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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Reference (Ref ID : 7500-7599)

Ref ID : 7500

Hilde Laminger; [Sedimentbewohnende Schalenamoben (Rhizopoda, Testacea) der Finstertaler Seen (Tirol)] (The sediment-inhabiting Testate Amoebae (Rhizopoda, Testacea) from the Finstertaler Seen (Tyrol/Austria)). Arch.Hydrobiol. 69(1):106-140, 1971

Ref ID : 7501

Hilde Laminger; [Die profundale Testaceenfauna (Protozoa, Rhizopoda) alterer und jungerer Bodensee-Sedimente] (The Profundal Testacea (Protozoa, Rhizopoda) of Older and Younger Sediments of Lake Constance). Arch.Hydrobiol. 70(1):108-129, 1972

Ref ID : 7502

Victor Pop; [Faunistiche Forschungen in den Grundwassern des Nahen Ostens. XII. Oligochaeta (Annelida)] (Faunistical Investigations in Phreatic Waters of the Near East XII. Oligochaeta (Annelida)). Arch.Hydrobiol. 73(1):108-121, 1974

Ref ID : 7503

Frode Thorhauge; Reproduction of Potamothrix hammoniensis (Tubificidae, Oligochaeta) in Lake Esrom, Denmark. A field and laboratory study. Arch.Hydrobiol. 76(4):449-474, 1975

Ref ID : 7504

Frode Thorhauge; Growth and life cycle of Potamothrix hammoniensis (Tubificidae, Oligochaeta) in the profundal of eutrophic Lake Esrom. A field and laboratory study. Arch.Hydrobiol. 78(1):71-85, 1976

Ref ID : 7505

Louis Beyens, Didier Chardez, D. De Baere, Paul De Bock, and E. Jacques; Some Data on the Testate Amoebae from the Shetland Islands and the Faeroer. Arch.Protistenkd. 136:79-96, 1988

Ref ID : 7506

Colin G. Ogden; Morphology of the Organic Shell Matrix of Difflugia (Rhizopoda) in Culture, Including Modification by the Addition of Agglutinate Particles. Arch.Protistenkd. 136:365-376, 1988

Ref ID : 7507

D.E. Wujek and C.J. O'Kelly; Scales of the "Marine" Flagellate Protist Thaumatomastix bipartita Observed in a New Zealand Freshwater Lake. Arch.Protistenkd. 141:184-186, 1992

Ref ID : 7508

Stephen F. NG; Origin and Inheritance of an Extra Band of Microtubules in Tetrahymena Cortex. Protistologica XV(1):5-15, 1979

Ref ID : 7509

Veronique Machelon; [Etude D'une Troisieme Espece Dans Le Complexe Euplotes vannus (Cilies Hypotriches)]. Protistologica XIV(1):15-22, 1978

Ref ID : 7510

Frederick C. Page; An Electron-Microscopical Study of Thecamoeba proteoides (Gymnamoebia), Intermediate between Thecamoebidae and Amoebidae. Protistologica XIV(1):77-85, 1978

Ref ID : 7511

D.C. Warhurst and S.C. Thomas; An Isoenzyme Difference between a "Smooth"(S) and a "Rough"(R) Strain of Naegleria gruberi. Protistologica XIV(1):87-89, 1978

Ref ID : 7512

Ghislaine Fryd-Versavel and Michel Tuffrau; [Complements a la Connaissance du Genre Transitella Gellert, 1950]. Protistologica XIV(1):91-98, 1978

Ref ID : 7513

Michael A. Gates; Cirral Patterns of Cirrotype 9 Euplotes (Hypotrichida, Ciliophora). Protistologica XIV(2):125-132, 1978

Ref ID : 7514

Jacques Bohatier, F. Iftode, P. Didier, and Ghislaine Fryd-Versavel; [Sur L'ultrastructure des Genres Spathidium et Bryophyllum, Cilies Kinetophragmophora (de Puytorac et all, 1974)]. Protistologica XIV(2):189-200, 1978

Ref ID : 7515

Jean-Claude Esteve; [Une Population de Type << Killer >> chez Paramecium caudatum (Ehrenberg)]. Protistologica XIV(2):201-207, 1978

Ref ID : 7516

J. Grain, P. Didier, R.K. Peck, and M.R. de Santa Rosa; [Etude Ultrastructurale et Position Systematique des Cilies du Genre Cyclogramma Perty, 1852]. Protistologica XIV(2):225-240, 1978

Ref ID : 7517

Igor B. Raikov and V.G. Kovaleva; Fine Structure of the Nuclear Complex of the Psammophilic Gymnostome Ciliate Tracheloraphis phoenicopterus (Cohn). Protistologica XIV(3):269-282, 1978

Ref ID : 7518

Andrzej Grebecki and Lucyna Grebecka; Morphodynamic Types of Amoeba proteus: A Terminological Proposal. Protistologica XIV(3):349-358, 1978

Ref ID : 7519

Helge Abildhauge Thomsen; On the Identity between the Heliozoan Pinaciophora fluviatilis and Potamodiscus kalbei; with the Description of Eight New Pinaciophora species. Protistologica XIV(3):359-373, 1978

Ref ID : 7520

Wilhelm Foissner; [Morphologie, Infraciliatur und Silberliniensystem von Plagiocampa rouxi Kahl, 1926 (Prostomatida, Plagiocampidae) und Balanonema sapropelica nov. spec. (Philasterina, Loxocephalidae)]. Protistologica XIV(4):381-389, 1978

Ref ID : 7521

J. Grain, P. De Puytorac, R. Detcheva, C.A. Groliere, F. Iftode, and Ghislaine Fryd-Versavel; [Etude Ultrastructurale d'un Cilie Kinetofragmophora: Placus striatus Cohn, 1866]. Protistologica XIV(4):391-404, 1978

Ref ID : 7522

F. Perez-Paniagua and J. Perez-Silva; [Reorganisation Buccale au Cours de la Division chez Tillina sp. (Cilie Colpodida)]. Protistologica XIV(4):405-411, 1978

Ref ID : 7523

Igor B. Raikov; [Ultrastructure de Cytoplasme et des Nematocystes du Cilie Remanella multinucleata Kahl (Gymnostomata, Loxodidae) Existence de Nematocystes chez les Cilies]. Protistologica XIV(4):413-432, 1978

Ref ID : 7524

Jacques Bohatier; [Morphologie Ultrastructurale de Condylostoma Cilie Polyhymenophora]. Protistologica XIV(4):433-450, 1978

Ref ID : 7525

Klaus Hausmann; [Vitaluntersuchungen zum Corticalsystem von Euplotes vannus unter Anwendung des Differential-Interferenz-Kontrastes]. Protistologica XIV(4):459-465, 1978

Ref ID : 7526

H. Norbert Lanners; The Ultrastructure of the Attachment of the Suctor Heliophrya erhardi to the Substrate: Homologies to other Suctoria. Protistologica XIV(4):467-474, 1978

Ref ID : 7527

Johan F. De Jonckheere; Quantitative Study of Naegleria fowleri in Surface Water. Protistologica XIV(4):475-481, 1978

Ref ID : 7528

Jean-Pierre Mignot and Albert Savoie; [Observations Ultrastructurales sur Nuclearia simplex Cienkowski (Protozoa, Rhizopodea, Filosia)]. Protistologica XV(1):23-32, 1979

Ref ID : 7529

Pierre Didier and Jean Dragesco; [Organisation Ultrastructurale du Cortex de Phacodinium metchnicoffi (Cilie Heterotriche)]. Protistologica XV(1):33-42, 1979

Ref ID : 7530

Chandra K. Pyne; Electron Microscopic Autoradiographic Studies on DNA Synthesis during Macronuclear Development in the Ciliate Chilodonella uncinata. Protistologica XV(1):67-77, 1979

Ref ID : 7531

Antonio Torres, C. Morenza, C. Fedriani, and A.M. Gutierrez-Navarro; Nuclear Cycles and DNA Contents in Laurentia acuminata (Hypotrichida, Oxytrichidae). Protistologica XV(2):133-138, 1979

Ref ID : 7532

M. Pussard, C. Alabouvette, and R. Pons; [Etude Preliminaire d'une Amibe Mycophage Thecamoeba granifera s. sp. minor (Thecamoebidae, Amoebida)]. Protistologica XV(2):139-149, 1979

Ref ID : 7533

F. Perez-Paniagua, J. Perez-Silva, and P. De Puytorac; [Etude Structurale et Ultrastructurale de la Stomatogenese de Bipartition du Cilie Colpoda steinii Maupas, 1883]. Protistologica XV(2):151-161, 1979

Ref ID : 7534

Janine Dupy-Blanc and Jean Genermont; [Recherches sur la Transmission Hereditaire de la Teneur en ADN Macronucleaire chez Paramecium caudatum]. Protistologica XV(2):177-181, 1979

Ref ID : 7535

Guy Brugerolle, Jiri Lom, Eva Nohynkova, and Louis Joyon; [Comparison et Evolution des Structures Cellulaires chez Plusieurs Especes de Bodonides et Cryptobiides Appartenant aux Genres Bodo, Cryptobia et Trypanoplasma (Kinetoplastida, Mastigophora)]. Protistologica XV(2):197-221, 1979

Ref ID : 7536

Pierre de Puytorac and C.A. Groliere; [Sur le Cilie Anophryoides salmacida (Mugard, 1949) Nov. Gen.]. Protistologica XV(2):223-230, 1979

Ref ID : 7537

Pierre de Puytorac, F. Perez-Paniagua, and J. Perez-Silva; [A Propos D'observations sur la Stomatogenese et L'ultrastructure du Cilie Woodruffia metabolica (Johnson et Larson, 1938)]. Protistologica XV(2):231-243, 1979

Ref ID : 7538

Thomas Njine; [Complements a L'etude des Cilies Libres du Cameroun]. Protistologica XV(3):343-354, 1979

Ref ID : 7539

Monique David; [Etude Comparee des Antigenes Hydrosolubles des Forms Microstome et Macrostome du Cilie Tetrahymena paravorax Corliss, 1957]. Protistologica XV(3):355-364, 1979

Ref ID : 7540

Pierre Pernin and Marc Pussard; [Mitose et Identification de Vexillifera bacillipedes Page, 1969 (Paramoebidae, Amoebida)]. Protistologica XV(3):365-368, 1979

Ref ID : 7541

Bernard Pelvat and Gerard De Haller; [La Regeneration de L'appareil Oral chez Stentor coeruleus: Etude au Protargol et Essai de Morphogenese Comparee]. Protistologica XV(3):369-386, 1979

Ref ID : 7542

Jean-Pierre Mignot; [Etude Ultrastructurale de la Pedogamie chez Actinophrys sol (Heliozoaire) I. - La Division Progamique]. Protistologica XV(3):387-406, 1979

Ref ID : 7543

Thomas Njine; [Structure et Morphologenese Buccales du Cilie Leptopharynx (Mermod, 1914)]. Protistologica XV(4):459-465, 1979

Ref ID : 7544

Miyake Akio, Klaus Heckmann, and H.-D. Gortz; Meiosis in Blepharisma japonicum. Protistologica XV(4):473-486, 1979

Ref ID : 7545

J. Gonzalez; [La Loge du Cilie Peritriche Thuricola folliculata (O.F. Muller, 1786): Structure, Nature Chimique et Formation]. Protistologica XV(4):487-493, 1979

Ref ID : 7546

B.P. Karadzhan and I.B. Raikov; Ultrastructural and Autoradiographic Investigation of the Resorption of the Old Macronucleus and of the Development of the New Macronucleus following Conjugation in Didinium nasutum. Protistologica XV(4):507-519, 1979

Ref ID : 7547

Stefan Radzikowski; Asynchronous Replication of Polytene Chromosome Segments of the New Macronucleus Anlage in Chilodonella cucullulus O.F. Muller. Protistologica XV(4):521-526, 1979

Ref ID : 7548

F. Perez-Paniagua, J. Perez-Silva, and Pierre de Puytorac; [Observation, en Microscopie Electronique, de Certains Stades du developpment de L'infraciliature Buccale, au Cours de la Morphogenese de Division du Cilie Tillina sp.]. Protistologica XV(4):531-539, 1979

Ref ID : 7549

Wilhelm Foissner; [Morphologie, Infraciliature und Silberliniensystem von Phascolodon vorticella Stein, Chlamydonella alpestris nov. spec. und Trochilia minuta (Roux) (Ciliophora, Cyrtophorida)]. Protistologica XV(4):557-563, 1979

Ref ID : 7550

Marie-Madeleine Couteaux, Andree Munsch, and Jean-Francois Ponge; [Le Genre Euglypha: Essai de Taxinomie Numerique]. Protistologica XV(4):565-579, 1979

Ref ID : 7551

J. Grain, F. Iftode, and Ghislaine Fryd-Versavel; [Etude des Infraciliatures Somatique et Buccale de Bryophrya bavariensis et Considerations Systematiques]. Protistologica XV(4):581-595, 1979

Ref ID : 7552

Maria A. Jareno and Michel Tuffrau; [Le Positionnement des Primordiums Cinetosomiens et la Morphogenese sous Kyste chez le Cilie Hypotriche Onychodromus acuminatus]. Protistologica XV(4):597-605, 1979

Ref ID : 7553

Dimas Fernandez-Galiano and Gregorio Fernandez-Leborans; [Caenomorpha medusula Perty, 1852 (Heterotrichida, Armophorina): Nouvelles Donnees sur la Ciliature et L'infraciliature]. Protistologica XVI(1):5-10, 1980

Ref ID : 7554

Belinda M. Baldock and John H. Baker; The Occurrence and Growth rates of Polychaos fasciculatum, A Re-discovered Amoeba. Protistologica XVI(1):79-83, 1980

Ref ID : 7555

Andrzej Grebecki; Behaviour of Amoeba proteus Exposed to Light-shade Difference. Protistologica XVI(1):103-113, 1980

Ref ID : 7556

Susanne Kuhlmann and Klaus Hausmann; [Untersuchungen zu Nahrungserwerb und Nahrungsaufnahme bei Homalozoon vermiculare, Stokes 1887 2. Mucocysten, Konocysten, Toxicysten]. Protistologica XVI(1):125-134, 1980

Ref ID : 7557

Thomas Njine and Pierre Didier; [Etude Ultrastructurale des Cilies du Genre Leptopharynx Mermod, 1914]. Protistologica XVI(1):155-166, 1980

Ref ID : 7558

E.C. Tatchell; An Ultrastructural Study of Extension and Contraction in Lacrymaria olor (O.F. Muller). Protistologica XVI(1):167-175, 1980

Ref ID : 7559

Igor B. Raikov and V.G. Kovaleva; Fine Structure of the Circumoral Ciliature and Pharyngeal Apparatus of the Marine Ciliate Helicoprorodon gigas (Gymnostomata). Protistologica XVI(1):177-198, 1980

Ref ID : 7560

Jean-Pierre Mignot; [Etude Ultrastructurale de la Pedogamie chez Actinophrys sol (Heliozoaire) II. Les Divisions de Maturation]. Protistologica XVI(2):205-225, 1980

Ref ID : 7561

Claude-Alain Groliere, Pierre de Puytorac, and Jean Grain; [Observations de Quelques Especes de Cilies Endocommensaux D'echinides du Golfe du Mexique et de la Mer des Antilles]. Protistologica XVI(2):233-239, 1980

Ref ID : 7562

Jean-Claude Esteve; [Particularite du Revetement Cellulaire chez le Cilie Paramecium caudatum, le Complexe Cytopharynx-sac Vacuolaire]. Protistologica XVI(2):305-314, 1980

Ref ID : 7563

Pierre de Puytorac and Thomas Njine; [A Propos des Ultrastructures corticale et Buccale du Cilie Hypostome Nassula tumida Maskell, 1887]. Protistologica XVI(2):315-327, 1980

Ref ID : 7564

Marina A. Frenkel; Fine Structure of the Macronucleus of the Active and Encysted (dividing) forms of Ciliate Colpoda steini. Protistologica XVI(2):339-351, 1980

Ref ID : 7565

Nicola Ricci, R. Banchetti, and R. Cetera; Initiation of Meiosis and Other Nuclear Changes in Two Species of Oxytricha. Protistologica XVI(3):413-417, 1980

Ref ID : 7566

Franco Verni and Giovanna Rosati; Preliminary Survey of the Morphology and Cytochemistry of Polysaccharides Reserve in Ciliates. Protistologica XVI(3):427-434, 1980

Ref ID : 7567

M. Pussard, C. Alabouvette, I. Lemaitre, and R. Pons; [Une Nouvelle Amibe Mycophage Endogee Cashia mycophaga n. sp. (Hartmannellidae, Amoebida)]. Protistologica XVI(3):443-451, 1980

Ref ID : 7568

C.A. Groliere, Pierre de Puytorac, and R. Detcheva; [A Propos D'observations sur la Stomatogenese et L'ultrastructure du Cilie Protocruzia tuzeti Villeneuve-Brachon, 1940]. Protistologica XVI(3):453-466, 1980

Ref ID : 7569

Fereidoun Rassoulzadegan; Granulometric Analysis of the Particles used by a Tintinnid Stenosemella ventricosa (Clap. & Lachm.) Jorg., during Lorica Building. Protistologica XVI(4):507-510, 1980

Ref ID : 7570

Glenn K. Walker, Timothy K. Maugel, and Dennis Goode; Encystment and Excystment in Hypotrich Ciliates I. Gastrostyla steinii. Protistologica XVI(4):511-524, 1980

Ref ID : 7571

Glenn K. Walker and Timothy K. Maugel; Encystment and Excystment in Hypotrich Ciliates II. Diophrys scutum and Remarks on Comparative features. Protistologica XVI(4):525-531, 1980

Ref ID : 7572

Jean-Pierre Mignot; [Etude Ultrastructurale de la Pedogamie chez Actinophrys sol (Heliozoaire) III. Gametogenese, Fecondation, Enkystement]. Protistologica XVI(4):533-547, 1980

Ref ID : 7573

Simone Eperon; [Sur la Stomatogenese et les Relations Phylogenetiques du Cilie Peritriche Thuricola folliculata (O.F. Muller, 1786)]. Protistologica XVI(4):549-564, 1980

Ref ID : 7574

Anthony J.J. Rees, Deborah A. Donaldson, and Gordon F. Leedale; Morphology of the Scales of the Freshwater Heliozoan Raphidocystis tubifera (Heliozoa, Centrohelidia) and Organisation of the Intact Scale Layer. Protistologica XVI(4):565-570, 1980

Ref ID : 7575

Maria Jerka-Dziadosz; Ultrastructural Study on Development of the Hypotrich Ciliate Paraurostyla weissei. I. Formation and Morphogenetic Movements of Ventral Ciliary Primordia. Protistologica XVI(4):571-589, 1980

Ref ID : 7576

Hans-Dieter Gortz and Josef Dieckmann; Life Cycle and Infectivity of Holospora elegans Haffkine, a Micronucleus-specific Symbiont of Paramecium caudatum (Ehrenberg). Protistologica XVI(4):591-603, 1980

Ref ID : 7577

Frederick C. Page; Fine Structure of Some Marine Strains of Platyamoeba (Gymnamoebia, Thecamoebidae). Protistologica XVI(4):605-612, 1980

Ref ID : 7578

Gregorio Fernandez-Leborans; Uroleptus elongatus n. sp. (Ciliophora, Hypotrichida): Morphology of the Ciliature and Infraciliature. Protistologica XVII(1):5-9, 1981

Ref ID : 7579

E.C. Tatchell; An Ultrastructural Study of Prey Capture and Ingestion in Lacrymaria olor (O.F.M. 1786). Protistologica XVII(1):59-66, 1981

Ref ID : 7580

Maria Jerka-Dziadosz; Ultrastructural Study on Development of the Hypotrich Ciliate Paraurostyla weissei II. Formation of the Adoral Zone of Membranelles and its Bearing on Problems of Ciliate Morphogenesis. Protistologica XVII(1):67-81, 1981

Ref ID : 7581

Maria Jerka-Dziadosz; Ultrastructural Study on Development of the Hypotrich Ciliate Paraurostyla weissei III. Formation of Preoral membranelles and an Essay on Comparative Morphogenis. Protistologica XVII(1):83-97, 1981

Ref ID : 7582

Anne-Marie Simitzis and Francette Le Goff; Observations on Testate Amoebae of the Group Capsellina Penard, 1909 Rhogostoma Belar, 1921 (Gromiidae, Gromiida, Filosea). Protistologica XVII(1):99-111, 1981

Ref ID : 7583

Igor B. Raikov and V.G. Kovaleva; Fine Structural Morphology and Cytochemistry of the Nuclei of the Lower Marine Ciliate Trachelocerca geopetiti (Karyorelictida). Protistologica XVII(1):113-130, 1981

Ref ID : 7584

P. Alonso, I. Gil, and D. Rodriguez; Nutritional efficiency of Different bacterial species on the Growth of Tetrahymena pyriformis W. Protistologica XVII(2):199-201, 1981

Ref ID : 7585

Jesus Martin, C. Fedriani, and J. Nieto; [Etude Comparee des Processus Morphogenetiques D'Uroleptus sp. (Kahl, 1932) et de Holosticha (Paruroleptus) musculus (Kahl, 1932) (Cilies Hypotriches)]. Protistologica XVII(2):215-224, 1981

Ref ID : 7586

David J. Patterson; Contractile Vacuole Complex Behaviour as a Diagnostic Character for Free-living Amoebae. Protistologica XVII(2):243-248, 1981

Ref ID : 7587

Michele Laval-Peuto; Construction of the Lorica in Ciliata Tintinnina. In vivo Study of Favella ehrenbergii: Variability of the Phenotypes during the Cycle, Biology, Statistics, Biometry. Protistologica XVII(2):249-272, 1981

Ref ID : 7588

Maria Mulisch, Wilhelm Barthlott, and Klaus Hausmann; [Struktur und Ultrastrucktur von Eufolliculina spec. Schwarmer und Sessiles Stadium]. Protistologica XVII(3):285-312, 1981

Ref ID : 7589

Guy Morat, Maria Giovanna Chessa, and Tina Crippa-Franceschi; [Etude de la Regulation des Teneurs en ADN Nucleaire au Cours de la Reproduction Vegetative et de L'enkystement D'attente chez le Cilie Colpoda cucullus]. Protistologica XVII(3):313-329, 1981

Ref ID : 7590

Barry J. Wicklow; Evolution within the Order Hypotrichida (Ciliophora, Protozoa): Ultrastructure and Morphogenesis of Thigmokeronopsis jahodai (N. Gen., N. Sp.); Phylogeny in the Urostylina (Jankowski, 1979). Protistologica XVII(3):331-351, 1981

Ref ID : 7591

P. Bourrelly and A. Coute; [Ultrastructure de la Cuticle de Quelques Eugleniens: II. Phacus horridus Pochmann]. Protistologica XVII(3):359-363, 1981

Ref ID : 7592

Michel Tuffrau, Ghislaine Fryd-Versavel, and Helene Tuffrau; [La Reorganisation Infraciliaire au Cours de la Conjugaison chez Stylonychia mytilus]. Protistologica XVII(3):387-396, 1981

Ref ID : 7593

Johan F. De Jonckheere; Naegleria australiensis sp. nov., Another Pathogenic Naegleria from Water. Protistologica XVII(3):423-429, 1981

Ref ID : 7594

B.N. Singh, R. Misra, and A.K. Sharma; Nuclear Structure and Nuclear Division as the Basis for the Subdivision of the Genus Thecamoeba Fromental, 1874. Protistologica XVII(4):449-464, 1981

Ref ID : 7595

Alain Coute and Hans Rudolf Preisig; [Sur L'ultrastructure de Microglena butcheri Belcher (Chrysophyceae, Ochromonadales, Synuraceae) et sur sa Position Systematique]. Protistologica XVII(4):465-477, 1981

Ref ID : 7596

Jean-Claude Esteve; [Perturbation du Comportement Alimentaire par Atteinte du Revetement Cellulaire chez le Cilie Dileptus]. Protistologica XVII(4):479-488, 1981

Ref ID : 7597

Stephen F. NG; Transplantation of the Germ Nucleus in Paramecium tetraurelia and its Genetic Consequences. Protistologica XVII(4):489-496, 1981

Ref ID : 7598

Stephen F. NG and Mikami Kazuyuki; Morphogenetic Role of the Germ Nucleus in Paramecium tetraurelia. Protistologica XVII(4):497-509, 1981

Ref ID : 7599

David J. Patterson; On the Origin of the Postoral Microtubules of Paramecium putrinum (Hymenostomatida, Ciliophora). Protistologica XVII(4):525-531, 1981