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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 7777

Portia A. Holt, Timothy K. Maugel, and John O. Corliss; Microtubular Substructure in a Ciliated Protozoon. Trans.Amer.Micros.Soc. 92(3):503-507, 1973


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A study was made to compare the subunit structure of microtubules in the nematodesmata, the longitudinal ribbons, the doublets and central pair of the ciliary axoneme, and the tentacular arrays in the gymnostome protozoon Actinobolina, the first ciliate to be so studied. Results, obtained by optically rotating high resolution electron micrographic images with the aid of the Markham technique, suggest the existence of thirteen subunits in the various types of microtubules examined.