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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 7736

Pilar Calvo, C. Fedriani, J.J. Nieto, and A. Torres; [Etude Ultrastructurale de la Morphogenese Corticale de Regeneration chez le Cilie Hypotriche Histriculus similis]. Protistologica XX(4):565-578, 1984


In File


The cortical morphogenesis of regeneration in Histriculus similis has been studied in this work at level of electronic microscopy. The first signs of the regeneration process become evident one hour after the treatment with urea. During the early steps of the cortical morphogenesis of regeneration, the oral primordium, paroral ciliation primordium and the ciliary streaks, are formed by pairs of kinetosomes. These pairs carry postciliary microtubules in the posterior kinetosome and transverse microtubules in the anterior one. The orientation of these pairs of kinetosomes depends on the type of primordium that is going to be formed. Once the pairs of kinetosomes are alinged, there is a proliferation of new kinetosomes in the vicinity of these pairs of kinetosomes. Afterwards there is a transversal fragmentation of the above mentioned primordia, with the exception of the paroral primordium that is longitudinally divided.