平成25年度(2013) (新着順)
- 研究発表
An estimation of future change in air quality based on IIASA reference scenarios発表者 : Nagashima T.(永島達也), Akimoto H., Kurokawa J., Takemura T., Sudo K., Ohara T.(大原利眞), Klimont Z.
学会等名称 : 4th International Workshop on Atmospheric Modeling Research in East Asia
予稿集名:- (2013) - 発表者 : Nagashima T.(永島達也), Ohara T.(大原利眞), Sudo K., Akimoto H.
学会等名称 : American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2013
予稿集名:- (2013) - 発表者 : Nagashima T.(永島達也), Ohara T.(大原利眞), Sudo K., Akimoto H.
学会等名称 : Workshop on Atmospheric Composition and the Asian Summer Monsoon
予稿集名:- (2013) - 発表者 : Goto D.(五藤大輔), Suzuki K., Inoue T., Nakajima T., SALSA project team
学会等名称 : European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2013
予稿集名:- (2013) - 発表者 : Goto D.(五藤大輔), Nakajima T., Takemura T., Ohara T.(大原利眞)
学会等名称 : International Workshop on Inventory, Modeling and Climate Impacts of Greenhouse Gas emission (GHG's)
予稿集名:- (2013) - 発表者 : Goto D.(五藤大輔), Ohara T.(大原利眞), Nakajima T., Dai T. , Takemura T., Kajino M., Matsui H., Takami A.(高見昭憲), Hatakeyama S.(畠山成久), Aoki K., Sugimoto N.(杉本伸夫), Shimizu A.(清水厚)
学会等名称 : 2013 AGU Fall Meeting
予稿集名:- (2013) - 研究発表
Long term changes in relative contribution of various source regions on the surface ozone over Japan発表者 : Nagashima T.(永島達也), Sudo K., Akimoto H., Kurokawa J., Ohara T.(大原利眞)
学会等名称 : IGAC/SPARC CCMI 2013 Science Workshop
予稿集名:- (2013) - 研究発表
Fog Chemistry and Droplet Size Distribution at Lake MASHU, Northern Japan発表者 : Yamaguchi T., Watanabe Y., Katata G., Shimizu H.(清水英幸), Noguchi I.
学会等名称 : 6th International Conference on Fog, Fog Collection and Dew
予稿集名:Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Fog, Fog Collection and Dew, 106 (2013) - 発表者 : C. Liu, C.J. Zou, Wang Q-X.(王勤学), Y. Hayashi, T. Yasunari
学会等名称 : 6th International Nitrogen Conference
予稿集名:Conference Abstract, 6(133) (2013) - 発表者 : Wang Q-X.(王勤学)
学会等名称 : 6th International Nitrogen Conference
予稿集名:Conference Abstract, 6(8) (2013) - 発表者 : Morino Y.(森野悠), Tanabe K.(田邊潔), Sato K.(佐藤圭), Ohara T.(大原利眞)
学会等名称 : 12th Annual CMAS Conference
予稿集名:- (2013) - 研究発表
Process performance of two-staged Microbial Fuel Cells during continuous treatment of molasses-based wastewater発表者 : Kubota K., Syutsubo K.(珠坪一晃), Yamaguchi T., Watanabe T.
学会等名称 : Water and Environment Technology Conference 2013 (WET2013)
予稿集名:Abstracts, 26 (2013) - 研究発表
To What Extent Can the Speed Management Alleviate the Range Anxiety of EV?発表者 : Kondo Y.(近藤美則), Hideki Kato, Ryosuke Ando, Tsutomu Suzuki, Yoshihiko Karakama
学会等名称 : 27th International Battery, Hybrid and Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle Symposium
予稿集名:Abstract (2013) - 研究発表
Comparative measurements of the eco-driving effect between electric and internal combustion engine vehicles発表者 : Hideki Kato, Ryosuke Ando, Kondo Y.(近藤美則), Tsutomu Suzuki, Matsuhashi K.(松橋啓介), Kobayashi S.(小林伸治)
学会等名称 : 27th international Battery, Hybrid and Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle Symposium
予稿集名:Abstracts (2013) - 研究発表
Paleoclimatic changes on the southern Tibetan Plateau after the Last Glacial Maximum recorded in Lake Pumoyun Co, and its implication for the Southwest monsoon evolution発表者 : Matsunaka T., Nishimura M., Watanabe T., Nakamura T., Zhu L., Nara F.W., Imai A.(今井章雄), Sasa K., Sueki K., Izutsu Y.
学会等名称 : 5th East Asia AMS Symposium
予稿集名:Abstracts (2013) - 発表者 : Takami A.(高見昭憲), Miyoshi T.(三好猛雄), Irei S.(伊禮聡), Yoshino A.(吉野彩子), Hayashi, M, Hara, K, Kaneyasu, N, Hatakeyama, S
学会等名称 : 8th Asian Aerosol Conference
予稿集名:Abstracts, 35-36 (2013) - 発表者 : Kitayama, C, Kim, S, Otani, Y, Takami A.(高見昭憲), Seto, T
学会等名称 : 8th Asian Aerosol Conference
予稿集名:Abstracts, 23 (2013) - 発表者 : 水谷千亜紀, ロナルド・エストケ, 村山祐司
学会等名称 : 地理情報システム学会研究発表大会第22回
予稿集名:第22回地理情報システム学会講演論文集, 22:1-4 (2013) - 研究発表
Disturbance and recovery of biota in a national wildlife protection area after the 2011 tsunami disaster: a case study in Gamo Lagoon facing Sendai Bay, Japan発表者 : Kanaya G.(金谷弦), Suzuki T., Sato-Okoshi W.
学会等名称 : 1st Asia Parks Congress
予稿集名:Abstracts, 272 (2013) - 研究講演
Technical cooperation for decentralised wastewater treatment in rural areas in China – facilitating transfer of Japan’s environmental knowledge and experiences発表者 : Mizuochi M.(水落元之)
学会等名称 : International Environmental Protection Symposium on Clean Water Action
予稿集名:- (2013) - 発表者 : Sato K.(佐藤圭), Takami A.(高見昭憲), Imamura T.(今村隆史), Li H., Wang X.
学会等名称 : American Association for Aerosol Research 32nd Annual Conference
予稿集名:Abstracts, 30 (2013) - 研究発表
Acid fogs of the field level cause damages to rice plants発表者 : Shimizu H.(清水英幸), Saji H.(佐治光), Mori A., Watanabe T., Murano K.
学会等名称 : 77th annual meeting of the Botanical Society of Japan
予稿集名:Proceedings of the 77th Annual Meeting of the Botanical Society of Japan, 47 (2013) - 研究発表
Impacts of acid fog on the growth of several cultivars of rice plants grown in the paddy fields of Nagasaki Prefecture, Japan.発表者 : MORI A., WATANABE T., Shimizu H.(清水英幸), Saji H.(佐治光)
学会等名称 : 6th International Conference on Fog, Fog Collection and Dew
予稿集名:Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Fog, Fog Collection and Dew, 85 (2013) - 研究発表
Development of Acid Fog Exposure System (AFES) and impacts of acid fog on two Plagiomnuium species. - 研究講演
Understanding of the actual state of PM2.5 in Japan based on the observation network発表者 : Sugata S.(菅田誠治)
学会等名称 : 54th annual meeting of the Japan Society for Atmospheric Environment
予稿集名:Abstracts, 110-111 (2013) - 発表者 : Imai A.(今井章雄), Komatsu K.(小松一弘), Sato T.(佐藤貴之), Kohzu A.(高津文人), Shinohara R. (篠原隆一郎)
学会等名称 : 32nd Congress of the International Society of Limnology
予稿集名:Abstracts, 190 (2013) - 研究発表
Characterization of dissolved organic matter released by cyanobacteria dominant in a shallow eutrophic lake発表者 : Imai A.(今井章雄), Komatsu K.(小松一弘), Sato T.(佐藤貴之), Kawasaki N., Tomioka N.(冨岡典子), Kohzu A.(高津文人), Shinohara R. (篠原隆一郎)
学会等名称 : 2013 International Environmental Engineering Conference and Annual Meeting of the Korean Society of Environmental Engineers (IEEC2013)
予稿集名:-, 43 (2013) - 発表者 : Wu T-H., Zhao L., Wang Q-X.(王勤学), Wu Q-B., Li R., Batkhishig O.
予稿集名:Proceedings of the IX international conference ENVIRONMENT AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT IN MONGOLIAN PLATEAU AND SURROUNDING REGIONS, 63-67 (2013) - 発表者 : Wang Q-X.(王勤学), Xiao Q.(肖慶安), Liu C., Wang K-L., Ye M.
学会等名称 : 3rd Biennial Symposium of International Society for River Science
予稿集名:The 3rd Biennial Symposium of International Society for River Science Achieving healthy and viable rivers Conference Proceedings, 32-41 (2013) - 発表者 : Wang Q-X.(王勤学), Liu C., Ye M., Otsubo K.
学会等名称 : GWSP Conference 2013
予稿集名:Water in the Anthropocene: Challenges for Science and Governance. Indicators, Thresholds and Uncertainties of the Global Water System, 66-67 (2013) - 発表者 : Sun Z.(孫志剛), Wang Q-X.(王勤学), Watanabe M., Batkhishig O.
学会等名称 : 9th international conference of "Environment and Sustainable Development in Mongolian Plateau and Surrounding Regions"
予稿集名:Proceedings of the IX international conference, 1:89-92 (2013) - 発表者 : Kohzu A.(高津文人), Watanabe Mirai.(渡邊未来), Hayashi S.(林誠二), Miura S.(三浦真吾), Imai A.(今井章雄)
学会等名称 : 3rd International Conference on Nitrification (ICoN3)
予稿集名:Abstracts, 73-73 (2013) - 発表者 : Wang Q-X.(王勤学), Watanabe M., Batkhishig O., Chuluun T., Okadera T.(岡寺智大), Yan W-L., Wu T-H., Liu J-Y.
予稿集名:Proceedings of the IX international conference, 2:26-29 (2013) - 研究発表
Water footprint for energy in Thailand発表者 : Okadera T.(岡寺智大), Chontanawat J.
学会等名称 : 6th International Conference on Sustainable Energy and Environmental Protection
予稿集名:Conference Proceedings, 322-326 (2013) - 発表者 : Kotcharoen W., Choeisai P., Onodera T. (小野寺崇), Syutsubo K.(珠坪一晃)
学会等名称 : 2nd International Conference on Environmental Engineering, Science and Management
予稿集名:Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Environmental Engineering, Science and Management, (28R7-05) (2013) - 研究発表
Anaerobic Digestion of a Mixed Wastewater Consisting of Vinasses and Cane Sugar Factory Wastewater発表者 : Yubolsai C., Visedkaew P., Choeisai P., Onodera T. (小野寺崇), Syutsubo K.(珠坪一晃)
学会等名称 : 2nd International Conference on Environmental Engineering, Science and Management
予稿集名:Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Environmental Engineering, Science and Management, (28R7-02) (2013) - 発表者 : Okadera T.(岡寺智大), Chontanawat J.
学会等名称 : 1st International Conference on Research and Development of Tropical and Sub-tropical Crops (iCRDC 2013)
予稿集名:Abstracts, S-1 (2013) - 発表者 : Choeisai P., Jitkam N., Silapanoraset K., Yubolsai C., Syutsubo K.(珠坪一晃), Onodera T. (小野寺崇), Yoochatchaval W., Yamaguchi T.
学会等名称 : 13th World Congress on Anaerobic Digestion
予稿集名:Abstracts (2013) - 研究発表
Lidar extinction coefficient compared with particle number concentration and subjective weather report発表者 : Shimizu A.(清水厚), Sugimoto N.(杉本伸夫), Matsui I.(松井一郎), Nishizawa T.(西澤智明)
学会等名称 : 3rd International Symposium on Atmospheric Light Scattering and Remote Sensing
予稿集名:Abstracts, 33 (2013) - Case study of wastewater treatment facility in China
- 発表者 : Sato K.(佐藤圭), Inomata S.(猪俣敏), XING J-H.(XING Jia-Hua), Imamura T.(今村隆史), Uchida R., Fukuda S., Nakagawa K., Hirokawa J., Okumura M., Tohno S.
学会等名称 : 29th Symposium on Chemical Kinetics and Dynamics
予稿集名:Abstracts, 128 (2013) - 研究発表
Seasonal variations of Asian black carbon outflow to the Pacific using a tagged threedimensional model発表者 : Matsui H., Koike M., Kondo Y., Oshima N., Moteki N., Kanaya Y., Takami A.(高見昭憲), Martin I.
学会等名称 : Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2013
予稿集名:Abstracts, AAS21-18 (2013) - 研究発表
Water for energy production: renewable energy in Thailand発表者 : Okadera T.(岡寺智大), Chontanawat J.
学会等名称 : 13th Science Council of Asia Conference International Symposium on Role of Science in Asia: Facing the Challenges of AEC2015
予稿集名:Abstract Book, 30 (2013) - 研究発表
Evaluation of the Green House Gases Emission from Anaerobic Lagoon Treating Wastewater of Natural Rubber Factory発表者 : Tanikawa D., Syutsubo K.(珠坪一晃), Watari T., Hatamoto M., Iijima S., Fukuda M., Nguyen N.B., Yamaguchi T.
学会等名称 : 日本水環境学会第47回年会
予稿集名:同講演集, 482 (2013)