


  • 青柳みどり (2018) 農村計画学会の国際交流とアジアフィールド研究—国際比較研究の経験から—. 農村計画学会誌, 37 (2), 110-113
  • 亀山康子 (2018) 国際政治に重要性を増す「気候変動」の射程. 外交, 52 (Nov./Dec.2018), 114-119
  • 青柳みどり (2018) 放射線と甲状腺がんのリスクコミュニケーション. 公衆衛生情報, 48 (9), 12-13
  • 淺野敏久, 犬塚裕雅, 森保文, 前田恭伸 (2018) 日本における環境団体のボランティア確保とICT活用. 環境科学研究, 13, 1-18
  • 山口 臨太郎 (2018) 書評 村井明彦著『グリーンスパンの隠し絵(上)(下)』(名古屋大学出版会、2017年). 社会と倫理, 33, 177-181
  • 山口 臨太郎 (2018) <学会動向>第6回環境資源経済学世界大会. 財政と公共政策 , 64, 111-113
  • 久保田泉 (2018) 国際/各国/サブナショナルの各レベルにおける適応策及び適応支援策の現状と課題. 環境法政策学会誌, (21), 50-61


  • 高橋潔 (2018) 適応策(第3章「気候変動と地球温暖化」). 環境経済・政策学会編, 環境経済・政策学事典, 丸善出版, 162-163
  • Sprinz D.F., Bang G., Bruckner L., Kameyama Y. (2018) Chapter 7 Major Countries. In: Urs Luterbacher and Detlef F. Sprinzeds., Global Climate Policy: Actors, Concepts, and Enduring
  • Hirano Y., Nakamura S., Gomi K., Togawa T., Fujita T., Oba M. (2018) Introduction of low-carbon community energy systems by combining information networks and cogeneration-type district heating and cooling systems. In: Chaouki Ghenai and Tareq Salameh編, Sustainable Air Conditioning Systems, IntechOpen, 99-120
  • 花岡達也 (2018) オゾン層保護に関する国際規制. 環境経済・政策学会編, 環境経済・政策学事典, 丸善, 546-547
  • 亀山康子 (2018) 気候変動対処に向けた国際的取り組みの経緯とパリ協定について. 国立天文台編, 環境年表2019-2020, 丸善出版, 496-497
  • 山口 臨太郎 (2018) 本事典の編集に使った情報源とアルファベット略語一覧. 付録1:水——グローバル環境ガバナンスにおけるテーマ事例研究. 編者紹介. 植田和弘・松下和夫監訳, グローバル環境ガバナンス事典, 株式会社 明石書店, 61-69 391-400 471-471


  • Aoyagi M. (2018) Economy versus environment revisited: from the analysis of the combination of public opinion survey and focus groups in Japan. 4TH ENERGY AND SOCIETY CONFERENCE, Abstracts, 1, 16
  • Aoyagi M. (2018) Climate Change Risk Perception in Southeast Asian Countries. 4S SYDNEY TRANSnational STS, Abstracts
  • Aoyagi M. (2018) Globalization,developmentalism and their consequences. 2018 KOREA-JAPAN RURAL PLANNING SEMINAR Depopulation and Rural Services, Abstracts, 1, 5-7
  • Aoyagi M. (2018) Risk perception,attitudes towards the national energy choice and climate change in japan. Workshop on Risk Governance of Climate Change in Asia", Abstracts"
  • 戸川卓哉, 大場真, 根本 和宜, 中村省吾 (2018) 地域特性を考慮したバイオマスエネルギーシステムのデザインと導入基準. 日本エネルギー学会第13回バイオマス科学会議, 第13回バイオマス科学会議発表論文集, 43-44
  • Aoyagi M. (2018) Economy versus environment revisited: from the analysis of the combination of public opinion survey and focus groups in Japan. 4TH ENERGY AND SOCIETY CONFERENCE, Abstracts, 1, 16
  • 牧誠也, 藤井実, 藤田壮, 白石靖, 芦名秀一 (2018) インドネシア産業施設のエネルギー消費量計測システムとエネルギー解析モデルの開発. 第46回環境システム研究論文発表会, 土木学会論文集G(環境), 74(6), II_73-II_83
  • Okadera T., Fujii M., Syutsubo K. (2018) Reduction of CO2 emissions in sewage treatment systems by removing oil and fat from wastewater and using it for power generation. IWA Water Reuse 2018 IWA Regional Conferencen on Opportunities for Water Reuse in Southeast Asia, Abstract and Proceeding Book, 173-177
  • Sun L., Fujii M., Tasaki T., Fujita T. (2018) Circular Economy in Tokyo Metropolis and its Indication on Climate Change Mitigation and Environmental Benefit. 2018 Global Cities Forum
  • Oka K., Masui T., Hijioka Y., Lim J.H., Lim C.S., Gao Q. (2018) Research Collaboration for Low Carbon Development in Three Countries. 第15回日韓中三カ国環境研究機関長会合(TPM15), Abstracts
  • Takakura J., Fujimori S., Takahashi K., Zhou Q., Hanasaki N., Iizumi T., Honda Y., Hasegawa T., Masui T., Hijioka Y. (2018) Emulation of projected economic impacts of climate change: Mimicking integrated assessment models coupled with bio/physical impact models. Eleventh Annual Meeting of the IAMC 2018
  • 根本 和宜, 中村省吾, 森保文, 大場真 (2018) 中山間地域における住民の森林所有と森林環境意識—福島県三島町を事例に—. 林業経済学会 2018年秋季大会, 同要旨集
  • Su X., Fujimori, S., Tachiiri, K., Dai, H., Tanaka K., Takahashi K., Shiogama H. (2018) Assessing Socioeconomic and Climate-related Uncertainties on Social Cost of Carbon (SCC). The Eleventh Annual Meeting of the Integrated Assessment Modeling Consortium
  • Marissa M., Masui T. (2018) The Role of GHG Mitigation in Land-Use and Forestry Sector to the Economy in Indonesia. LoCARNet 7th Annual Meeting, Abstracts
  • Ambiyah A. (2018) Impacts assessment of fiscal policy on green technologies transfer. 2018 SEEPS Conference, Abstracts
  • Ambiyah A., Suzuki M., Kanie N. (2018) Drivers and barriers identification of mini hydro technologies transfers in Indonesia. 2018 SEEPS Conference, Abstracts
  • Su X., Tachiiri, K., Tanaka K., Takahashi K., Watanabe M. (2018) Development of a GCM emulator used in the integrated assessment of climate change policy. 100th American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, Abstracts
  • 亀山康子 (2018) 「パリ協定 トップダウンからボトムアップへ」. 公開シンポジウム「地球システムと私たちの生活−人新世時代の想像力」
  • Okada M., Hijioka Y. (2018) Impact of irrigation on crop yield gain under future change in water resources. AGU Fall Meeting 2018, Abstracts
  • Yoshida R., Okada M., Yokozawa M. (2018) Assessment of future global crop failure for maize and soybeans based on the DSSAT simulation. AGU Fall Meeting 2018, Abstracts
  • 吉田綾, 青柳みどり (2018) 世界7都市の若者のライフスタイルに関する調査—日本の若者との比較—. 第58回環境社会学会大会, 同予稿集, 36-37
  • Oka K., Hijioka Y., Fukumura Y., Watanabe M. (2018) Process for creating A-PLAT: A website to facilitate implementation of the National Adaptation Plan in Japan. Adaptation Futures 2018
  • Hijioka Y., Watanabe M., Fukumura Y., Oka K. (2018) A study on guidelines for local adaptation planning to develop a standard for local governments and communities- And developing ISO/TS 14092-. Adaptation Futures 2018
  • 青柳みどり (2018) 80%削減にむけて、私達の選択. 日本学術会議シンポジウム 次世代エネルギー社会の超低炭素化に向けた課題とチャレンジ —温室効果ガス80%削減のフィージビリティとリアリティについて考える(2)—, 同予稿集, 41-54
  • Liu J., Shinichiro Fujimori, Takahashi K., Hasegawa S., Wu T., Masui T. (2018) Assessment of mitigation options reconciling with sustainable development goals: a case study of China. Eleventh Annual Meeting of the Integrated Assessment Modeling Consortium (IAMC 2018)
  • Hiruta Y., Gao L., Ashina S. (2018) Modeling the impact of regional climate on electricity demand in Japan.. AGU Fall Meeting 2018
  • Gao L., Hiruta Y., Ashina S. (2018) Towards a low carbon and sustainable society in Japan: Impacts of willingness to pay on renewable energy policy planning. AGU Fall Meeting 2018, Abstracts
  • Wu W., Hasegawa T., Haruka Ohashi, Hanasaki N., Tetsuya Matsui, Shinichiro Fujimori, Masui T., Takahashi K. (2018) An integrated assessment of global bioenergy potential from dedicated bio-crops under environmental policies. Eleventh Annual Meeting of the Integrated Assessment Modeling Consortium (IAMC 2018)
  • 増井利彦, 花岡達也 (2018) SLCPによる環境影響評価:推進費S-12 の成果と排出シナリオ. 第34回全国環境研究所交流シンポジウム, 第34回全国環境研究所交流シンポジウム 予稿集, 24-25
  • Kim S.E., Honda Y., Hashizume M., Gasparrini A., Vicedo-Cabrera A.M., Armstrong B. , Hijioka Y. (2018) Health effect of Hot Nights: Evidence from Japanese Archipelago. American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2018, -
  • Togawa T., Oba M., Estoque R., Gomi K., Yoshioka A., Kuroda K., Nakamura S. (2018) Development of a pluralistic vulnerability assessment system considering regional environment for adaptation planning. 5th International Climate Change Adaptation Conference (Adaptation Futures 2018: Dialogues for Solutions), Abstract
  • Estoque R., Oba M., Togawa T., Nakamura S., Gomi K., Hijioka Y., Yoshioka A., Kuroda K. (2018) Downscaling future forest cover changes under the shared socioeconomic pathways: Implications for mitigation and adaptation. 5th International Climate Change Adaptation Conference (Adaptation Futures 2018: Dialogues for Solutions), Abstract
  • Estoque R., Oba M., Togawa T., Gomi K., Akiyama C., Nakamura S., Kuroda K., Yoshioka A., Hijioka Y. (2018) Spatial modeling of land abandonments in Fukushima Prefecture, Japan. International Conference on Spatial Analysis and Modeling, Abstract
  • Takahashi K., Masui T., Hibino G. (2018) Integrated Analyses of Climate Policies for Simultaneous Realization of the Paris Agreement and the SDGs. JpGU2018, Abstracts
  • Dou Y., Tanikawa H., Fujii M., Okuoka K., Fujita T. (2018) Strategic Built Environment Management Toward Stock-based Low Energy Cities: Case of Kitakyushu, Japan. The International Society for Industrial Ecology 6th Asia-Pacific Conference Program, -
  • Estoque R., Oba M., Togawa T., Nakamura S., Hijioka Y. (2017) Future changes in Southeast Asia’s forest cover and its ecosystem service value under the shared socioeconomic pathways (SSPs). 9th ESP World Conference, Abstract
  • Myint S.W., Estoque R. (2018) Evaluating the status and ecosystem services of Myanmar’s mangroves. American Association of Geographers Annual Meeting, Abstract
  • Sun L., Fujii M., Dong H., Tasaki T., Fujita T. (2018) Low carbon city transition through urban - industrial symbiosis application - a case of Shenyang. International Society for Industrial Ecology (ISIE) 6th Asia-Pacific (AP) conference
  • Aoyagi M. (2018) Our energy choice: from the analysis of the combined data analysis of public opinion survey and focus groups in Japan. 27th SRA-E Conference 2018, -
  • Aoyagi M. (2018) Risk Perception, Attitudes Towards the National Energy Choice and Climate Change Among Japan, UK, Norway,Germany and France. XIX ISA World Congress of Sociology, -
  • Aoyagi M., Steward F., Ozaki R. (2018) Diffusion of Fuel Cell Vehicles in Japan, renewable energy model versus fossil energy model. 9th International Sustainability Transition Conference, -
  • Steward F., Aoyagi M., Ozaki R. (2018) Socio-technical networks & transitions in urban infrastructures & lifestyles. Third International Conference of the Sustainable Consumption Research and Action Initiative (SCORAI), -
  • Sakurai G., Doi T., Okada M., Nishimori M., Yokozawa M. (2018) Potential benefits of changing the planting date to account for seasonal weather forecasts. EGU General Assembly 2018, Geophysical Research Abstracts, 20, EGU2018-15786-1
  • Oba M., Togawa T., Nakamura N., Nemoto K., Fujii M. (2018) Mitigation effects of woody biomass usage in eco and social systems. Grand Renewable Energy 2018 - International Conference and Exhibition, Program, 109
  • 山口 臨太郎 (2018) 気候変動の割引率と政策形成. 第2回 環境経済学と政策形成のワークショップ
  • Tachiiri K., Yokohata T., Tanaka K., Takahashi K. (2018) Discussion: towards understanding climate-human system interaction. Japan Geoscience Union 2018, -
  • Yokohata T., Sakurai G., Kinoshita T., Yadu P., Sato Y., Ito A., Hanasaki N., Nitta T., Masaki Y., Okada M., Emori S. (2018) Interaction of climate, ecosystem, water resources, and land use investigated with Integrated Terrestrial Model: a bio-geophysical land surface model with human component. Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2018, -
  • 高橋潔 (2018) 気候変動の長期目標(2℃目標と関連の科学的知見). NSC定例勉強会(「2 度シナリオ」と「1.5 度特別報告書」について)
  • 平野勇二郎, 井原智彦, 中村省吾, 藤田壮 (2018) 地域エネルギー事業への展開に向けた住宅の電力消費データ解析. 環境情報科学センター第15回環境情報科学ポスターセッション, 環境情報科学, 48(1), 119
  • 高橋潔 (2018) 気候変動リスクにどう向き合うか. パタゴニア第6回草の根活動家のためのツール会議:気候変動編
  • 高橋潔 (2018) 気候変動リスクとその管理について考える. 大和証券株式会社勉強会
  • 平野勇二郎, 一ノ瀬俊明 (2018) 環境情報データベースを活用した福島県の温熱環境評価. 第27回地理情報システム学会学術研究発表大会
  • 五味馨, 岡島優人, 藤田壮, 井上剛, 牧誠也, 奥岡桂次郎, 谷川寛樹, DOU YI, 越智雄輝 (2018) 建築物更新を考慮した将来空間分布シナリオ構築手法の開発. 第46回環境システム研究論文発表会, 第46回環境システム研究論文発表会講演集, 175-183
  • Su X., Fujimori S., Tachiiri K. , Dai H., Tanaka K., Takahashi K., Shiogama H. (2018) Social Cost of Carbon (SCC) under Different Socioeconomic Development Patterns. Japan Geoscience Union Meeting (JpGU)2018, -
  • Aoyagi M. (2017) Public support for the climate change policies, from party support point of view. SRA2017 RISK ANALYSIS, Abstracts, 4
  • Tachiiri K., Yokohata T., Tanaka K., Takahashi K. (2018) Why considering climate-human system interaction is important?. Japan Geoscience Union Meeting (JpGU)2018, -
  • Maki S. (2018) Expanding Methodology Plan by Using Data Fusion Method. 4th International Forum on Sustainable Future in Asia
  • Maki S. (2018) Expanding Methodology Plan by Using Data Fusion Method. LoCARNet 7th Annual Meeting Program


  • Aoyagi M. (2018) Climate change risk perception in Asia - from the survey results of Thailand, Vietnam, Myanmar and Japan. Digital Social Science Core Facility EVENTS
  • 増井利彦 (2018) パリ協定と日本の取り組み. センフィニティ−システム研究会平成30年度定時総会記念講演
  • Masui T. (2018) Science-based methods for analyzing future society and emissions - Overall integrated assessment model and its roles -. Capacity Building Workshop on Low Carbon Development for Lao PDR and Cambodia, -
  • Masui T. (2018) Model and policy making process. LoCARNet 7th Annual Meeting Program
  • 藤田壮 (2018) スマートインフラが実現するSDGs未来都市. サイエンスアゴラ2018公開シンポジウム 超スマート社会とSDGs
  • 藤田壮 (2018) 福島での環境創生のスマート復興まちづくり研究. 第16回環境研究シンポジウム
  • Fujita T. (2018) SDGs and National Policies in Japan - Scientific models and Tools for SDGs Cities -. 7th Annual Meeting of the LoCARNet
  • 藤田壮 (2018) SDGs未来都市を通じての地方創生への期待. 平成30年度第3回東海都市連携協議会
  • Fujita T. (2018) Research Challenge for the Urban and Industrial Symbiosis. The International Society for Industrial Ecology (ISIE) 6th Asia-Pacific conference, -
  • Fujita T. (2018) Japan’s activity on SDGs and smart city development. Thailand-Japan Collaboration Seminar: Towards ASEAN Smart City Network Development, なし
  • Terazono A., Oguchi M., Hanaoka T. (2018) Future generation and management of end-of-life air conditioners and fluorocarbons in Asian countries. The 13th International Conference on Waste Management and Technology, -