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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 7764

I.V. Kudryasheva; The Contribution of Earthworms Oligochaeta, Lumbricidae, and Eisenia nordenskioldi (Eisen) to the Decomposition of Forest Litter and Leaf Fall-off in Oak Groves of Wooded Steppe. Eurasian Soil Science 31(12):1364-1369, 1998 (Translated from Pochvovedeniye 12:1495-1501, 1998)


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The consumption of forest litter and leaf fall-off by earthworms E. nordenskioldi has been studied under laboratory and field conditions. The involvement of this species in the decomposition of plant residues in the upland oak groves of the Tellermanovskii Forest was evaluated at 20-30 g of dry matter/m2 per year, or 5-9% of the total leaf fraction in the litter. Seasonal peculiarities in the trophic activity of worms were revealed. Differences in biological factors of destruction were observed between the oak forests of the southeastern forest-steppe and broad-leaved forests of the southern forest zone.