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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Reference (Ref ID : 7700-7799)

Ref ID : 7700

Helge Abildhauge Thomsen and Pensri Boonruang; A Microscopical Study of Marine Collared Flagellates (Choanoflagellida) from the Andaman Sea, SW Thailand: Species of Stephanacantha GEN. NOV. and Platypleura GEN. NOV. Protistologica XIX(2):193-214, 1983

Ref ID : 7701

Colin G. Ogden; The Significance of the Inner Dividing Wall in Pontigulasia Rhumbler and Zivkovicia GEN. NOV. (Protozoa: Rhizopoda). Protistologica XIX(2):215-229, 1983

Ref ID : 7702

Maria Mulisch and David J. Patterson; Eufolliculina uhligi N. SP., a New Member of the Folliculinidae (Ciliophora), with some Comments on the Genus Eufolliculina Hadzi, 1951. Protistologica XIX(2):235-243, 1983

Ref ID : 7703

Mostafa Akbarieh, Francois Pothier, and Pierre Couillard; [Ultrastructure Externe et Interne de Amoeba proteus (Leidy) au Microscope Electronique a Balayage]. Protistologica XIX(3):291-298, 1983

Ref ID : 7704

John O. Corliss and Pierre-Marc Daggett; "Paramecium aurelia" and "Tetrahymena pyriformis": Current Status of the Taxonomy and Nomenclature of these Popularly known and widely used Ciliates. Protistologica XIX(3):307-322, 1983

Ref ID : 7705

R. Saliba, D. Dive, and R. Devis; An Inexpensive and Practical Medium for Rearing Mass Cultures of Tetrahymena. Protistologica XIX(3):417-421, 1983

Ref ID : 7706

Pierre de Puytorac, Pierre Didier, R. Detcheva, and Wilhelm Foissner; [Sur L'ultrastructure du Cilie Colpodida Pseudoplatyophyra nana (Kahl, 1926)]. Protistologica XIX(3):423-434, 1983

Ref ID : 7707

Wilhelm Foissner; [Morphologie und Morphogenese von Psilotricha succisa (O.F. Muller, 1786) NOV. COMB. (Ciliophora, Hypotrichida)]. Protistologica XIX(4):479-493, 1983

Ref ID : 7708

Michele Laval-Peuto; Sexual Reproduction in Favella ehrenbergii (Ciliophora, Tintinnina) taxonomical Implications. Protistologica XIX(4):503-512, 1983

Ref ID : 7709

Wilfried Schonborn, Wilhelm Foissner, and Ralf Meisterfeld; [Licht- und Rasterelektronenmikroskopische Untersuchungen zur Schalenmorphologie und Rassenbildung Bodenbewohnender Testaceen (Protozoa: Rhizopoda) sowie Vorschlage zur Biometrischen Charakterisierung von Testaceen-Schalen]. Protistologica XIX(4):553-566, 1983

Ref ID : 7710

Frederick C. Page and N.B.S. Willumsen; A Light- and Electron-microscopical Study of Paraflabellula reniformis (Schmoller, 1964), Type species of a Genus of Amoebae (Amoebida, Flabellulidae) with Subpseudopodia. Protistologica XIX(4):567-575, 1983

Ref ID : 7711

Anne Fleury, Francine Iftode, Ghislaine Fryd-Versavel, Jean-Jacques Curgy, and Jean Genermont; Stable and Unstable Morphological states generated by Cadmium Treatment and Heat shocks in Euplotes (Ciliata, Hypotrichida) with some References to Tetrahymena pyriformis (Ciliata, Hymenostomatida). Protistologica XIX(4):577-586, 1983

Ref ID : 7712

Johan F. De Jonckheere, Marc Pussard, Daniel G. Dive, and Keith Vickerman; Willaertia magna Gen. Nov., Sp. Nov. (Vahlkampfiidae), a Thermophilic Amoeba found in Different Habitats. Protistologica XX(1):5-13, 1984

Ref ID : 7713

Jean-Claude Esteve; [Calcium, Calmoduline, Sites Glucidiques et Ingestion chez le Cilie Gymnostome Dileptus sp.]. Protistologica XX(1):15-25, 1984

Ref ID : 7714

Menelaos Costas and Alan J. Griffiths; Taxonomic Significance of the Fatty acid Composition of Acanthamoeba (Amoebida, Acanthamoebidae). Protistologica XX(1):27-31, 1984

Ref ID : 7715

Stephen F. NG and Ann Newman; The Role of the Micronucleus in Stomatogenesis in Sexual Reproduction of Paramecium tetraurelia: Micronuclear and Stomatogenic Events. Protistologica XX(1):43-64, 1984

Ref ID : 7716

Karl G. Grell and Anne Meister; [Beitrage zur Ultrastruktur der Konjugation von Ephelota gemmipara R. Hertwig (Suctoria)]. Protistologica XX(1):65-86, 1984

Ref ID : 7717

Franco Verni, Giovanna Rosati, and Nicola Ricci; The Cyst of Oxytricha bifaria (Ciliata, Hypotrichida). II. The Ultrastructure. Protistologica XX(1):87-95, 1984

Ref ID : 7718

Guy Brugerolle and Jean-Pierre Mignot; [Les Caracteristiques Ultrastructurales de L'helioflagelle Dimorpha mutans Gruber (Sarcodina - Actinopoda) et leur Interet Phyletique]. Protistologica XX(1):97-112, 1984

Ref ID : 7719

Yannick Maslin-Leny and Jacques Bohatier; [Cytologie Ultrastructurale de Trichodina et Tripartiella (Cilies, Peritriches)]. Protistologica XX(1):113-132, 1984

Ref ID : 7720

Arno Tiedtke; Inhibition of Cell pairing in Tetrahymena thermophila by Antibodies against isolated Mucocysts. Protistologica XX(2):145-155, 1984

Ref ID : 7721

Giovanna Rosati, Franco Verni, and Nicola Ricci; The Cyst of Oxytricha bifaria (Ciliata, Hypotrichida). III. Cytochemical Investigation. Protistologica XX(2):197-204, 1984

Ref ID : 7722

Karl G. Grell and Gertrud Benwitz; [Die Ultrastruktur von Ephelota gemmipara Hertwig und E. plana (Suctoria): Ein Vergleich I. Die Adulte Form]. Protistologica XX(2):205-233, 1984

Ref ID : 7723

C. Caratero, A. Caratero, J.-C. Bes, A. Lepoint, G. Goessens, and H. Planel; [Analyse Cytochimique Quantitative, Ultrastructurale et Autoradiographique des Effets de L'irradiation Ultraviolette chez Tetrahymena pyriformis]. Protistologica XX(2):235-246, 1984

Ref ID : 7724

Jean-Pierre Mignot; [Etude Ultrastructurale de la Mitose Vegetative chez L'heliozoaire Actinophrys sol]. Protistologica XX(2):247-263, 1984

Ref ID : 7725

Werner Reisser and Beate Kurmeier; The Endosymbiotic Unit of Climacostomum virens and Chlorella sp. Symbiotic Features of the Association and Host-symbiont Regulatory Mechanisms. Protistologica XX(2):265-270, 1984

Ref ID : 7726

R.D. Saunders and J.D. Dodge; An SEM Study and Taxonomic Revision of some Armoured Sand-dwelling Marine Dinoflagellates. Protistologica XX(2):271-283, 1984

Ref ID : 7727

Juan C. Gutierrez, A. Torres, and J. Perez-Silva; Composition of the Cyst Wall of the Hypotrichous Ciliate Laurentiella acuminata: I. Cytochemical, Cytophotometrical, Enzymatic Analysis (1). Protistologica XX(3):313-326, 1984

Ref ID : 7728

Dag Klaveness; Studies on the Morphology, Food Selection and Growth of two Planktonic Freshwater Strains of Coleps sp. Protistologica XX(3):335-349, 1984

Ref ID : 7729

Fulvio Esposito and Stefania Lombardi; Conjugation in Ciliates: A Prototype of Self-nonself Discrimination. Protistologica XX(3):367-370, 1984

Ref ID : 7730

Pierangelo Luporini and Cristina Miceli; Cell-Cell Communication in the Preconjugant Interaction of Euplotes: A Hypothesis on the Molecular Mechanism of Control. Protistologica XX(3):371-376, 1984

Ref ID : 7731

Maria Mulisch and Klaus Hausmann; Structure and Ultrastructure of the Oral Apparatus of Eufolliculina uhligi Mulish and Patterson, 1983. Protistologica XX(3):415-429, 1984

Ref ID : 7732

Karl G. Grell and Gertrud Benwitz; [Die Ultrastruktur von Ephelota gemmipara Hertwig und E. plana Wailes (Suctoria): Ein Vergleich II. Der Schwarmer]. Protistologica XX(3):437-461, 1984

Ref ID : 7733

Francine Iftode, Ghislaine Fryd-Versavel, and Denis H. Lynn; New Details of the Oral Structures of Colpidium and Turaniella and Transfer of the Genus Colpidium to the Turaniellidae Didier, 1971 (Tetrahymenina, Hymenostomatida). Protistologica XX(3):463-474, 1984

Ref ID : 7734

Stephen F. NG and Ann Newman; The Role of the Micronucleus in Stomatogenesis in Sexual Reproduction of Paramecium tetraurelia: Conjugation of Amicronucleates. Protistologica XX(4):517-523, 1984

Ref ID : 7735

Anne Fleury and Ghislaine Fryd-Versavel; [Unite et Diversite chez les Hypotriches (Protozoaires Cilies) I. - Approche Morphogenetique par L'etude de Quelques Formes peu Differenciees]. Protistologica XX(4):525-546, 1984

Ref ID : 7736

Pilar Calvo, C. Fedriani, J.J. Nieto, and A. Torres; [Etude Ultrastructurale de la Morphogenese Corticale de Regeneration chez le Cilie Hypotriche Histriculus similis]. Protistologica XX(4):565-578, 1984

Ref ID : 7737

Birthe Zimmermann, Qjvind Moestrup, and Guy Hallfors; Chrysophyte or Heliozoon: Ultrastructural Studies on a Cultured Species of Pseudopedinella (Pedinellales Ord. Nov.), with Comments on Species Taxonomy. Protistologica XX(4):591-612, 1984

Ref ID : 7738

Kenneth W. Estep, Paul G. Davis, Paul E. Hargraves, and John McN. Sieburth; Chloroplast containing Microflagellates in Natural Populations of North Atlantic Nanoplankton, their Identification and Distribution; including a Description of Five New Species of Chrysochromulina (Prymnesiophyceae). Protistologica XX(4):613-634, 1984

Ref ID : 7739

Wilhelm Foissner and Ilse Foissner; First Record of an Ectoparasitic Flagellate on Ciliates: An Ultrastructural Investigation of the Morphology and the Mode of Attachment of Spiromonas gonderi Nov. Spec. (Zoomastigophora, Spiromonadidae) Invading the Pellicle of Ciliates of the Genus Colpoda (Ciliophora, Colpodidae). Protistologica XX(4):635-648, 1984

Ref ID : 7740

M. Pussard and F. Delay; [Dynamique de Population D'amibes Libres Endogees (Amoebida, Protozoa) I. - Evaluation du Degre D'activite en Microcosme et Observations Preliminaires sur la Dynamique de Population de Quelques Especes]. Protistologica XXI(1):5-15, 1985

Ref ID : 7741

Keith M. Jackson and Jacques Berger; Survivorship Curves of Ciliate Protozoa under Starvation Conditions and at Low Bacterial Levels. Protistologica XXI(1):17-24, 1985

Ref ID : 7742

Bernard Pelvat; [Observations sur L'ultrastructure de L'appareil Buccal chez le Cilie Heterotriche Stentor coeruleus]. Protistologica XXI(1):61-80, 1985

Ref ID : 7743

Krzysztof Wiackowski; The Morphology and Morphogenesis of Keronella gracilis n. gen., n. spec. (Hypotrichida, Ciliophora). Protistologica XXI(1):81-91, 1985

Ref ID : 7744

Sukumar Chakraborty and Marc Pussard; Ripidomyxa australiensis NOV. GEN. NOV. SP., A Mycophagous Amoeba from Australian Soil. Protistologica XXI(1):133-140, 1985

Ref ID : 7745

Colin G. Ogden; The Flexible Shell of the Freshwater Amoeba Microchlamys patella (Claparede & Lachmann, 1859) (Rhizopoda: Arcellinida). Protistologica XX(1):141-152, 1985

Ref ID : 7746

Janina Kaczanowska and Jerzy Moraczewski; Stimulation of Phagocytosis and Autophagy in the Ciliate Chilodonella steini. Protistologica XXI(2):175-185, 1985

Ref ID : 7747

Lucyna Grebecka and Wanda Klopocka; Relationship between the Surface distribution of Membrane reserves and the Polarity of Pinocytosis in Amoeba proteus. Protistologica XXI(2):207-213, 1985

Ref ID : 7748

Karl G. Grell; [Der Formwechsel des Plasmodialen Rhizopoden Thalassomyxa australis n. g., n. sp.]. Protistologica XXI(2):215-233, 1985

Ref ID : 7749

Guy Brugerolle; [Ultrastructure D'Hedriocystis pellucida (Heliozoa Desmothoracida) et de sa Forme Migratrice Flagellee]. Protistologica XXI(2):259-265, 1985

Ref ID : 7750

Pilar Alonso; Comparative Study of Micro- and Amicronucleate Clones of Euplotes aediculatus Pierson. Protistologica XXI(3):289-294, 1985

Ref ID : 7751

Helmut Berger, Wilhelm Foissner and Hans Adam; Morphological Variation and Comparative Analysis of Morphogenesis in Parakahliella macrostoma (Foissner, 1982) Nov. Gen. and Histriculus muscorum (Kahl, 1932), (Ciliophora, Hypotrichida). Protistologica XXI(3):295-311, 1985

Ref ID : 7752

Maria A. Jareno; [Etude Ultrastructurale de L'enkystement et du dekystement chez Onychodromus acuminatus (Ciliate, Hypotrichida)]. Protistologica XXI(3):313-321, 1985

Ref ID : 7753

Ana Sola, A. Guinea, and D. Fernandez-Galiano; [Etude du Processus de Bipartition chez Opisthonecta henneguyi Faure-Fremiet, 1906 (Ciliophora, Peritrichida)]. Protistologica XXI(3):333-338, 1985

Ref ID : 7754

Guy Brugerolle; [Des Trichocystes chez les Bodonides, Un Caractere Phylogenetique Supplementaire entre Kinetoplastida et Euglenida]. Protistologica XXI(3):339-348, 1985

Ref ID : 7755

Frederick C. Page; The Limax Amoebae: Comparative Fine Structure of the Hartmannellidae (Lobosea) and Further Comparisons with the Vahlkampfiidae (Heterolobosea). Protistologica XXI(3):361-383, 1985

Ref ID : 7756

Stephen F. NG and Ann Newman; The Macronuclear Anglage does not play an Essential Role in Stomatogenesis in Conjugation in Paramecium tetraurelia. Protistologica XXI(3):391-398, 1985

Ref ID : 7757

M.L. Mascaro, A. Osuna, and C. Mascaro; Vexillifera granatensis N. SP. (Gymnamoebia, Paramoebidae), A New Amoeba from Fresh Water. Protistologica XXI(4):467-471, 1985

Ref ID : 7758

R.M. Rios, A. Torres, P. Calvo, and C. Fedriani; The Cyst of Urostyla grandis (Hypotrichida: Urostylidae): Ultrastructure and Evolutionary Implications. Protistologica XXI(4):481-485, 1985

Ref ID : 7759

Irm Huttenlauch; SEM Study of the Skeletal Plates of Coleps nolandi Kahl, 1930. Protistologica XXI(4):499-503, 1985

Ref ID : 7760

Anne Fleury, Francine Iftode, Gilbert Deroux, and Ghislaine Fryd-Versavel; [Unite et Diversite chez les Hypotriches (Protozoaires Cilies): II - Elements D'ultrastructure Comparee chez Divers Representants du Sous-Ordre des Euhypotrichina]. Protistologica XXI(4):505-524, 1985

Ref ID : 7761

C.A. Groliere and Janine Dupy-Blanc; [Action du Thiram (T.M.T.D) sur le Cortex de Tetrahymena pyriformis au cours de la Stomatogenese]. Protistologica XXI(4):525-540, 1985

Ref ID : 7762

Yu.G. Gel'tser; Free-Living Protozoa as a Component of Soil Biota. Soil Biology 1-16, 1992 (Translated from Pochvovedeniye 8:66-79, 1991)

Ref ID : 7763

G.G. Mordkovich; Protozoa in Siberian Soils. Eurasian Soil Science 28(10):217-225, 1996 (Translated from Pochvovedeniye 8:981-986, 1995)

Ref ID : 7764

I.V. Kudryasheva; The Contribution of Earthworms Oligochaeta, Lumbricidae, and Eisenia nordenskioldi (Eisen) to the Decomposition of Forest Litter and Leaf Fall-off in Oak Groves of Wooded Steppe. Eurasian Soil Science 31(12):1364-1369, 1998 (Translated from Pochvovedeniye 12:1495-1501, 1998)

Ref ID : 7765

Elzbieta Dumnicka and Angela Boggero; Freshwater Oligochaeta in two mountain ranges in Europe: the Tatra Mountains (Poland) and the Alps (Italy). Fundamental and Applied Limnology Archiv fur Hydrobiologie 168/3:231-242, 2007

Ref ID : 7766

Ludgero Cardoso Galli Vieira, Luis Mauricio Bini, Luiz Felipe Machado Velho, and Gustavo Rincon Mazao; Influence of spatial complexity on the density and diversity of periphytic rotifers, microcrustaceans and testate amoebae. Fundamental and Applied Limnology Archiv fur Hydrobiologie 170/1:77-85, 2007

Ref ID : 7767

Marcelo Rossberg and Stephen A. Wickham; Ciliate vertical distribution and diel vertical migration in a eutrophic lake. Fundamental and Applied Limnology Archiv fur Hydrobiologie 171/1:1-14, 2008

Ref ID : 7768

Priit Zingel and Tiina Noges; Protozoan grazing in shallow macrophyte- and plankton lakes. Fundamental and Applied Limnology Archiv fur Hydrobiologie 171/1:15-25, 2008

Ref ID : 7769

Florian Mermillod-Blondin, Jean-Christophe Poggiale, Caroline Tolla, Pierre Auger, Wilfried Thuiller, and Michel Creuze des Chatelliers; Using a mathematical model to simulate the influence of tubificid worms (Oligochaeta) on oxygen concentrations in hyporheic sediments. Fundamental and Applied Limnology Archiv fur Hydrobiologie 172/2:135-145, 2008

Ref ID : 7770

Yangmin Qin, Robert K. Booth, Yansheng Gu, Yanxin Wang, and Schucheng Xie; Testate amoebae as indicators of 20th century environmental change in Lake Zhangdu, China. Fundamental and Applied Limnology Archiv fur Hydrobiologie 175/1:29-38, 2009

Ref ID : 7771

S. Kar, A.P. Harding, K. Roy, and P.L.A. Popelier; QSAR with quantum topological molecular similarity indices: toxicity of aromatic aldehydes to Tetrahymena pyriformis. SAR and QSAR in Environmental Research 21(1-2):149-168, 2010

Ref ID : 7772

A.G. Artemenko, E.N. Muratov, V.E. Kuz'min, N.N. Muratov, E.V. Varlamova, A.V. Kuz'mina, L.G. Gorb, A. Golius, F.C. Hill, J. Leszczynski, and A. Tropsha; QASR analysis of the toxicity of nitroaromatics in Tetrahymena pyriformis: structural factors and possible modes of action. SAR and QSAR in Environmental Research 22(5-6):575-601, 2011

Ref ID : 7773

M. Hewitt, M.T.D. Cronin, P.H. Rowe, and T.W. Schultz; Repeatability analysis of the Tetrahymena pyriformis population growth impairment assay. SAR and QSAR in Environmental Research 22(5-6):621-637, 2011

Ref ID : 7774

Roland C. Aloia and Richard L. Moretti; Sterile Culture Techniques for species of the Rotifer Asplanchna. Trans.Amer.Micros.Soc. 92(3):364-371, 1973

Ref ID : 7775

Isabella Barna and Dale S. Weis; The Utilization of Bacteria as Food for Paramecium bursaria. Trans.Amer.Micros.Soc. 92(3):434-440, 1973

Ref ID : 7776

John O. Corliss; Guide to the Literature on Tetrahymena: A companion piece to Elliott's "General Bibliography". Trans.Amer.Micros.Soc. 92(3):468-491, 1973

Ref ID : 7777

Portia A. Holt, Timothy K. Maugel, and John O. Corliss; Microtubular Substructure in a Ciliated Protozoon. Trans.Amer.Micros.Soc. 92(3):503-507, 1973

Ref ID : 7778

S. Blumberg, S. Propst, S. Honjo, T. Otaka, J. Antanavage, S. Banerjee, and L. Margulis; Induced reversible pigment alteration in Stentor coeruleus. Trans.Amer.Micros.Soc. 92(4):557-569, 1973

Ref ID : 7779

Ann L. Davidson and Harold E. Finley; A comparative study of argentophilic structures in three peritrich ciliates. Trans.Amer.Micros.Soc. 91(1):8-23, 1972

Ref ID : 7780

Portia A. Holt; An electron microscope study of the Rhabdophorine ciliate Didinium nasutum during excystment. Trans.Amer.Micros.Soc. 91(2):144-168, 1972

Ref ID : 7781

John O. Corliss; Current status of the International Collection of Ciliate Type-Specimens and guidelines for future contributors. Trans.Amer.Micros.Soc. 91(2):221-235, 1972

Ref ID : 7782

Denis H. Lynn and Jacques Berger; Morphology, systematics, and demic variation of Plagiopyliella pacifica Poljansky, 1951 (Ciliatea: Philasterina), an entocommensal of strongylocentrotid echinoids. Trans.Amer.Micros.Soc. 91(3):310-336, 1972

Ref ID : 7783

Howard P. Carter; Infraciliature of eleven species of the genus Euplotes. Trans.Amer.Micros.Soc. 91(4):466-492, 1972

Ref ID : 7784

Harold E. Finley, Vajapeyam S. Ranganathan, and Eugene B. Small; Examination of the peritrich ciliate Telotrochidium by scanning electron microscopy. Trans.Amer.Micros.Soc. 91(4):492-501, 1972

Ref ID : 7785

John O. Corliss; Tetrahymena and some thoughts on the evolutionary origin of endoparasitism. Trans.Amer.Micros.Soc. 91(4):566-573, 1972

Ref ID : 7786

Sisir K. Chattopadhyay, James Bowers, Calvin Culmer, and Harold E. Finley; DNA base composition of Telotrochidium henneguyi. Trans.Amer.Micros.Soc. 91(4):674-579, 1972

Ref ID : 7787

Edward M. Block and Clarence J. Goodnight; A new species of tubificid oligochaete from Central America, Limnodrilus bulbiphallus n. sp. Trans.Amer.Micros.Soc. 91(4):579-585, 1972

Ref ID : 7788

R.A. Khan, V.C. Barber, and S. McCann; A scanning electron microscopical study of the surface topography of a trichodinid ciliate. Trans.Amer.Micros.Soc. 93(1):131-134, 1974

Ref ID : 7789

B.R. Burchill, S.B. George, R.E. Lindberg, and J.P. Sims; Conjugation in Stentor multiformis. Trans.Amer.Micros.Soc. 93(1):134-135, 1974

Ref ID : 7790

Dale S. Weis; Sparing effect of light on bacterial consumption of Paramecium bursaria. Trans.Amer.Micros.Soc. 93(1):135-140, 1974

Ref ID : 7791

W. Duane Hope; Deontostoma timmerchioi n. sp., a new marine nematode (Leptosomatidae) from Antarctica, with a note on the structure and possbile function of the ventromedian supplement. Trans.Amer.Micros.Soc. 93(3):314-324, 1974

Ref ID : 7792

John O. Corliss; The pear-shaped controversy, particularly as related to the name of the type-species of the protozoan genus Tetrahymena: "pyriformis" (and pyriform) or "piriformis" (and piriform)? Trans.Amer.Micros.Soc. 93(3):392-399, 1974

Ref ID : 7793

Norvell W. Hunter; Evidence for a glycolytic pathway in the ciliate Euplotes eurystomus. Trans.Amer.Micros.Soc. 93(3):425-428, 1974

Ref ID : 7794

Daniel Dive, C. Blaise, and A. Le Du; Standard protocol proposal for undertaking the Colpidium campylum Ciliate Protozoan growth inhibition test. Angewandte Zoologie 91(1):79-90, 1991

Ref ID : 7795

Thomas Bendt; [Henoceros falcatus (Milne 1916) in Deutshland]. Angewandte Zoologie 3:347-352, 1984

Ref ID : 7796

Werner Meinel, Robert Krause, and Ilona B. Musko; [Experimente zur pH-Wert-abhangigen Toxizitat von Kadmium bei einigen Grundwasserorganismen]. Angewandte Zoologie 1:101-125, 1989

Ref ID : 7797

John Cairns, Jr. and Jeanne A. Ruthven; Artificial Microhabitat Size and the Number of Colonizing Protozoan Species. Trans.Amer.Micros.Soc. 89(1):100-109, 1970

Ref ID : 7798

David G. Cook; Torodrilus lowryi: New genus and species of marine tubificid oligochaete from Antarctica. Trans.Amer.Micros.Soc. 89(2):282-288, 1970

Ref ID : 7799

Howard E. Buhse, Jr., John O. Corliss, and Robert C. Holsen, Jr.; Tetrahymena vorax: Analysis of stomatogenesis by scanning electron and light microscopy. Trans.Amer.Micros.Soc. 89(2):328-336, 1970