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CONG Richao特別研究員・伊藤室長・平田主任研究員・齊藤主任研究員・MAKSYUTOV高度技能員がBest Poster Honorary Mention Certificateを受賞
受賞者氏名: CONG Richao・伊藤昭彦・平田竜一・齊藤誠・Shamil MAKSYUTOV(地球環境研究センター)
賞の名称: Best Poster Honorary Mention Certificate
授賞機関: Technical Commission IV International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing
受賞年月日: 2018年10月05日
受賞対象: Exploration on quantifying carbon dioxide (CO2) emission from road traffic in megacity,Geo delft 2018, Int. Arch. Photogramm. Remote Sens. Spatial Inf. Sci. ,LXII, (4), 115-119,2018

It is my great honor to receive this famous award in the international conference-Geo Delft 2018. In this study,we made efforts for better understanding the greenhouse gas(GHG) emissions from road traffic sector in city scale by bottom up approach.As is known to all that, road traffic emissions are a large contributor to the global warming.Correctly quantifying the road emissions is a great challenge, but very important.We succeeded in combining the detailed traffic census data with the digital road map to improve the accuracy on road emission counting.Cities are always made as the minimum administrative unit to implement climate mitigation policies,therefore,I believe our study could support the policy makers to control the local GHG emissions. In the next step, we will try our best to improve our research and contribute our knowledge to serve our society.
About this research, see more details in the paper: