令和6年度(2024) (新着順)
- IPCC/climate vulnerability assessment
- 発表者 : Hiki K.(日置恭史郎), Yamagishi T.(山岸隆博), Yamamoto H.(山本裕史)
学会等名称 : SETAC Asia-Pacific 14th Biennial Meeting
予稿集名:Abstracts (2024) - 発表者 : Maki S.(牧誠也), Ohnishi S.(大西悟), Fujii M.(藤井実), Naohiro G.
学会等名称 : 2024/09/08-12 19th Conference on sustainable development of energy, water and environment systems.Roma
予稿集名:- (2024) - 発表者 : Maki S.(牧誠也), Ohnishi S.(大西悟), Fujii M.(藤井実), Naohiro G.
学会等名称 : 2024/09/08-12 19th Conference on sustainable development of energy, water and environment systems.Roma
予稿集名:- (2024) - 発表者 : Maki S.(牧誠也), Ohnishi S.(大西悟), Fujii M.(藤井実), Naohiro G.
学会等名称 : 2024/09/08-12 19th Conference on sustainable development of energy, water and environment systems.Roma
予稿集名:- (2024) - 発表者 : Maki S.(牧誠也), Ohnishi S.(大西悟), Fujii M.(藤井実), Naohiro G.
学会等名称 : 2024/09/08-12 19th Conference on sustainable development of energy, water and environment systems.Roma
予稿集名:- (2024) - 発表者 : Kainuma M., Hibino G.(日比野剛), Masui T.(増井利彦)
学会等名称 : 15th International Greenhouse Gas Conference
予稿集名:Abstract, 1-87 (2024) - 発表者 : Kainuma M., Hibino G.(日比野剛), Masui T.(増井利彦), Ashina S.(芦名秀一)
学会等名称 : International Workshop for Joint Efforts to Respond to the Climate Crisis
予稿集名:Abstract (2024) - 発表者 : Kainuma M., Hibino G.(日比野剛), Masui T.(増井利彦)
学会等名称 : 15th International Greenhouse Gas Conference
予稿集名:Abstract, 1-87 (2024) - 発表者 : Kainuma M., Hibino G.(日比野剛), Masui T.(増井利彦), Ashina S.(芦名秀一)
学会等名称 : International Workshop for Joint Efforts to Respond to the Climate Crisis
予稿集名:Abstract (2024) - 発表者 : Hanaoka T.(花岡達也), Silva D.(Silva Herran Diego)
学会等名称 : The 30th AIM International Workshop
予稿集名:- (2024) - 発表者 : Hanaoka T.(花岡達也), Silva D.(Silva Herran Diego)
学会等名称 : The 30th AIM International Workshop
予稿集名:- (2024) - 発表者 : Chaichaloem A.(CHAICHALOEMPREECHA Achiraya), Hanaoka T.(花岡達也), Zhang, R., Limmeechokchai, B.
学会等名称 : The 30th AIM International Workshop
予稿集名:- (2024) - 発表者 : Chaichaloem A.(CHAICHALOEMPREECHA Achiraya), Hanaoka T.(花岡達也), Zhang, R., Limmeechokchai, B.
学会等名称 : The 30th AIM International Workshop
予稿集名:- (2024) - 発表者 : Hanaoka T.(花岡達也), Silva D.(Silva Herran Diego)
学会等名称 : The 30th AIM International Workshop
予稿集名:- (2024) - 発表者 : Chaichaloem A.(CHAICHALOEMPREECHA Achiraya), Hanaoka T.(花岡達也), Zhang, R., Limmeechokchai, B.
学会等名称 : The 30th AIM International Workshop
予稿集名:- (2024) - 発表者 : Ogami M.(尾上成一), Matsuhashi K.(松橋啓介), Tokuda T.
学会等名称 : ECPR General Conference 2024
予稿集名:- (2024) - 発表者 : Ogami M.(尾上成一), Matsuhashi K.(松橋啓介), Tokuda T.
学会等名称 : ECPR General Conference 2024
予稿集名:- (2024) - 発表者 : Kawarasaki S.(河原崎里子), Ishikawa M., Silva D.(Silva Herran Diego), Ashina S.(芦名秀一)
学会等名称 : The 30th AIM International Workshop
予稿集名:- (2024) - 発表者 : Kawarasaki S.(河原崎里子), Ishikawa M., Silva D.(Silva Herran Diego), Ashina S.(芦名秀一)
学会等名称 : The 30th AIM International Workshop
予稿集名:- (2024) - 研究発表
GHG Emission Reduction Potential in the Industrial Sectors: Comparison of IAM and Sector Model - 発表者 : Kawarasaki S.(河原崎里子), Ishikawa M., Silva D.(Silva Herran Diego), Ashina S.(芦名秀一)
学会等名称 : The 30th AIM International Workshop
予稿集名:- (2024) - 発表者 : Franzer E., Cao T., Sugiyama M., Fujimori S., Wada K., Shiraki H., Kato E., Matsuo Y., Nishiura O.(西浦理), Oshiro K., Otsuki T., Sano F., Yoshida H.
学会等名称 : 第43回エネルギー・資源学会研究発表会
予稿集名:- (2024) - 発表者 : Kawarasaki S.(河原崎里子), Ishikawa M., Silva D.(Silva Herran Diego), Ashina S.(芦名秀一)
学会等名称 : The 30th AIM International Workshop
予稿集名:- (2024) - 研究発表
GHG Emission Reduction Potential in the Industrial Sectors: Comparison of IAM and Sector Model - 発表者 : Hiki K.(日置恭史郎), Hayashi T.(林岳彦), Yamamoto H.(山本裕史)
学会等名称 : 21st International Symposium on Toxicity Assessment
予稿集名:Abstracts, 56 (2024) - 発表者 : Wijenayake P.(WIJENAYAKE Pavithra Rangani), Tsuchiya K.(土屋一彬), Ohashi H., Hirata A., Hasegawa T., Fujimori S. , Takahashi K.(高橋潔)
学会等名称 : The 30th AIM International Workshop
予稿集名:- (2024) - 発表者 : Wijenayake P.(WIJENAYAKE Pavithra Rangani), Tsuchiya K.(土屋一彬), Ohashi H., Hirata A., Hasegawa T., Fujimori S. , Takahashi K.(高橋潔)
学会等名称 : The 30th AIM International Workshop
予稿集名:- (2024) - 発表者 : Wijenayake P.(WIJENAYAKE Pavithra Rangani), Tsuchiya K.(土屋一彬), Ohashi H., Hirata A., Hasegawa T., Fujimori S. , Takahashi K.(高橋潔)
学会等名称 : The 30th AIM International Workshop
予稿集名:- (2024) - 発表者 : Fujii M.(藤井実)
学会等名称 : Unlocking finance to support climate and clean air solutions in India
予稿集名:- (2024) - 発表者 : Fujii M.(藤井実)
学会等名称 : Unlocking finance to support climate and clean air solutions in India
予稿集名:- (2024) - 発表者 : Fujii M.(藤井実)
学会等名称 : Unlocking finance to support climate and clean air solutions in India
予稿集名:- (2024) - 発表者 : Melnikova Irina(MELNIKOVA Irina), Yokohata T.(横畠徳太), Ito A., Nishina K.(仁科一哉), Tachiiri K., Shiogama H.(塩竈秀夫)
学会等名称 : 9th Global Energy and Water Exchanges Open Science Conference 2024 SAPPORO
予稿集名:- (2024) - 発表者 : Melnikova Irina(MELNIKOVA Irina), Yokohata T.(横畠徳太), Ito A., Nishina K.(仁科一哉), Tachiiri K., Shiogama H.(塩竈秀夫)
学会等名称 : 11th International Carbon Dioxide Conference - ICDC11
予稿集名:- (2024) - 研究講演
Introduction and overview of AIM (Asia-Pacific Integrated Model) to assess decarbonized society発表者 : Masui T.(増井利彦)
学会等名称 : JICA Training "Capacity Development for Progression of Nationally Determined Contribution under the Paris Agreement"
予稿集名:- (2024) - 研究講演
Activities in Nepal using AIM発表者 : Rajbhandari S.(RAJBHANDARI SAINJU Salony)
学会等名称 : JICA Training "Capacity Development for Progression of Nationally Determined Contribution under the Paris Agreement"
予稿集名:- (2024) - 研究講演
Thailand Decarbonization Analysis by using AIM発表者 : Chaichaloem A.(CHAICHALOEMPREECHA Achiraya)
学会等名称 : JICA Training "Capacity Development for Progression of Nationally Determined Contribution under the Paris Agreement"
予稿集名:- (2024) - 研究講演
Scenario Analysis using AIM Indonesia: Low-Carbon Assessment on Land and Food発表者 : Rossita A.(ROSSITA Annuri)
学会等名称 : JICA Training "Capacity Development for Progression of Nationally Determined Contribution under the Paris Agreement"
予稿集名:- (2024) - 研究講演
Introduction and overview of AIM (Asia-Pacific Integrated Model) to assess decarbonized society発表者 : Masui T.(増井利彦)
学会等名称 : JICA Training "Capacity Development for Progression of Nationally Determined Contribution under the Paris Agreement"
予稿集名:- (2024) - 研究講演
Activities in Nepal using AIM発表者 : Rajbhandari S.(RAJBHANDARI SAINJU Salony)
学会等名称 : JICA Training "Capacity Development for Progression of Nationally Determined Contribution under the Paris Agreement"
予稿集名:- (2024) - 研究講演
Thailand Decarbonization Analysis by using AIM発表者 : Chaichaloem A.(CHAICHALOEMPREECHA Achiraya)
学会等名称 : JICA Training "Capacity Development for Progression of Nationally Determined Contribution under the Paris Agreement"
予稿集名:- (2024) - 研究講演
Scenario Analysis using AIM Indonesia: Low-Carbon Assessment on Land and Food発表者 : Rossita A.(ROSSITA Annuri)
学会等名称 : JICA Training "Capacity Development for Progression of Nationally Determined Contribution under the Paris Agreement"
予稿集名:- (2024) - 研究講演
Introduction and overview of AIM (Asia-Pacific Integrated Model) to assess decarbonized society発表者 : Masui T.(増井利彦)
学会等名称 : JICA Training "Capacity Development for Progression of Nationally Determined Contribution under the Paris Agreement"
予稿集名:- (2024) - 研究講演
Introduction of recent research activities of AIM - 研究講演
Introduction of recent research activities of AIM - 発表者 : Fukuda J., Takakura J.(高倉潤也), Oka K.(岡和孝), Nishimura T., Wakabayashi H.
学会等名称 : The 20th International Conference on Environmental Ergonomics ICEE2024
予稿集名:Abstracts, 317-318 (2024) - 発表者 : Fukuda J., Takakura J.(高倉潤也), Oka K.(岡和孝), Nishimura T., Wakabayashi H.
学会等名称 : The 20th International Conference on Environmental Ergonomics ICEE2024
予稿集名:Abstracts, 317-318 (2024) - 発表者 : Onodera T.(小野寺崇), Takemura Y.(竹村泰幸), Aoki M.(青木仁孝), Syutsubo K.(珠坪一晃)
学会等名称 : 18th IWA World Conference on Anaerobic Digestion
予稿集名:Conference Proceedings, 434-437 (2024) - 発表者 : Kawai K.(河井紘輔), Nakagawa K., Hatanaka N., Inoue Y., Matsumoto S.
学会等名称 : 7th Symposium on Circular Economy and Urban Mining (SUM2024)
予稿集名:Proceedings (2024) - 研究発表
Impacts of Deep-decarbonization on air quality improvement: implications of Achieving Global Carbon-Neutral Targets発表者 : Hanaoka T.(花岡達也), Hirayama T., Goto Y., Ota T., Takimi M., Motoki Y., Kawashima K., Ueda H., Katagiri K., Zhang R., Silva D.(Silva Herran Diego), Kanamori Y.(金森有子), Chaichaloem A.(CHAICHALOEMPREECHA Achiraya), Hibino G.(日比野剛)
学会等名称 : 14th International Conference on Air Quality
予稿集名:- (2024) - 研究発表
Research on Low-carbon development pathways of industrial sectors based on IAMs発表者 : Li Z., Hanaoka T.(花岡達也)
学会等名称 : the 19th International Conference on Waste Management and Technology
予稿集名:- (2024) - 研究発表
Co-benefits of Decarbonization on Air pollutants reduction: Implications of deep-decarbonization in Thailand発表者 : Chaichaloem A.(CHAICHALOEMPREECHA Achiraya), Pradhan B.B., Rajbhandari S.(RAJBHANDARI SAINJU Salony), Chunark P., Fujimori S., Oshiro K., Hanaoka T.(花岡達也), Limmeechokchai B.
学会等名称 : 14th International Conference on Air Quality
予稿集名:- (2024) - 研究発表
Strategies for reducing CO2 and air pollution by 2050 from urban passenger transport in the Tokyo metropolitan area: An integrated land use-transport-energy model - 研究発表
Impacts of Deep-decarbonization on air quality improvement: implications of Achieving Global Carbon-Neutral Targets発表者 : Hanaoka T.(花岡達也), Hirayama T., Goto Y., Ota T., Takimi M., Motoki Y., Kawashima K., Ueda H., Katagiri K., Zhang R., Silva D.(Silva Herran Diego), Kanamori Y.(金森有子), Chaichaloem A.(CHAICHALOEMPREECHA Achiraya), Hibino G.(日比野剛)
学会等名称 : 14th International Conference on Air Quality
予稿集名:- (2024) - 研究発表
Research on Low-carbon development pathways of industrial sectors based on IAMs発表者 : Li Z., Hanaoka T.(花岡達也)
学会等名称 : the 19th International Conference on Waste Management and Technology
予稿集名:- (2024) - 研究発表
Co-benefits of Decarbonization on Air pollutants reduction: Implications of deep-decarbonization in Thailand発表者 : Chaichaloem A.(CHAICHALOEMPREECHA Achiraya), Pradhan B.B., Rajbhandari S.(RAJBHANDARI SAINJU Salony), Chunark P., Fujimori S., Oshiro K., Hanaoka T.(花岡達也), Limmeechokchai B.
学会等名称 : 14th International Conference on Air Quality
予稿集名:- (2024) - 研究発表
Strategies for reducing CO2 and air pollution by 2050 from urban passenger transport in the Tokyo metropolitan area: An integrated land use-transport-energy model - 研究発表
Impacts of Deep-decarbonization on air quality improvement: implications of Achieving Global Carbon-Neutral Targets発表者 : Hanaoka T.(花岡達也), Hirayama T., Goto Y., Ota T., Takimi M., Motoki Y., Kawashima K., Ueda H., Katagiri K., Zhang R., Silva D.(Silva Herran Diego), Kanamori Y.(金森有子), Chaichaloem A.(CHAICHALOEMPREECHA Achiraya), Hibino G.(日比野剛)
学会等名称 : 14th International Conference on Air Quality
予稿集名:- (2024) - 発表者 : Maki S.(牧誠也), Ohnishi S.(大西悟), Fujii M.(藤井実), Naohiro G.
学会等名称 : The 19th International Conference on Waste Management and Technology
予稿集名:- (2024) - 発表者 : Maki S.(牧誠也), Ohnishi S.(大西悟), Fujii M.(藤井実), Naohiro G.
学会等名称 : The 19th International Conference on Waste Management and Technology
予稿集名:- (2024) - 発表者 : Maki S.(牧誠也), Ohnishi S.(大西悟), Fujii M.(藤井実), Naohiro G.
学会等名称 : The 19th International Conference on Waste Management and Technology
予稿集名:- (2024) - 発表者 : Maki S.(牧誠也), Ohnishi S.(大西悟), Fujii M.(藤井実), Naohiro G.
学会等名称 : The 19th International Conference on Waste Management and Technology
予稿集名:- (2024) - 発表者 : Yokohata T.(横畠徳太), Melnikova Irina(MELNIKOVA Irina), Hayashi M.(林未知也), Shiogama H.(塩竈秀夫), Yamamoto A., Suzuki T., Kusahara K., Kamae Y., Satoh Y., Hajima T., Kawamiya M., Nishina K.(仁科一哉), Takao S.(高尾信太郎), Hirota N.(廣田渚郎), Yoshimori M.
学会等名称 : Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2024
予稿集名:Abstracts (2024) - 発表者 : Kawamiya M., Hajima T., Tsutsui J., Tatebe H., Tachiiri K., Yokohata T.(横畠徳太), Tanada K.
学会等名称 : Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2024
予稿集名:Abstracts (2024) - 発表者 : Melnikova Irina(MELNIKOVA Irina), Yokohata T.(横畠徳太), Ito A.(伊藤昭彦), Nishina K.(仁科一哉), Tachiiri K., Shiogama H.(塩竈秀夫)
学会等名称 : Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2024
予稿集名:Abstracts (2024) - 発表者 : Melnikova Irina(MELNIKOVA Irina), Ciais P., Tanaka K.(田中克政), Shiogama H.(塩竈秀夫), Yokohata T.(横畠徳太), Boucher O.
学会等名称 : Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2024
予稿集名:Abstracts (2024) - 発表者 : Melnikova Irina(MELNIKOVA Irina), Ciais P., Boucher O., Tanaka K.(田中克政)
学会等名称 : Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2024
予稿集名:Abstracts (2024) - 発表者 : Tachiiri K., Matsumoto K., Su X.(SU Xuanming), Yokohata T.(横畠徳太), Hajima T.
学会等名称 : Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2024
予稿集名:Abstracts (2024) - 発表者 : Ohnishi S.(大西悟)
学会等名称 : The 19th International Conference on Waste Management and Technology
予稿集名:forum 4:Synergy Development of Carbon Neutrality and Recycling System, 4-6 (2024) - 発表者 : Nishiura O.(西浦理), Krey V., Fricko O., Ruijven V.B., Fujimori S.
学会等名称 : MESSAGEix Community Meeting 2024
予稿集名:- (2024) - 研究発表
Anthropogenic contributions to slow warming over 1998-2012発表者 : Su X., Shiogama H.(塩竈秀夫), Tanaka K.(田中克政), Tachiiri K., Hajima T., Watanabe M., Kawamiya M., Takahashi K.(高橋潔), Yokohata T.(横畠徳太)
学会等名称 : JPGU2024
予稿集名:Abstracts (2024) - 研究発表
Developing an Integrated Assessment Model to determine optimal cost-benefit paths for SSP1-5発表者 : Su X., Takahashi K.(高橋潔), Yokohata T.(横畠徳太), Tanaka K.(田中克政), Fujimori S., Takakura J.(高倉潤也), Yamaguchi R.(山口臨太郎), Xiong W.
学会等名称 : JPGU2024
予稿集名:Abstracts (2024) - 研究講演
Life Cycle Carbon Neutral: Carbon neutral production, consumption and disposal of all materials発表者 : Fujii M.(藤井実)
学会等名称 : The 19th International Conference on Waste Management and Technology
予稿集名:- (2024) - 研究講演
Life Cycle Carbon Neutral: Carbon neutral production, consumption and disposal of all materials発表者 : Fujii M.(藤井実)
学会等名称 : The 19th International Conference on Waste Management and Technology
予稿集名:- (2024) - 研究講演
Life Cycle Carbon Neutral: Carbon neutral production, consumption and disposal of all materials発表者 : Fujii M.(藤井実)
学会等名称 : The 19th International Conference on Waste Management and Technology
予稿集名:- (2024) - 発表者 : Shiogama H.(塩竈秀夫), Fujimori S., Hasegawa T., Hayashi M.(林未知也), Hirabayashi Y., Ogura T.(小倉知夫), Iizumi T., Takahashi K.(高橋潔), Takemura T.
学会等名称 : EGU General Assembly 2024
予稿集名:- (2024) - 研究発表
Effect of long-term ammonia deficiency on nitrification performance and microbial dynamics in Downflow Sponge Biofilm (DSB) reactor発表者 : Loi J.X., Aoki M.(青木仁孝), Rabuni M.F., Takemura Y., Syutsubo K.(珠坪一晃), Chua A.S.M.
学会等名称 : The 14th International Symposium on Southeast Asian Water Environment (SEAWE-14)
予稿集名:abstracts (2024) - 発表者 : Yoshikawa S., Imamura K., Yamazaki J., Nitanai R., Manabe R., Murayama A., Takahashi K.(高橋潔), Matsuhashi K.(松橋啓介), Mimura N.
学会等名称 : AGU2024
予稿集名:Abstracts (2024) - 研究発表
Global energy potential from AWES technology: a novel option for decarbonizing electricity - 研究発表
How much energy can be generated with kites in the world? Preliminary estimation of the technical potential of airborne wind energy systems発表者 : Silva D.(Silva Herran Diego)
学会等名称 : Asia Pacific Conference 2024
予稿集名:Asia Pacific Conference 2024. Bridging Divides for Global Recovery, 16 (2024) - 研究発表
Global energy potential from AWES technology: a novel option for decarbonizing electricity - 研究発表
Global energy potential from AWES technology: a novel option for decarbonizing electricity - 研究発表
How much energy can be generated with kites in the world? Preliminary estimation of the technical potential of airborne wind energy systems発表者 : Silva D.(Silva Herran Diego)
学会等名称 : Asia Pacific Conference 2024
予稿集名:Asia Pacific Conference 2024. Bridging Divides for Global Recovery, 16 (2024) - 発表者 : Takakura J.(高倉潤也), Takahashi K.(高橋潔)
学会等名称 : Seventeenth IAMC Annual Meeting 2024
予稿集名:- (2024) - 発表者 : Takakura J.(高倉潤也), Takahashi K.(高橋潔)
学会等名称 : Seventeenth IAMC Annual Meeting 2024
予稿集名:- (2024) - 発表者 : Takakura J.(高倉潤也), Takahashi K.(高橋潔)
学会等名称 : Seventeenth IAMC Annual Meeting 2024
予稿集名:- (2024) - 研究講演
Integrated Assessment Model to Support Climate and Environment Policies発表者 : Masui T.(増井利彦)
学会等名称 : Integrated Assessment Modeling on Climate Change and Circular Economy
予稿集名:- (2024) - 研究講演
Integrated Assessment Model to Support Climate and Environment Policies発表者 : Masui T.(増井利彦)
学会等名称 : Integrated Assessment Modeling on Climate Change and Circular Economy
予稿集名:- (2024) - 研究講演
Integrated Assessment Model to Support Climate and Environment Policies発表者 : Masui T.(増井利彦)
学会等名称 : Integrated Assessment Modeling on Climate Change and Circular Economy
予稿集名:- (2024) - 研究発表
What are needed for Life Cycle Assessment after Sustainability Transition? - 発表者 : Tsuchiya K.(土屋一彬), Ohashi H., Hirata A., Hasegawa T., Wu W., Fujimori S., Matsui T., Takakura J.(高倉潤也), Takahashi K.(高橋潔)
学会等名称 : Seventeenth IAMC Annual Meeting
予稿集名:- (2024) - 発表者 : Hasegawa T., Fujimori S., Tsuchiya K.(土屋一彬), Takahashi K.(高橋潔)
学会等名称 : Seventeenth IAMC Annual Meeting
予稿集名:- (2024) - 発表者 : Tsuchiya K.(土屋一彬), Ohashi H., Hirata A., Hasegawa T., Wu W., Fujimori S., Matsui T., Takakura J.(高倉潤也), Takahashi K.(高橋潔)
学会等名称 : Seventeenth IAMC Annual Meeting
予稿集名:- (2024) - 発表者 : Hasegawa T., Fujimori S., Tsuchiya K.(土屋一彬), Takahashi K.(高橋潔)
学会等名称 : Seventeenth IAMC Annual Meeting
予稿集名:- (2024) - 発表者 : Tsuchiya K.(土屋一彬), Ohashi H., Hirata A., Hasegawa T., Wu W., Fujimori S., Matsui T., Takakura J.(高倉潤也), Takahashi K.(高橋潔)
学会等名称 : Seventeenth IAMC Annual Meeting
予稿集名:- (2024) - 発表者 : Hasegawa T., Fujimori S., Tsuchiya K.(土屋一彬), Takahashi K.(高橋潔)
学会等名称 : Seventeenth IAMC Annual Meeting
予稿集名:- (2024) - 発表者 : Tsuchiya K.(土屋一彬), Ohashi H., Hirata A., Hasegawa T., Wu W., Fujimori S., Matsui T., Takakura J.(高倉潤也), Takahashi K.(高橋潔)
学会等名称 : Seventeenth IAMC Annual Meeting
予稿集名:- (2024) - 発表者 : Hasegawa T., Fujimori S., Tsuchiya K.(土屋一彬), Takahashi K.(高橋潔)
学会等名称 : Seventeenth IAMC Annual Meeting
予稿集名:- (2024) - 発表者 : Tsuchiya K.(土屋一彬), Ohashi H., Hirata A., Hasegawa T., Wu W., Fujimori S., Matsui T., Takakura J.(高倉潤也), Takahashi K.(高橋潔)
学会等名称 : Seventeenth IAMC Annual Meeting
予稿集名:- (2024) - 発表者 : Hasegawa T., Fujimori S., Tsuchiya K.(土屋一彬), Takahashi K.(高橋潔)
学会等名称 : Seventeenth IAMC Annual Meeting
予稿集名:- (2024) - 発表者 : Ichinose T.(Toshiaki)(一ノ瀬俊明)
学会等名称 : 16th China-Japan-Korea Joint Conference on Geography
予稿集名:Abstract Book, 268 (2024)