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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 7545

J. Gonzalez; [La Loge du Cilie Peritriche Thuricola folliculata (O.F. Muller, 1786): Structure, Nature Chimique et Formation]. Protistologica XV(4):487-493, 1979


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The lorica of Thuricola folliculata consists of fibrils which, on oblique sections, appear to be disposed in bow-shapped lines. The fibrillar material is synthetized in the ergastoplasm of the cell, accumulated in cytoplasmic vesicles and secreted by exocytose at the level of the scopula. The form of the animal and the movements that it carries out during the elaboration of the lorica fashions the latter. Different cytochemical tests show that the lorica is essentially made of proteins.