発表者: Tsuchiya K.(土屋 健司), Tomioka N.(冨岡 典子), Komatsu K., Sano T., Kohzu A.(高津文人), Imai A.(今井章雄), Hayakawa K., Nagata T., Okamoto T., Ohara T.
掲載誌: Limnology, 23, 231-243 (2022)
掲載誌: Limnology, 23, 231-243 (2022)
発表者: Qian, Q., Wang J., , Zhang X., Wang S. , Li Y., Wang Q-X.(王 勤学), Watson A. E., Zhao X.
掲載誌: Land Use Policy, 113 (2022) (105896), 1-10
掲載誌: Land Use Policy, 113 (2022) (105896), 1-10
[査読付き 原著論文]
Quantitative evaluation of color morphotypes in a deep-sea snailfish, Careproctus trachysoma in the Japan Sea and their genetic and environmental backgrounds
Quantitative evaluation of color morphotypes in a deep-sea snailfish, Careproctus trachysoma in the Japan Sea and their genetic and environmental backgrounds
発表者:Takami S., Yashiki H., Yahagi T., Sakuma K., Itoh H.(伊藤 萌), Ueda Y., Kojima S.
掲載誌:Plankton and Benthos Research (2022)
掲載誌:Plankton and Benthos Research (2022)