発表者 : Loi J.X., Chua A.S.M., Tan C.K., Rabuni M.F., Takemura Y.(竹村泰幸), Syutsubo K.(珠坪一晃) 学会等名称 : Malaysia International Water Convention 2021
予稿集名:- (2021)
発表者 : Loi J.X., Chua A.S.M., Tan C.K., Rabuni M.F., Takemura Y.(竹村泰幸), Syutsubo K.(珠坪一晃) 学会等名称 : Malaysia International Water Convention 2021
予稿集名:- (2021)
発表者 : Loi J.X., Chua A.S.M., Tan C.K., Rabuni M.F., Takemura Y.(竹村泰幸), Syutsubo K.(珠坪一晃) 学会等名称 : Malaysia International Water Convention 2021
予稿集名:- (2021)
発表者 : Loi J.X., Chua A.S.M., Tan C.K., Rabuni M.F., Takemura Y.(竹村泰幸), Syutsubo K.(珠坪一晃) 学会等名称 : Malaysia International Water Convention 2021
予稿集名:- (2021)
発表者 : Michikawa T.(道川武紘), Morokuma S., Takeda Y., Yamazaki S.(山崎新), Nakahara K., Takami A.(高見昭憲), Yoshino A.(吉野彩子), Sugata S.(菅田誠治), Saito S., Hoshi J. 学会等名称 : Society for Social Medicine & Population Health 65th Annual Scientific meeting
予稿集名:Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health (Supplement 1) Society for Social Medicine Annual Scientific Meeting Abstracts, 75(1):A50 (2021)
発表者 : Michikawa T.(道川武紘), Morokuma S., Takeda Y., Yamazaki S.(山崎新), Nakahara K., Takami A.(高見昭憲), Yoshino A.(吉野彩子), Sugata S.(菅田誠治), Saito S., Hoshi J. 学会等名称 : Society for Social Medicine & Population Health 65th Annual Scientific meeting
予稿集名:Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health (Supplement 1) Society for Social Medicine Annual Scientific Meeting Abstracts, 75(1):A50 (2021)
発表者 : Yamaguchi Y., Shimotori K.(霜鳥孝一), Imai A.(今井章雄), Okazaki Y., Ohara T., Nakamura M., Hichiri S., Okamoto T., Hayakawa K. 学会等名称 : 35th Congress of the International Society of Limnology
予稿集名:Abstracts, 357 (2021)
発表者 : Yamaguchi Y., Shimotori K.(霜鳥孝一), Imai A.(今井章雄), Okazaki Y., Ohara T., Nakamura M., Hichiri S., Okamoto T., Hayakawa K. 学会等名称 : 35th Congress of the International Society of Limnology
予稿集名:Abstracts, 357 (2021)
発表者 : Yamaguchi Y., Shimotori K.(霜鳥孝一), Imai A.(今井章雄), Okazaki Y., Ohara T., Nakamura M., Hichiri S., Okamoto T., Hayakawa K. 学会等名称 : 35th Congress of the International Society of Limnology
予稿集名:Abstracts, 357 (2021)
発表者 : Tsuchiya K.(土屋一彬), Tomioka N.(冨岡典子), Sano T.(佐野友春), Kohzu A.(高津文人), Komatsu K., Imai A.(今井章雄), Hayakawa K., Nagata T., Okamoto T., Hirose Y. 学会等名称 : 35th Congress of the International Society of Limnology (SIL2021)
予稿集名:Abstracts, (210058) (2021)
発表者 : Tsuchiya K.(土屋一彬), Tomioka N.(冨岡典子), Sano T.(佐野友春), Kohzu A.(高津文人), Komatsu K., Imai A.(今井章雄), Hayakawa K., Nagata T., Okamoto T., Hirose Y. 学会等名称 : 35th Congress of the International Society of Limnology (SIL2021)
予稿集名:Abstracts, (210058) (2021)
発表者 : Tsuchiya K.(土屋一彬), Tomioka N.(冨岡典子), Sano T.(佐野友春), Kohzu A.(高津文人), Komatsu K., Imai A.(今井章雄), Hayakawa K., Nagata T., Okamoto T., Hirose Y. 学会等名称 : 35th Congress of the International Society of Limnology (SIL2021)
予稿集名:Abstracts, (210058) (2021)
研究発表 Effects of sulfate concentration on anaerobic treatment of monoethanolamine containing wastewater by UASB under psychrophilic conditions
発表者 : Takemura Y.(竹村泰幸), Syutsubo K.(珠坪一晃), Aoki M.(青木仁孝), Danshita T., Iguchi A. 学会等名称 : The 2021 International Conference on the "Challenges in Environmental Science and Engineering" (CESE-2021)
予稿集名:CESE-2021 ABSTRACTS BOOK, 46 (2021)
研究発表 Effects of sulfate concentration on anaerobic treatment of monoethanolamine containing wastewater by UASB under psychrophilic conditions
発表者 : Takemura Y.(竹村泰幸), Syutsubo K.(珠坪一晃), Aoki M.(青木仁孝), Danshita T., Iguchi A. 学会等名称 : The 2021 International Conference on the "Challenges in Environmental Science and Engineering" (CESE-2021)
予稿集名:CESE-2021 ABSTRACTS BOOK, 46 (2021)
研究発表 Effects of sulfate concentration on anaerobic treatment of monoethanolamine containing wastewater by UASB under psychrophilic conditions
発表者 : Takemura Y.(竹村泰幸), Syutsubo K.(珠坪一晃), Aoki M.(青木仁孝), Danshita T., Iguchi A. 学会等名称 : The 2021 International Conference on the "Challenges in Environmental Science and Engineering" (CESE-2021)
予稿集名:CESE-2021 ABSTRACTS BOOK, 46 (2021)