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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 7794

Daniel Dive, C. Blaise, and A. Le Du; Standard protocol proposal for undertaking the Colpidium campylum Ciliate Protozoan growth inhibition test. Angewandte Zoologie 91(1):79-90, 1991


In File


The Colpidium campylum 24 hr IC50 ciliate protozoan growth inhibition test procedure was appraised during a recently-held canadian workshop in which several participants experienced this bioassay. Following constructive comments and suggestions made by workshop participants, all steps of the method were reviewed. As a result of this expercise, an improved version of this bioassay is now proposed as a standard protozoan test for aquatic ecotoxicology. The new protocol is detailed herein.