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竹内やよい 業績一覧

  • 研究論文(査読つき、学会紀要も含む)    ※リンク先は全て各ジャーナルのウェブサイトです。

Yoshikawa, T., Totsu, K., Takeuchi, Y., Kadoya, T., Enoki, T., Fujii, S., Fukamachi, AS., Hirota, M., Hoshizaki, K., Iiyama, N., Ishikawa, Y., Itô, H., Kobayashi, H., Kohyama, TS., Konno, Y., Makita, A., Mori, AS., Nagamatsu, D., Nakashizuka, T., Namikawa, K., Noguchi, M., Sakimoto, M., Ozaki, Y., Seino, T., Sugita, H., Suzuki, J-I., Suzuki, RO., Suzuki, SN., Takahashi, K., Tateno, R., Watanabe, R., Yamashita, T., Yoshida, T., Ishihara, MI., Kenta, T., Nakamura, M., Hiura, T. (2024) Forest monitoring data of 45 plots across the Japanese archipelago during 1980–2021. Ecological Research. DOI: 10.1111/1440-1703.12457 新着情報 updated Apl. 10, 2024

Gonzalez, A., Vihervaara, P., Balvanera, P. et al. (2023) A global biodiversity observing system to unite monitoring and guide action. nature ecology & evolution, DOI: 10.1038/s41559-023-02171-0 プレスリリースへのリンク 新着情報 updated Sep. 26, 2023

Diway B, Yiing L C , Wasli M E, Takeuchi Y. (2023) Forest structure and recovery in selectively logged forests in Sarawak, Malaysia. Tropics, 32(1): 1-14 新着情報 updated Mar. 10, 2023

Diway B, Yiing L C , Takeuchi Y, Wasli M E. (2023) Establishment of permanent sample plot network for monitoring the structure and growth of logged-over forests in Sarawak, Malaysia. THE MALAYSIAN FORESTER, VOLUME 86, NO. 1, 200 - 209. 新着情報 updated Feb. 9, 2023

Takeuchi Y, Diway B. (2023) Linkin genetic factors to toropical forest conservation manegement: A case study of Shorea Laxa. THE MALAYSIAN FORESTER, VOLUME 86, NO. 1,63 - 72.

Shin, N., Saitoh, T. M.,Takeuchi, Y., Miura, T., Aiba, M., Kurokawa, H.,Onoda, Y., Ichii, K., Nasahara, K. N., Suzuki, R.,Nakashizuka, T., Muraoka, H. (2023) Review:Monitoring of land cover changes and plantphenology by remote-sensing in East Asia.Ecological Research,38(1), 111-133.

Toyama, H., Tagane, S.,Aiba, S., Ugawa, S., Suzuki, E., Yamazaki, K., Fuse,K., Takashima, A., Kadoya, T., Takeuchi, Y.(2023) High plant diversity and characteristicplant community structure in broad-leavedevergreen forests on Amami-Oshima andTokunoshima Islands, Japan's newest naturalWorld Heritage Site.Ecological Research,1-17. プレスリリースへのリンク

竹内 やよい, 遠山 弘法, 吉川 徹朗, 岡本 遼太郎, 井手 玲子, 角谷 拓, 小出 大, 西廣 淳, 小熊 宏之, 日浦 勉, 中静 透 (2022) 気候変動時代の生態学: 陸域生態系における「自然を基盤とした解決策」にむけた課題. 日本生態学会誌, 72-2, 109-143. 論文概要紹介

Toyama H., Totsu K., Tagane S., Aiba S., Ugawa S., Suzuki E., Yamazaki K., Fuse K., Takashima A., Toyama N., Kadoya, T., Takeuchi Y. (2022) A dataset for vascular plant diversity monitoring for the natural World Heritage site on Amami-Oshima Island, Tokunoshima Island, and the northern Okinawa Island. Ecological Research, 37(5), 676-682.

Kadoya, T., Takeuchi, Y., Shinoda, Y., Nansai, K. (2022) Shifting agriculture is the dominant driver of forest disturbance in threatened forest species’ ranges. communications earth & environment, 3, 108. プレスリリースへのリンク

Diway B., Yasui Y., Innan H., Takeuchi Y. (2022) New locality and bud growth of the world biggest flower, Rafflesia tuan-mudae, in Naha Jaley, Sarawak, Malaysia. Tropics, 30, 4, 71-82. 国立環境研究所ウェブサイトプレスリリースへのリンク

Takeuchi Y., Ohtsuki H., Innan H. (2022) Non‐zero‐sum neutrality test for the tropical rain forest community using long‐term between‐census data. Ecology and Evolution, DOI : 10.1002/ece3.8462.

Takeuchi Y., Diway B. (2021) Long pollen dispersal prevents biparental inbreeding depression in seeds in a natural population of the tropical tree Shorea laxa. Forest Ecology and Management, 489, 119063 論文概要紹介

Takeuchi Y., Muraoka H., Yamakita T., Kano Y., Nagai S., Bunthang T., Costello M., Darnaedi D., Diway B., Ganyai T., Grudpan C., Hughes A., Ishii R., Lim P.T., Ma K., Muslim A., Nakano S., Nakaoka M., Nakashizuka T., Onuma M., Park C.H., Pungga S.R., Saito Y., Shakya M., Sulaiman M., Sumi M., Thach P., Trisurat Y., Xu X., Yamano H., Yao T.L., Kim E.S., Vergara S., Yahara T. (2021) The Asia-Pacific Biodiversity Observation Network: 10-year achievements and new strategies to 2030. Ecological Research, 36, 232-257 論文概要紹介

Takeuchi, Y, Kikuchi, S., Diway, B. (2020) Albinism and inbreeding depression in seedlings of the tropical tree, Shorea laxa. Journal of Forest Research, 25, 413-419

Suetsugu, K., Yiing, L. C., Naiki, A., Tagane, S., Takeuchi, Y., Toyama, H. & Yahara, T. (2018). Lecanorchis sarawakensis (Orchidaceae, Vanilloideae), a new mycoheterotrophic species from Sarawak, Borneo. Phytotaxa, 338(1), 135-139. DOI: 10.11646/phytotaxa.338.1.13

Suetsugu, K., Naiki, A., Takeuchi, Y., Toyama, H., Tagane, S., Yahara, T. (2017). New Distributional Records of the Mycoheterotrophic Sciaphila alba (Triuridaceae), outside the Type Locality. Acta Phytotaxonomica et Geobotanica, 68(2), 123-126.

Ushio, M., Aiba, S.I., Takeuchi, Y., Iida, Y., Matsuoka, S., Repin, R., Kitayama, K. (2017). Plant-soil feedbacks and the dominance of conifers in a tropical montane forest in Borneo. Ecological Monographs, 87(1), 105-129.

角谷拓, 赤坂宗光, 藤田卓, 伊藤俊哉, 勝又聖乃, 三輪隆, 竹内やよい, 山野博哉 (2017). 民間で維持される保護地域の評価と拡充の重要性. 保全生態学研究, 22, 241-249.

Takeuchi, Y., Soda, R., Diway, B., Kuda, T., Nakagawa, M., Nagamasu, H., Nakashizuka, T. (2017). Biodiversity conservation values of fragmented communally reserved forests, managed by indigenous people, in a human-modified landscape in Borneo. PLoS ONE, 12(11), e0187273.

Y. Takeuchi, S. Chaffron, M.M. Salcher, R. Shimizu-Inatsugi, M.J. Kobayashi, B. Diway, C. von Mering, J. Pernthaler, K.K. Shimizu (2015) Bacterial diversity and composition in the fluid of pitcher plants of the genus Nepenthes. Systematic and Applied Microbiology 38, 330-339.

Y. Takeuchi, H. Innan (2015) "Evaluating the performance of neutrality tests of a local community using a niche-structured simulation model" Oikos. 124(9) 1203-1214.

MJ. Kobayashi, Y. Takeuchi, T. Kenta, T. Kume, B. Diway, KK. Shimizu (2013) “Mass flowering of the tropical tree Shorea beccariana was preceded by expression changes in flowering and drought-responsive genes”. Molecular Ecology.

Y. Takeuchi, M. Nakagawa, B. Diway, T. Nakashizuka. (2013) "Reproductive success of a tropical tree, Shorea laxa, in a pulau (forest reserve) managed by a local community in Borneo”. Forest ecology and management. 289:416-424.

M. Nakagawa, M. Matsushita, H. Kurokawa, H. Samejima, Y. Takeuchi, M. Aiba, A. Katayama, Y. Tokumoto, T. Kume, N. Yoshifuji, K. Kuraji, H. Nagamasu, S. Sakai, T. Nakashizuka. (2012) "Possible negative effect of general flowering on tree growth and aboveground biomass increment in a Bornean tropical rainforest". Biotropica. 44(6): 715-719.

S. Sakaguchi, Y. Qiu, Y. Liu, X. Qi, S. Kim, J. Han, Y. Takeuchi, J. Worth, M. Yamasaki, S. Sakurai, Y. Isagi. (2012) "Climate oscillation during the Quaternary associated with landscape heterogeneity promoted allopatric lineage divergence of a temperate tree Kalopanax septemlobus (Araliaceae) in East Asia". Molecular Ecology. 21: 3823-3838.

Y. Takeuchi, MM. Salcher, M. Ushio, R. Shimizu-Inatsugi R, MJ. Kobayashi, B. Diway, C. von Mering, J. Pernthaler, KK. Shimizu. (2011) "In situ enzyme activity in the dissolved and particulate fraction of the fluid from four pitcher plant species of the genus Nepenthes". PLoS ONE 6(9): e25144. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0025144

S. Sakaguchi, Y. Takeuchi, M. Yamasaki, S. Sakurai, Y. Isagi. (2011) "Lineage admixture during postglacial range expansion is responsible for the increased gene diversity of Kalopanax septemlobus in a recently colonised territory". Heredity, 107: 338-348

T. Tsumura, T. Kado, K. Yoshida, H. Abe, Ohtani M, Y. Taguchi, Y. Fukue, N. Tani, S. Ueno, K. Yoshimura, K. Kamiya, K. Harada, Y. Takeuchi, B. Diway, R. Finkeldey, M. Na'iem, S. Indrioko, KK. Ng, N. Muhammad, SL. Lee. (2011) "Molecular database for classifying Shorea species (Dipterocarpaceae) and techniques for checking the legitimacy of timber and wood products". Journal of Plant Research 124:35-48

D. Kawase, K. Hayashi, Y. Takeuchi, T. Yumoto. (2010) "Population genetic structure of Lilium japonicum and serpentine plant Lilium japonicum var. abeanum by using developed microsatellite DNA polymorphism marker". Plant Biosystems 144 (1): 29-37.

Y. Takeuchi, H. Samejima, M. Nakagawa, B. Diway, T. Nakashizuka. (2010) Neighborhood aggregation effect and its effective scale on reproductive success in Shorea laxa (Dipterocarpaceae). Journal of Plant Research 123: 249-259

Y. Takeuchi, H. Samejima, M. Nakagawa, B. Diway, T. Nakashizuka (2008) Effects of Local Density and Forest Fragmentation on Reproductive and Regeneration Success of Shorea laxa (Dipterocarpaceae) in “Sustainability and Biodiversity Assessment on Forest Utilization Options”, RIHN, 227-233.

Y. Takeuchi, T. Nakashizuka. (2007) "Effect of distance and density on seed/seedling fate of two dipterocarp species". Forest ecology and management 247: 167-174

Y. Takeuchi, T. Nakashizuka (2006) Comparison of gene dispersal of four dipterocarp species in a primary tropical rain forest. Proceedings of International Symposium on Forest Ecology, Hydrology and Forest Ecosystem Rehabilitation in Sarawak., 163-168. 

M. Nakagawa, Y. Takeuchi, T. Kenta, T. Nakashizuka. (2005) "Pre-dispersal seed predation by insects vs. vertebrates in six dipterocarp species in Sarawak", Malaysia. Biotropica 37(3): 389-396

Y. Takeuchi, T. Kenta, T. Nakashizuka. (2005) "Comparison of sapling demography of four dipterocarp species with different seed-dispersal strategies". Forest ecology and management 208: 237-248

Y. Takeuchi, S. Ichikawa, A. Konuma, N. Tomaru, H. Niyama, SL. Lee, N. Muhammad, T. Tsumura. (2004) "Comparison of fine-scale genetic structure of three dipterocarp species". Heredity 92: 323-328

  • 著書  ※リンク先は各出版社のウェブサイトです。

Takeuchi Y., Soda R., Samejima H. and Diway B. (2020) Current Status and Distribution of Communally Reserved Forests in a Human-modified Landscape in Bintulu, Sarawak, In: Ishikawa N. and Soda R. (eds), Anthropogenic Tropical Forests, Springer, pp. 453-478.著書詳細

Takeuchi Y., Kobayashi A., and Diway B. (2020) Transitions in the Utilisation and Trade of Rattan in Sarawak: Past to Present, Local to Global, In: Ishikawa N. and Soda R. (eds), Anthropogenic Tropical Forests, Springer, pp, 479-496. 著書詳細

竹内やよい (2014) ボルネオ熱帯雨林の 一斉開花の要因を探る. 生命誌ジャーナル 著書詳細

竹内やよい・清水健太郎. (2011) 「メタゲノミクスを用いた微生物の多様性と機能の評価:ウツボカズラを例として」 永野惇・森長真一(編) ゲノムが拓く生態学.文一総合出版. pp.123-138. 著書詳細

Y. Takeuchi, KK Shimizu. (2010) Potential application of pollen genotyping for evolutionary genetic and genomic studies: linkage/recombination analysis and haplotype sequencing, In: Yuji Isagi, Yoshihisa Suyama (eds) Single-pollen genotyping. Springer, Ecological Research Monograph series vol 1. 著書詳細

清水健太郎・竹内やよい(2009)「生態ゲノミクス:適応・群集研究への新たなアプローチ」 大串隆之・近藤倫生・吉田丈人(編)群集生態学 第二巻 進化生物学からせまる. 京都大学出版会. pp.223-241. 著書詳細

Y. Takeuchi, H. Samejima, M. Nakagawa, B. Diway, T. Nakashizuka. (2008) “Effects of Local Density and Forest Fragmentation on Reproductive and Regeneration Success of Shorea laxa (Dipterocarpaceae)”, In: M. Ichikawa, S. Yamashita, T. Nakashizuka (eds) Sustainability and Biodiversity Assessment on Forest Utilization Options, Research Institute for Human and Nature, Kyoto, pp. 227-233.

Last updated Apl. 10, 2024