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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 7782

Denis H. Lynn and Jacques Berger; Morphology, systematics, and demic variation of Plagiopyliella pacifica Poljansky, 1951 (Ciliatea: Philasterina), an entocommensal of strongylocentrotid echinoids. Trans.Amer.Micros.Soc. 91(3):310-336, 1972


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Specimens of the entocommensal ciliate Plagiopyliella pacifica Poljansky, 1951 were collected from an echinoid host, Strongylocentrotus pallidus, at Friday Harbor, Washington. Ciliates were examined alive and after Chatton-Lwoff and protargol silver impregnation, hematoxylin, and Feulgen staining. A detailed morphometric characterization and demic analysis are presented. The organism's infraciliary and nuclear anatomy are redescribed. Zoogeography, bathymetric distribution, behavior, and host-specificity of this ciliate are discussed. Its buccal morphology, the somatic infraciliature, particularly the absence of the "striated band", and morphogenetic observations exclude Plagiophyliella pacifica from the trichostome family Plagiopylidae. The genus is assigned to the Thyrophylacidae within the suborder Philasterina of the order Hymenostomatida sensu lato.