発表者 : Oppenheimer M., Campos M., Warren R., Birkmann J., Luber G., O, Takahashi K.(高橋潔) 掲載誌 : Climate Change 2014: Impacts, Adaptation, and Vulnerability. Part A: Global and Sectoral Aspects. Contribution of Working Group II to the Fifth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, 1039-1099 (2014)
発表者 : Aoyagi-Usui M.(青柳みどり) 掲載誌 : ASIAN RURAL SOCIOLOGY V "From Challenges to Prosperous Future in Rural Asia", 2:111-115 (2014)
発表者 : Asayama S.(朝山慎一郎) 掲載誌 : 環境経済・政策研究, Review of Environmental Economics and Policy Studies, 7(2):1-13 (2014)
査読付き 原著論文 Outdoor experiment investigation on the effect of clothing color to surface temperature variation
発表者 : Lin Y.(Lin Ye), Ichinose T.(Toshiaki)(一ノ瀬俊明) 掲載誌 : The Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Countermeasures to Urban Heat Island, 280-291 (2014)
発表者 : Fujimori S.(藤森真一郎), Kainuma M.(甲斐沼美紀子), Masui T.(増井利彦), Hasegawa T.(長谷川知子), Dai H.(戴瀚程) 掲載誌 : 土木学会論文集G(環境), Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Series G (Environmental Research), 70(5):I_137-I_146 (2014)
発表者 : Hasegawa T.(長谷川知子), Osawa R.(大沢遼平), Gomi K.(五味馨), Matsuoka Y.(松岡譲) 掲載誌 : 土木学会論文集G(環境), Jornal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Series G (Environmental Research), 70(5):I_189-I_199 (2014)
その他 Policies and Measures to remove Energy Efficiency Barriers in Thai Buildings toward Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions (NAMAs)
発表者 : Asayama Y.(朝山由美子), Limmeechokchai B.i 掲載誌 : Proceedings of International Conference and Utility Exhibition on: Green Energy for Sustainable Development (ICUE 2014) (2014)
発表者 : Nelson G.C., Valin H., Sands R.D., Havlik P., Ahammad H., Derynge D., Fujimori S.(藤森真一郎), Hasegawa T.(長谷川知子), Heyhoe E., Kyle P., von Lampe M., Lotze-Campen H., Mason d, Meijl H.V, van der Mensbrugghe D., Müller C., Popp, A., Robertson R., Robinson S., Schmid E., Schmitz C., Tabeau A., Willenbockel D. 掲載誌 : Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 111(9):3274-3279 (2014)
発表者 : Nelson G.C., van der Mensbrugghe D., Ahammad H., Blanc E., Calvin K., Hasegawa T.(長谷川知子), Havlik P., Heyhoe E., Kyle P., Lotze-Campen H., von Lampe M., Mason d, Meijl H.V, Müller C., Reilly J., Robertson R., Sands R.D., Schmitz C., Tabeau A., Takahashi K.(高橋潔), Valin H., Willenbockel D. 掲載誌 : Agricultural Economics, 45(1):85-101 (2014)
発表者 : Robinson S., van Meijl H., Willenbockel D., Valin H., Fujimori S.(藤森真一郎), Masui T.(増井利彦), Sands R.D., Wise, M., Calvin K., Havlik P., Mason d, Tabeau A., Kavallari A., Schmitz C., Dietrich J. P., von Lampe M. 掲載誌 : Agricultural Economics, 45(1):21-35 (2014)
発表者 : Valin H., Sands R.D., van der Mensbrugghe D., Nelson G.C., Ahammad H., Blanc E., Bodirsky, B., Fujimori S.(藤森真一郎), Hasegawa T.(長谷川知子), Havlik P., Heyhoe E., Kyle P., Mason d, Paltsev S., Rolinski S., Tabeau A., van Meijl H., von Lampe M., Willenbockel D. 掲載誌 : Agricultural Economics, 45(1):51-67 (2014)
発表者 : Honda Y., Kondo M., McGregor G., Kim H., Guo Y-L., Hijioka Y.(肱岡靖明), Yoshikawa M., Oka K., Takano S., Hales S., Kovats R.S. 掲載誌 : Environmental Health and Preventive Medicine, 19(1):56-63 (2014)
発表者 : Schmitz C., Meijl H. V., Kyle P., Nelson G. C., Fujimori S. (藤森真一郎), Gurgel A., Havlik P., Heyhoe E., d, Popp A., Sands R., Tabeau A., van der Mensbrugghe D., von Lampe M., Wise M., Blanc E., Hasegawa T.(長谷川知子), Kavallari A., Valin H. 掲載誌 : Agricultural Economics, 45(1):69-84 (2014)
発表者 : Rodel Lasco, Kameyama Y.(亀山康子), Kejun Jiang, Linda Penalba, Juan Pulhin, P.R. Shukla, Suneetha M. Subramanian 掲載誌 : Climate in Asia and the Pacific, 253-288 (2014)
書籍 Climate and Security in Asia and the Pacific (Food, Water and Energy)
発表者 : Lance Heath, Michael James Salinger, Tony Falkland, James Hansen, Kejun Jiang, Kameyama Y.(亀山康子), Michio Kishi, Louis Lebel, Holger Meinke, Katherine Morton, Elena Nikitina, P.R. Shukla, Ian White 掲載誌 : Climate in Asia and the Pacific, 129-198 (2014)