発表者 :
Kameoka H., Ito K., Ono J., Banno A., Matsumura C., Haga Y. , Endo K.(遠藤和人), Mizutani S., Yabuki Y. 掲載誌 : Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management, 24:287-296 (2022)
発表者 :
Mo J.(MO Jialin), Endo K.(遠藤和人), Arai H.(新井裕之), Miura T.(三浦拓也), Nakamura K. 掲載誌 : Japanese Geotechnical Society Special Publication, 9(10):461-466 (2021)
書籍 Dealing with disaster wastess, tsunami deposits, and soil contaminated with salt and radioactivity
発表者 : Endo K.(遠藤和人) 掲載誌 : GEO-HAZARDS DURING EARTHQUAKES AND MITIGATION MEASURES -Lessons and Recommendations from the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake-, 60-67 (2011)
発表者 :
Kameoka H., Ito K., Ono J., Banno A., Matsumura C., Haga Y. , Endo K.(遠藤和人), Mizutani S., Yabuki Y. 掲載誌 : Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management, 24:287-296 (2022)
発表者 :
Mo J.(MO Jialin), Endo K.(遠藤和人), Arai H.(新井裕之), Miura T.(三浦拓也), Nakamura K. 掲載誌 : Japanese Geotechnical Society Special Publication, 9(10):461-466 (2021)
Dealing with disaster wastess, tsunami deposits, and soil contaminated with salt and radioactivity
発表者 : Endo K.(遠藤和人) 掲載誌 : GEO-HAZARDS DURING EARTHQUAKES AND MITIGATION MEASURES -Lessons and Recommendations from the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake-, 60-67 (2011)
研究発表 Influence of modification agent containing water-absorbing polymer on the gas generation and emission from the removed soil in percolation tests
発表者 :
Mo J.(MO Jialin), Endo K.(遠藤和人), Arai H.(新井裕之) 学会等名称 : The 33rd Annual Conference of Japan Society of Material Cycle and Waste Management (2022) 予稿集名 : Abstracts, 541-542
発表者 :
Yabuki Y., Kameoka H., Ito K., Endo K.(遠藤和人), Mizutani S. 学会等名称 : The 7th 3R International Scientific Conference on Material Cycles and Waste Management (3RINCs2021) (2021) 予稿集名 : Proceedings
研究発表 Influence of modification agent containing water-absorbing polymer on the living environmental pollutants leaching from the removed soil in lysimeter tests
発表者 :
Mo J.(MO Jialin), Endo K.(遠藤和人), Miura T.(三浦拓也), Arai T.(荒井武彦) 学会等名称 : The 32nd Annual Conference of Japan Society of Material Cycles and Waste Management (2021) 予稿集名 : Abstracts, 469-470
発表者 :
Mo J.(MO Jialin), Endo K.(遠藤和人), Arai H.(新井裕之), Miura T.(三浦拓也), Nakamura K. 学会等名称 : 3rd International Symposium on Coupled Phenomena in Environmental Geotechnics (2021) 予稿集名 : Japanese Geotechnical Society Special Publication, 9:461-466
研究発表 Monitoring of Hydrogen Sulfide from an Industrial Waste Landfill in Japan
発表者 :
Sutthasil N.(SUTTHASILNoppharit), Ishigaki T.(石垣智基), Ogata Y.(尾形有香), Endo K.(遠藤和人), Yamada M.(山田正人), Nagamori M., Oishi O., Yabuki Y., Tanaka H. 学会等名称 : 2018 Spring Scientific Conference of Korea Society of Waste Management (2018) 予稿集名 : Proceedings of the 2018 Spring Conference of Symposium / Special Session - The 22th Korea-Japan International Symposium of Korea Society of Waste Management, 526-527
発表者 :
Sutthasil N., Chiemchaisri C., Chiemchaisri W., Wangyao K., Endo K.(遠藤和人), Ishigaki T.(石垣智基), Yamada M.(山田正人) 学会等名称 : The 2nd 3R International Scientific Conference on Material Cycle and Waste Management (2015) 予稿集名 : Abstracts
研究発表 Dissolution of Inorganic Ions by Leachate Quality of an Industrial Waste Landfill
発表者 :
Tanaka H., Ishigaki T.(石垣智基), Endo K.(遠藤和人), Yamada M.(山田正人), Kamura K. 学会等名称 : 2nd Symposium of Asian Regional Branch of International Waste Working Group (2015) 予稿集名 : Abstracts, 470-479
研究発表 Soils recovered from disaster debris
発表者 :
Katsumi T., Takai A., Inui T., Okawara M., Endo K.(遠藤和人), Sakanakura H.(肴倉宏史) 学会等名称 : The 15th Asian Regional Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (2015) 予稿集名 : -
研究発表 Leaching of Radio-cesium and Other Elements from Cement Solidified MSWI-APC Residues
発表者 : Yamada M.(山田正人), Endo K.(遠藤和人), Sato M.(佐藤昌宏), Obokata S.(小保方聡), Yamaguchi T. 学会等名称 : 18th Korea-Japan Joint International Session, 2014 Spring Conference of the Korea Society of Waste Management (2014) 予稿集名 : Abstracts, 155
研究発表 Environmental geotechnics for the recovery from 2011 East Japan earthquake and tsunami
発表者 :
Katsumi T., Endo K.(遠藤和人), Imanishi H., Inui T., Kazama M., Nakashima M., Okawara M., Otsuka Y., Sakamoto H., Sakanakura H.(肴倉宏史), Suzuki H., Takai A., Yasutaka T. 学会等名称 : 7th INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS ON ENVIRONMENTAL GEOTECHNICS (2014) 予稿集名 : Abstracts of 7th International Congress on Environmental Geotechnics, 170-189
研究発表 2011 East Japan earthquake and tsunami – Geoenvironmental challenges
発表者 :
Katsumi T., Inui T., Takai A., Endo K.(遠藤和人), Sakanakura H.(肴倉宏史), Yasutaka T., Otsuka Y., Suzuki H. , Sakamoto H., Okawara M. , Imanishi H. 学会等名称 : Coupled Phenomena in Environmental Geotechnics (2013) 予稿集名 : From Theoreical and Experimental Research to Practical Applications, 335-340
発表者 : Higashi H.(東博紀), Oguchi M.(小口正弘), Endo K.(遠藤和人), Mizutani C.(水谷千亜紀) 学会等名称 : 18th Congress of the Asia and Pacific Division of the International Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research 2012 (2012) 予稿集名 : Abstracts, PS4-13
研究発表 Recategorization of Industrial Waste Suitable for More Effective Recycling and Safer Disposal
発表者 : Yamada M.(山田正人), Endo K.(遠藤和人), Tachio K., Ueki Y. 学会等名称 : 15th Korea-Japan Joint International Session (2011) 予稿集名 : Proceedings of 15th Korea-Japan Joint International Session, 161-163
研究発表 Review on the method of lab-scale experiments to improve earlier stabilization of landfilled waste
発表者 :
Kim H. (金喜鍾), Endo K.(遠藤和人), Yamada M.(山田正人) 学会等名称 : Korea-Japan Special Symposium (2011) 予稿集名 : Abstracts of Korea-Japan Special Symposium, 15:116-118
研究発表 Methane Oxidation in Landfill Cover Soil: Case Study in Thailand
発表者 :
Wangyao K., Towprayoon S., Yamada M.(山田正人), Endo K.(遠藤和人), Ishigaki T.(石垣智基) 学会等名称 : 2nd International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology (2011) 予稿集名 : Abstracts, 6:269-273
研究発表 Leaching behavior of fluorine from stabilized soil with recycled gypsum from plaster board
発表者 : Sakanakura H.(肴倉宏史), Endo K.(遠藤和人), Inoue Y.(井上雄三) 学会等名称 : Int.Symp.Testing and Specification of Recycled Materials for Sustainable Geotechnical Construction (2011) 予稿集名 : Abstracts, 33
発表者 : Ishimori H.(石森洋行), Endo K.(遠藤和人), Ishigaki T.(石垣智基), Yamada M.(山田正人) 学会等名称 : ISWA World Congress 2011 World Congress of International Solid Waste Association (2011) 予稿集名 : Proceedings of ISWA World Congress 2011 World Congress of International Solid Waste Association, 392-395
研究発表 A comparison of leaching behaviours of construction and demolition waste residues from the intermediate-scale lysimeters with different length/width ratios
発表者 :
Kim H.(金喜鍾), Endo K.(遠藤和人), Yamada M.(山田正人) 学会等名称 : ISWA World Congress 2011 (2011) 予稿集名 : Abstracts of ISWA World Congress 2011, 339-348
研究発表 A comparison of leaching behaviours of construction and demolition waste residues from the intermediate-scale lysimeters with different length/width ratios
発表者 : Tanaka Y.(田中悠平), Yamada K.(山田一夫), Endo K.(遠藤和人) 学会等名称 : Japanese Geotechnical Society, The 15th JGS Symposium on Environmental Geotechnics (2023) 予稿集名 : Proceedings of the 15th JGS Symposium on Environmental Geotechnics, (191):423-427
Influence of modification agent containing water-absorbing polymer on the gas generation and emission from the removed soil in percolation tests
発表者 :
Mo J.(MO Jialin), Endo K.(遠藤和人), Arai H.(新井裕之) 学会等名称 : The 33rd Annual Conference of Japan Society of Material Cycle and Waste Management (2022) 予稿集名 : Abstracts, 541-542
発表者 :
Yabuki Y., Kameoka H., Ito K., Endo K.(遠藤和人), Mizutani S. 学会等名称 : The 7th 3R International Scientific Conference on Material Cycles and Waste Management (3RINCs2021) (2021) 予稿集名 : Proceedings
Influence of modification agent containing water-absorbing polymer on the living environmental pollutants leaching from the removed soil in lysimeter tests
発表者 :
Mo J.(MO Jialin), Endo K.(遠藤和人), Miura T.(三浦拓也), Arai T.(荒井武彦) 学会等名称 : The 32nd Annual Conference of Japan Society of Material Cycles and Waste Management (2021) 予稿集名 : Abstracts, 469-470
発表者 :
Mo J.(MO Jialin), Endo K.(遠藤和人), Arai H.(新井裕之), Miura T.(三浦拓也), Nakamura K. 学会等名称 : 3rd International Symposium on Coupled Phenomena in Environmental Geotechnics (2021) 予稿集名 : Japanese Geotechnical Society Special Publication, 9:461-466
Monitoring of Hydrogen Sulfide from an Industrial Waste Landfill in Japan
発表者 :
Sutthasil N.(SUTTHASILNoppharit), Ishigaki T.(石垣智基), Ogata Y.(尾形有香), Endo K.(遠藤和人), Yamada M.(山田正人), Nagamori M., Oishi O., Yabuki Y., Tanaka H. 学会等名称 : 2018 Spring Scientific Conference of Korea Society of Waste Management (2018) 予稿集名 : Proceedings of the 2018 Spring Conference of Symposium / Special Session - The 22th Korea-Japan International Symposium of Korea Society of Waste Management, 526-527
発表者 :
Sutthasil N., Chiemchaisri C., Chiemchaisri W., Wangyao K., Endo K.(遠藤和人), Ishigaki T.(石垣智基), Yamada M.(山田正人) 学会等名称 : The 2nd 3R International Scientific Conference on Material Cycle and Waste Management (2015) 予稿集名 : Abstracts
Dissolution of Inorganic Ions by Leachate Quality of an Industrial Waste Landfill
発表者 :
Tanaka H., Ishigaki T.(石垣智基), Endo K.(遠藤和人), Yamada M.(山田正人), Kamura K. 学会等名称 : 2nd Symposium of Asian Regional Branch of International Waste Working Group (2015) 予稿集名 : Abstracts, 470-479
Soils recovered from disaster debris
発表者 :
Katsumi T., Takai A., Inui T., Okawara M., Endo K.(遠藤和人), Sakanakura H.(肴倉宏史) 学会等名称 : The 15th Asian Regional Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (2015) 予稿集名 : -
A Semi-Aerobic Test Cell Experiment under Tropical Climate Conditions
発表者 : Yamada M.(山田正人), Ishigaki T.(石垣智基), Endo K.(遠藤和人), Wangyao K., Chiemchaisri C., Sutthasil N., Towprayoon S. 学会等名称 : 1st 3R International Scientific Conference on Material Cycles and Waste Management (2014) 予稿集名 : Abstracts
Soils Recovered from Disaster Debris – Characterization, Standardization, and Strategic Utilization –
発表者 :
Katsumi T., Endo K.(遠藤和人), Imanishi H., Inui T., Kazama M., Okawara M., Otsuka Y., Sakamoto H., Sakanakura H.(肴倉宏史), Suzuki H., Takai A., Yasutaka T. 学会等名称 : 3R International Scientific Conference on Material Cycles and Waste Management (2014) 予稿集名 : Abstracts
Environmental geotechnics for the recovery from 2011 East Japan earthquake and tsunami
発表者 :
Katsumi T., Endo K.(遠藤和人), Imanishi H., Inui T., Kazama M., Nakashima M., Okawara M., Otsuka Y., Sakamoto H., Sakanakura H.(肴倉宏史), Suzuki H., Takai A., Yasutaka T. 学会等名称 : 7th INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS ON ENVIRONMENTAL GEOTECHNICS (2014) 予稿集名 : Abstracts of 7th International Congress on Environmental Geotechnics, 170-189
2011 East Japan earthquake and tsunami – Geoenvironmental challenges
発表者 :
Katsumi T., Inui T., Takai A., Endo K.(遠藤和人), Sakanakura H.(肴倉宏史), Yasutaka T., Otsuka Y., Suzuki H. , Sakamoto H., Okawara M. , Imanishi H. 学会等名称 : Coupled Phenomena in Environmental Geotechnics (2013) 予稿集名 : From Theoreical and Experimental Research to Practical Applications, 335-340
Characterization of tsunami deposits toward utilization followed by the 2011 East Japan Earthquake and tsunami
発表者 :
Takai A., Endo K.(遠藤和人), Yasutaka T., Inui T., Katsumi T. 学会等名称 : Gestion Environnementale des Sédiments de Dragage (2013) 予稿集名 : Proceedings of Congrès GESeD, O21
Desirable Structure and Operation of Semi-Aerobic Landfill under Several Climate Conditions
Leaching of Radio-cesium and Other Elements from Cement Solidified MSWI-APC Residues
発表者 : Yamada M.(山田正人), Endo K.(遠藤和人), Sato M.(佐藤昌宏), Obokata S.(小保方聡), Yamaguchi T. 学会等名称 : 18th Korea-Japan Joint International Session, 2014 Spring Conference of the Korea Society of Waste Management (2014) 予稿集名 : Abstracts, 155
発表者 : Higashi H.(東博紀), Oguchi M.(小口正弘), Endo K.(遠藤和人), Mizutani C.(水谷千亜紀) 学会等名称 : 18th Congress of the Asia and Pacific Division of the International Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research 2012 (2012) 予稿集名 : Abstracts, PS4-13
Effect of fluid velocity on leaching rate of chemicals in recycled materials
Recategorization of Industrial Waste Suitable for More Effective Recycling and Safer Disposal
発表者 : Yamada M.(山田正人), Endo K.(遠藤和人), Tachio K., Ueki Y. 学会等名称 : 15th Korea-Japan Joint International Session (2011) 予稿集名 : Proceedings of 15th Korea-Japan Joint International Session, 161-163
Review on the method of lab-scale experiments to improve earlier stabilization of landfilled waste
発表者 :
Kim H. (金喜鍾), Endo K.(遠藤和人), Yamada M.(山田正人) 学会等名称 : Korea-Japan Special Symposium (2011) 予稿集名 : Abstracts of Korea-Japan Special Symposium, 15:116-118
発表者 : Ishimori H.(石森洋行), Endo K.(遠藤和人), Ishigaki T.(石垣智基), Yamada M.(山田正人) 学会等名称 : ISWA World Congress 2011 World Congress of International Solid Waste Association (2011) 予稿集名 : Proceedings of ISWA World Congress 2011 World Congress of International Solid Waste Association, 392-395
A comparison of leaching behaviours of construction and demolition waste residues from the intermediate-scale lysimeters with different length/width ratios
発表者 :
Kim H.(金喜鍾), Endo K.(遠藤和人), Yamada M.(山田正人) 学会等名称 : ISWA World Congress 2011 (2011) 予稿集名 : Abstracts of ISWA World Congress 2011, 339-348
A comparison of leaching behaviours of construction and demolition waste residues from the intermediate-scale lysimeters with different length/width ratios