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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 7727

Juan C. Gutierrez, A. Torres, and J. Perez-Silva; Composition of the Cyst Wall of the Hypotrichous Ciliate Laurentiella acuminata: I. Cytochemical, Cytophotometrical, Enzymatic Analysis (1). Protistologica XX(3):313-326, 1984


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The composition of the cyst wall of Laurentiella acuminata (Hypotrichida, Oxytrichidae) has been studied by using cytophotometrical quantification, cytochemical and enzymatic methods. The cytochemical analysis of the cyst walls has been focused at two levels: cyst wall and semi-thin sections. In respect to the outermost cystic layer (the ectocyst), both neutral glycosaminoglycans and carboxylic glycosaminoglycans have been detected. In the mesocyst, no carbohydrates have been detected by using these treatments. The last two layers; the endocyst and the granular layer are very similar, and carboxylic, sulphated and neutral glycosaminoglycans are detected in them. The cytochemical test for detecting proteins indicates their existence in all cystic layers of L. acuminata. Sulphydril groups have been detected in the protein of both the ectocyst and the endocyst. No cystic layer shows lipidic elements. The alpha- and beta-glycosidase have positive effects on the endocyst. The only carboxylic ester hydrolase used, peptidyl peptine hydrolase, does not show any detectable activity on the cystic layers. However, the two peptidyl peptide hydrolase used have given positive results on the ectocyst, thereby showing the presence of peptide bonds in this layer. It is also hydrolyzed by trypsin, showing the presence of L-lysine and/or L-arginine in this eccystic protein. A method for the isolation and purification of these cystic structures and a possible functional pattern of the different cystic layers are also presented.