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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 7749

Guy Brugerolle; [Ultrastructure D'Hedriocystis pellucida (Heliozoa Desmothoracida) et de sa Forme Migratrice Flagellee]. Protistologica XXI(2):259-265, 1985


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The cell of Hedriocystis is enclosed in a polygonal capsule formed by a thin microfibrillar felting and is attached to the substrate by a hollow stalk of the same material. Axopods radiate at the angles where the capsule is perforated, they contain scattered microtubules. Several MTOCs are concentrated in a zone positioned at a pole of the nucleus delimited by the Golgi bodies. The structure of the kinetocysts is close to that of Clathrulina and mitochondria have tubular cristae. When two cells are seen in the same capsule they bear 2 kinetosomes situated at the opposite side of the MTOCs, where axopodial mts are assembled. The 2 kinetosomes are linked to the nuclear envelope by a short microfibrillar ribbon and 2 to 3 mts directed toward the cell surface are connected to each kinetosome. This genus seems close to Clathrulina and shows that the Desmothoracida occupy an intermediate position between the two main groups of Heliozoa: Cryptaxohelida and Phaneraxohelida.