国立研究開発法人 国立環境研究所
環境リスク・健康領域 Health and Environmental Risk Division


2023年 2022年 2021年 2020年 2019年 2018年 2017年 2016年 2015年


最新醫學, 72(5):740-745 (2017)

小川佳宏, 中山祥嗣, 中尾光善
最新醫學, 72(5):651-664 (2017)

電気評論, 2017(12):42-43 (2017)

Systematic review with meta-analysis: performance of dried blood spots for hepatitis C antibodies detection
Muzembobasilua A.(ムゼンボバシルアアンドレ), Mbendi N.C., Nakayama S.F.(中山祥嗣)
Public Health, 153:128-136 (2017)

川本俊弘, 新田裕史
日本医師会雑誌, 146(特別号(2)):S83-S86 (2017)

Kodama K.(児玉圭太), Sone R.(曽根亮太), Miyawaki D.(宮脇 大), Ishida T.(石田俊朗), Horiguchi T.(堀口敏宏)
海洋理工学会誌, Journal of Advanced Marine Science and Technology Society, 23(2):31-37 (2017)

Evaluation of in vivo mutagenesis for assessing the health risk of air pollutants
Aoki Y.(青木康展)
Genes and Environment, 39:16 (2017)

Occurrence of Natural Mixed Halogenated Dibenzo-p-Dioxins: Specific Distribution and Profiles in Mussels from Seto Inland Sea, Japan
Goto A., Tue N.M., Someya M., Isobe T.(磯部友彦), Takahashi S., Tanabe S., Kunisue T.
Environmental Science and Technology, 51(20):11771-11779 (2017)

3D neurosphere system using human stem cells for nanotoxicology studies. Organoids and Mini-Organs
Zeng Y., Tin-Tin-Win-Shwe(Tin-Tin-Win-Shwe), Ito T.(伊藤智彦), Sone H.(曽根秀子)
Organoids and Mini-Organs, Chapter 9, Elsevier (2017)

磯部友彦, 古武家善成, 吉田浩介, 遠藤智司, 亀田豊, 中田典秀
水環境学会誌, 40(12):430-435 (2017)

A methodological consideration for blood lead concentrations obtained from the earlobe in Japanese adults occupationally unexposed to lead
Tatsuta N, Nakai K, Iwai-Shimada M.(岩井美幸), Mizutani F, Murata K., Chisaki Y., Satoh H.
Environmental Health and Preventive Medicine, 22(78):1-5 (2017)

Yoshinaga J.(吉永淳), Md Hasan Al Amin(Md Hasan Al Amin), Oguri T.(小栗朋子)
環境化学, Journal of Environmental Chemistry, 27(4):171-175 (2017)

Is childhood exposure to parental smoking a risk factor for future cardiovascular disease?
Michikawa T.(道川武紘), Okamura T.
Journal of Atherosclerosis and Thrombus, 24:1204-1205 (2017)

Aerosol Health Effects from Molecular to Global Scales
Shiraiwa M., Ueda K., Pozzer A., Lammel G., Kampf C.J., Fushimi A.(伏見暁洋), Enami S.(江波進一), Arangio A.M., Frohlich J., Fujitani Y.(藤谷雄二), Furuyama A.(古山昭子), Lakey P.S.J., Lelieveld J., Lucas K., Morino Y.(森野悠), Poschl U., Takahama S., Takami A.(高見昭憲), Tong H., Weber B., Yoshino A.(吉野彩子), Sato K.(佐藤圭)
Environmental Science and Technology, 51:13545-13567 (2017)

Biodiversity conservation values of fragmented communally reserved forests, managed by indigenous people, in a human-modified landscape in Borneo
Takeuchi Y.(竹内やよい), Soda R., Diway B., Kuda T., Nakagawa M., Nagamasu H., Nakashizuka T.
Plos One, 12(11): (2017)

Role of TLR4 in olfactory-based spatial learning activity of neonatal mice after developmental exposure to diesel exhaust origin secondary organic aerosol
Nway N.C., Fujitani Y.(藤谷雄二), Hirano S.(平野靖史郎), Mar O., Tin-Tin-Win-Shwe(Tin-Tin-Win-Shwe)
Neurotoxicology, 63:155-165 (2017)

The association of kyphosis assessed in supine and standing positions with future activities of daily living dependence: the Kurabuchi Study
Yokoyama Y., Nishiwaki Y., Michikawa T.(道川武紘), Imamura H., Nakamura T., Takebayashi T., Takahashi H.
Archives of Osteoporosis, 12:105 (2017)

Baseline Profile of Participants in the Japan Environment and Children Study
Michikawa T.(道川武紘), Nitta H.(新田裕史), Nakayama S.(中山祥嗣), Yamazaki S.(山崎新), Isobe T.(磯部友彦), Tamura K.(田村憲治), Suda E.(須田英子), Ono M.(小野雅司), Yonemoto J.(米元純三), Iwai M.(岩井美幸), Kobayashi Y.(小林弥生), Suzuki G.(鈴木剛), Kawamoto T.(川本俊弘)
Journal of Epidemiology (2017)

Cadmium intake in women from the University of Aveiro, Portugal - A duplicate diet study
Coelho S.D., Maricoto T., Pastorinho M.R., Itai T., Isobe T.(磯部友彦), Kunisue T., Tanabe S., Sousa A.C.A., Nogueira A.J.A.
Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 183:187-190 (2017)

Differential Regulation of IL-1β and IL-6 Release in Murine Macrophages
Hirano S.(平野靖史郎), Zhou Q., Furuyama A.(古山昭子), Kanno S.
Inflammation, 40(6):1933-1943 (2017)

Monitoring of Water Quality in Inle Lake, Myanmar
Yagishita M.(柳下真由子), Thandar M., Yoneda M., Suzuki T.(鈴木武博), Tin-Tin-Win-Shwe(Tin-Tin-Win-Shwe), Nakajima D.(中島大介), Maung N.S.
Myanmar Health Sciences Research Journal, 29(2):91-96 (2017)

Maternal malnutrition, fetal programming, outcomes, and implications of environmental factors in Japan
Sone H.(曽根秀子), Tin-Tin-Win-Shwe(Tin-Tin-Win-Shwe)
Diet, Nutrition, and Fetal Programming From the Womb to Adulthood Chapter 13, edited by Vinood B. Patel, Victor R. Preedy and Rajkumar Rajendram, Springer (2017)

Neurotoxicity Assessment of Secondary Organic Aerosol by Intranasal and Inhalation Exposure in Mice
Tin-Tin-Win-Shwe(Tin-Tin-Win-Shwe), Fujitani Y.(藤谷雄二), Hirano S.(平野靖史郎)
Earozoru Kenkyu, 32(3):169-175 (2017)

PM2.5-induced lung inflammation in mice: Differences of inflammatory response in macrophages and type II alveolar cells
He M., Ichinose T, Yoshida S., Ito T.(伊藤智彦), He C., Yoshida Y., Arashidani K., Takano H., Sun G., Shibamoto T.
Journal of Applied Toxicology, 37(10):1203-1218 (2017)

衛生安全計画 (SSP) とは. モジュール1 衛生安全計画の準備. モジュール2 衛生システムの記述

Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) and their hydroxylated and methoxylated analogues in the blood of harbor, Dalls and finless porpoises from the Japanese coastal waters
Ochiai M., Nomiyama K., Isobe T.(磯部友彦), Yamada T.K., Tajima Y., Matsuda A., Shiozaki A., Matsuishi T., Amano M., Iwata H., Tanabe S.
Marine Environmental Research, 128:124-132 (2017)

Genetic diversity of bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops sp.) populations in the western North Pacific and the conservation implications
Chen I., Nishida S., Yang W.C., Isobe T.(磯部友彦), Tajima Y., Hoelzel A.R.
Marine Biology, 164(10):202-218 (2017)

Spatio-temporal trends of polybrominated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans in archived sediments from Tokyo Bay, Japan
Goto A., Tue N.M., Someya M., Isobe T.(磯部友彦), Takahashi S., Tanabe S., Kunisue T.
Science of The Total Environment, 599-600:340-347 (2017)

External validation of acute-to-chronic models for estimation of reproductive toxicity to Daphnia magna
Furuhama A.(古濱彩子), Hayashi T.(林岳彦), Yamamoto H.(山本裕史), Tatarazako N.(鑪迫典久)
SAR and QSAR in Environmental Research, 28(9):765-781 (2017)

第15章 職業上の安全と環境保健の専門家のための基本計算
青木康展, 河原純子, 松本理, 道川武紘
環境のための数学・統計学ハンドブック, 385-450 (2017)

Impaired dendritic growth and positioning of cortical pyramidal neurons by activation of aryl hydrocarbon receptor signaling in the developing mouse.
Kimura E.(木村 栄輝), Kubo K., Endo T., Ling W., Nakajima K., Kakeyama M., Tohyama C.
PLOS ONE, 12(8):e0183497 (2017)

Orally administered p-nitrotoluene causes hyperactivity, concomitant with gliosis and impairment of tyrosine hydroxylase immunoreactivity in the rat substantia nigra
Ishido M.(石堂正美), Usu R.
Fundamental Toxicological Sciences, 4:151-158 (2017)

Distinct regulation of nuclear localization of caspase-activated DNase during cadmium-induced apoptosis of the target cells
Ishido M.(石堂正美), Usu R.
Fundamental Toxicological Sciences, 4:159-165 (2017)

A new insight into proliferative action of bisphenol A at low-dose
Ishido M.(石堂正美), Usu R.
Fundamental Toxicological Sciences, 4:191-193 (2017)

HSP70-Ran-RCC1 transport system during cadmium-induced apoptosis in porcine kidney LLC-PK1 cells
Ishido M.(石堂正美), Usu R.
Fundamental Toxicological Sciences, 4:187-189 (2017)

Neonatal rotenone lesions cause onset of hyperactivity during juvenile and adulthood in the rat
Ishido M.(石堂正美), Suzuki J.(鈴木純子), Masuo Y.
Toxicology Letters, 266:42-48 (2017)

Organotins and new antifouling biocides in water and sediments from three Korean Special Management Sea Areas following ten years of tributyltin regulation: Contamination profiles and risk assessment
Lam N.H., Jeong H.H., Kang S.D., Kim D.J., Ju M.J., Horiguchi T.(堀口敏宏), Cho H.S.
Marine Pollution Bulletin, 121(1-2):302-312 (2017)

2nd International Conference on Human Biomonitoring, Berlin 2016
Schwedler G., Joas A., Calafat A.M., Haines D., Nakayama S.F.(中山祥嗣), Wolz B., Kolossa-Cehring M.
International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health, 220(2):1-2 (2017)

Respiratory Uptake and Depuration Kinetics of Perfluorooctanesulfonate (PFOS) in a Marine Sandworm Species
Sakurai T.(櫻井健郎), Kobayashi J., Ito N.(伊藤希), Serizawa S.(芹澤滋子), Shiraishi H.(白石寛明), Yabe T.(矢部徹), Ishii Y., Suzuki N.(鈴木規之)
Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 99:203-207 (2017)

産科と婦人科, 84(8):913-918 (2017)

A relationship in adrenal androgen levels between mothers and their children from a dioxin-exposoed region in Vietnam
Anh L.T., Kido T., Honma S., Manh H.D., Koike I., Oyama Y., Phuc H.D., Okamoto R., Nakagawa H., Nakayama S.F.(中山祥嗣), Nhu D.D., Minh N.H., Toan N.V., Son L.K.
Science of the Total Environment, 607-608:32-41 (2017)

Japan Environment and Children’s Study: backgrounds, activities, and future directions in global perspectives
Ishitsuka K., Nakayama S.F.(中山祥嗣), Kishi R., Mori C., Yamagata Z., Ohya Y., Kawamoto T., Kamijima M.
Environmental Health and Preventive Medicine (2017)

Comparison between air pollution concentrations measured at the nearest monitoring station to the delivery hospital and those measured at stations nearest the residential postal code regions of pregnant women in Fukuoka
Michikawa T.(道川武紘), Morokuma S., Nitta H.(新田裕史), Kato K., Yamazaki S.(山崎新)
Environmental Health and Preventive Medicine, 22:55 (2017)

Maekawa F.(前川文彦), Nakamura K., Nakayama S.(中山祥嗣)

Psychomotor Ability in Children Prenatally Exposed to Methylmercury: The 18-Month Follow-Up of Tohoku Study of Child Development
Tatsuta N., Murata K., Iwai-Shimada M.(岩井美幸), Yaginuma-Sakurai K., Satoh H., Nakai K.
The Tohoku Journal of Experimental Medicine, 242:1-8 (2017)

Total mercury levels in hair of children aged 7 years before and after the Great East Japan Earthquake
Tatsuta N., Nakai K., Iwai-Shimada M.(岩井美幸), Suzuki T., Satoh H., Murata K.
Science of the Total Environment, 596-597:207-211 (2017)

Effects of intrauterine exposures to polychlorinated biphenyls, methylmercury,and lead on birth weight in Japanese male and female newborns
Tatsuta N., Kurokawa N., Nakai K., Suzuki K., Iwai-Shimada M.(岩井美幸), Murata K., Satoh H.
Environmental Health and Preventive Medicine, 22(39):1-8 (2017)

日本数理生物学会ニュースレター, (81):29-33 (2017)

Cell reproductive patterns in the green alga Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata (Selenastrum capricornutum) and their variations under exposure to the typical toxicants potassium dichromate and 3,5-DCP
Yamagishi T.(山岸隆博), Yamaguchi H.(山口晴代), Suzuki S.(鈴木重勝), Horie Y.(堀江好文), Tatarazako N.(鑪迫典久)
PLoS ONE, 12(2):e0171259 (2017)

Synergism between macrolide antibiotics and azole fungicide ketoconazole in green alga Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata
Yamagishi T.(山岸隆博), Horie Y.(堀江好文), Tatarazako N.(鑪迫典久)
Chemosphere, 174:1-7 (2017)

Lethal and sublethal effects of aniline and chlorinated anilines on zebrafish embryos and larvae: Lethal and sublethal effects of chlorinated anilines on zebrafish
Horie Y.(堀江好文), Yamagishi T.(山岸隆博), Koshio M.(小塩正朗), Tatarazako N.(鑪迫典久)
Journal of applied toxicology (2017)


