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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 7557

Thomas Njine and Pierre Didier; [Etude Ultrastructurale des Cilies du Genre Leptopharynx Mermod, 1914]. Protistologica XVI(1):155-166, 1980


In File


Somatic infraciliature of Leptopharynx comprises single and paired kinetosomes. Each single kinetosome is associated with classical derivatives: kinetosomal fiber, postciliary and transverse microtubular ribbon, and a dense kinetodesmal spur running along the kinetodesmal fiber. When paired, only the posterior kinetosome possesses a complete set of fiber systems; postciliary microtubules are present on the anterior kinetosome. Under the cell membrane lie alveolar membranes and the epiplasm layer. Other components of the cortex are two morphological types of trichocysts and interkinetal mitochondria. No ectoplasmic crest protrude between the buccal organelles, the ultrastructure of which is on other respects original.