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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 7510

Frederick C. Page; An Electron-Microscopical Study of Thecamoeba proteoides (Gymnamoebia), Intermediate between Thecamoebidae and Amoebidae. Protistologica XIV(1):77-85, 1978


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Thecamoeba proteoides Page, 1976, a freshwater amoeba which light-microscopically appears intermediate between Thecamoeba and Amoeba, is intermediate also in its fine structure. It has a surface coat of discrete radial filaments somewhat resembling those of Amoeba proteus but much shorter. The nuclear envelope includes, on the inner side of the nuclear membrane proper, a dense fibrous lamella like that found in other species of Thecamoeba and somewhat similar to that of Chaos carolinense, without the honeycomb-like structure seen in Amoeba proteus. This species appear truly intermediate between Thecamoeba and Amoeba and suggests a relationship between those genera of medium-sized and large amoebae. Another interesting aspect is the extensive system of large and small structural vesicles, the latter probably corresponding to the endoplasmic reticulum; these abundant vesicles correspond with the alveolar cytoplasm observed with the light microscope.