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  • 環境問題に関心のある方

第3回 アジアインベントリワークショップ

 フィリピン マニラ

Agenda with presentations

Day 1, Thursday 23rd February

Opening Session

Chair: Ms. Macandog, Philippines

Session I : Updates on GHG inventories in Asia region

Chair: Mr. Aizawa, Japan
"News from All"

Session I (continued)

Session II : Countries’ practices, by sector

Chair for Energy WG: Mr. Aizawa, Japan
Chair for Agriculture WG: Dr. Punsalmaa, Mongolia
Chair for LULUCF WG: Dr. Boer, Indonesia
Chair for Waste WG: Dr. Towprayoon, Thailand

Energy WG

Agriculture WG


Waste WG

Day 2, Friday 24th February

Session III : Reports and overall discussion

Chair: Dr. Nishioka, Japan

Closing Session

Co-chairs: Mr. Baba and Mr. Aizawa, Japan>

  • Dr. Nishioka, Japan
  • Mr. Concepcion, Philippines
    Closing remarks
  • Mr. Baba, Japan
    Closing remarks