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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 7748

Karl G. Grell; [Der Formwechsel des Plasmodialen Rhizopoden Thalassomyxa australis n. g., n. sp.]. Protistologica XXI(2):215-233, 1985


In File


1. During its growth the plasmodial rhizopod Thalassomyxa australis n. g., n. sp. performs a periodical change of shape. 2. In the "motile phase" it displays the shape of a reticulate plasmodium and ingests the food by phagocytosis. 3. In the "resting phase" it shows a compact form and develops the digestive vacuoles. 4. The dissemination of the species is brought about by "floating buds" being detached from the plasmodia of the "motile phase". 5. The genera Thalassomyxa and Corallomyxa should be unified in the new order "Promycetozoida" which the author regards as the marine 'sister group" of the terrestrial "Eumycetozoida". 6. A proposal for a revision of the sub-class "Gymnamoebia' is presented for discussion.