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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 7518

Andrzej Grebecki and Lucyna Grebecka; Morphodynamic Types of Amoeba proteus: A Terminological Proposal. Protistologica XIV(3):349-358, 1978


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The name : monotactic is proposed for such amoebae traditionally called monopodial which arise spontaneously, have vesicular frontal cap, the permanent innate motory polarity, and are insensitive to stimuli, whereas those which arise in response to directional stimuli, have hyaline frontal cap and facultative stimuli-dependent polarity, are to be called orthotactic. The name : polytactic is given to the most common morphodynamic type traditionally called polypodial. It is suggested to call heterotactic the non-locomotive form with very long and this pseudopodia and unsteady polarity, which was earlier described sometimes as radiate. All the four morphodynamic types are defined in comparative way, and the transitions between them and their origin are reviewed.