発表者 : Kiriya M., Yamazaki H., Hatoya K., Okuda T., Kaneyasu N., Uno I., Nishita C., Hara K., Hayashi M., Funato K., Inoue K., Yamamoto S., Yoshino A.(吉野彩子), Takami A.(高見昭憲) 学会等名称 : iCACGP-IGAC2018
予稿集名:Abstracts, 1.024 (2018)
発表者 : Kiriya M., Yamazaki H., Hatoya K., Okuda T., Kaneyasu N., Uno I., Nishita C., Hara K., Hayashi M., Funato K., Inoue K., Yamamoto S., Yoshino A.(吉野彩子), Takami A.(高見昭憲) 学会等名称 : iCACGP-IGAC2018
予稿集名:Abstracts, 1.024 (2018)
発表者 : Sato K.(佐藤圭) 学会等名称 : TSUKUBA GLOBAL SCIENCE WEEK2018 -The Mitsubishi UFJ Environment Foundation Lectures- Air Pollution and its Biological Effects
予稿集名:Abstracts, 5 (2018)
発表者 : Onodera T.(小野寺崇), Okubo T., Takayama D., Syutsubo K.(珠坪一晃), Yamaguchi T., Uemura S., Ohashi A., Harada H. 学会等名称 : IWA World Water Congress & Exhibition 2018
予稿集名:- (2018)
発表者 : Onodera T.(小野寺崇), Okubo T., Takayama D., Syutsubo K.(珠坪一晃), Yamaguchi T., Uemura S., Ohashi A., Harada H. 学会等名称 : IWA World Water Congress & Exhibition 2018
予稿集名:- (2018)
研究発表 Interannual changes in o15N-baseline and trophic structure in a west Siberian forest-steppe lake-swamp-stream food web: comparison between drought and flood years
発表者 : Li J., Fujii T., Matsuoka K., Takemura M., Sakamoto Y., Kohno N., Nakagawa M., Nakagawa M., Sdanaga Y., Ramasamy S.(RAMASAMYSathiyamurthi), Sato K.(佐藤圭), Takami A.(高見昭憲), Yoshino A.(吉野彩子), Nakayama T., Nakayama T., Nakashima Y., Kato S., KaJii Y., Kajii Y.(梶井克純) 学会等名称 : The 59th Annual meeting of Japan Society for Atomospheric Environment
予稿集名:Abstracts, 309 (2018)
発表者 : Li J., Fujii T., Matsuoka K., Takemura M., Sakamoto Y., Kohno N., Nakagawa M., Nakagawa M., Sdanaga Y., Ramasamy S.(RAMASAMYSathiyamurthi), Sato K.(佐藤圭), Takami A.(高見昭憲), Yoshino A.(吉野彩子), Nakayama T., Nakayama T., Nakashima Y., Kato S., KaJii Y., Kajii Y.(梶井克純) 学会等名称 : The 59th Annual meeting of Japan Society for Atomospheric Environment
予稿集名:Abstracts, 309 (2018)
発表者 : Wang Q-X.(王勤学) 学会等名称 : GLP Asia Conference 2018 ---Transitioning to Sustainable Development of Land Systems through Teleconnections and Telecouplings
予稿集名:Abstracts, 70 (2018)
発表者 : Takami A.(高見昭憲), Sugata S.(菅田誠治), Yoshino A.(吉野彩子), Nitta H.(新田裕史), Yamazaki S.(山崎新), Michikawa T., Ueda K. 学会等名称 : The Joint Annual Meeting of the International Society of Exposure Science and the International Society for Environmental Epidemiology (ISES-ISEE 2018)
予稿集名:ISES-ISEE 2018 Joint Annual Meeting Abstract Book, 1746 (2018)
発表者 : Takami A.(高見昭憲), Sugata S.(菅田誠治), Yoshino A.(吉野彩子), Nitta H.(新田裕史), Yamazaki S.(山崎新), Michikawa T., Ueda K. 学会等名称 : The Joint Annual Meeting of the International Society of Exposure Science and the International Society for Environmental Epidemiology (ISES-ISEE 2018)
予稿集名:ISES-ISEE 2018 Joint Annual Meeting Abstract Book, 1746 (2018)
発表者 : Takami A.(高見昭憲), Sugata S.(菅田誠治), Yoshino A.(吉野彩子), Nitta H.(新田裕史), Yamazaki S.(山崎新), Michikawa T., Ueda K. 学会等名称 : The Joint Annual Meeting of the International Society of Exposure Science and the International Society for Environmental Epidemiology (ISES-ISEE 2018)
予稿集名:ISES-ISEE 2018 Joint Annual Meeting Abstract Book, 1746 (2018)
研究発表 Understanding of Atmospheric Aerosol Behavior Using a Semi-Regional Model, a Geostationary Satellite and in Situ Measurements over Japan in May 2016
発表者 : Goto D.(五藤大輔), Kikuchi M., Suzuki K., Hayasaki M., Yoshida M., Nagao T., Sugimoto N.(杉本伸夫), Shimizu A.(清水厚), Nakajima T. 学会等名称 : 15th Annual Meeting: Asia Oceania Geosciences Society (AOGS)
予稿集名:- (2018)
研究発表 Understanding of Atmospheric Aerosol Behavior Using a Semi-Regional Model, a Geostationary Satellite and in Situ Measurements over Japan in May 2016
発表者 : Goto D.(五藤大輔), Kikuchi M., Suzuki K., Hayasaki M., Yoshida M., Nagao T., Sugimoto N.(杉本伸夫), Shimizu A.(清水厚), Nakajima T. 学会等名称 : 15th Annual Meeting: Asia Oceania Geosciences Society (AOGS)
予稿集名:- (2018)
研究発表 Understanding of Atmospheric Aerosol Behavior Using a Semi-Regional Model, a Geostationary Satellite and in Situ Measurements over Japan in May 2016
発表者 : Goto D.(五藤大輔), Kikuchi M., Suzuki K., Hayasaki M., Yoshida M., Nagao T., Sugimoto N.(杉本伸夫), Shimizu A.(清水厚), Nakajima T. 学会等名称 : 15th Annual Meeting: Asia Oceania Geosciences Society (AOGS)
予稿集名:- (2018)
発表者 : Goto D.(五藤大輔) 学会等名称 : Land Cover/Land Use Changes (LC/LUC) and Impacts on Environment in South/Southeast Asia –International Regional Science Meeting
予稿集名:- (2018)
発表者 : Goto D.(五藤大輔) 学会等名称 : Land Cover/Land Use Changes (LC/LUC) and Impacts on Environment in South/Southeast Asia –International Regional Science Meeting
予稿集名:- (2018)
発表者 : Goto D.(五藤大輔) 学会等名称 : Land Cover/Land Use Changes (LC/LUC) and Impacts on Environment in South/Southeast Asia –International Regional Science Meeting
予稿集名:- (2018)
発表者 : Chatani S.(茶谷聡) 学会等名称 : Land Cover/Land Use Changes (LC/LUC) and Impacts on Environment in South/Southeast Asia - International Regional Science Meeting
予稿集名:- (2018)
発表者 : Chatani S.(茶谷聡) 学会等名称 : Land Cover/Land Use Changes (LC/LUC) and Impacts on Environment in South/Southeast Asia - International Regional Science Meeting
予稿集名:- (2018)
発表者 : Chatani S.(茶谷聡) 学会等名称 : Land Cover/Land Use Changes (LC/LUC) and Impacts on Environment in South/Southeast Asia - International Regional Science Meeting
予稿集名:- (2018)
発表者 : Wang Q-X.(王勤学) 学会等名称 : The 18th Conference of Science Council of Asia (SCA) “Role of Science for Society: Strategies towards SDGs in Asia”
予稿集名:-, ISBN:978-4-60000044-8 C (2018)
発表者 : Wang Q-X.(王勤学) 学会等名称 : The 18th Conference of Science Council of Asia (SCA) “Role of Science for Society: Strategies towards SDGs in Asia”
予稿集名:-, ISBN:978-4-60000044-8 C (2018)
発表者 : Nishina K.(仁科一哉), Hayashi K., Eguchi S. 学会等名称 : NARO-MARCO International Symposium on Nitrogen Cycling and Its Environmental Impacts in East Asia
予稿集名:同予稿集, 83 (2018)
発表者 : Nishina K.(仁科一哉), Hayashi K., Eguchi S. 学会等名称 : NARO-MARCO International Symposium on Nitrogen Cycling and Its Environmental Impacts in East Asia
予稿集名:同予稿集, 83 (2018)
発表者 : Thonglee S., Yoochatchaval W., Danshita T., Yamaguchi T., Okadera T.(岡寺智大), Ebie Y.(蛯江美孝), Syutsubo K.(珠坪一晃) 学会等名称 : IWA Water Reuse 2018 IWA Regional Conferencen on Opportunities for Water Reuse in Southeast Asia
予稿集名:Abstract and Proceeding Book, 206-212 (2018)
研究発表 Anaerobic treatment of electronic industry wastewater containing glycol ether detergent
発表者 : Ohira K., Urasaki K., Sumino H., Danshita T,, Yamaguchi T., Syutsubo K.(珠坪一晃) 学会等名称 : The 3rd International Conference of "Science of Technology Innovation" 2018
予稿集名:Abstracts, 46 (2018)
研究発表 Long-term continuous feeding experiment of electronic industry wastewater containing sulfate by UASB reactor
発表者 : Baba Y., Urasaki K., Sumino H., Danshita T,, Yamaguchi T., Syutsubo K.(珠坪一晃) 学会等名称 : The 3rd International Conference of "Science of Technology Innovation" 2018
予稿集名:Abstracts, 47 (2018)