation
    Future generation of WEEE in developing countries – An estimation model and case studies in Asia
    Presenter : Oguchi M., Terazono A., Fuse M.
    Name of Society : Electronics Goes Green 2016+ (2016)
    Name of Proceedings : Proceedings
  • Research Presentation
    Survey of material recovery by informal e-waste recycling in the Philippines
    Presenter : Terazono A., Oguchi M., Kuzuhara S., Medina R.P.
    Name of Society : ELECTRONICS GOES GREEN 2016+ (2016)
    Name of Proceedings : Conference Documentation Package
  • Research Presentation
    Material flow of copper and lead in China: An impact of WEEE recycling in China
    Presenter : Yoshida A., Terazono A.
    Name of Society : EcoBalance 2016 (2016)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstracts, 132
  • Research Presentation
    Informal e-waste recycling and its metal recovery in the Philippines
    Presenter : Terazono A., Oguchi M., Kuzuhara S., Medina R.P., Ballesteros Jr.F.C.
    Name of Society : The 12th Biennial International Conference on EcoBalance (EcoBalance 2016) (2016)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstracts, 132
  • Research Lecture
    Recycling facilities and TBM in Asia
    Presenter : Terazono A.
    Name of Society : Basel Forum 2016 Workshop in Asia-Pacific Region (2016)
    Name of Proceedings : Proceedings
  • Presenter : Terazono A.
    Name of Society : Basel Forum 2015 (2015)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstracts, 129-140
  • Research Presentation
    Presenter : Tasaki T., Oguchi M., Yoshida A., Terazono A.
    Name of Society : 8th Biennial Conference of the International Society for Industrial Ecology (2015)
    Name of Proceedings : Book of abstracts, 480-481
  • Research Presentation
    Modeling in-use stocks of consumer durables to forecast generation of end-of-life products and fluorocarbons potential in Asian countries
    Presenter : Terazono A., Oguchi M., Hanaoka T., Santo A.
    Name of Society : 8th Biennial Conference of the International Society for Industry Ecology (ISIE Conference 2015) (2015)
    Name of Proceedings : Book of Abstracts, 208
  • Research Presentation
    Material Recovery by Informal E-waste Processing in the Philippines
    Presenter : Terazono A., Oguchi M., Kuzuhara S., Yoshida A., Medina R.P., Ballesteros F.C.J.
    Name of Society : The 2nd 3R International Scientific Conference on Material Cycles and Waste Management (2015)
    Name of Proceedings : Scientific Program, 254-256
  • Presenter : Oguchi M., Terazono A., Hanaoka T., Tasaki T.
    Name of Society : The 2nd 3R International Scientific Conference on Material Cycles and Waste Management (2015)
    Name of Proceedings : Scientfic Program, 340-343
  • Research Presentation
    Material recovery and environmental impact by informal e-waste recy-cling site in the Philippines
    Presenter : Terazono A., Oguchi M., Yoshida A., Medina R.P., Ballesteros Jr.F.C.
    Name of Society : EcoDesign 2015 (9th International Symposium on Environmentally Conscious Design and Inverse Manufacturing) (2015)
    Name of Proceedings : USB Proceedings, 529-536
  • Research Lecture
    Appropriate management of e-waste in Japan and other Asian countries
    Presenter : Terazono A., Oguchi M.
    Name of Society : World Engineering Conference and Conention 2015 (WECC2015) (2015)
    Name of Proceedings : Proceedings
  • Research Presentation
    A Comparative Study of Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) Recycling Systems in East Asia
    Presenter : Yoshida A., Terazono A.
    Name of Society : The Tenth International Conference on Waste Management and Technology (2015)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstracts, 145
  • Presenter : Oguchi M., Terazono A., Santo A.
    Name of Society : 3W Expo 2015 Conference session 2: Electronic waste management (2015)
    Name of Proceedings : -
  • Research Lecture
    E-waste Management in Japan and other Asia: Toward the Appropriate Management of Hazardous and Resource Potential
    Presenter : Terazono A.
    Name of Society : 15th IUMRS-International Conference in Asia (IUMRS-ICA 2014) (2014)
    Name of Proceedings : Program
  • Research Presentation
    Battery recycling in Municipal Solid Waste Management in Japan - Collection Rules and Safety Challenges
    Presenter : Terazono A., Oguchi M.
    Name of Society : 1st 3R Internaional Scientific Conference on Material Cycles and Waste Management (2014)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstracts
  • Research Presentation
    Evaluation of thermally treated asbestos by transmission electron microscopy
    Presenter : Yamamoto T., Kida A., Noma Y., Terazono A., Sakai S.
    Name of Society : 1st 3R International Scientific Conference on Material Cycles and Waste Management (2014)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstracts
  • Research Presentation
    Modeling in-use stocks and lifespan distribution of consumer durables to forecast generation of end-of-life products in various countries
    Presenter : Oguchi M., Terazono A., Tasaki T., Kobayashi G., Takagi S.
    Name of Society : The Joint 11th International Society For Industrial Ecology (ISIE) Socio-Economic Metabolism Section Conference and The 4th ISIE Asia-Pacific Conference (2014)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstracts of The Joint 11th International Society For Industrial Ecology (ISIE) Socio-Economic Metabolism Section Conference and The 4th ISIE Asia-Pacific Conference
  • Presenter : Terazono A., Oguchi M., Iino S., Mogi S.
    Name of Society : EcoBalance 2014 (The 11th International Conference on EcoBalance) (2014)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstract Book, 38
  • Research Presentation
    The legal system on transboundary movement management of e-waste at national level, and the information on illegal traffic status and cases
    Presenter : Terazono A.
    Name of Society : The 9th International Conference on Waste Management and Technology (2014)
    Name of Proceedings : -
  • Research Lecture
    Small WEEE and battery collection in municipal waste management in Japan
    Presenter : Terazono A., Oguchi M., Iino S., Mogi S.
    Name of Society : The 9th International Conference on Waste Management and Technology (2014)
    Name of Proceedings : -
  • Material Flow, Hazardous Substances Control and Safety Issues of Batteries in Japan
    Presenter : Terazono A.
    Name of Society : 18th International Congress for Battery Recycling 2013 (ICBR 2013) (2013)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstracts
  • Research Presentation
    E-waste recycling in Japan and Eastern Asia
    Presenter : Terazono A., Yoshida A., Oguchi M.
    Name of Society : International Conference and Expo on E-Waste & Used Battery Management (EWM India - 2013) (2013)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstracts
  • Research Presentation
    Control of hazardous substances and fire accident on mixed metal scrap exported from Japan
    Presenter : Terazono A., Oguchi M., Yoshida A., Koseki H.
    Name of Society : 7th International Society for industrial Ecology Biennial Conference (2013)
    Name of Proceedings : Proceeding
  • Research Presentation
    Fire Prevention and Export Control of Mixed Metal Scrap
    Presenter : Terazono A., Oguchi M., Yoshida A., Koseki H.
    Name of Society : 17th Korea-Japan Joint International Session (2013 Annual Conference of KSWM) (2013)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstracts, 141-143
  • Research Lecture
    E-waste Recycling Process and Technology in Asian Developing Countries: an investigation of measures for improving the current condition
    Presenter : Yoshida A., Atienza V., Kojima M., Murakami-Suzuki R., Matsushita K., Nakajima K., Sakata S., Terazono A.
    Name of Society : The 12th Expert Meeting on Solid Waste Management in Asia and Pacific Islands (SWAPI) (2013)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstracts, 241-244
  • Research Presentation
    Export Management of Mixed Metal Scrap
    Presenter : Terazono A., Oguchi M., Yoshida A., Koseki H.
    Name of Society : The 12th Expert Meeting on Solid Waste Management in Asia and Pacific Islands (2013)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstracts
  • Research Lecture
    E-waste recycling in Japan and other Eastern Asia - Focusing on Material Flow and Responsibility
    Presenter : Terazono A., Yoshida A.
    Name of Society : 30th Anniversary of Korean Society of Waste Management (2013)
    Name of Proceedings : Proceedings (Special Session II, III), 253-270
  • Research Lecture
    Current Status and Action Plan for Transboundary Movement of Wastes in Japan
    Presenter : Terazono A.
    Name of Society : 8th International Conference on Waste Management and Technology (2013)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstracts
  • Research Lecture
    E-waste recycling in Asia: Transboundary movement, Recycling process, Environmental Impact
    Presenter : Terazono A.
    Name of Society : Japan-Vietnam Joint Workshop on "Current Challenges for Managing Environmental Issues and Waste Recycling in Northern Vietnam" (2013)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstract book, 9
  • Research Lecture
    Introduction and E-waste research in Asia
    Presenter : Terazono A.
    Name of Society : The 9th NIES Workshop on E-waste (2013)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstracts
  • Research Lecture
    E-waste Recycling in Asia: Transboundary Movement and Environmental Impact
    Presenter : Terazono A.
    Name of Society : The Seventh International Conference on Waste Management and Technology (2012)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstracts
  • Research Presentation
    E-waste recycling in Asia: process classification, environmental effect and knowledge sharing
    Presenter : Terazono A., Oguchi M., Yoshida A., Takigami H., Agusa T., Ballesteros F.C.J., Fujimori T.
    Name of Society : Electronics Goes Green 2012+ (2012)
    Name of Proceedings : Proceedings
  • Research Presentation
    Flows of WEEE and contained metals in municipal solid waste treatment: A regional-level estimation in Japan
    Presenter : Oguchi M., Terazono A., Sakanakura H.
    Name of Society : MFA-ConAccount section Conference 2012 (2012)
  • Presenter : Terazono A.
    Name of Society : Greater Mekong Sub-region (GMS) sub- regional training workshop on building capacity to deal with the illegal shipments of e-waste and near-end-of-life electronics (2012)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstracts
  • Presenter : Terazono A.
    Name of Society : Greater Mekong Sub-region (GMS) sub- regional training workshop on building capacity to deal with the illegal shipments of e-waste and near-end-of-life electronics (2012)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstracts
  • Research Lecture
    E-waste potential as resource and an appropriate management of its hazardous substances in Asia
    Presenter : Terazono A.
    Name of Society : NIES-KMUTT-KU Collaboration Research Laboratory on Waste Management Commemoration Seminar (2012)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstracts
  • Research Presentation
    E-waste recycling and environmental impact in Asia
    Presenter : Terazono A., Oguchi M., Yoshida A., Takigami H., Agusa T., Fujimori T.
    Name of Society : EcoBalance2012 (The 10th International Conference on EcoBalance) (2012)
    Name of Proceedings : Proceedings
  • Research Lecture
    Contamination by trace elements in e-waste recycling workers in the Philippines
    Presenter : Agusa T., Takigami H., Eguchi A., Fujimori T. , Bekki K., Yoshida A., Terazono A., Ballesteros F.C.J., Takahashi S., Iwata H., Tanabe S.
    Name of Society : Workshop for Knowledge Sharing on E-waste in the Philippines (The 8th NIES Workshop on E-waste) (2012)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstracts of Workshop for Knowledge Sharing on E-waste in the Philippines (The 8th NIES Workshop on E-waste)
  • Research Lecture
    E-waste research at NIES
    Presenter : Terazono A., Yoshida A., Takigami H., Oguchi M., Fujimori T. , Yokoo H.
    Name of Society : Workshop for Knowledge Sharing on E-waste in the Philippines (The 8th NIES Workshop on E-waste) (2012)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstracts of Workshop for Knowledge Sharing on E-waste in the Philippines (The 8th NIES Workshop on E-waste)
  • Research Lecture
    Transboundary Movement of Wastes between China and Japan
    Presenter : Terazono A.
    Name of Society : The 4th China-Japan Inter-Ministerial Working Group on Import and Export of Waste (2011)
    Name of Proceedings : Agenda of The 4th China-Japan Inter-Ministerial Working Group on Import and Export of Waste
  • Research Presentation
    Survey of metallic contamination at formal and informal E-waste recycling sites in the Philippines
    Presenter : Takigami H., Fujimori T. , Agusa T., Eguchi A., Bekki K., Yoshida A., Terazono A., Ballesteros Jr. F.C.
    Name of Society : 3R and Waste Management Workshop 2011 (2011)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstracts of 3R and Waste Management Workshop 2011
  • Research Lecture
    Collection and Recycling of E-waste in Japan and Other Asia
    Presenter : Terazono A.
    Name of Society : Regional Workshop on the Public Private Partnership for E-Waste Collection (2011)
    Name of Proceedings : Agenda of Regional Workshop on the Public Private Partnership for E-Waste Collection
  • Research Lecture
    Classification and environmental effect of E-waste recycling in Asia
    Presenter : Terazono A., Yoshida A., Takigami H.
    Name of Society : The Sixth International Conference on Waste Management and Technology (2011)
    Name of Proceedings : Program of The Sixth International Conference on Waste Management and Technology
  • Presenter : Oguchi M., Sakanakura H., Terazono A., Takigami H.
    Name of Society : 6th International Conference on Industrial Ecology (ISIE 2011 Conference) (2011)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstracts of 6th International Conference on Industrial Ecology (ISIE 2011 Conference)
  • Presenter : Terazono A., Yoshida A.
    Name of Society : 6th International Conference on Industrial Ecology (ISIE 2011 Conference) (2011)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstracts of 6th International Conference on Industrial Ecology (ISIE 2011 Conference)
  • Research Presentation
    Classification of E-waste recycling technology in selected Asian developing countries
    Presenter : Yoshida A., Terazono A.
    Name of Society : 8th Exp.Meet.Solid Waste Manage.Asia Pac.Islands (2011)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstracts, 454-459
  • Research Lecture
    Transboundary movement, recycling and management measures of E-waste in Asia
    Presenter : Terazono A., Yoshida A.
    Name of Society : The Life Cycle of Metals: Improving Health, Environment and Human Security (2011)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstracts of The Life Cycle of Metals: Improving Health, Environment and Human Security, 7-8
  • Research Lecture
    Human Exposure to Trace Elements from e-waste Recycling Sites in the Philippines
    Presenter : Agusa T., Takigami H., Eguchi A., Fujimori T. , Bekki K., Yoshida A., Terazono A., Ballesteros Jr.F.C., Takahashi S., Iwata H., Tanabe S.
    Name of Society : The Life Cycle of Metals: Improving Health, Environment and Human Security (2011)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstracts of The Life Cycle of Metals: Improving Health, Environment and Human Security, 8
  • Research Lecture
    Good Practices on ESM
    Presenter : Terazono A.
    Name of Society : Workshop 2011 of the Asian Network for Prevention of Illegal Transboundary Movement of Hazardous Wastes in China (2011)
    Name of Proceedings : Agenda of Workshop 2011 of the Asian Network for Prevention of Illegal Transboundary Movement of Hazardous Wastes in China
  • Research Lecture
    Material flow, environmental effect and management measures of E-waste in Asia
    Presenter : Terazono A., Yoshida A., Takigami H.
    Name of Society : ISWA World Congress 2011 World Congress of International Solid Waste Association (2011)
    Name of Proceedings : Proceedings of ISWA World Congress 2011 World Congress of International Solid Waste Association, 129-136
  • Presenter : Terazono A.
    Name of Society : E-waste 2010 Workshop (2010)
    Name of Proceedings : Proceedings, 29
  • Presenter : Terazono A.
    Name of Society : 2010 Gordon Res.Conf.Ind.Ecol. (2010)
    Name of Proceedings : Program
  • Research Presentation
    Examination and export control of scrap mixed metal in Japan
    Presenter : Terazono A., Yoshida A.
    Name of Society : 5th Int.Conf.Waste Manage.Technol. (2010)
    Name of Proceedings : Proceedings, B150-B154
  • Research Presentation
    Experiences of asbestos emission control and waste management in Japan
    Presenter : Terazono A.
    Name of Society : 5th Int.Conf.Waste Manage.Technol. (2010)
    Name of Proceedings : Proceedings, A306-A308
  • Presenter : Terazono A.
    Name of Society : Capacity-building and Awareness-raising Workshop on Environmental Sound Management (ESM) of Asbestos Waste in Asia and the Pacific (2010)
    Name of Proceedings : -
  • Research Presentation
    Mixed metal scrap in Japan and its export control
    Presenter : Terazono A., Yoshida A.
    Name of Society : EcoBalance2010 (2010)
    Name of Proceedings : Proceedings
  • Research Presentation
    International flows of secondhand electrical and electronic equipment in Asia
    Presenter : Terazono A., Yoshida A.
    Name of Society : ISIE Asia-Pac.Meet./ISIE MFA-ConAccount Meet. (2010)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstracts
  • Research Presentation
    Classification of e-waste recycling technology in selected Asian developing countries
    Presenter : Yoshida A., Terazono A.
    Name of Society : ISIE Asia-Pac.Meet./ISIE MFA-ConAccount Meet. (2010)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstracts
  • Presenter : Murakami R., Tojo N., Manomaivibool P., Terazono A., Murakami S.
    Name of Society : 9th Int.Conf.EcoBalance (2010)
    Name of Proceedings : Proceedings
  • Presenter : Takigami H., Fujimori T. , Agusa T., Eguchi S., Bekki K., Yoshida A., Terazono A., Ballesteros Jr. F. C.
    Name of Society : 7th NIES Workshop E-waste (2010)
    Name of Proceedings : -
  • Research Presentation
    International e-waste inventory and material flow
    Presenter : Terazono A.
    Name of Society : 3rd Int.Contam.Site Rem.Conf.(Cleanup 09) (2009)
    Name of Proceedings : Program
  • Presenter : Koseki H., Yamazaki Y., Wakakura M., Terazono A.
    Name of Society : 2009 Int.Autumn Semin.Propellants, Explos.Pyrotechnics (2009)
    Name of Proceedings : Proceedings, 576-579
  • Research Lecture
    EMS of formal/informal sector
    Presenter : Terazono A.
    Name of Society : E-waste Train.Workshop Asia Pac. (2009)
    Name of Proceedings : Program
  • Research Presentation
    Transboundary movement of end-of-life electrical and electronic equipment for reuse and recycling
    Presenter : Terazono A., Yoshida A.
    Name of Society : 2009 ISIE Conf. (2009)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstracts, 486
  • Research Presentation
    A comparison of end-of-life strategies for used personal computer recycling in a developed and developing country
    Presenter : Yoshida A., Tasaki T., Nakajima K., Terazono A.
    Name of Society : 2009 ISIE Conf. (2009)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstracts, 330
  • Research Presentation
    Environmental Life-cycle impacts and benefits of secondhand CRT TVs exported from Japan to the Philippines
    Presenter : Yoshida A., Tasaki T., Terazono A.
    Name of Society : Int.Symp.Sustainable Syst.Technol.(ISSST 2009) (2009)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstracts
  • Research Lecture
    Mixed metal scrap in Japan and export control from the perspective of hazardous substances control, material recovery and fire prevention
    Presenter : Terazono A., Yoshida A.
    Name of Society : 4th Int.Conf.Waste Manag.Technol. (2009)
    Name of Proceedings : Proceedings, 101-105
  • Research Lecture
    Prevention of illegal trade of waste -Issues and challenges
    Presenter : Terazono A.
    Name of Society : Inaug.Meet.Reg.3R(Reduce,Reuse,Recycle) forum in Asia (2009)
    Name of Proceedings : Program, 2
  • Research Lecture
    Possible collaborative research for traded recyclable wastes -example of scrap metal
    Presenter : Terazono A., Yoshida A.
    Name of Society : 2nd China-Jpn.Inter-ministerial Working Group (2009)
    Name of Proceedings : Program
  • Research Lecture
    Material flow analysis and recycling
    Presenter : Terazono A.
    Name of Society : 1st Workshop of ERIA Working Group for 2009 on 3R Policies for Southeast and East Asia (2009)
    Name of Proceedings : Program
  • Research Lecture
    E-waste management system
    Presenter : Terazono A.
    Name of Society : Asian Electr.Electron.Green Soc.2009 Int.Conf. (2009)
    Name of Proceedings : Proceedings
  • Research Presentation
    E-waste generation and material flow in Japan and other Asia
    Presenter : Terazono A., Yoshida A.
    Name of Society : Electron.Goes Green 2008+ (2008)
    Name of Proceedings : Proceedings, 857-862
  • Presenter : Yoshida A., Tasaki T., Nakajima K., Terazono A.
    Name of Society : 8th Int.Conf.EcoBalance (2008)
    Name of Proceedings : Proceedings, 651-652
  • Research Presentation
    Development of a testing method for asbestos in melting treated asbestos wastes by transmission electron microscopy
    Presenter : Yamamoto T., Kida A., Noma Y., Terazono A., Sakai S.
    Name of Society : 12th Korea-Jpn.Jt.Int.Sess.(Korea.Soc.Waste Manag.) (2008)
    Name of Proceedings : Proceedings, 142-144
  • Research Presentation
    Challenges on municipal solid waste management research in China
    Presenter : Terazono A.
    Name of Society : Int.Workshop”Seeking for Cooperation and Collaboration in East Asian Region at City Level Towards Establishing Environmentally Sound Material-Cycle Society” (2008)
    Name of Proceedings : Proceedings
  • Presenter : Yoshida A., Tasaki T., Terazono A.
    Name of Society : 2008 Int.Symp.Electron.Environ. (2008)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstracts
  • Research Presentation
    Management of secondhand home appliances exported from Japan
    Presenter : Terazono A.
    Name of Society : 8th Int.Conf.EcoBalance (2008)
    Name of Proceedings : Proceedings, P-059
  • Research Presentation
    Material flow of second hand electrical and electronic equipments exported from Japan to the Philippines
    Presenter : Yoshida A., Terazono A.
    Name of Society : Electron.Goes Green 2008+ (2008)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstracts, 719-724
  • Research Presentation
    International flow of secondhand home appliances in East Asia
    Presenter : Terazono A., Yoshida A.
    Name of Society : 第19回廃棄物学会研究発表会 (2008)
    Name of Proceedings : 同講演論文集, 19-21
  • Presenter : Terazono A.
    Name of Society : Reg.Workshop E-waste Identification toward Prev.Illegal Transboundary Movement Hazardous Waste Other Wastes in Asia (2008)
    Name of Proceedings : -
  • Research Presentation
    Present status of reuse/recycling of WEEE in Japan
    Presenter : Yoshida A., Murakami-Suzuki R., Terazono A.
    Name of Society : Thailand's Electr.Electronic Green Soc.Int.Conf.2007 (2007)
  • Research Presentation
    Material flow of E-waste in Asia(Theme A2)
    Presenter : Terazono A., Murakami S.(*1), Yoshida A.
    Name of Society : 4th Int.Conf.Int.Soc.Ind.Ecol.(ISIE Conf.2007) (2007)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstracts
  • Research Presentation
    Used automobile battery recycling in Asia
    Presenter : Terazono A.
    Name of Society : 4th Int.Conf.Int.Soc.Ind.Ecol.(ISIE Conf.2007)(Poster Session) (2007)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstracts
  • Research Presentation
    Some economic aspects of waste plastic trade between Japan and China
    Presenter : Yoshida A., Terazono A., Hayashi H.(*1)
    Name of Society : China Int.Recycling Conf.2007 (2007)
    Name of Proceedings : Proceedings
  • Research Presentation
    Material flow of used PCs in Japan
    Presenter : YOSHIDA Aya, TASAKI Tomohiro, Terazono A.
    Name of Society : 2007 IEEE Int.Symp.Electron.Environ. (2007)
    Name of Proceedings : Proceedings
  • Research Presentation
    Material flow and management of waste electrical and electronic equipment in Asia
    Presenter : Terazono A.
    Name of Society : Int.Symp.JSWME 18th Annu.Conf. (2007)
    Name of Proceedings : Preceedings, (24)
  • Research Presentation
    Analysis of material cycle systems on E-waste and waste plastics in Asia
    Presenter : Terazono A.
    Name of Society : 3rd Expert Meet.Solid Waste Manage.Asia Pac.Isl. (2007)
    Name of Proceedings : Proceedings
  • Research Presentation
    Current situation of reuse,recycle and transboundary movement of used PSc
    Presenter : YOSHIDA Aya, TASAKI Tomohiro, Terazono A.
    Name of Society : 4th NIES Workshop E-waste (2007)
    Name of Proceedings : Program
  • Presenter : TASAKI Tomohiro, Terazono A., Moriguchi Y.
    Name of Society : 11th Int.Waste Manage.Landfill Symp.(Sardinia 2007) (2007)
    Name of Proceedings : Proceedings
  • Research Presentation
    Methodology of product flow analysis(PFA)
    Presenter : TASAKI Tomohiro, Terazono A., , OSAKO Masahiro, Moriguchi Y.
    Name of Society : ConAccount Meet.2006 (2006)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstracts
  • Research Presentation
    E-waste issues in Japan and other Asia
    Presenter : Terazono A., Yoshida A., Mukai S., Murakami R.
    Name of Society : Conf.E-Waste Manage.Transboundary Movements (2006)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstracs
  • Research Presentation
    Asian initiatives to address pollution transfers
    Presenter : Terazono A.
    Name of Society : Mater.Prod.Waste: Global Flows Local Environ.-Impacts Developing Ctry. (2006)
    Name of Proceedings : Program
  • Research Presentation
    The report of working group on the waste recycle in Japan
    Presenter : Terazono A.
    Name of Society : 5th AIST Workshop LCA Asia Pac.Region (2006)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstracts
  • Research Presentation
    Material flow and environmental impacts of E-waste in Asia
    Presenter : Terazono A., , YOSHIDA Aya,
    Name of Society : 7th Int.Conf.EcoBalance (2006)
    Name of Proceedings : Proceedings
  • Research Presentation
    E-waste issues in Asia
    Presenter : Terazono A.
    Name of Society : Asia 3R Conf. (2006)
    Name of Proceedings : Program
  • Research Presentation
    Product flow analysis(PFA) -How should we deal with bilateral character of assembled products in the MFA--
    Presenter : TASAKI Tomohiro, , Terazono A., Moriguchi Y.
    Name of Society : 3rd Int.Conf.Int.Soc.Ind.Ecol.,ISIE(Poster Sessions) (2005)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstracts
  • Research Presentation
    Material flows of metals surrounding Japan: analysis on scrap and EOL trades
    Presenter : Moriguchi Y., Terazono A.,
    Name of Society : 3rd Int.Conf.Int.Soc.Ind.Ecol.,ISIE (2005)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstracts
  • Research Presentation
    Material cycles in Asia: how to cope with international and domestic recycling
    Presenter : Terazono A., Murakami S., Yoshida A.(*1), Moriguchi Y.
    Name of Society : 3rd Int.Conf.Int.Soc.Ind.Ecol.,ISIE (2005)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstracts
  • Presenter : TASAKI Tomohiro, Terazono A., Moriguchi Y.
    Name of Society : 2005 IEEE Int.Symp.Electron.Environ. (2005)
    Name of Proceedings : Proceedings
  • Research Presentation
    Material cycles in East Asia and recycling in Japan
    Presenter : Terazono A.
    Name of Society : 4th Tripartite Roundtable Meet.Environ.Ind. (2004)
    Name of Proceedings : Proceedings
  • Research Presentation
    Asbestos emission caused by demolition of buildings after the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake
    Presenter : Terazono A., Sakai S., Takatsuki H.(*1)
    Name of Society : Global Asbestos Congr.2004 Tokyo (2004)
    Name of Proceedings : Proceedings
  • Research Presentation
    ALDBase-A database of landfills and dump sites in Asian countries(Poster Session)
    Presenter : Inanc B., Idris A.(*1), Terazono A., Sakai S.
    Name of Society : JSWME 15th Annu.Meet. (2004)
    Name of Proceedings : Proceedings
  • Research Presentation
    Product-level material flow analysis: a case study of cars in Japan
    Presenter : TASAKI Tomohiro, , Terazono A., Moriguchi Y.
    Name of Society : ConAccount Meet.2004 (2004)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstracts
  • Research Presentation
    Structure of material cycle in East Asia
    Presenter : Terazono A., Yoshida A.(*1), Moriguchi Y., Yang J.(*2)
    Name of Society : 6th Int.Conf.EcoBalance (2004)
    Name of Proceedings : Proceedings
  • Research Presentation
    International trade of secondary resources from Japan: E-waste,automobiles,plastics
    Presenter : Terazono A.
    Name of Society : Int.Workshop Environ.Injustice Reflected Ewastes pollut. (2004)
    Name of Proceedings : -
  • Research Presentation
    A nation-wide case study towards Environmentally Sustainable Transportation in Japan
    Presenter : Moriguchi Y., MATSUHASHI Keisuke, Terazono A.
    Name of Society : 2nd ISIE Conf. (2003)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstracts, 191-192
  • Research Presentation
    Extended material flow analysis considering downstream hidden flows
    Presenter : Terazono A., Moriguchi Y.,
    Name of Society : 13th Annu.Meet.SETAC Eur. (2003)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstract, 211
  • Research Presentation
    Preliminary study of the estimation procedure of environmental impacts under cost benefit analysis for the construction of roads and railways in Japan
    Presenter : Terazono A., Moriguchi Y., MATSUHASHI Keisuke
    Name of Society : Networks Mobility (2002)
    Name of Proceedings : Proceedings, 591-599
  • Research Presentation
    Plastic waste management and citizen's consciousness in Japan
    Presenter : Terazono A., MATSUHASHI Keisuke, Moriguchi Y.
    Name of Society : 5th Int.Ecocity Conf. (2002)
    Name of Proceedings : Proceedings, 143-144
  • Research Presentation
    Case study of the effect of environmental information on citizen's decision concerning waste management policy
    Presenter : Terazono A., MATSUHASHI Keisuke, Moriguchi Y.
    Name of Society : SETAC Eur.12th Annu.Meet. (2002)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstracts, 35
  • Research Presentation
    Effect of environmental information on the evaluation and decision making by citizens concerning waste management policy
    Presenter : Terazono A., MATSUHASHI Keisuke, Moriguchi Y.
    Name of Society : 5th Int.Conf.EcoBalance (2002)
    Name of Proceedings : Proceedings, 573-574
  • Research Presentation
    Mass and energy flow management for small and medium sized enterprises in the sector of vehicle refinishing in Germany and Japan
    Presenter : Geldermann J.(*1), Terazono A., Avci N.(*1), Bluemel F.(*1), Rentz O.(*1)
    Name of Society : 5th Int.Conf.EcoBalance (2002)
    Name of Proceedings : Proceedings, 595-598
  • Research Presentation
    A Framework of impact assessment with the matrix of problem areas and safeguard subjects
    Presenter : MATSUHASHI Keisuke, Moriguchi Y., Terazono A.,
    Name of Society : JDZB Workshop Performance Rev.Strategies Sustainable Dev. (2002)
    Name of Proceedings : -
  • Identification and weighting process of environmental problems for participatory decision-making-framework and case study
    Presenter : Terazono A., Matsuhashi K., Moriguchi Y.
    Name of Society : SETAC Eur.11th.Annu.Meet. (2001)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstracts
  • Presenter : Terazono A., Oguchi M., Akiyama H., Hagiwara T., Tomozawa H., Shintomi M., Kano S., Nakayama J.
    Name of Society : The 11th biennial conference of the International Society for Industrial Ecology (ISIE2023) (2023)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstracts
  • Presenter : Terazono A.
    Name of Society : 27th International Congress for Battery Recycling (ICBR 2022) (2022)
    Name of Proceedings : -
  • Presenter : Terazono A., Akiyama H., Hagiwara T., Tomozawa H., Oguchi M., Nakayama J.
    Name of Society : EcoBalance 2022 (The 15th Biennial International Conference on EcoBalance) (2022)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstract, 48
  • WEEE plastics flows and the corresponding behavior of brominated flame retardants - A Japanese case before and after China's ban on waste imports
    Presenter : Oguchi M., Terazono A., Kajiwara N., Murakami S.
    Name of Society : Electronics Goes Green 2020+ (2020)
    Name of Proceedings : Proceedings, 333-338
  • Small WEEE Recycling in Japan and Challenge after China’s Import Ban
    Presenter : Terazono A., Oguchi M.
    Name of Society : Electronics Goes Green 2020+ (2020)
    Name of Proceedings : Proceedings, 372-376
  • Flows of plastics and brominated flame retardants in the recycling of waste electrical and electronic equipment
    Presenter : Oguchi M., Terazono A., Kajiwara N., Murakami S.
    Name of Society : The 6th 3R International Scientific Conference on Material Cycles and Waste Management (3RINCs 2020) (2020)
    Name of Proceedings : Proceedings
  • Small WEEE Recycling in Japan - Process Classification and Challenge after China’s Import Ban -
    Presenter : Terazono A., Oguchi M.
    Name of Society : The 3R International Scientific Conference on Material Cycles and Waste Management (3RINCs) (2020)
    Name of Proceedings : Proceedings
  • Refrigerant Fluorocarbon Emissions Projections and Mitigation Costs in Asia by 2050
    Presenter : Hanaoka T., Oguchi M., Terazono A.
    Name of Society : The 8th International Symposium on Non‐CO2 Greenhouse Gasses (2019)
    Name of Proceedings : -
  • E-waste Management and Resource Recovery Potential in Asia and the Pacific
    Presenter : Ghosh S.K., Herat S., Terazono A., Li J., Rhee S.W., Agamuthu P., Thang N.T.
    Name of Society : ISEE2019(1st International Symposium on Electronic Waste and End-of-Life Vehicles) (2019)
    Name of Proceedings : Proceedings, 309
  • Future generation of WEEE in developing countries – An estimation model and case studies in Asia
    Presenter : Oguchi M., Terazono A., Fuse M.
    Name of Society : Electronics Goes Green 2016+ (2016)
    Name of Proceedings : Proceedings
  • Survey of material recovery by informal e-waste recycling in the Philippines
    Presenter : Terazono A., Oguchi M., Kuzuhara S., Medina R.P.
    Name of Society : ELECTRONICS GOES GREEN 2016+ (2016)
    Name of Proceedings : Conference Documentation Package
  • Informal e-waste recycling and its metal recovery in the Philippines
    Presenter : Terazono A., Oguchi M., Kuzuhara S., Medina R.P., Ballesteros Jr.F.C.
    Name of Society : The 12th Biennial International Conference on EcoBalance (EcoBalance 2016) (2016)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstracts, 132
  • Presenter : Terazono A.
    Name of Society : Basel Forum 2015 (2015)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstracts, 129-140
  • Material Recovery by Informal E-waste Processing in the Philippines
    Presenter : Terazono A., Oguchi M., Kuzuhara S., Yoshida A., Medina R.P., Ballesteros F.C.J.
    Name of Society : The 2nd 3R International Scientific Conference on Material Cycles and Waste Management (2015)
    Name of Proceedings : Scientific Program, 254-256
  • Material recovery and environmental impact by informal e-waste recy-cling site in the Philippines
    Presenter : Terazono A., Oguchi M., Yoshida A., Medina R.P., Ballesteros Jr.F.C.
    Name of Society : EcoDesign 2015 (9th International Symposium on Environmentally Conscious Design and Inverse Manufacturing) (2015)
    Name of Proceedings : USB Proceedings, 529-536
  • A Comparative Study of Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) Recycling Systems in East Asia
    Presenter : Yoshida A., Terazono A.
    Name of Society : The Tenth International Conference on Waste Management and Technology (2015)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstracts, 145
  • Presenter : Oguchi M., Terazono A., Santo A.
    Name of Society : 3W Expo 2015 Conference session 2: Electronic waste management (2015)
    Name of Proceedings : -
  • Battery recycling in Municipal Solid Waste Management in Japan - Collection Rules and Safety Challenges
    Presenter : Terazono A., Oguchi M.
    Name of Society : 1st 3R Internaional Scientific Conference on Material Cycles and Waste Management (2014)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstracts
  • Modeling in-use stocks and lifespan distribution of consumer durables to forecast generation of end-of-life products in various countries
    Presenter : Oguchi M., Terazono A., Tasaki T., Kobayashi G., Takagi S.
    Name of Society : The Joint 11th International Society For Industrial Ecology (ISIE) Socio-Economic Metabolism Section Conference and The 4th ISIE Asia-Pacific Conference (2014)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstracts of The Joint 11th International Society For Industrial Ecology (ISIE) Socio-Economic Metabolism Section Conference and The 4th ISIE Asia-Pacific Conference
  • Presenter : Terazono A., Oguchi M., Iino S., Mogi S.
    Name of Society : EcoBalance 2014 (The 11th International Conference on EcoBalance) (2014)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstract Book, 38
  • The legal system on transboundary movement management of e-waste at national level, and the information on illegal traffic status and cases
    Presenter : Terazono A.
    Name of Society : The 9th International Conference on Waste Management and Technology (2014)
    Name of Proceedings : -
  • E-waste recycling in Japan and Eastern Asia
    Presenter : Terazono A., Yoshida A., Oguchi M.
    Name of Society : International Conference and Expo on E-Waste & Used Battery Management (EWM India - 2013) (2013)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstracts
  • Export Management of Mixed Metal Scrap
    Presenter : Terazono A., Oguchi M., Yoshida A., Koseki H.
    Name of Society : The 12th Expert Meeting on Solid Waste Management in Asia and Pacific Islands (2013)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstracts
  • E-waste recycling in Asia: process classification, environmental effect and knowledge sharing
    Presenter : Terazono A., Oguchi M., Yoshida A., Takigami H., Agusa T., Ballesteros F.C.J., Fujimori T.
    Name of Society : Electronics Goes Green 2012+ (2012)
    Name of Proceedings : Proceedings
  • E-waste recycling and environmental impact in Asia
    Presenter : Terazono A., Oguchi M., Yoshida A., Takigami H., Agusa T., Fujimori T.
    Name of Society : EcoBalance2012 (The 10th International Conference on EcoBalance) (2012)
    Name of Proceedings : Proceedings
  • Survey of metallic contamination at formal and informal E-waste recycling sites in the Philippines
    Presenter : Takigami H., Fujimori T. , Agusa T., Eguchi A., Bekki K., Yoshida A., Terazono A., Ballesteros Jr. F.C.
    Name of Society : 3R and Waste Management Workshop 2011 (2011)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstracts of 3R and Waste Management Workshop 2011
  • Presenter : Oguchi M., Sakanakura H., Terazono A., Takigami H.
    Name of Society : 6th International Conference on Industrial Ecology (ISIE 2011 Conference) (2011)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstracts of 6th International Conference on Industrial Ecology (ISIE 2011 Conference)
  • Presenter : Terazono A., Yoshida A.
    Name of Society : 6th International Conference on Industrial Ecology (ISIE 2011 Conference) (2011)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstracts of 6th International Conference on Industrial Ecology (ISIE 2011 Conference)
  • Classification of E-waste recycling technology in selected Asian developing countries
    Presenter : Yoshida A., Terazono A.
    Name of Society : 8th Exp.Meet.Solid Waste Manage.Asia Pac.Islands (2011)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstracts, 454-459
  • Examination and export control of scrap mixed metal in Japan
    Presenter : Terazono A., Yoshida A.
    Name of Society : 5th Int.Conf.Waste Manage.Technol. (2010)
    Name of Proceedings : Proceedings, B150-B154
  • Experiences of asbestos emission control and waste management in Japan
    Presenter : Terazono A.
    Name of Society : 5th Int.Conf.Waste Manage.Technol. (2010)
    Name of Proceedings : Proceedings, A306-A308
  • Mixed metal scrap in Japan and its export control
    Presenter : Terazono A., Yoshida A.
    Name of Society : EcoBalance2010 (2010)
    Name of Proceedings : Proceedings
  • International flows of secondhand electrical and electronic equipment in Asia
    Presenter : Terazono A., Yoshida A.
    Name of Society : ISIE Asia-Pac.Meet./ISIE MFA-ConAccount Meet. (2010)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstracts
  • Classification of e-waste recycling technology in selected Asian developing countries
    Presenter : Yoshida A., Terazono A.
    Name of Society : ISIE Asia-Pac.Meet./ISIE MFA-ConAccount Meet. (2010)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstracts
  • Presenter : Takigami H., Fujimori T. , Agusa T., Eguchi S., Bekki K., Yoshida A., Terazono A., Ballesteros Jr. F. C.
    Name of Society : 7th NIES Workshop E-waste (2010)
    Name of Proceedings : -
  • International e-waste inventory and material flow
    Presenter : Terazono A.
    Name of Society : 3rd Int.Contam.Site Rem.Conf.(Cleanup 09) (2009)
    Name of Proceedings : Program
  • Presenter : Koseki H., Yamazaki Y., Wakakura M., Terazono A.
    Name of Society : 2009 Int.Autumn Semin.Propellants, Explos.Pyrotechnics (2009)
    Name of Proceedings : Proceedings, 576-579
  • Environmental Life-cycle impacts and benefits of secondhand CRT TVs exported from Japan to the Philippines
    Presenter : Yoshida A., Tasaki T., Terazono A.
    Name of Society : Int.Symp.Sustainable Syst.Technol.(ISSST 2009) (2009)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstracts
  • E-waste generation and material flow in Japan and other Asia
    Presenter : Terazono A., Yoshida A.
    Name of Society : Electron.Goes Green 2008+ (2008)
    Name of Proceedings : Proceedings, 857-862
  • Challenges on municipal solid waste management research in China
    Presenter : Terazono A.
    Name of Society : Int.Workshop”Seeking for Cooperation and Collaboration in East Asian Region at City Level Towards Establishing Environmentally Sound Material-Cycle Society” (2008)
    Name of Proceedings : Proceedings
  • Presenter : Yoshida A., Tasaki T., Terazono A.
    Name of Society : 2008 Int.Symp.Electron.Environ. (2008)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstracts
  • Material flow of second hand electrical and electronic equipments exported from Japan to the Philippines
    Presenter : Yoshida A., Terazono A.
    Name of Society : Electron.Goes Green 2008+ (2008)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstracts, 719-724
  • Present status of reuse/recycling of WEEE in Japan
    Presenter : Yoshida A., Murakami-Suzuki R., Terazono A.
    Name of Society : Thailand's Electr.Electronic Green Soc.Int.Conf.2007 (2007)
  • Material flow of E-waste in Asia(Theme A2)
    Presenter : Terazono A., Murakami S.(*1), Yoshida A.
    Name of Society : 4th Int.Conf.Int.Soc.Ind.Ecol.(ISIE Conf.2007) (2007)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstracts
  • Used automobile battery recycling in Asia
    Presenter : Terazono A.
    Name of Society : 4th Int.Conf.Int.Soc.Ind.Ecol.(ISIE Conf.2007)(Poster Session) (2007)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstracts
  • Some economic aspects of waste plastic trade between Japan and China
    Presenter : Yoshida A., Terazono A., Hayashi H.(*1)
    Name of Society : China Int.Recycling Conf.2007 (2007)
    Name of Proceedings : Proceedings
  • Material flow of used PCs in Japan
    Presenter : YOSHIDA Aya, TASAKI Tomohiro, Terazono A.
    Name of Society : 2007 IEEE Int.Symp.Electron.Environ. (2007)
    Name of Proceedings : Proceedings
  • Material flow and management of waste electrical and electronic equipment in Asia
    Presenter : Terazono A.
    Name of Society : Int.Symp.JSWME 18th Annu.Conf. (2007)
    Name of Proceedings : Preceedings, (24)
  • Analysis of material cycle systems on E-waste and waste plastics in Asia
    Presenter : Terazono A.
    Name of Society : 3rd Expert Meet.Solid Waste Manage.Asia Pac.Isl. (2007)
    Name of Proceedings : Proceedings
  • Current situation of reuse,recycle and transboundary movement of used PSc
    Presenter : YOSHIDA Aya, TASAKI Tomohiro, Terazono A.
    Name of Society : 4th NIES Workshop E-waste (2007)
    Name of Proceedings : Program
  • Presenter : TASAKI Tomohiro, Terazono A., Moriguchi Y.
    Name of Society : 11th Int.Waste Manage.Landfill Symp.(Sardinia 2007) (2007)
    Name of Proceedings : Proceedings
  • Methodology of product flow analysis(PFA)
    Presenter : TASAKI Tomohiro, Terazono A., , OSAKO Masahiro, Moriguchi Y.
    Name of Society : ConAccount Meet.2006 (2006)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstracts
  • E-waste issues in Japan and other Asia
    Presenter : Terazono A., Yoshida A., Mukai S., Murakami R.
    Name of Society : Conf.E-Waste Manage.Transboundary Movements (2006)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstracs
  • Asian initiatives to address pollution transfers
    Presenter : Terazono A.
    Name of Society : Mater.Prod.Waste: Global Flows Local Environ.-Impacts Developing Ctry. (2006)
    Name of Proceedings : Program
  • The report of working group on the waste recycle in Japan
    Presenter : Terazono A.
    Name of Society : 5th AIST Workshop LCA Asia Pac.Region (2006)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstracts
  • Material flow and environmental impacts of E-waste in Asia
    Presenter : Terazono A., , YOSHIDA Aya,
    Name of Society : 7th Int.Conf.EcoBalance (2006)
    Name of Proceedings : Proceedings
  • E-waste issues in Asia
    Presenter : Terazono A.
    Name of Society : Asia 3R Conf. (2006)
    Name of Proceedings : Program
  • Product flow analysis(PFA) -How should we deal with bilateral character of assembled products in the MFA--
    Presenter : TASAKI Tomohiro, , Terazono A., Moriguchi Y.
    Name of Society : 3rd Int.Conf.Int.Soc.Ind.Ecol.,ISIE(Poster Sessions) (2005)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstracts
  • Material flows of metals surrounding Japan: analysis on scrap and EOL trades
    Presenter : Moriguchi Y., Terazono A.,
    Name of Society : 3rd Int.Conf.Int.Soc.Ind.Ecol.,ISIE (2005)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstracts
  • Material cycles in Asia: how to cope with international and domestic recycling
    Presenter : Terazono A., Murakami S., Yoshida A.(*1), Moriguchi Y.
    Name of Society : 3rd Int.Conf.Int.Soc.Ind.Ecol.,ISIE (2005)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstracts
  • Presenter : TASAKI Tomohiro, Terazono A., Moriguchi Y.
    Name of Society : 2005 IEEE Int.Symp.Electron.Environ. (2005)
    Name of Proceedings : Proceedings
  • Material cycles in East Asia and recycling in Japan
    Presenter : Terazono A.
    Name of Society : 4th Tripartite Roundtable Meet.Environ.Ind. (2004)
    Name of Proceedings : Proceedings
  • Asbestos emission caused by demolition of buildings after the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake
    Presenter : Terazono A., Sakai S., Takatsuki H.(*1)
    Name of Society : Global Asbestos Congr.2004 Tokyo (2004)
    Name of Proceedings : Proceedings
  • ALDBase-A database of landfills and dump sites in Asian countries(Poster Session)
    Presenter : Inanc B., Idris A.(*1), Terazono A., Sakai S.
    Name of Society : JSWME 15th Annu.Meet. (2004)
    Name of Proceedings : Proceedings
  • Product-level material flow analysis: a case study of cars in Japan
    Presenter : TASAKI Tomohiro, , Terazono A., Moriguchi Y.
    Name of Society : ConAccount Meet.2004 (2004)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstracts
  • Structure of material cycle in East Asia
    Presenter : Terazono A., Yoshida A.(*1), Moriguchi Y., Yang J.(*2)
    Name of Society : 6th Int.Conf.EcoBalance (2004)
    Name of Proceedings : Proceedings
  • International trade of secondary resources from Japan: E-waste,automobiles,plastics
    Presenter : Terazono A.
    Name of Society : Int.Workshop Environ.Injustice Reflected Ewastes pollut. (2004)
    Name of Proceedings : -
  • A nation-wide case study towards Environmentally Sustainable Transportation in Japan
    Presenter : Moriguchi Y., MATSUHASHI Keisuke, Terazono A.
    Name of Society : 2nd ISIE Conf. (2003)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstracts, 191-192
  • Extended material flow analysis considering downstream hidden flows
    Presenter : Terazono A., Moriguchi Y.,
    Name of Society : 13th Annu.Meet.SETAC Eur. (2003)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstract, 211
  • Preliminary study of the estimation procedure of environmental impacts under cost benefit analysis for the construction of roads and railways in Japan
    Presenter : Terazono A., Moriguchi Y., MATSUHASHI Keisuke
    Name of Society : Networks Mobility (2002)
    Name of Proceedings : Proceedings, 591-599
  • Plastic waste management and citizen's consciousness in Japan
    Presenter : Terazono A., MATSUHASHI Keisuke, Moriguchi Y.
    Name of Society : 5th Int.Ecocity Conf. (2002)
    Name of Proceedings : Proceedings, 143-144
  • Case study of the effect of environmental information on citizen's decision concerning waste management policy
    Presenter : Terazono A., MATSUHASHI Keisuke, Moriguchi Y.
    Name of Society : SETAC Eur.12th Annu.Meet. (2002)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstracts, 35
  • Effect of environmental information on the evaluation and decision making by citizens concerning waste management policy
    Presenter : Terazono A., MATSUHASHI Keisuke, Moriguchi Y.
    Name of Society : 5th Int.Conf.EcoBalance (2002)
    Name of Proceedings : Proceedings, 573-574
  • Mass and energy flow management for small and medium sized enterprises in the sector of vehicle refinishing in Germany and Japan
    Presenter : Geldermann J.(*1), Terazono A., Avci N.(*1), Bluemel F.(*1), Rentz O.(*1)
    Name of Society : 5th Int.Conf.EcoBalance (2002)
    Name of Proceedings : Proceedings, 595-598
  • A Framework of impact assessment with the matrix of problem areas and safeguard subjects
    Presenter : MATSUHASHI Keisuke, Moriguchi Y., Terazono A.,
    Name of Society : JDZB Workshop Performance Rev.Strategies Sustainable Dev. (2002)
    Name of Proceedings : -
  • Presenter : Oguchi M., Terazono A., Akiyama, H., Kobayashi, G.
    Name of Society : The 11th International Conference on Industrial Ecology (ISIE2023) (2023)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstracts
  • Presenter : Oguchi M., Tasaki T., Terazono A., Nishijima D.
    Name of Society : The 3rd Product Lifetimes And The Environment Conference (PLATE2019) (2019)
    Name of Proceedings : Final Programme
  • Presenter : Matsukami H., Suzuki G., Uchida N., Tue N.M. , Tuyen L.H., Viet P.H., Takahashi S., Kunisue T., Terazono A.
    Name of Society : 3rd International Forum on Sustainable Future in Asia 3rd NIES International Forum (2018)
    Name of Proceedings : 3rd International Forum on Sustainable Future in Asia 3rd NIES International Forum, 58
  • Presenter : Oguchi M., Terazono A., Hanaoka T.
    Name of Society : The 9th biennial conference of the International Society for Industrial Ecology and the 25th annual conference of the International Symposium on Sustainable Systems and Technology (2017 Joint Conference ISIE and ISSST) (2017)
    Name of Proceedings : -
  • Presenter : Terazono A., Oguchi M.
    Name of Society : The 9th biennial conference of the International Society for Industrial Ecology and the 25th annual conference of the International Symposium on Sustainable Systems and Technology (2017 Joint Conference ISIE and ISSST) (2017)
    Name of Proceedings : -
  • Material flow of copper and lead in China: An impact of WEEE recycling in China
    Presenter : Yoshida A., Terazono A.
    Name of Society : EcoBalance 2016 (2016)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstracts, 132
    Presenter : Tasaki T., Oguchi M., Yoshida A., Terazono A.
    Name of Society : 8th Biennial Conference of the International Society for Industrial Ecology (2015)
    Name of Proceedings : Book of abstracts, 480-481
  • Modeling in-use stocks of consumer durables to forecast generation of end-of-life products and fluorocarbons potential in Asian countries
    Presenter : Terazono A., Oguchi M., Hanaoka T., Santo A.
    Name of Society : 8th Biennial Conference of the International Society for Industry Ecology (ISIE Conference 2015) (2015)
    Name of Proceedings : Book of Abstracts, 208
  • Presenter : Oguchi M., Terazono A., Hanaoka T., Tasaki T.
    Name of Society : The 2nd 3R International Scientific Conference on Material Cycles and Waste Management (2015)
    Name of Proceedings : Scientfic Program, 340-343
  • Evaluation of thermally treated asbestos by transmission electron microscopy
    Presenter : Yamamoto T., Kida A., Noma Y., Terazono A., Sakai S.
    Name of Society : 1st 3R International Scientific Conference on Material Cycles and Waste Management (2014)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstracts
  • Control of hazardous substances and fire accident on mixed metal scrap exported from Japan
    Presenter : Terazono A., Oguchi M., Yoshida A., Koseki H.
    Name of Society : 7th International Society for industrial Ecology Biennial Conference (2013)
    Name of Proceedings : Proceeding
  • Fire Prevention and Export Control of Mixed Metal Scrap
    Presenter : Terazono A., Oguchi M., Yoshida A., Koseki H.
    Name of Society : 17th Korea-Japan Joint International Session (2013 Annual Conference of KSWM) (2013)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstracts, 141-143
  • Flows of WEEE and contained metals in municipal solid waste treatment: A regional-level estimation in Japan
    Presenter : Oguchi M., Terazono A., Sakanakura H.
    Name of Society : MFA-ConAccount section Conference 2012 (2012)
  • Presenter : Murakami R., Tojo N., Manomaivibool P., Terazono A., Murakami S.
    Name of Society : 9th Int.Conf.EcoBalance (2010)
    Name of Proceedings : Proceedings
  • Transboundary movement of end-of-life electrical and electronic equipment for reuse and recycling
    Presenter : Terazono A., Yoshida A.
    Name of Society : 2009 ISIE Conf. (2009)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstracts, 486
  • A comparison of end-of-life strategies for used personal computer recycling in a developed and developing country
    Presenter : Yoshida A., Tasaki T., Nakajima K., Terazono A.
    Name of Society : 2009 ISIE Conf. (2009)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstracts, 330
  • Presenter : Yoshida A., Tasaki T., Nakajima K., Terazono A.
    Name of Society : 8th Int.Conf.EcoBalance (2008)
    Name of Proceedings : Proceedings, 651-652
  • Development of a testing method for asbestos in melting treated asbestos wastes by transmission electron microscopy
    Presenter : Yamamoto T., Kida A., Noma Y., Terazono A., Sakai S.
    Name of Society : 12th Korea-Jpn.Jt.Int.Sess.(Korea.Soc.Waste Manag.) (2008)
    Name of Proceedings : Proceedings, 142-144
  • Management of secondhand home appliances exported from Japan
    Presenter : Terazono A.
    Name of Society : 8th Int.Conf.EcoBalance (2008)
    Name of Proceedings : Proceedings, P-059
  • International flow of secondhand home appliances in East Asia
    Presenter : Terazono A., Yoshida A.
    Name of Society : 第19回廃棄物学会研究発表会 (2008)
    Name of Proceedings : 同講演論文集, 19-21
  • Presenter : Terazono A.
    Name of Society : ISEE2022 (The 2nd International Symposium on Electronic Waste and End-of-Life Vehicles) (2022)
    Name of Proceedings : -
  • Presenter : Terazono A., Oguchi M.
    Name of Society : ISEE2022 (The 2nd International Symposium on Electronic Waste and End-of-Life Vehicles) (2022)
    Name of Proceedings : -
  • Current Status and Challenges of Plastic Waste Management in Japan
    Presenter : Terazono A.
    Name of Society : 8th Meeting of the Basel Forum in Asia-Pacific Region on Promotion of Basel Convention Implementation (2022)
    Name of Proceedings : -
  • Presenter : Terazono A.
    Name of Society : 11th International Conference on Sustainable Waste Management & Circular Economy (IconSWM-CE) and IPLA Global Forum 2021 (2021)
    Name of Proceedings : -
  • Current Issues and Challenges of E-waste Management in Japan - after Revised Domestic Waste Regulations and China's Waste Import Ban -
    Presenter : Terazono A.
    Name of Society : ISEE2019(1st International Symposium on Electronic Waste and End-of-Life Vehicles) (2019)
    Name of Proceedings : Proceedings, 97-105
  • Recent Management Policy of Plastic and Packaging Waste in Japan
    Presenter : Terazono A.
    Name of Society : ISEE2019(1st International Symposium on Electronic Waste and End-of-Life Vehicles) (2019)
    Name of Proceedings : Proceedings, 252-261
  • Battery and sollar panel recycling in Japan, and E-waste management in Japan and Asia
    Presenter : Terazono A.
    Name of Society : Pre-ISEE (International Symposium on Electronic Waste and End-of-Life Vehicles) (2018)
    Name of Proceedings : Proceedings, 45-62
  • Presenter : Terazono A., Oguchi M., Hanaoka T.
    Name of Society : The 13th International Conference on Waste Management and Technology (2018)
    Name of Proceedings : -
  • Presenter : Terazono A.
    Name of Society : The 5th Meeting of the Basel Forum in Asia-Pacific Region on Promotion of Basel Convention Implementation (2018)
    Name of Proceedings : -
  • Appropriate management of e-waste in Japan and other Asian countries
    Presenter : Terazono A., Oguchi M.
    Name of Society : World Engineering Conference and Conention 2015 (WECC2015) (2015)
    Name of Proceedings : Proceedings
  • E-waste Management in Japan and other Asia: Toward the Appropriate Management of Hazardous and Resource Potential
    Presenter : Terazono A.
    Name of Society : 15th IUMRS-International Conference in Asia (IUMRS-ICA 2014) (2014)
    Name of Proceedings : Program
  • Small WEEE and battery collection in municipal waste management in Japan
    Presenter : Terazono A., Oguchi M., Iino S., Mogi S.
    Name of Society : The 9th International Conference on Waste Management and Technology (2014)
    Name of Proceedings : -
  • E-waste Recycling Process and Technology in Asian Developing Countries: an investigation of measures for improving the current condition
    Presenter : Yoshida A., Atienza V., Kojima M., Murakami-Suzuki R., Matsushita K., Nakajima K., Sakata S., Terazono A.
    Name of Society : The 12th Expert Meeting on Solid Waste Management in Asia and Pacific Islands (SWAPI) (2013)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstracts, 241-244
  • E-waste recycling in Japan and other Eastern Asia - Focusing on Material Flow and Responsibility
    Presenter : Terazono A., Yoshida A.
    Name of Society : 30th Anniversary of Korean Society of Waste Management (2013)
    Name of Proceedings : Proceedings (Special Session II, III), 253-270
  • Current Status and Action Plan for Transboundary Movement of Wastes in Japan
    Presenter : Terazono A.
    Name of Society : 8th International Conference on Waste Management and Technology (2013)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstracts
  • E-waste recycling in Asia: Transboundary movement, Recycling process, Environmental Impact
    Presenter : Terazono A.
    Name of Society : Japan-Vietnam Joint Workshop on "Current Challenges for Managing Environmental Issues and Waste Recycling in Northern Vietnam" (2013)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstract book, 9
  • Introduction and E-waste research in Asia
    Presenter : Terazono A.
    Name of Society : The 9th NIES Workshop on E-waste (2013)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstracts
  • E-waste Recycling in Asia: Transboundary Movement and Environmental Impact
    Presenter : Terazono A.
    Name of Society : The Seventh International Conference on Waste Management and Technology (2012)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstracts
  • Presenter : Terazono A.
    Name of Society : Greater Mekong Sub-region (GMS) sub- regional training workshop on building capacity to deal with the illegal shipments of e-waste and near-end-of-life electronics (2012)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstracts
  • Presenter : Terazono A.
    Name of Society : Greater Mekong Sub-region (GMS) sub- regional training workshop on building capacity to deal with the illegal shipments of e-waste and near-end-of-life electronics (2012)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstracts
  • E-waste potential as resource and an appropriate management of its hazardous substances in Asia
    Presenter : Terazono A.
    Name of Society : NIES-KMUTT-KU Collaboration Research Laboratory on Waste Management Commemoration Seminar (2012)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstracts
  • Contamination by trace elements in e-waste recycling workers in the Philippines
    Presenter : Agusa T., Takigami H., Eguchi A., Fujimori T. , Bekki K., Yoshida A., Terazono A., Ballesteros F.C.J., Takahashi S., Iwata H., Tanabe S.
    Name of Society : Workshop for Knowledge Sharing on E-waste in the Philippines (The 8th NIES Workshop on E-waste) (2012)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstracts of Workshop for Knowledge Sharing on E-waste in the Philippines (The 8th NIES Workshop on E-waste)
  • Transboundary Movement of Wastes between China and Japan
    Presenter : Terazono A.
    Name of Society : The 4th China-Japan Inter-Ministerial Working Group on Import and Export of Waste (2011)
    Name of Proceedings : Agenda of The 4th China-Japan Inter-Ministerial Working Group on Import and Export of Waste
  • Collection and Recycling of E-waste in Japan and Other Asia
    Presenter : Terazono A.
    Name of Society : Regional Workshop on the Public Private Partnership for E-Waste Collection (2011)
    Name of Proceedings : Agenda of Regional Workshop on the Public Private Partnership for E-Waste Collection
  • Classification and environmental effect of E-waste recycling in Asia
    Presenter : Terazono A., Yoshida A., Takigami H.
    Name of Society : The Sixth International Conference on Waste Management and Technology (2011)
    Name of Proceedings : Program of The Sixth International Conference on Waste Management and Technology
  • Transboundary movement, recycling and management measures of E-waste in Asia
    Presenter : Terazono A., Yoshida A.
    Name of Society : The Life Cycle of Metals: Improving Health, Environment and Human Security (2011)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstracts of The Life Cycle of Metals: Improving Health, Environment and Human Security, 7-8
  • Human Exposure to Trace Elements from e-waste Recycling Sites in the Philippines
    Presenter : Agusa T., Takigami H., Eguchi A., Fujimori T. , Bekki K., Yoshida A., Terazono A., Ballesteros Jr.F.C., Takahashi S., Iwata H., Tanabe S.
    Name of Society : The Life Cycle of Metals: Improving Health, Environment and Human Security (2011)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstracts of The Life Cycle of Metals: Improving Health, Environment and Human Security, 8
  • Good Practices on ESM
    Presenter : Terazono A.
    Name of Society : Workshop 2011 of the Asian Network for Prevention of Illegal Transboundary Movement of Hazardous Wastes in China (2011)
    Name of Proceedings : Agenda of Workshop 2011 of the Asian Network for Prevention of Illegal Transboundary Movement of Hazardous Wastes in China
  • Material flow, environmental effect and management measures of E-waste in Asia
    Presenter : Terazono A., Yoshida A., Takigami H.
    Name of Society : ISWA World Congress 2011 World Congress of International Solid Waste Association (2011)
    Name of Proceedings : Proceedings of ISWA World Congress 2011 World Congress of International Solid Waste Association, 129-136
  • Presenter : Terazono A.
    Name of Society : E-waste 2010 Workshop (2010)
    Name of Proceedings : Proceedings, 29
  • Presenter : Terazono A.
    Name of Society : 2010 Gordon Res.Conf.Ind.Ecol. (2010)
    Name of Proceedings : Program
  • Presenter : Terazono A.
    Name of Society : Capacity-building and Awareness-raising Workshop on Environmental Sound Management (ESM) of Asbestos Waste in Asia and the Pacific (2010)
    Name of Proceedings : -
  • Mixed metal scrap in Japan and export control from the perspective of hazardous substances control, material recovery and fire prevention
    Presenter : Terazono A., Yoshida A.
    Name of Society : 4th Int.Conf.Waste Manag.Technol. (2009)
    Name of Proceedings : Proceedings, 101-105
  • Prevention of illegal trade of waste -Issues and challenges
    Presenter : Terazono A.
    Name of Society : Inaug.Meet.Reg.3R(Reduce,Reuse,Recycle) forum in Asia (2009)
    Name of Proceedings : Program, 2
  • E-waste management system
    Presenter : Terazono A.
    Name of Society : Asian Electr.Electron.Green Soc.2009 Int.Conf. (2009)
    Name of Proceedings : Proceedings
  • Presenter : Terazono A.
    Name of Society : Reg.Workshop E-waste Identification toward Prev.Illegal Transboundary Movement Hazardous Waste Other Wastes in Asia (2008)
    Name of Proceedings : -
  • Measures on Informal Sectors of E-waste Collection and Recycling
    Presenter : Terazono A.
    Name of Society : JICA E-waste Training Course (2019)
    Name of Proceedings : -
  • Evaluation of WEEE/ELV generation and systems of metals/FCs collection in Asian countries
    Presenter : Terazono A.
    Name of Society : Presentation of Research Projects Promoted by the Environment Research and Technology Development Fund by MOE, Japan(平成29年度環境省循環型社会形成推進研究発表会) (2018)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstracts, 12-17
  • Recycling facilities and TBM in Asia
    Presenter : Terazono A.
    Name of Society : Basel Forum 2016 Workshop in Asia-Pacific Region (2016)
    Name of Proceedings : Proceedings
  • E-waste research at NIES
    Presenter : Terazono A., Yoshida A., Takigami H., Oguchi M., Fujimori T. , Yokoo H.
    Name of Society : Workshop for Knowledge Sharing on E-waste in the Philippines (The 8th NIES Workshop on E-waste) (2012)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstracts of Workshop for Knowledge Sharing on E-waste in the Philippines (The 8th NIES Workshop on E-waste)
  • EMS of formal/informal sector
    Presenter : Terazono A.
    Name of Society : E-waste Train.Workshop Asia Pac. (2009)
    Name of Proceedings : Program
  • Possible collaborative research for traded recyclable wastes -example of scrap metal
    Presenter : Terazono A., Yoshida A.
    Name of Society : 2nd China-Jpn.Inter-ministerial Working Group (2009)
    Name of Proceedings : Program
  • Material flow analysis and recycling
    Presenter : Terazono A.
    Name of Society : 1st Workshop of ERIA Working Group for 2009 on 3R Policies for Southeast and East Asia (2009)
    Name of Proceedings : Program