Emission and fate assessment of methyl tertiary butyl ether in the Boston area airshed using a simple multimedia box model-comparison with urban air measurements
Assessment of potential neurotoxic actions of organoarsenic compounds using human neuroblastoma NB-1 cells and rat cerebellar neurons in primary culture
Aerosol distributions and rediative forcing over the Asian Pacific region simulated by Spectral Radiation-Transport Model for Aerosol Species(SPRINTARS)
Aerosol and cloud vertical distribution characteristics in Sri Samrong,Thailand(17.15N,99.95E)revealed by continuous observations with a dual-polarization lidar
発表者 : Sugimoto N.(杉本伸夫), Shimizu A.(清水厚), Matsui I.(松井一郎), Chabangborn A.(*1), Hashizume M.(*1), Takamura T.(*2), Nakajima T.(*3), Takemura T.(*4) 掲載誌 : Findings and Current Problems in the Asian Particle Environmental Change Studies:2003, 164-167 (2003)
Asian dust observation using an airborne Mie-scattering lidar in the APEX-E3 campaign
発表者 : Sugimoto N.(杉本伸夫), Matsui I.(松井一郎), Shimizu A.(清水厚), Kumagai H.(*1), Uno I.(*2) 掲載誌 : Findings and Current Problems in the Asian Particle Environmental Change Studies:2003, 160-163 (2003)
Report for activities in active remote sensing by synergy use of radar and lidar systems for the study of vertical structure of clouds,precipitation and aerosols
発表者 : Okamoto H.(*1), Nishizawa T.(*1), Kumagai H.(*2), Kuroiwa H.(*2), Kamei A.(*2), Ohno Y.(*2), Sugimoto N.(杉本伸夫), Shimizu A.(清水厚), Matsui I.(松井一郎), Nakajima T.(*3) 掲載誌 : Findings and Current Problems in the Asian Particle Environmental Change Studies:2003, 140-147 (2003)
発表者 : 熊谷博, 大野裕一, 亀井秋秀, 黒岩博司, 杉本伸夫, 松井一郎, 岡本創 掲載誌 : Findings and Current Problems in the Asian Particle Environmental Change Studies:2003, 132-139 (2003)
Dioxin concentration of particulate and gaseous substances in the ambient air by particle size-comparison between specimens collected in summer and winter at Tokyo-
Disruption by magnetic fields of protein-protein communications in melatonin signal transduction pathway,but not in estradiol-evoked cell proliferation pathway in human breast cancer cells
発表者 : Kanzawa H.(神沢博), Sugita T. (杉田考史), Nakajima H.(中島英彰) 掲載誌 : Proceedings of the 16th ESA Symposium on European Rocket and Related Research(Warmbein B.ed.,ESA Publications Division,619p.), 493-498 (2003)
The potential for transit-oriented land use to save energy and retain open space-a case study of Tokyo and Perth
発表者 : Matsuhashi K.(松橋啓介), Newman P.(*1) 掲載誌 : Proceedings of the International Sustainability Conference(Barg M.,Hebert S.,Newman P.ed.,Department of the Premier and Cabinet,WA,683p.), 366-372 (2003)
Estimation of organophosphoric acid triesters in soft polyurethane foam using a concentrated sulfuric acid dissolution technique and gas chromatography with flame photometric detection
Simultaneous measurements of particulate elemental carbon on the ground observartion network over the western North Pacific during the ACE-Asia campaign
Regional chemical weather forcasting system CFORS-model descriptions and analysis of surface observations at Japanese island stations during the ACE-Asia experiment
Chemical properties and outflow patterns of anthropogenic and dust particles on Rishiri Island during the Asian Pacific Regional Aerosol Characterization Experiment(ACE-Asia)
Validation and data characteristics of nitrous oxide and methane profiles observed by the Improved Limb Atmospheric Spectrometer(ILAS) and processed with the Version 5.20 algorithm
Comparison of detection specificity of nitrifying bacteria in biofilm using fluorescence in situ hybridization and in situ fluorescent antibody methods
Gonadal histology and serum vitellogenin levels of bigeye tuna Thunnus obesus from the Northern Pacific Ocean:absence of endocrine disruption bio-indicators
Environmental consciousness in Southeast and East Asia-comparative studies of public perceptions of environmental problems in Hong Kong(China),Japan,Thailand,and Vietnam (Preface)
発表者 : Rambo A.T.(*1), Aoyagi-Usui M.(青柳みどり), Lee Y.F.(*2), Nickum J.E.(*3), Otsuka T.(*4) 掲載誌 : Southeast Asian Stud., 41(1):3-4 (2003)
Metallothionein deficiency enhances skin carcinogenesis induced by 7,12-dimethylbenz[a]anthracene and 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate in metallothionein-null mice
Prediction of changes in soil moisture associated with climatic changes and their implications for vegetation chenges-WAVES model simulation on Taihang Mountain,China
Transfer rate of several tris(bata-diketonato)iron(III) complexes at the bulk aqueous-Triton X-100 micellar interface:effects of substituent groups in the extractants
Determination of semivolatile organic compounds in environmental samples by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry after extraction by cyclic steam distillation
Fish intake,plasma omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids,and polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins/polychlorinated dibenzo-furans and co-planar polychlorinated biphenyls in the blood of the Japanese population
Estimation of reduction amount of carbon dioxide emission by introduction of EVs and a proposal toward widespread of EVs based on actual vehicle use data
Inhibin secretion in the Golden Hamster(Mesocricetus auratus) testis during active and inactive states of spermatogenesis induced by the restriction of photoperiod
Correction to validation and data characteristics of water vapor profiles observed by the Improved Limb Atmospheric Spectrometer(ILAS) and processed with the version 5.20 algorithm
Calculation of chemical ozone loss in the Arctic winter 1996-1997 using ozone-tracer correlations: comparison of Improved Limb Atmospheric Spectrometer (ILAS) and Halogen Occultation Experiment (HALOE) results
発表者 : Tilmes S.(*1), Muller R.(*1), Grooss J.U.(*1), McKenna D.S.(*1), Russell III J.M.(*2), Sasano Y.(笹野泰弘) 掲載誌 : J.Geophys.Res., 108(D2):ACH3-1-ACH3-15 (2003)
Inorganic characteristics of surface sediment from Lake Baikal: Natural elemental composition,redox condition,and Pb contamination
発表者 : Takamatsu T.(高松武次郎), Kashiwaya K.(*1), Kawai T.(*2) 掲載誌 : Long Continental Record from Lake Baikal(Kashiwaya K. ed.,Springer-Verlag,370p.), 313-328 (2003)