Presenter :
Murakami K., Saito M., Noda H., Oshio H., Yoshida Y., Ichii K., Matsunaga T. Title : , Journal of Agricultural Meteorology, 80(3):69-78 (2024)
Presenter :
Imasu R., Matsunaga T., Nakajima M., Yoshida Y., Shioki K., Morino I., Saitoh N., Niwa Y., Someya Y., Oishi Y., Hashimoto M., Noda H., Hikosaka K., Uchino O., Maksyutov S., Takagi H., Ishida H., Nakajima T.Y., Nakajima T., Shi C. Title : , Progress in Earth and Planetary Science, 10(1):33 (2023)
Presenter :
Murakami K., Saito M., Noda H., Oshio H., Yoshida Y., Ichii K., Matsunaga T. Title : , Journal of Agricultural Meteorology, 80(3):69-78 (2024)
Presenter :
Imasu R., Matsunaga T., Nakajima M., Yoshida Y., Shioki K., Morino I., Saitoh N., Niwa Y., Someya Y., Oishi Y., Hashimoto M., Noda H., Hikosaka K., Uchino O., Maksyutov S., Takagi H., Ishida H., Nakajima T.Y., Nakajima T., Shi C. Title : , Progress in Earth and Planetary Science, 10(1):33 (2023)
Presenter : Morozumi T., Noda H., Kato T., Kobayashi H., Takahashi Y. Name of Society : 9th GEWEX Open Science Meeting 2024 (2024) Name of Proceedings : -
Research Lecture GOSAT and GOSAT-2 Achievements in the past 15 years and GOSAT-GW status
Research Presentation Current Status of GOSAT and GOSAT-2 Products and Their Contribution to Climate Change Mitigation Policies
Presenter : Matsunaga T., Morino I., Yoshida Y., Saito M., Noda H., Ohyama H., Someya Y., Saeki T., Kamei A., Kawazoe F., Suto H., Shiomi K., Kuze A., Imasu R. Name of Society : 20th International Workshop on Greenhouse Gas Measurements from Space (IWGGMS-20) (2024) Name of Proceedings : -
Presenter : Takeuchi Y., Noda H. Name of Society : The 71st Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of Japan (2024) Name of Proceedings : ESJ71 Abstract
Presenter : MOROZUMI T., Noda H., Kato T., Kobayashi H., Takahashi Y., Matsumoto K. Name of Society : The iLEAPS – OzFlux Joint Conference 2023 (2023) Name of Proceedings : Abstracts
Presenter : Morozumi T., Noda H., Kato T., Kobayashi H., Sakai Y., Takahashi Y. Name of Society : AGU23 (American Geophysical Union Annual Meeting 2023) (2023) Name of Proceedings : -
Presenter : Noda H., Muraoka H., Takeuchi Y. Name of Society : AGU Annual Meeting 2023 (2023) Name of Proceedings : -
Research Presentation Seasonal pattern of solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence in three forest types observed on multiple platforms
Presenter : Morozumi T., Noda H., Kato T., Kobayashi H., Takahashi Y., Muraoka H., Matsumoto K. Name of Society : Asiaflux 2023 (2023) Name of Proceedings : Abstracts
Research Presentation Red and far-red solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence responding to air temperature, humidity, and leaf growth in a Japanese larch forest site on a spring-summer transition
Presenter : MOROZUMI T., Noda H., Takahashi Y., Kato T. Name of Society : AsiaFlux 2022 (2022) Name of Proceedings : Abstracts
Research Presentation On-going studies of Solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence observed by GOSAT Series
Presenter :
Murakami K., Saito M., Noda H., Oshio H., Yoshida Y., Ichii K., Matsunaga T. Name of Society : International Workshop On Land Cover/Land Use Changes, Forestry, and Agriculture in South/Southeast Asia (2022) Name of Proceedings : -
Presenter : MOROZUMI T., Kato T., Kobayashi H., Sakai Y., Nakashima N., Buareal K., Nasahara K.N., Akitsu T.K., Murayama S., Noda H., Muraoka H. Name of Society : INTECOL2022 (2022) Name of Proceedings : -
Presenter :
Tsutsumi Y., Morino I., Uchino O., Ugajin A., Tanabe T., Frey M., Yoshida Y., Matsunaga T., Kamei A., Saito M., Noda H., Sakai T., Nagai T., Okumura H., TCCON partners Name of Society : IWGGMS-18 (2022) Name of Proceedings : Abstracts, 109
Presenter :
Tsutsumi Y., Morino I., Uchino O., Ugajin A., Tanabe T., Frey M., Yoshida Y., Matsunaga T., Kamei A., Saito M., Noda H., Sakai T., Nagai T., Okumura H., TCCON partners Name of Society : TCCON/COCCON/NDACC 2022 Joint Meeting (2022) Name of Proceedings : -
Presenter : MOROZUMI T., Noda H., Kato T., Kobayashi H., Sakai Y., Nakashima N., Buareal K., Ono K., Nasahara K.N., Akitsu T.K., Murayama S., Muraoka H. Name of Society : IWGGMS-18 (2022) Name of Proceedings : -
Presenter :
Sakai Y., Kobayashi H., Kato T., Morozumi T., Nakashima N., Nasahara K. N., Akitsu T., Murayama S., Noda H., Muraoka H., Ohtsuka T., Yoshitake S., Hikosaka K., Oshio H., Yoshida Y. Name of Society : 日本地球惑星科学連合大会2022年大会(JpGU2022) (2022) Name of Proceedings : Abstract
Presenter :
Chan N., Kiyono T., Kosugi Y., Chen S., Jiao L., Noda H. Name of Society : 日本地球惑星科学連合大会2022年大会(JpGU2022) (2022) Name of Proceedings : Abstract
Presenter :
Chen S., Kosuigi Y., Jiao L., Nakaji T., Noda H., Hikosaka K., Nasahara K. N. Name of Society : EGU General Assembly 2022 (2022) Name of Proceedings : Abstracts
Presenter :
Chen S., Kosugi Y., Jiao L., Nakaji T., Noda H., Hikodaka K., Nasahara N. K. Name of Society : AGU Fall Meeting 2022 (2022) Name of Proceedings : Abstract
Presenter :
Miyauchi T., Saito M., Noda H., Yoshida Y., Oshio H., Ito A., Matsunaga T. Name of Society : Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2021 (2021) Name of Proceedings : -
Presenter : Morino I., Tsutsumi Y., Uchino O., Thi Ngoc Trieu T., Frey M., Yoshida Y., Matsunaga T., Kamei A., Saito M., Noda H., TCCON partners Name of Society : IWGGMS-17 (virtual meeting) (2021) Name of Proceedings : -
Presenter :
Chen S., Kosugi Y., Jiao L., Nakaji T., Noda H., Hikosaka K., Nasahara K.N. Name of Society : 日本生態学会第68回全国大会 (2021) Name of Proceedings : 同予稿集
Presenter :
Morozumi T., Kato T., Nakashima N., Kanokrat B., Tanatarakeree K., Kobayashi H., Sakai Y., Tsujimoto K., Noda H., Takahashi Y., Takagi K., Hirano T., Ueyama M., Ono K., Matsumoto K., Akitsu T.K., Nasahara K.N., Murayama S., Muraoka H. Name of Society : iLEAPS-Japan 研究集会 2021 (2021) Name of Proceedings : 同要旨集
Presenter :
Murakami K., Saito M., Noda H., Oshio H., Yoshida Y., Ichii K. Name of Society : JpGU - AGU Joint Meeting 2020 (2020) Name of Proceedings : Abstracts
Presenter :
Chen S., Kosugi Y., Nakaji T., Noda H., Nasahara K., Hikosaka K. Name of Society : JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2020 (2020) Name of Proceedings : 同予稿集
Presenter :
Chen S., Kosugi Y., Nakaji T., Noda H., Nasahara K.N., Hikosaka K. Name of Society : AGU Fall Meeting 2020 (2020) Name of Proceedings : Abstracts
Research Presentation Global Surface CO2 Flux estimates using GOSAT-2 observations
Presenter : Noda H., KIYONO T., Oshio H., Yoshida Y., Miyauchi T., Saito M. Name of Society : The 83rd Annual Meeting of the Botanical Society of Japan (2019) Name of Proceedings : Abstracts
Presenter :
KIYONO T., Noda H., Hikosaka K., Kumagai T., Yoshida Y., Oshio H. Name of Society : The 15th International Workshop on Greenhouse Gas Measurements from Space (2019) Name of Proceedings : Abstract Collection
Presenter : Yoshida Y., Oshio H., Someya Y., Ohyama H., Kamei A., Morino I., Uchino O., Saito M., Noda H., Matsunaga T. Name of Society : OSA Optical Sensors and Sensing Congress (2019) Name of Proceedings : OSA Optical Sensors and Sensing Congress2019_Abstracts, 14
Presenter : Noda H., Oshio H., Yoshida Y., Hikosaka K., Matsunaga T. Name of Society : The 15th International Workshop on Greenhouse Gas Measurements from Space (2019) Name of Proceedings : Abstract Collection, 44
Presenter : Morino I., Uchino O., Ohyama H., Tran T., Yoshida Y., Matsunaga T., Kamei A., Saito M., Noda H., TCCON partners Name of Society : 15th International Workshop on Greenhouse Gas Measurements from Space (2019) Name of Proceedings : Abstract Collection, 92
Presenter : Matsunaga T., Morino I., Yoshida Y., Saito M., Noda H., Ohyama H., Kamei A., Kawazoe F., Imasu R., Nakajima T., Nakajima T., Saitoh N., Hashimoto M. Name of Society : Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2019 (2019) Name of Proceedings : -
Presenter :
Murakami K., Saito M., Noda H., Oshio H., Yoshida Y., Matsunaga T. Name of Society : International Network on Remote Sensing of Terrestrial and Aquatic Fluorescence (2019) Name of Proceedings : Abstract Book, 41
Presenter : Noda H., Yoshida Y., Oshio H., Matsunaga T. Name of Society : International Network on Remote Sensing of Terrestrial and Aquatic Fluorescence (2019) Name of Proceedings : Abstract book, 48
Presenter : Noda H., Kosugi Y., Hikosaka K., Yoshida Y., Oshio H. Name of Society : AsiaFlux 2019 -20th Anniversay Workshop (2019) Name of Proceedings : AsiaFlux2019 Proceedings, 162
Presenter :
Kiyono T., Noda H., Hikosaka K., Kumagai T., Yoshida Y., Oshio H. Name of Society : AsiaFlux 2019 -20th Anniversary Workshop (2019) Name of Proceedings : Conference Proceedingd, 47
Research Presentation On-going Challenges and Future Perspective of Satellite Based Solar-induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence
Presenter : Noda H., Hikosaka K., Oshio H., Yoshida Y., Miyauchi T., Saito M., Matsunaga T. Name of Society : OzFlux-AsiaFlux Joint Conference 2018 (2018) Name of Proceedings : Abstracts
Presenter : Yoshida Y., Oshio H., Kamei A., Morino I., Uchino O., Ohyama H., Saito M., Noda H., Matsunaga T. Name of Society : 14th International Workshop on Greenhouse Gas Measurements from Space (2018) Name of Proceedings : Abstract Booklet, 27
Presenter : Matsunaga T., Kamei A., Maksyutov S., Morino I., Yoshida Y., Saito M., Noda H., Ohyama H., Kawazoe F., Terao Y. Name of Society : 14th International Workshop on Greenhouse Gas Measurements from Space (2018) Name of Proceedings : Abstracts, 2-3
Presenter : Noda H., Kosugi Y., Tsujimoto K., Hikosaka K., Matsunaga T. Name of Society : 14th International Workshop on Greenhouse Gas Measurements from Space (2018) Name of Proceedings : -
Presenter :
Kato T., Kobayashi H., Sakai Y., Noda H., Miyauchi T., Nasahara K. N., Akitsu T., Murayama S., Muraoka H. Name of Society : AGU Fall Meeting 2018 (2018) Name of Proceedings : -
Presenter : Noda H., Kosugi Y., Hikosaka K., Tsujimoto K., Yoshida Y., Oshio H., Matsunaga T. Name of Society : 2018 AGU Fall Meeting (2018) Name of Proceedings : Abstracts
Presenter : Matsunaga T., Morino I., Yoshida Y., Saito M., Noda H., Ohyama H., Kamei A., Kawazoe F., Maksyutov S., Yokota T., Kuze A., Suto H., Namajima M., Imasu R. Name of Society : OSA Light, Energy and the Environment Congress (2018) Name of Proceedings : Abstracts
Presenter : Yoshida Y., Oshio H., Kamei A., Morino I., Uchino O., Saito M., Noda H., Yokota T., Matsunaga T. Name of Society : 10th International Carbon Dioxide Conference (2017) Name of Proceedings : Abstracts, 250
Presenter : Matsunaga T., Maksyutov S., Morino I., Yoshida Y., Saito M., Noda H., Takagi H., Mabuchi K., Ishizawa M., Shirai T., Shi Y., Janardanan R., Yokota T., Ajiro M., Kamei A., Kawazoe F., Uchino O., Imasu R. Name of Society : 10th International Carbon Dioxide Conference (2017) Name of Proceedings : -
Presenter : Noda H., Yoshida Y., Oshio H., Saito M., Matsunaga T. Name of Society : 13th International Workshop on Greenhouse Gas Measurements from Space (2017) Name of Proceedings : 13th International Workshop on Greenhouse Gas Measurements from Space Book of Abstracts, 132
Presenter : Yoshida Y., Oshio H., Kamei A., Morino I., Uchino O., Saito M., Noda H., Yokota T., Matsunaga T. Name of Society : 13th International Workshop on Greenhouse Gas Measurements from Space (2017) Name of Proceedings : Abstracts
Presenter :
Muraoka H., Saigusa N., Noda H., Bombelli A., Obregon A. Name of Society : JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2017 (2017) Name of Proceedings : Abstracts - AAS04-P06
Research Presentation Ongoing and Future Plan of CO2 Flux Estimation in Global Scale by GOSAT and GOSAT-2 Observation
Presenter :
Miyauchi T., Saito M., Noda H., Ito H. Name of Society : From Photosystems to Ecosystems, Potsdam Greenhouse Gas Workshop (2017) Name of Proceedings : Abstracts, 37
Observations of Solar Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence by Terrestrial Vegetation by GOSAT
Presenter : Noda H., Hikosaka K., Saito M., Yoshida Y., Oshio H., Matsunaga T. Name of Society : 2nd International Forum on Sustainable Future in Asia 2nd NIES International Forum (2017) Name of Proceedings : Program Book, 26
Presenter :
Yokota T., Yoshida Y., Morino I., Uchino O., Noda H., Takagi H., Kim J., Saito T., Maksyutov S., Ajiro M., Mukai H. Name of Society : 13th Annual Meeting Asia Oceania Geosciences Society (2016) Name of Proceedings : Abstracts
Presenter : Noda H., Hikosaka K., Murakami K., Matsunaga T. Name of Society : The 12th International Workshop on Greenhouse Gas Measurements from Space (IWGGMS-12) (2016) Name of Proceedings : Abstracts, 81
Presenter :
Kato T., Tsujimoto K., Nasahara K., Akitsu T., Nagai S., Ono K., Saitoh T.M., Muraoka H., Noda H., Saigusa N., Ide R., Takahashi Y. Name of Society : The 12th International Workshop on Greenhouse Gas Measurements from Space (IWGGMS-12) (2016) Name of Proceedings : Abstracts, 83
Presenter :
Yokota T., Yoshida Y., Morino I., Noda H., Uchino O., Takagi H., Saito M., Maksyutov S., Ajiro M., Matsunaga T. Name of Society : The 12th International Workshop on Greenhouse Gas Measurements from Space (IWGGMS-12) (2016) Name of Proceedings : Abstracts, 2
Presenter : Yoshida Y., Kamei A., Morino I., Saito M., Noda H., Matsunaga T. Name of Society : The 12th International Workshop on Greenhouse Gas Measurements from Space (2016) Name of Proceedings : Abstract Collection, 114
Presenter : Noda H., Hikosaka K., Murakami K., Matsunaga T. Name of Society : Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2016 (2016) Name of Proceedings : Abstracts, ACG10:P07
Presenter :
Yokota T., Yoshida Y., Noda H., Morino I., Uchino O., Takagi H., Kim H., Saito M., Maksyutov S., Fujita T., Kawazoe F., Ajiro M. Name of Society : living planet symposium 2016 (2016) Name of Proceedings : Abstracts
Presenter : Saito M., Yoshida Y., Noda H., Morino I., Uchino O., Matsunaga T., Yokota T., Maksyutov S. Name of Society : Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2016 (2016) Name of Proceedings : -
Presenter : Noda H., Yoshida Y., Saito M., Morino I., Uchino O., Maksyutov S., Ajiro M., Matsunaga T., Yokota T. Name of Society : AsiaFlux Mini-Workshop on Remote Sensing and Ecological / Environmental Monitoring (2016) Name of Proceedings : Abstracts, 10
Presenter : Noda H., Nasahara K.N., Muraoka H. Name of Society : AGU Fall Meeting 2016 (2016) Name of Proceedings : -, B42C-07
Research Presentation Climate-change impacts on terrestrial ecosystems and water resources at different global warming levels
Presenter :
Tanaka A., Takahashi K., Shiogama H., Hanasaki N., Masaki Y., Ito A., Noda H., Hijioka Y., Emori S. Name of Society : American Geophysical Union, 2016 Fall Meeting (2016) Name of Proceedings : Abstracts
Presenter : Noda H., Nishina K., Ito A. Name of Society : European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2015 (2015) Name of Proceedings : Geophysical Research Abstracts, 17
Presenter :
Yokota T., Yoshida Y., Noda H., Morino I., Uchino O., Takagi H., Kim H., Saito M., Maksyutov S., Fujita T., Kawazoe F., Ajiro M. Name of Society : 2015 AGU Fall Meeting (2015) Name of Proceedings : Abstracts
Presenter :
Muraoka H., Noh N.J., Saitoh T.M., Nagao A., Noda H., Kuribayashi M., Nagai S. Name of Society : 2015 AGU Fall Meeting (2015) Name of Proceedings : Abstracts
Presenter : Noda H. Name of Society : Synthesis Workshop on the Carbon Budget and Forest Ecosystem in the Asian Monitoring Network -The 20th Anniversary of the Takayama site (2013) Name of Proceedings : Program
Current Status of GOSAT and GOSAT-2 Products and Their Contribution to Climate Change Mitigation Policies
Presenter : Matsunaga T., Morino I., Yoshida Y., Saito M., Noda H., Ohyama H., Someya Y., Saeki T., Kamei A., Kawazoe F., Suto H., Shiomi K., Kuze A., Imasu R. Name of Society : 20th International Workshop on Greenhouse Gas Measurements from Space (IWGGMS-20) (2024) Name of Proceedings : -
Presenter : Takeuchi Y., Noda H. Name of Society : The 71st Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of Japan (2024) Name of Proceedings : ESJ71 Abstract
Presenter : MOROZUMI T., Noda H., Kato T., Kobayashi H., Takahashi Y., Matsumoto K. Name of Society : The iLEAPS – OzFlux Joint Conference 2023 (2023) Name of Proceedings : Abstracts
Presenter : Morozumi T., Noda H., Kato T., Kobayashi H., Sakai Y., Takahashi Y. Name of Society : AGU23 (American Geophysical Union Annual Meeting 2023) (2023) Name of Proceedings : -
Red and far-red solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence responding to air temperature, humidity, and leaf growth in a Japanese larch forest site on a spring-summer transition
Presenter : MOROZUMI T., Noda H., Takahashi Y., Kato T. Name of Society : AsiaFlux 2022 (2022) Name of Proceedings : Abstracts
On-going studies of Solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence observed by GOSAT Series
Presenter :
Murakami K., Saito M., Noda H., Oshio H., Yoshida Y., Ichii K., Matsunaga T. Name of Society : International Workshop On Land Cover/Land Use Changes, Forestry, and Agriculture in South/Southeast Asia (2022) Name of Proceedings : -
Presenter : MOROZUMI T., Noda H., Kato T., Kobayashi H., Sakai Y., Nakashima N., Buareal K., Ono K., Nasahara K.N., Akitsu T.K., Murayama S., Muraoka H. Name of Society : IWGGMS-18 (2022) Name of Proceedings : -
Presenter :
Sakai Y., Kobayashi H., Kato T., Morozumi T., Nakashima N., Nasahara K. N., Akitsu T., Murayama S., Noda H., Muraoka H., Ohtsuka T., Yoshitake S., Hikosaka K., Oshio H., Yoshida Y. Name of Society : 日本地球惑星科学連合大会2022年大会(JpGU2022) (2022) Name of Proceedings : Abstract
Presenter :
Chan N., Kiyono T., Kosugi Y., Chen S., Jiao L., Noda H. Name of Society : 日本地球惑星科学連合大会2022年大会(JpGU2022) (2022) Name of Proceedings : Abstract
Presenter :
Chen S., Kosuigi Y., Jiao L., Nakaji T., Noda H., Hikosaka K., Nasahara K. N. Name of Society : EGU General Assembly 2022 (2022) Name of Proceedings : Abstracts
Presenter :
Chen S., Kosugi Y., Jiao L., Nakaji T., Noda H., Hikosaka K., Nasahara K.N. Name of Society : 日本生態学会第68回全国大会 (2021) Name of Proceedings : 同予稿集
Presenter : Yoshida Y., Oshio H., Someya Y., Ohyama H., Kamei A., Morino I., Uchino O., Saito M., Noda H., Matsunaga T. Name of Society : OSA Optical Sensors and Sensing Congress (2019) Name of Proceedings : OSA Optical Sensors and Sensing Congress2019_Abstracts, 14
Presenter : Noda H., Oshio H., Yoshida Y., Hikosaka K., Matsunaga T. Name of Society : The 15th International Workshop on Greenhouse Gas Measurements from Space (2019) Name of Proceedings : Abstract Collection, 44
Presenter : Matsunaga T., Morino I., Yoshida Y., Saito M., Noda H., Ohyama H., Kamei A., Kawazoe F., Imasu R., Nakajima T., Nakajima T., Saitoh N., Hashimoto M. Name of Society : Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2019 (2019) Name of Proceedings : -
Presenter :
Kiyono T., Noda H., Hikosaka K., Kumagai T., Yoshida Y., Oshio H. Name of Society : AsiaFlux 2019 -20th Anniversary Workshop (2019) Name of Proceedings : Conference Proceedingd, 47
On-going Challenges and Future Perspective of Satellite Based Solar-induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence
Presenter : Noda H., Hikosaka K., Oshio H., Yoshida Y., Miyauchi T., Saito M., Matsunaga T. Name of Society : OzFlux-AsiaFlux Joint Conference 2018 (2018) Name of Proceedings : Abstracts
Presenter : Matsunaga T., Kamei A., Maksyutov S., Morino I., Yoshida Y., Saito M., Noda H., Ohyama H., Kawazoe F., Terao Y. Name of Society : 14th International Workshop on Greenhouse Gas Measurements from Space (2018) Name of Proceedings : Abstracts, 2-3
Presenter :
Yokota T., Yoshida Y., Morino I., Noda H., Uchino O., Takagi H., Saito M., Maksyutov S., Ajiro M., Matsunaga T. Name of Society : The 12th International Workshop on Greenhouse Gas Measurements from Space (IWGGMS-12) (2016) Name of Proceedings : Abstracts, 2
Presenter :
Yokota T., Yoshida Y., Noda H., Morino I., Uchino O., Takagi H., Kim H., Saito M., Maksyutov S., Fujita T., Kawazoe F., Ajiro M. Name of Society : living planet symposium 2016 (2016) Name of Proceedings : Abstracts
Presenter : Saito M., Yoshida Y., Noda H., Morino I., Uchino O., Matsunaga T., Yokota T., Maksyutov S. Name of Society : Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2016 (2016) Name of Proceedings : -
Presenter : Noda H., Yoshida Y., Saito M., Morino I., Uchino O., Maksyutov S., Ajiro M., Matsunaga T., Yokota T. Name of Society : AsiaFlux Mini-Workshop on Remote Sensing and Ecological / Environmental Monitoring (2016) Name of Proceedings : Abstracts, 10
Presenter : Morozumi T., Noda H., Kato T., Kobayashi H., Takahashi Y. Name of Society : 9th GEWEX Open Science Meeting 2024 (2024) Name of Proceedings : -
Presenter : Noda H., Muraoka H., Takeuchi Y. Name of Society : AGU Annual Meeting 2023 (2023) Name of Proceedings : -
Seasonal pattern of solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence in three forest types observed on multiple platforms
Presenter : Morozumi T., Noda H., Kato T., Kobayashi H., Takahashi Y., Muraoka H., Matsumoto K. Name of Society : Asiaflux 2023 (2023) Name of Proceedings : Abstracts
Presenter : MOROZUMI T., Kato T., Kobayashi H., Sakai Y., Nakashima N., Buareal K., Nasahara K.N., Akitsu T.K., Murayama S., Noda H., Muraoka H. Name of Society : INTECOL2022 (2022) Name of Proceedings : -
Presenter :
Tsutsumi Y., Morino I., Uchino O., Ugajin A., Tanabe T., Frey M., Yoshida Y., Matsunaga T., Kamei A., Saito M., Noda H., Sakai T., Nagai T., Okumura H., TCCON partners Name of Society : IWGGMS-18 (2022) Name of Proceedings : Abstracts, 109
Presenter :
Tsutsumi Y., Morino I., Uchino O., Ugajin A., Tanabe T., Frey M., Yoshida Y., Matsunaga T., Kamei A., Saito M., Noda H., Sakai T., Nagai T., Okumura H., TCCON partners Name of Society : TCCON/COCCON/NDACC 2022 Joint Meeting (2022) Name of Proceedings : -
Presenter :
Chen S., Kosugi Y., Jiao L., Nakaji T., Noda H., Hikodaka K., Nasahara N. K. Name of Society : AGU Fall Meeting 2022 (2022) Name of Proceedings : Abstract
Presenter :
Miyauchi T., Saito M., Noda H., Yoshida Y., Oshio H., Ito A., Matsunaga T. Name of Society : Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2021 (2021) Name of Proceedings : -
Presenter : Morino I., Tsutsumi Y., Uchino O., Thi Ngoc Trieu T., Frey M., Yoshida Y., Matsunaga T., Kamei A., Saito M., Noda H., TCCON partners Name of Society : IWGGMS-17 (virtual meeting) (2021) Name of Proceedings : -
Presenter :
Morozumi T., Kato T., Nakashima N., Kanokrat B., Tanatarakeree K., Kobayashi H., Sakai Y., Tsujimoto K., Noda H., Takahashi Y., Takagi K., Hirano T., Ueyama M., Ono K., Matsumoto K., Akitsu T.K., Nasahara K.N., Murayama S., Muraoka H. Name of Society : iLEAPS-Japan 研究集会 2021 (2021) Name of Proceedings : 同要旨集
Presenter :
Murakami K., Saito M., Noda H., Oshio H., Yoshida Y., Ichii K. Name of Society : JpGU - AGU Joint Meeting 2020 (2020) Name of Proceedings : Abstracts
Presenter :
Chen S., Kosugi Y., Nakaji T., Noda H., Nasahara K., Hikosaka K. Name of Society : JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2020 (2020) Name of Proceedings : 同予稿集
Presenter :
Chen S., Kosugi Y., Nakaji T., Noda H., Nasahara K.N., Hikosaka K. Name of Society : AGU Fall Meeting 2020 (2020) Name of Proceedings : Abstracts
Global Surface CO2 Flux estimates using GOSAT-2 observations
Presenter :
KIYONO T., Noda H., Hikosaka K., Kumagai T., Yoshida Y., Oshio H. Name of Society : The 15th International Workshop on Greenhouse Gas Measurements from Space (2019) Name of Proceedings : Abstract Collection
Presenter : Morino I., Uchino O., Ohyama H., Tran T., Yoshida Y., Matsunaga T., Kamei A., Saito M., Noda H., TCCON partners Name of Society : 15th International Workshop on Greenhouse Gas Measurements from Space (2019) Name of Proceedings : Abstract Collection, 92
Presenter :
Murakami K., Saito M., Noda H., Oshio H., Yoshida Y., Matsunaga T. Name of Society : International Network on Remote Sensing of Terrestrial and Aquatic Fluorescence (2019) Name of Proceedings : Abstract Book, 41
Presenter : Noda H., Yoshida Y., Oshio H., Matsunaga T. Name of Society : International Network on Remote Sensing of Terrestrial and Aquatic Fluorescence (2019) Name of Proceedings : Abstract book, 48
Presenter : Noda H., Kosugi Y., Hikosaka K., Yoshida Y., Oshio H. Name of Society : AsiaFlux 2019 -20th Anniversay Workshop (2019) Name of Proceedings : AsiaFlux2019 Proceedings, 162
Presenter : Yoshida Y., Oshio H., Kamei A., Morino I., Uchino O., Ohyama H., Saito M., Noda H., Matsunaga T. Name of Society : 14th International Workshop on Greenhouse Gas Measurements from Space (2018) Name of Proceedings : Abstract Booklet, 27
Presenter : Noda H., Kosugi Y., Tsujimoto K., Hikosaka K., Matsunaga T. Name of Society : 14th International Workshop on Greenhouse Gas Measurements from Space (2018) Name of Proceedings : -
Presenter : Noda H., Kosugi Y., Hikosaka K., Tsujimoto K., Yoshida Y., Oshio H., Matsunaga T. Name of Society : 2018 AGU Fall Meeting (2018) Name of Proceedings : Abstracts
Presenter : Yoshida Y., Oshio H., Kamei A., Morino I., Uchino O., Saito M., Noda H., Yokota T., Matsunaga T. Name of Society : 10th International Carbon Dioxide Conference (2017) Name of Proceedings : Abstracts, 250
Presenter : Matsunaga T., Maksyutov S., Morino I., Yoshida Y., Saito M., Noda H., Takagi H., Mabuchi K., Ishizawa M., Shirai T., Shi Y., Janardanan R., Yokota T., Ajiro M., Kamei A., Kawazoe F., Uchino O., Imasu R. Name of Society : 10th International Carbon Dioxide Conference (2017) Name of Proceedings : -
Presenter : Noda H., Yoshida Y., Oshio H., Saito M., Matsunaga T. Name of Society : 13th International Workshop on Greenhouse Gas Measurements from Space (2017) Name of Proceedings : 13th International Workshop on Greenhouse Gas Measurements from Space Book of Abstracts, 132
Presenter : Yoshida Y., Oshio H., Kamei A., Morino I., Uchino O., Saito M., Noda H., Yokota T., Matsunaga T. Name of Society : 13th International Workshop on Greenhouse Gas Measurements from Space (2017) Name of Proceedings : Abstracts
Presenter :
Muraoka H., Saigusa N., Noda H., Bombelli A., Obregon A. Name of Society : JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2017 (2017) Name of Proceedings : Abstracts - AAS04-P06
Ongoing and Future Plan of CO2 Flux Estimation in Global Scale by GOSAT and GOSAT-2 Observation
Presenter :
Miyauchi T., Saito M., Noda H., Ito H. Name of Society : From Photosystems to Ecosystems, Potsdam Greenhouse Gas Workshop (2017) Name of Proceedings : Abstracts, 37
Presenter :
Yokota T., Yoshida Y., Morino I., Uchino O., Noda H., Takagi H., Kim J., Saito T., Maksyutov S., Ajiro M., Mukai H. Name of Society : 13th Annual Meeting Asia Oceania Geosciences Society (2016) Name of Proceedings : Abstracts
Presenter : Noda H., Hikosaka K., Murakami K., Matsunaga T. Name of Society : The 12th International Workshop on Greenhouse Gas Measurements from Space (IWGGMS-12) (2016) Name of Proceedings : Abstracts, 81
Presenter :
Kato T., Tsujimoto K., Nasahara K., Akitsu T., Nagai S., Ono K., Saitoh T.M., Muraoka H., Noda H., Saigusa N., Ide R., Takahashi Y. Name of Society : The 12th International Workshop on Greenhouse Gas Measurements from Space (IWGGMS-12) (2016) Name of Proceedings : Abstracts, 83
Presenter : Yoshida Y., Kamei A., Morino I., Saito M., Noda H., Matsunaga T. Name of Society : The 12th International Workshop on Greenhouse Gas Measurements from Space (2016) Name of Proceedings : Abstract Collection, 114
Presenter : Noda H., Hikosaka K., Murakami K., Matsunaga T. Name of Society : Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2016 (2016) Name of Proceedings : Abstracts, ACG10:P07
Climate-change impacts on terrestrial ecosystems and water resources at different global warming levels
Presenter :
Tanaka A., Takahashi K., Shiogama H., Hanasaki N., Masaki Y., Ito A., Noda H., Hijioka Y., Emori S. Name of Society : American Geophysical Union, 2016 Fall Meeting (2016) Name of Proceedings : Abstracts
Presenter : Noda H., Nishina K., Ito A. Name of Society : European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2015 (2015) Name of Proceedings : Geophysical Research Abstracts, 17
Presenter :
Yokota T., Yoshida Y., Noda H., Morino I., Uchino O., Takagi H., Kim H., Saito M., Maksyutov S., Fujita T., Kawazoe F., Ajiro M. Name of Society : 2015 AGU Fall Meeting (2015) Name of Proceedings : Abstracts
Presenter :
Muraoka H., Noh N.J., Saitoh T.M., Nagao A., Noda H., Kuribayashi M., Nagai S. Name of Society : 2015 AGU Fall Meeting (2015) Name of Proceedings : Abstracts
Presenter : Noda H. Name of Society : Synthesis Workshop on the Carbon Budget and Forest Ecosystem in the Asian Monitoring Network -The 20th Anniversary of the Takayama site (2013) Name of Proceedings : Program
Presenter : Noda H., KIYONO T., Oshio H., Yoshida Y., Miyauchi T., Saito M. Name of Society : The 83rd Annual Meeting of the Botanical Society of Japan (2019) Name of Proceedings : Abstracts
Presenter :
Kato T., Kobayashi H., Sakai Y., Noda H., Miyauchi T., Nasahara K. N., Akitsu T., Murayama S., Muraoka H. Name of Society : AGU Fall Meeting 2018 (2018) Name of Proceedings : -
Presenter : Matsunaga T., Morino I., Yoshida Y., Saito M., Noda H., Ohyama H., Kamei A., Kawazoe F., Maksyutov S., Yokota T., Kuze A., Suto H., Namajima M., Imasu R. Name of Society : OSA Light, Energy and the Environment Congress (2018) Name of Proceedings : Abstracts