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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 7799

Howard E. Buhse, Jr., John O. Corliss, and Robert C. Holsen, Jr.; Tetrahymena vorax: Analysis of stomatogenesis by scanning electron and light microscopy. Trans.Amer.Micros.Soc. 89(2):328-336, 1970


In File


A comparative descriptive study was made of oral replacement in the ciliate protozoon Tetrahymena vorax, employing principally the Chatton-Lwoff silver technique (specimens then studied with light microscopy) and scanning electron microscopy. Oral replacement occurs during the now well-known natural process of microstome-macrostome transformation and can be induced under controlled conditions in T. vorax. Cortical movements in the oral area, timing of appearance of ciliation of the buccal organelles, and organization of the oral ribs and the infraciliary bases of the undulating membrane and the adoral zone of membranelles were analyzed. This is the first time that stomatogenesis has been investigated from the dual approach of light and scanning electron microscopy.