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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 7743

Krzysztof Wiackowski; The Morphology and Morphogenesis of Keronella gracilis n. gen., n. spec. (Hypotrichida, Ciliophora). Protistologica XXI(1):81-91, 1985


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The cortical anatomy and morphogenesis of Keronella gracilis n. gen., n. spec. isolated from moss is described. The ciliate possesses the FVT primordium typical for the suborder Urostylina Jankowski. A remarkable characteristic is a corona of frontal cirri parallel with the anterior part of the AZM. This row of 7-9 cirri originates as a cut off anterior fragment of the right midventral row. This unique character gives rise to a new genus. The midventral cirri in the posterior half of the cell consist of the several rows. The successive rows in the posterior direction progress from 3 to 12 or more cirri. The last streak of the FVT primordium gives a row of about 12 cirri which migrates anteriorly and takes up a position parallel with the anterior fragments of midventral rows on their right. The ciliate has 5 dorsal kineties. Usually 2 or 3 caudal cirri develop on the end of the right most dorsal kinety. There is one row of marginal cirri on each side of the organism.