Agenda with presentations
Day 1, Wednesday 13th July
Opening Session
Chair: Kiyoto Tanabe
Rapporteur: Takako Ono
Ayako SuzukiWelcome Address (MOE, Japan)
H.E. Thuk Kroeun VuthaWelcome Address (MOE, Cambodia)
Hiroshi Ito
Ayako Suzuki
Thy Sum
Kiyoto Tanabe (Dominique Revet)
Simon Eggleston
Session I: Report of the latest NCs (inventories) recently submitted
Chair: Kamal Uy
Rapporteur: Kazumasa Kawashima
Retno Gumilang Dewi
Abdul Rahim Nik
Woranuch Emmanoch
Cuong Mong Nguyen
Session II: Relationships between inventory and mitigation measures
Chair: Leandro Buendia
Rapporteur: Simon Eggleston
Junko Akagi
Qingxian Gao
Chart Chiemchaisri
Elizabeth Philip
Damasa Magcale -Macandog
Sultan Singh
Day 2, Thursday 14th July
Session III: Working Group (WG) Discussions & Mutual learning (ML)
Participants split into 2 groups in the morning and 2 groups in the afternoon. Note: Mutual learning was conducted behind closed doors.
ML1: Energy (Indonesia and Mongolia)
ML2: LULUCF (Lao P.D.R. and Japan)
ML3: Waste (Cambodia, Indonesia and Republic of Korea)
WG1: Waste
Theme: Development of waste statistics to estimate activity data
Chair: Tomonori Ishigaki
Rapporteur: Wukir A. Rukmi, Wiryawan Purboyo, Rias Parinderati
Takefumi Oda
Kamal Uy
Elizabeth Philip
Teresita Ramos Perez
Chart Chiemchaisri
Wonseok Baek
WG2: Inventory (cross-cutting issues)
Theme: The latest and future NCs focusing on estimation of non-CO2 gases
Chair: Damasa Magcale-Macandog
Rapporteur: Atsushi Sato
Keizo Hirai
Keizo Hirai
Phirum Am
Mone Nouansyvong
Khin Lay Swe
WG3: Transport
Theme: Estimation of CO2 emissions from transport sector
Chair: Takahiko Hiraishi
Rapporteur: Kohei Sakai
Kohei Sakai
Kohei Sakai
Agus Gunawan
Hnin Hnin Aye
WGIA secretariat (edited by Kohei Sakai)
WG4: Inventory (cross-cutting issues)
Theme: Sharing experiences gained through preparing NCs and identifying key elements for QA/QC systems
Chair: Mausami Desai
Rapporteur: Elsa Hatanaka
Elsa Hatanaka
Elsa Hatanaka
Dorjpurev Jargal
Mihyeon Lee
Takako Ono
Mausami Desai
Day 3, Friday 15th July
Wrap-up Session
Chair: Kiyoto Tanabe
Rapporteurs presented the summary of each session, group discussion and mutual learning.
Opening Session
Session I
Session II
Session III
Discussion and Wrap-up
Thy SumClosing Remarks (MOE, Cambodia)
Yukihiro NojiriClosing Remarks (GIO/CGER/NIES, Japan)