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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 7595

Alain Coute and Hans Rudolf Preisig; [Sur L'ultrastructure de Microglena butcheri Belcher (Chrysophyceae, Ochromonadales, Synuraceae) et sur sa Position Systematique]. Protistologica XVII(4):465-477, 1981


In File


Microglena butcheri, rare alga, is described for the first time with the help of the transmission electron microscopy. The characteristics of its cytology are those of Raphidophyceae or of Chrysophyceae. Furthermore this organism shows a striated flagellar root system which nearly looks like a rhizoplast. But its conical shape and its internal electron-dense material are proofs of a very differentiated organisation which justifies the new denomination of << pseudocaryophore >>.