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  • 環境問題に関心のある方

第20回 アジアにおける温室効果ガスインベントリ整備に関するワークショップ


Agenda with presentations

Day 1, 26th June

  • Mutual Learning on IPPU / Mongolia - PhilippinesFacilitator: HIRATA Eriko (GIO), HATANAKA Elsa (GIO)
  • Mutual Learning on LULUCF / Indonesia - LaosFacilitator: HAYASHI Atsuko (GIO), ITO Hiroshi (GIO)
  • Mutual Learning on Waste / Japan - Viet NamFacilitator: ODA Takefumi (GIO), TAKI Wakana (GIO)

Day 2, 27th June

Opening Session

Chair: HATANAKA Elsa (GIO)

Session Ⅰ: Updates on the GHG Inventory of National Communications (NCs) and Biennial Update Reports (BURs) from non-Annex I Parties

Chair: Rizaldi Boer(AB/ Bogor Agricultural University)

Session Ⅱ: Changes in Reporting Under the Paris Agreement

Chair: Sandee G. Recabar(Philippines)

Session Ⅲ: Planning for the First GHG Inventory Under the Paris Agreement

Discussion lead: BOG1: KOSAKA Naofumi (GIO), BOG2: HAYASHI Atsuko (GIO), BOG3: HATANAKA Elsa (GIO)

Day 4, 29th June

Study Tour

Tomakomai CCS Demonstration Project Site

Poster Sessions
