Agenda with presentations
Day 1: Thursday, 8th July (Just for limited participants)
Mutual Learning on Energy / Brunei-Mongolia
Mutual Learning on Waste / China-Indonesia
Day 2: Friday, 9th July
Mutual Learning on LULUCF / Bhutan-Indonesia
Mutual Learning on General / Thailand-Japan
Day 3: Monday, 12th July
Opening Session
Welcome AddressYoshiteru Sakaguchi, Director of Decarbonized Society Promotion Office (MOEJ)
Hiroshi Ito (GIO)
Toru Hayashi, Decarbonized Society Promotion Office (MOEJ)
Session Ⅰ: Updates on the GHG Inventory of National Communications (NCs) and Biennial Update Reports (BURs) from non-Annex I Parties
Cheir: Sirintornthep Towprayoon (AB/King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi)
Sokhim Pich (Cambodia)
BounEua Khamphilavanh (Laos)
Qingxian Gao (China)
Dayang Ratnasari Binti Abu Bakar (Malaysia)
Nguyen Van Anh (Vietnam)
Day 4: Tuesday, 13th July
Session II: Transition to the 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories and Resources That Will Facilitate Compilation
Chair: Rizaldi Boer (AB/Bogor Agricultural University)
Sivach Kaewcharoen (Thailand)
Winnie Chia (Singapore)
Sandee G. Recabar (philippines)
Baasansuren Jamsranjav (AB/IPCC/TFI)
Francesco N. Tubiello (FAO)
Masataka Watanabe (Chuo University)
Day 5: Wednesday, 14th July
Session Ⅲ: National GHG Inventory for the Transparency Framework Under the Paris Agreement
Chair: Baasansuren Jamsranjav (AB/IPCC/TFI)
Dominique Revet (UNFCCC)
Naofumi Kosaka (GIO)
John Steller (USEPA)
Poster Session
Shenghui Han, Wen Zhang, Yongqiang Yu
Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Science, China
Nareerat Thanakasem, Thawatchai Saengkhamsuk,
Thailand Greenhouse Gas Management Organization (Public Organization), Thailand -
Rajesh Janardanan, Shamil Maksyutov, Fenjuan Wang, Tsuneo Matsunaga
Satellite Observation Center, Earth System Division, NIES
Closing Session
Summary and Closing remarksElsa Hatanaka (GIO)
Joint Meeting of the WGIA Organizing Committee and Advisory Board (members of the OC and AB, and the WGIA secretariat are requested to attend)
Chair: Hiroshi Ito (GIO)
Review of Activities in WGIA18OC/AB members
Discussion on Topics for WGIA19OC/AB members