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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 7520

Wilhelm Foissner; [Morphologie, Infraciliatur und Silberliniensystem von Plagiocampa rouxi Kahl, 1926 (Prostomatida, Plagiocampidae) und Balanonema sapropelica nov. spec. (Philasterina, Loxocephalidae)]. Protistologica XIV(4):381-389, 1978


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The morphology, infraciliature and siverline system of Plagiocampa rouxi Kahl, 1926 and Balanonema sapropelica nov. spec. were investigated. A tripartite "brush", a small field without cilia at the posterior end of the organism, and a semicircular perioral kinety are shown to be new characteristics of the genus Plagiocampa. Its infraciliature, but not the silverline system, is very similar to the genus Urotricha. Thus, the family Plagiocampidae Kahl, 1926 is resurrected. This family which is characterized mainly by circumoral "flaps" includes the genera Urotricha, Plagiocampa, and perhaps the genus Spasmostoma. Balanonema sapropelica is a typical scuticociliate. Its infraciliature and silverline system shows that it is a member of the family Loxocephalidae.