

  • 亀山康子 (2019) 激しさを増す気候変動 COP25の課題は. 外交, 58, 80-81
  • 増井利彦 (2019) これからの脱炭素社会に向けて. 環境技術会誌, (178), 15-17
  • 藤田壮, SUN LU, 五味馨, 牧誠也, 平野勇二郎 (2019) 地域特性とニーズを活用するSDGs指標構築と政策連携 : 福島県新地町での社会実装研究. 環境システム研究論文発表会講演集 / 土木学会環境システム委員会 編, 47, 17-22
  • 花岡達也 (2019) 短寿命気候汚染物質と地球温暖化対策:第1回 短寿命気候汚染物質(SLCP)とは. 地球温暖化, 11, 26-27


  • Okubo K., Yamaguchi R., Managi S. (2019) Social Cost-benefit Analysis of Decontamination After the Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant Accident. National and Subnational Sustainability: A Case Study of Japan. In: Managi S.編, Wealth, Inclusive Growth and Sustainability, Routledge, 310-326 327-353
  • 久保田泉 (2019) 気候変動対策(緩和策)における規制的手法の役割. 大久保規子,高村ゆかり,赤渕芳宏,久保田泉編著, 環境規制の現代的展開 大_直先生還暦記念論文集, 法律文化社, 234-246
  • 高橋潔 (2019) 気候変動による社会・人間系へのリスク. 日本リスク研究学会編, リスク学事典, 丸善出版, 422-423
  • 久保田泉 (2019) 気候変動に対する国際的な取り組み・ガバナンス. 一般社団法人日本リスク研究学会編, リスク学辞典, 丸善出版株式会社, 404-405
  • 肱岡靖明 (2019) −. 国立天文台編, 理科年表2020, 丸善出版, 1162p


  • Estoque R., Oba M., Togawa T., Hijioka Y., Murayama Y.(2019)Urban Heat Risk Assessment Using Remote Sensing and Socioeconomic Data, American Association of Geographers Annual Meeting
  • Gao L., Hiruta Y., Ashina S. (2019) Analysis of impacts of the willingness to pay on renewable energy penetration in power sector in Japan. Proceedings of 47th Annual Meeting of Environmental Systems Research (2019), Abstracts, 149
  • Masui T. (2019) Introduction of Asia-Pacific Integrated Model (AIM) and its contribution to climate mitigation policies. Sharing of View on Climate Change Policies and Mitigation Actions, -
  • Ichinose T.(Toshiaki) (2019) 基于自然地理学視角的中日両国地理学比較. 中国地理学大会, Abstracts(第六十一分会場 中日地理学比較研究)
  • Yokohata T., Satoh Y., Kinoshita T., Sakurai G., Pokhrel Y., Ito A., Kato E., Okada M., Hanasaki N., Nitta T., Emori S. (2019) Future projection of global climate, water, food, bio-energy, and land investigated with MIROC-INTEG: a global bio-geophysical land surface model with human components. 日本地球惑星科学連合2019年大会, -
  • Takakura J., Fujimori S., Hanasaki N., Hasegawa T., Honda Y., Iizumi T., Park C., Takahashi K., Zhou Q., Hijioka Y. (2019) Sector-wide Estimation of Economic Impacts of Climate Change Considering Variations in Exposure and Vulnerability Represented by SSP Scenarios. Twelfth Annual Meeting of the IAMC 2019, -
  • Yokohata T., Kinoshita T., Sakurai G., Pokhrel Y., Ito A., Satoh Y., Kato E., Fujimori S., Tachiiri K., Hajima T., Takahashi K., Hanasaki N., Emori S. (2019) Future projection of water, food, bio-energy, ecosystem and land investigated with an integrated Earth System Model (MIROC-INTEG). Integrated Assessment Modeling Consortium 2019, -
  • Ichinose T.(Toshiaki) (2019) Development of Education Materials for Awareness of Junior Generation on Urban Heat Island Counteraction. 5th International Conference on Countermeasures to Urban Heat Islands (IC2UHI), Book of Abstracts, 54
  • Marissa M., Masui T. (2019) Potential Impact of GHG Mitigation Policy in Indonesia. Twelfth Annual Meeting of the Integrated Assesment Meeting Consortium (IAMC), -
  • Okada M., Iizumi T., Hijioka Y. (2019) Future climate change decreases benefits from irrigation for global food production. AGU Fall Meeting 2019, Abstracts
  • Zhang X., Shinozuka M., Tanaka Y., Kanamori Y., Masui T. (2019) Forecast of Future Impacts of Using ICT Services on GHG Emissions Reduction and GDP Growth in Japan. Ecodesign 2019, Abstracts, 88-95
  • 平野勇二郎, 安達健一, 藤田壮, 五味馨, 牧誠也 (2019) 地域分散型エネルギーマネジメントシステムを導入した復興まちづくり計画・評価手法-福島県新地駅周辺地域の事例-. 第47回環境システム研究論文発表会, 同講演集, 7-11
  • Silva D., Fujimori S., Kainuma M. (2019) Assessment of Japan’s 2050 mitigation goal and the relevance of uncertain nuclear policy. 12th Meeting of the IAMC, -
  • Fragkos P., van Soest H., Schaeffer R., Reedman L., Koberle A., Macaluso N., De Vita A., Sha F., Kejun J., Mathur R., Boer R., Gumilang Dewi R., Silva D., Fujimori S., Park C., Iyer G. (2019) Energy System Transition and Low-Emission Pathways in Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, EU, India, Indonesia, Japan, Republic of Korea, Russia, and United States. 12th Annual Meeting of the IAMC, -
  • 藤田壮 (2019) 「SDGsと地域循環共生からの地方創生へ」-包摂的まちづくりとパイロット事業への手立て-. 関西自治体向けSDGs講演会「SDGsの取組みと地方創生」, -
  • 藤田壮 (2019) 日本海沿岸地帯におけるSDGs未来都市と地域循環共生からの発展の可能性. 日本海沿岸地帯振興促進議員連盟・日本海沿岸地帯振興連盟特別講演会, -
  • 根本和宜, 中村省吾, 森保文, 大場真, 中田俊彦 (2019) 地域における木質バイオマス利用技術の選択要件. 日本機械学会 技術と社会部門講演会, 日本機械学会 技術と社会部門講演会USB講演論文集
  • Fujita T. (2019) Research Challenge for Localization of SDGs into Cities and Regions;Pilot Study for Localities in Japan. Symposium: The Future of Policy-Oriented Research for Achieving the SDGs, -
  • Oka K. (2019) Introduction of research related to energy issues. Academic Exchange with North China Electric Power University, -
  • 岡和孝 (2019) 国環研での気候変動適応に関する取組. インパクトチェーンによる地域適応策検討ワークショップ, -
  • 藤田壮 (2019) 福島の再生・未来に向けたスマート地域循環共生事業の展開に向けて. 第8回ふくしま再生可能エネルギー産業フェア REIFふくしま, -
  • 岡和孝 (2019) 国立環境研究所における気候変動適応の取組-気候変動適応情報プラットフォームの紹介-. 環境省「脱炭素経営フォーラム」Day2 プログラム: 企業の気候変動への適応とリスクマネジメント, -
  • Oka K. (2019) Introduction of climate change adaptation activities at NIES. Myles Allen教授との研究会, -
  • 根本和宜, 中村省吾, 森保文 (2019) 福島県三島町における薪利用世帯の特徴と課題. 林業経済学会2019年秋季大会, 自由論題報告A 要旨集 A3, 3
  • 石河正寛 (2019) 空家の市域内分布を把握する_住宅地図データの活用. 住宅・土地統計に関する研究会, なし
  • Shinozuka M., Zhang X., Tanaka Y., Kanamori Y., Masui T. (2019) Estimation of CO2 emission reduction and economic impacts of ICT services using AIM/CGE [Japan]. IAMC 12th Annual Meeting, -
  • Shinozuka M., Zhang X., Tanaka Y., Kanamori Y., Masui T. (2019) Estimation of impact of ICT services on GHG emissions and GDP in Japan through lifestyle changes. EcoDesign 2019, Abstracts, 96-100
  • Gomi K., Fujita T., Tsuji T., Hirano Y. (2019) Integration of Sustainable Development Goals into local policy making with localized indicator framework. 19th European Roundtable for Sustainable Consumption and Production, Abstracts
  • Ooba M., Togawa T., Nakamura N., Gomi K., Yoshioka A., Kuroda K., Estoque R., Hijioka Y. (2019) Visualizing local vulnerability to climate change for local environmental planning and communication with policy-makers and stakeholders. 4th European Climate Adaptation Conference 2019 (ECCA 2019), -
  • Gomi K., Kanamori Y. (2019) Localized scenario technique considering societal dimension of SDGs. The 25th AIM International Workshop, -
  • Hijioka Y. (2019) Climate Change Adaptation Information Platform Engagement Approaches -Case of Japan-. 2nd International Climate Change Adaptation Platform Meeting, -
  • Hijioka Y. (2019) Brief review of the 1st International Climate Change Adaptation Platform Meeting. 2nd International Climate Change Adaptation Platform Meeting, -
  • Hijioka Y. (2019) Climate change Adaption activities in Japan/NIES. 2019 International Workshop on Model Of inTegrated Impact and Vulnerability Evaluation of Climate Change, -
  • Hijioka Y. (2019) The 3rd International Climate Change Adaptation Platform Meeting. The 3rd International Climate Change Adaptation Platform Meeting, -
  • Hijioka Y. (2019) A way to establish National Adaptation Policy -Case of Japan -. European Climate Change Adaptation conference (ECCA 2019), -
  • Hijioka Y. (2019) A way to standardize local adaptation planning -Approach through ISO Adaptation Framework-. European Climate Change Adaptation conference (ECCA 2019), -
  • 藤田知弘 (2019) 気候変動による影響とその適応. 第2回政策立案担当者向け気候変動に関する研修会, なし
  • 肱岡靖明 (2019) 国立環境研究所 気候変動適応センターの活動状況. 第1回福岡県気候変動適応推進協議会, なし
  • Hanaoka T. (2019) Decomposition Analysis of National CO2 Emissions inventory in the Residential and Commercial Sectors in Japan - Effects of Energy Efficiency Improvement and Behavior Change. 10th International Conference on Energy Efficiency in Domestic Appliances and Lighting (EEDAL’19), -
  • Marissa M., Masui T. (2019) How Much Indonesia Should Pay to Mitigate the Emission: A Computable General Equilibrium Analysis. Researcher Day 2019: Fiscal Policy Agency, Indonesia Ministry of Finance, -
  • Oka K. (2019) Activities for Climate Change Adaptation in Japan. AHA CENTRE EXECUTIVE PROGRAMME -JAPAN STUDY VISIT 2019, -
  • Sun L., Fujii M., Maki S., Satoshi Ohnishi, Yi Dou (2019) Energy saving and environmental benefit of waste-to-energy transition in China. 14th Sustainable Development of Energy Water and Environment Systems (SDEWES) conference, Abstracts
  • Maki S., Gomi K., Ashina S., Fujii M., Fujita T., Nugroho S.B., Nakano R., Gito G., Rizaldi B., Norio Y. (2019) Development Energy demand prediction model from questionnaire survey and smart monitoring by using Deep learning; Case study in Bogor city, Indonesia. 14th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems, Abstracts, 14
  • Qian T ・Center for Social and Environmental Systems Research (2019) Monitoring Forest Biomass in Fukushima Prefecture with Multispectral Remote Sensing Data. The 14th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems (SDEWES), Abstracts
  • Oka K. (2019) Sharing views on A-PLAT and AP‐Plat for adaptation. High‐level Workshop on Climate Policy and Assessment, -
  • Kameyama Y. (2019) Stimulating Climate Communications to Accelerate Climate-related Innovations. Innovation for Cool Earth Forum (ICEF) 2019, -
  • Fujii M., Okadera T., Goto N., Ohnishi S., Maki S., Sun L. (2019) Possibility to Building Smart Energy Sharing Network in an Industrial Park Through the Information Sharing. The 14th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems (SDEWES), Abstracts
  • Oka K. (2019) Introduction of AP‐PLAT for adaptation. A new information platform towards climate resilient societies -Asia-Pacific Climate Change Adaptation Information Platform (AP-PLAT)-, -
  • Oka K. (2019) Introduction of climate change adaptation information platform and related activities. Tsukuba Conference, Climate Change Adaptation -Promoting Regional Activity -, -
  • Yamaguchi R. (2019) An extended Hartwick rule for sustainable development. Singapore Economic Review Conference (SERC) 2019, -
  • Hanaoka T., Hirayama T., Hibino G., Masui T. (2019) Cobenefits and Investment Costs of Alternative Decarbonization Pathways toward 2 Degree Targets in China and India. International Conference on Applied Energy 2019, -
  • Hanaoka T. (2019) Emission Projections of GHGs and Air Pollutants in ASEAN: Toward the Global 2℃ Target. International Regional Science Meeting Land Cover/Land Use Changes and Impacts on Environment in South/Southeast Asia, -
  • Hanaoka T. (2019) Emissions Projections of Short-Lived Climate Pollutants and Air Pollutants under Decarbonization Pathways toward 2℃ targets in Asia. BUAA-NIES Bilateral Workshop on Integrated Assessment of Health Co-benefits of Climate Change Mitigation Policy, -
  • Hanaoka T., Oguchi M., Terazono A. (2019) Refrigerant Fluorocarbon Emissions Projections and Mitigation Costs in Asia by 2050. The 8th International Symposium on Non‐CO2 Greenhouse Gasses, -
  • Hanaoka T., Masui T. (2019) Mitigation Scenarios of Short-Lived Climate Pollutants and Air Pollutants in Asia by Considering Synergies and Tradeoffs of Decarbonization Measures toward 2 ℃ target. The 8th International Symposium on Non‐CO2 Greenhouse Gasses, -
  • Yoon E., Takahashi K., Lee D. (2019) Modelling of land-use based adaptation: Integration of adaptation, mitigation, and demand. The Korean Society of Climate Change Research, -, -(-)
  • Hirano Y., Nakamura S., Lubashevskiy V., Fujita T. (2019) A Case Study of Recovery-related Town Development and Electricity Monitoring Using Environmental Information Technology. Sustainable Built Environment Conference 2019 (SBE19), Abstracts, 1076-1079
  • Aoyagi M., Yoshida A. (2019) Energy consumption in Myanmar: A survey results. Energy and Society in Transition 2nd International Conference on Energy Research and Social Science, -
  • Aoyagi M., Ozaki R., Steward F. (2019) Hydrogen mobility transition:policies and strategies in Japan. World Hydrogen Technologies Convention 2019, -
  • Aoyagi M., Yoshida K. (2019) People’s Voices for Recognition of Climate Change in Southeast Asian Countries. 4S NEW ORLEANS, -
  • Ambiyah A. (2019) Flood and climate change adaptation in Indonesia: AIM/CGE[Indonesia]. 2019 Symposium World Scholar of Indonesia held by the Indonesian Ministry of Education,
  • Wu W., Tomoko Hasegawa, Takahashi K., Fujimori S. , Oshiro k. (2019) Development of land use scenarios for Japan based on downscaling of the global SSP land use scenarios. 環境科学会2019年会, -
  • Rimba A.B., Chapagain S.K., Masago Y., Fukushi K., Mohan G. (2019) Investigating water sustainability and land use / land cover change (LULC) as the impact of tourism activity in Bali, Indonesia. International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium 2019, -
  • Kazama S., Moriyama H., Masago Y., Otaki M. (2019) Exploring unidentifiable RNA virus sequences from metagenomic analysis of domestic wastewater. 20th International Symposium on Health Related Water Microbiology, -
  • Li Z. , Hanaoka T. (2019) Estimating the Future Emission Pattern of Iron and Steel Industry in China Using AIM/Enduse Model. The 11th International Conference on Applied Energy, Abstracts
  • Sun L., Fujii M., Fujita T. (2019) Circular economy practices of Tokyo Metropolis and its energy saving & environmental benefit effect. 2019 International Conference on Resource Sustainability - Cities (icRS Cities 2019), Abstract
  • Sun L., Fujii M., Dou Y., Maki S., Fujita T. (2019) CO2 emission characteristics and spatial distribution in mega cities-comparative study in China, Japan and South Korea. 10th International Conference of the International Society for Industrial Ecology, Abstract
  • Ambiyah A., Masui T. (2019) Direct and indirect impacts of flood and climate change adaptation in Indonesia: AIM/CGE [Indonesia]. 2019 SEEPS Conference, -
  • Kim S.E., Honda Y., Hashizume M., Kim Y, Hijioka Y., Kim H. (2019) Temperature and Assault Deaths: Their Relationship and Implications of Climate Change.. ISEE 2019, -
  • Kim S.E., Honda Y., Hashizume M., Hijioka Y. (2019) Seasonal pattern of air pollution effect on mortality in Japan. The 18th Pacific Basin Consortium for Environment and Health International Conference, -
  • Kim S.E., Ng C.F.S., Honda Y., Hijioka Y., Hashizume M., Nagashima T. (2019) Spatial variation in the effects of ambient PM2.5 on mortality in Japan. ISEE-ISES AC 2019, -
  • Kameyama Y. (2019) Implications of Climate Security for Japan. International Workshop on Climate Change and Conflict in Oceania: Prevention, Transformation and the Enhancement of Community Resilience, -
  • Ambiyah A. (2019) Flood and climate change adaptation in Indonesia: AIM/CGE[Indonesia]. 2019 Symposium World Scholar of Indonesia held by the Indonesian Ministry of Education,
  • Fronzek S., Pirttioja N., Florke M., Honda Y., Ito A., Nunes J.P., Raisanen J., Takahashi K., Tanaka A., Wimmer F., Yoshikawa M., Carter T.R. (2019) Estimating impact likelihoods by combining probabilistic projections of climate and socio-economic change with impact response surfaces. ECCA2019, Abstracts
  • Wu W., Tomoko Hasegawa, Takahashi K., Fujimori S. , Oshiro k. (2019) Development of land use scenarios for Japan based on downscaling of the global SSP land use scenarios. 環境科学会2019年会, -
  • Rimba A.B., Chapagain S.K., Masago Y., Fukushi K., Mohan G. (2019) Investigating water sustainability and land use / land cover change (LULC) as the impact of tourism activity in Bali, Indonesia. International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium 2019, -
  • Kazama S., Moriyama H., Masago Y., Otaki M. (2019) Exploring unidentifiable RNA virus sequences from metagenomic analysis of domestic wastewater. 20th International Symposium on Health Related Water Microbiology, -
  • Maeda Y., Mori Y., Asano T., Inuduka H. (2019) Investigation of volunteer recruitment for environmental activities and use of ICT for it. Eleventh Asia Pacific Regional Conference of the International Society for Third Sector Research (ISTR), -
  • Takimi M., Masui T. (2019) Assessment of value of carbon price to achieve NDC of Japan using national scale CGE model. EcoMod2019 - International Conference on Economic Modeling and Data Science, -
  • Fujii M., Ohnishi S., Dou Y., Sun L., Dong L. (2019) Industrial Smart Energy Sharing for promoting de-carbonized industrial park. the 10th International Conference of the International Society for Industrial Ecology, -
  • Masui T. (2019) AIM (Asia‐Pacific Integrated Model) and its contribution to climate mitigation policies. High‐level Workshop on Climate Policy and Assessment, -
  • Yamaguchi R.(2019) Accounting for unemployed capital in inclusive wealth. 10th International Conference of the International Society for Industrial Ecology,
  • Yamaguchi R. (2019) Discounting, inclusive wealth and sustainability. 24th Annual Conference of the European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists,
  • Maki S., Remi C., Fujii M., Fujita T., Shiraishi F., Ashina S., Uchida K., Norio.Y, Dewi R.C., Siagian W.R., DOU Y. (2019) Development of Missing Data Interpolation and Demand Prediction models for Energy Monitoring Data in Indonesian Industrial Sector. SIE 2019 Beijing - International Society for Industrial Ecology, -
  • Gao L., Hiruta Y., Ashina S. (2019) Assessment of the impacts of willingness to pay on diffusion of renewable energy resources in Japan. 42nd Annual IAEE International Conference (2019),
  • Hiruta Y., Gao L., Ashina S. (2019) A regression model estimating the impact of natural, socio-economic regional characteristics on hourly electricity consumption in Japan. 42nd International Association for Energy Economics (IAEE) Annual Conference, -
  • Oka K., Fukumura Y., Hijioka Y. (2019) Developing a national platform in Asia and the role of AP-PLAT, as a Hub to connect experience and expertise. 4th European Climate Change Adaptation conference, -
  • Yokohata T., Satoh Y., Kinoshita T., Sakurai G., Pokhrel Y., Ito A., Kato E., Okada M., Hanasaki N., Nitta T., Emori S. (2019) Interconnection of water, food, bio-energy, and land investigated with MIROC-INTEG: a global bio-geophysical land surface model with human components. EGU General Assembly 2019, Geophysical Research Abstracts, 21, 12318
  • Masui T., Oshiro K. (2019) Net-zero emission pathways in Japan assessed by AIM/Enduse. APERC Annual Conference 2019
  • Takahashi K. (2019) Distribution of Climate Data and Estimated Changes in Regional Future Climate (East Java). Climate change adaptation workshop in East Java
  • Takahashi K. (2019) istribution of Climate Data and Estimated Changes in Regional Future Climate (North Sumatra). Climate change adaptation workshop in North Sumatra
  • Takahashi K. (2019) Distribution of Climate Data and Estimated Changes in Regional Future Climate (Bali). Climate change adaptation workshop in Bali
  • Takahashi K. (2019) Distribution of Climate Data and Estimated Changes in Regional Future Climate. Symposium on Climate Change Adaptation Initiative in Indonesia
  • Takahashi K., Ishizaki N. (2019) Climate Scenarios for the MoEJ-Vietnam Project. Final Seminar on Climate Change Impact Assessment and Planning Adaptation in Vietnam
  • Takahashi K. (2019) Introduction to research projects conducted by the NIES/AIM impact modeling team. International Workshop on Climate Change Adaptation Decision Support
  • Yamaguchi R. (2019) Consequentialism, deontology, wealth accounting and sustainability assessment. Western Economic Association International (WEAI) 15th International Conference
  • Yamaguchi R. (2019) Corruption, institutions, and sustainable development: Theory and evidence from inclusive wealth. Western Economic Association International (WEAI) 15th International Conference
  • Chen H., Matsuhashi K., Takahashi K., Gomi K., Honjo K., Masui T., Emori S., Tasaki T., Ariga T., Ishikawa Y., Wu W., Shimada T., Hara M., Ehara T., Ogawa Y. (2019) Narratives for shared socioeconomic pathways in Japan: linking local scenarios and global context. Scenarios Forum 2019 Forum on scenarios for Climate and Societal Futures
  • Fujita T. (2019) Eco-town, Circular Economy and Green City Innovation. 15th Kawasaki Eco-Business Forum
  • Masui T. (2019) AIM/CGE [country]. Technical workshop France-Japan
  • Masui T. (2019) Overall of AIM (Asia‐Pacific Integrated Model). Technical workshop France-Japan
  • Masui T. (2019) Application of AIM to climate policies in Japan. Technical workshop France-Japan
  • Wu W., Takahashi K., Fujimori S. (2019) Downscaling a global land use allocation model for the quantification of national SSPs. Scenarios Forum 2019
  • Takakura J., Fujimori S., Takahashi K., Zhou Q., Hanasaki N., Iizumi T., Honda Y., Hasegawa T., Masui T., Hijioka Y. (2019) Emulators to explore economic impact of climate change under numerous scenario combinations. Scenarios Forum 2019


  • Mori Y. (2019) Conservation of Vegetation Zone by a Non Profit Organization:A Case Study of Boats Made of Reeds at Lake Kasumigaura. 2nd INTERNATIONAL DELTA FORUM & Symposium on Ecological, Agriculture, Science and Technology in the Yellow River Delta, -
  • 藤田壮 (2019) SDGsがつくる未来都市-科学から社会への発信にむけて-. JSTサイエンスアゴラ 国立研究開発法人協議会SDGsシンポジウム, -
  • 藤田壮 (2019) SDGsと地域循環共生の実現への産官学連携研究の展開. 第27回衛生工学シンポジウム「北海道の持続可能な発展に向けて〜地域循環共生圏の形成による資源・エネルギーの地産地消の推進〜」, -
  • Fujita T. (2019) Integrative Actions toward Sustainable Circular Ecological Cities and Regions. 16th Kawasaki Eco-Business Forum, -
  • Fujita T. (2019) Integrative Research Challenge to Support Social Transition under Climate Change. 10th International Conference on Industrial Ecology ISIE2019, -
  • 永島達也, 高見昭憲, 菅田誠治, 清水厚, 河野なつ美, 茶谷聡, 青野光子, KIM Satbyul, 向井人史, 谷本浩志, 寺尾有希夫, 奈良英樹, 池田恒平, 西橋政秀, 野村渉平, 橋本茂 (2019) 気候変動が日本の大気汚染にもたらす影響とその健康・植生へのインパクト評価. 第60回大気環境学会年会, 第60回大気環境学会年会講演要旨集, 126-127
  • Ooba M., Nakamura S., Estoque R., Togawa T., Gomi K. (2019) Modeling from the upstream to downstream for sustainable harvesting and local society: Japan case study. PSP Networks for Sustainable Forest Management in Sarawak, -
  • 肱岡靖明 (2019) 気候変動適応推進のための気候予測シナリオへの期待. 統合的気候モデル高度化研究プログラム 令和元年度公開シンポジウム, なし
  • 肱岡靖明 (2019) 気候変動にどう適応すべきか. アスクル環境フォーラム2019, なし
  • 肱岡靖明 (2019) 気候変動適応推進に向けた国立環境研究所の取り組み. エコプロ2019同時開催セミナー・シンポジウム 環境省シンポジウム SDGs経営 中小企業ができること 今「気候変動への適応を考える」, なし
  • Ichinose T.(Toshiaki) (2019) “気候変化与亜州城市”適応策略研究案例. 北京大学城市与環境学院招待講義, -
  • Kim S.E. (2019) The association between hot nights and mortality. 2019 GRL (Global Research Laboratory) International Symposium Health impact assessment of air pollution and climate change in Asia","
  • Cassen C., Masui T., Lefevre J., Teixeira A., Lecocq F. (2019) A Tool for Scenario Analysis: An IPCC perspective. LCS-RNet 11th Annual Meeting, -
  • Zhang X., Shinozuka M., Tanaka Y., Kanamori Y., Masui T. (2019) Reduction of energy service demands by introducing ICT services. LCS-RNet 11th Annual Meeting, -
  • Estoque R. (2019) Overview of Some Available Remote Sensing-Derived Data on Sarawak Forests. Seminar on PSP Network for Sustainable Forest Management in Sarawak, -
  • Masui T. (2019) AIM (Asia-Pacific Integrated Model) and its contribution to climate mitigation policies. BUAA-NIES Bilateral Workshop on Integrated Assessment of Health Co-benefits of Climate Change Mitigation Policy, -
  • Hirayama T., Hibino G., Hanaoka T., Masui T. (2019) GHGs, SLCPs and Air Pollutants Estimation by Asia‐Pacific Integrated Model (AIM). China Energy Modeling Forum 2018 Annual Conference The 1st International Modeling Symposium on Co-benefits of Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction and Air Pollution Control, -