Latest Update:2024/05/24 09:28:13


Researcher Name
Div (Section) name/title
Regional Environment Conservation Division(Regional Atmosphere Research Section)/
Research Subject
Study of distribution of aerosols in Asia using optical remote sensing
Doctor of Science
Professional Qualification(s)
Physics,Earth Science
Environmental Speciality Field
Atmospheric Physics
Brief Description of Research
Climatological analysis of observation results obtained at NIES lidar network, and data production for public usage of real-time aerosol distribution information in East Asia.
Mar 1999, Dr. Sci.(Kyoto Univ., Graduate School of Science)
Dec 1999, National Institute for Environmental Studies
Membership of Academic Society
Meteorological Society of Japan,American Geophysical Union,Japan Geoscience Union,Japan Association of Aerosol Science and Technology (JAAST),Laser Radar Society of Japan
Research Subject
  • Fiscal Year: 2024
    • 26849 : Research on Advancement of Climate Change Impact Assessment Methodology
    • 26864 : Regional Environment Conservation Domain: Foresight and Advanced Basic Research
    • 26894 : Long-term monitoring of atmospheric environment in east Asian region
  • Fiscal Year: 2023
    • 26436 : Research on Advancement of Climate Change Impact Assessment Methodology
    • 26453 : Regional Environment Conservation Domain: Foresight and Advanced Basic Research
    • 26488 : Long-term monitoring of atmospheric environment in east Asian region
    • 26636 : Attempt to propose measures for regional air pollution by analyzing variable factors such as photochemical oxidants
    • 26736 : Intellectual research infrastructure development:Systematic monitoring, development of information on impact prediction and adaptation, and development of tools in the field of climate change adaptation
    • 26764 : Maintenance and quality assurance of AD-Net lidar network for Asian dust monitoring
    • 26779 : Study on simulation of simultaneous assimilation of multiple elements of atmospheric aerosols
  • Fiscal Year: 2022
    • 26002 : Research on Advancement of Climate Change Impact Assessment Methodology
    • 26010 : Regional Environment Conservation Domain: Foresight and Advanced Basic Research
    • 26038 : Development of a methodology to forecast global air pollution by assimilating high-resolved spatiotemporal measurements
    • 26055 : Long-term monitoring of atmospheric environment in east Asian region
    • 26160 : Prediction and Detection of Variability in Asian Dust Emission and Transport Affected by Climate Change
    • 26170 : Attempt to propose measures for regional air pollution by analyzing variable factors such as photochemical oxidants
    • 26216 : Study on simulation of simultaneous assimilation of multiple elements of atmospheric aerosols
    • 26293 : Intellectual research infrastructure development:Systematic monitoring, development of information on impact prediction and adaptation, and development of tools in the field of climate change adaptation
  • Fiscal Year: 2021
    • 25536 : Research on Advancement of Climate Change Impact Assessment Methodology
    • 25606 : Development of a methodology to forecast global air pollution by assimilating high-resolved spatiotemporal measurements
    • 25652 : Emidemiological studies for chronic cough and particulate matter containing PAHs. 
    • 25660 : Elucidation on regional and meteorological factors of photochemical oxidants and PM2.5 pollution
    • 25674 : Intellectual research infrastructure development:Systematic monitoring, development of information on impact prediction and adaptation, and development of tools in the field of climate change adaptation
    • 25692 : Prediction and Detection of Variability in Asian Dust Emission and Transport Affected by Climate Change
    • 25713 : Regional Environment Conservation Domain: Foresight and Advanced Basic Research
    • 25715 : Long-term monitoring of atmospheric environment in east Asian region
    • 25830 : Changes in morphology and chemical composition of a kosa aerosol collected in Osaka
  • Fiscal Year: 2020
    • 25099 : Research Program on Health and Environmental Safety
    • 25120 : Long-Term Monitoring for the Regional Air Quality
    • 25146 : A study of Air Pollution Including PM2.5 and its Health and Toxic Effects
    • 25193 : Emidemiological studies for chronic cough and particulate matter containing PAHs. 
    • 25204 : Prediction and Detection of Variability in Asian Dust Emission and Transport Affected by Climate Change
    • 25223 : Changes in morphology and chemical composition of a kosa aerosol collected in Osaka
    • 25232 : Development of a methodology to forecast global air pollution by assimilating high-resolved spatiotemporal measurements
    • 25327 : Studies on Advancing the Methods for Climate Change Impacts Assessment
    • 25434 : Elucidation on regional and meteorological factors of photochemical oxidants and PM2.5 pollution
  • Fiscal Year: 2019
    • 24696 : Research Program on Health and Environmental Safety
    • 24726 : A study of Air Pollution Including PM2.5 and its Health and Toxic Effects
    • 24752 : Long-Term Monitoring for the Regional Air Quality
    • 24767 : Advancement of climate change prediction by aerosol ground-based remote-sensing network
    • 24808 : Elucidation on regional and meteorological factors of photochemical oxidants and PM2.5 pollution
    • 24942 : Emidemiological studies for chronic cough and particulate matter containing PAHs. 
    • 24975 : Studies on Advancing the Methods for Climate Change Impacts Assessment
  • Fiscal Year: 2018
    • 24309 : A study of air pollution including PM2.5 and its health and toxic effects
    • 24322 : Long-term monitoring for the regional air quality
    • 24355 : Research program on health and environmental safety
    • 24475 : Advancement of climate change prediction by aerosol ground-based remote-sensing network
    • 24600 : Adverse health effects of PM2.5 component on pregnancy woman / fetus
    • 24618 : Study on impact of transboundary air pollution in Toyama Prefecture using Lidar observation data
  • Fiscal Year: 2017
    • 23819 : A study of air pollution including PM2.5 and its health and toxic effects
    • 23847 : Research program on health and environmental safety
    • 23884 : Long-term monitoring for the regional air quality
    • 24037 : Development of an Advisory and Assessment System for the Environmental Impacts of Aeolian Dust
    • 24106 : Advancement of climate change prediction by aerosol ground-based remote-sensing network
    • 24164 : Development of evaluation system for multiscale air quality change and analysis of change events
    • 24169 : Study on construction of monitoring, forecasting, and warning system for tropospheric aerosol events
  • Fiscal Year: 2016
    • 23414 : Research program on health and environmental safety
    • 23420 : A study of air pollution including PM2.5 and its health and toxic effects
    • 23464 : Development of evaluation system for multiscale air quality change and analysis of change events
    • 23466 : Study on construction of monitoring, forecasting, and warning system for tropospheric aerosol events
    • 23477 : Long-term monitoring for the regional air quality
    • 23571 : Development of an Advisory and Assessment System for the Environmental Impacts of Aeolian Dust
    • 23650 : Advancement of climate change prediction by aerosol ground-based remote-sensing network
  • Fiscal Year: 2015
    • 23004 : Evaluation of multi-scale air pollution by integration of observation and model
    • 23035 : Long term observation of gas and aerosol at the Cape Hedo and the Fukue station for the regional air quality monitoring
    • 23115 : Development of the PM2.5 warning method with the combination of observations and numerical forecasts
    • 23206 : Study of data quality control technique for Mie scattering lidar
    • 23226 : Investigating the health effects of Asian smog transported from Asian continent by epidemiological and experimental approaches
    • 23227 : A study on rigorous definition of NIES lidar extinction coefficient for utilization in environmenal studies
    • 23229 : Development of an Advisory and Assessment System for the Environmental Impacts of Aeolian Dust
    • 23287 : Study on construction of monitoring, forecasting, and warning system for tropospheric aerosol events
    • 23320 : Development of evaluation system for multiscale air quality change and analysis of change events
  • Fiscal Year: 2014
    • 22592 : Evaluation of multi-scale air pollution by integration of observation and model
    • 22623 : Long term observation of gas and aerosol at the Cape Hedo and the Fukue station for the regional air quality monitoring
    • 22738 : Analytical study on temporal and spatial distributions of aerosols using ground-based network lidar data
    • 22856 : Development of the PM2.5 warning method with the combination of observations and numerical forecasts
    • 22879 : A study on rigorous definition of NIES lidar extinction coefficient for utilization in environmenal studies
    • 22889 : Study of data quality control technique for Mie scattering lidar
    • 22909 : Integrated observational and modeling study on kosa impacts throughout Japan for the Japanese PM2.5 regulations
    • 22910 : Study on construction of monitoring, forecasting, and warning system for tropospheric aerosol events
    • 22912 : Study on validation of ATLID products and ATLID-CPR and ATLID-MSI synergy products using ground-based lidar and radiometer networks
    • 22950 : Development of evaluation system for multiscale air quality change and analysis of change events
    • 22967 : Investigating the health effects of Asian smog transported from Asian continent by epidemiological and experimental approaches
  • Fiscal Year: 2013
    • 22176 : Evaluation of multi-scale air pollution by integration of observation and model
    • 22207 : Long term observation of gas and aerosol at the Cape Hedo and the Fukue station for the regional air quality monitoring
    • 22290 : Integrated observational and modeling study on kosa impacts throughout Japan for the Japanese PM2.5 regulations
    • 22291 : Study on construction of monitoring, forecasting, and warning system for tropospheric aerosol events
    • 22380 : Study of data quality control technique for Mie scattering lidar
    • 22464 : Development of the PM2.5 warning method with the combination of observations and numerical forecasts
    • 22468 : Analytical study on temporal and spatial distributions of aerosols using ground-based network lidar data
    • 22493 : Analyses of aerosols in Asian region using ground-based and spaceborne lidars
    • 22494 : A study on rigorous definition of NIES lidar extinction coefficient for utilization in environmenal studies
    • 22547 : Study on validation of ATLID products and ATLID-CPR and ATLID-MSI synergy products using ground-based lidar and radiometer networks
  • Fiscal Year: 2012
    • 21747 : Evaluation of multi-scale air pollution by integration of observation and model
    • 21778 : Long term observatio of gas and aerosol at the Cape Hedo and the Fukue station for the regional air quality monitoring
    • 21885 : Integrated observational and modeling study on kosa impacts throughout Japan for the Japanese PM2.5 regulations
    • 21946 : Study of data quality control technique for Mie scattering lidar
    • 21963 : Analytical study on temporal and spatial distributions of aerosols using ground-based network lidar data
    • 22028 : Analyses of aerosols in Asian region using ground-based and spaceborne lidars
    • 22029 : A study on rigorous definition of NIES lidar extinction coefficient for utilization in environmenal studies
    • 22099 : Study on construction of monitoring, forecasting, and warning system for tropospheric aerosol events
  • Fiscal Year: 2011
    • 21305 : Evaluation of multi-scale air pollution by integration of observation and model
    • 21336 : Long term observatio of gas and aerosol at the Cape Hedo and the Fukue station for the regional air quality monitoring
    • 21428 : Improvement of kosa forecasting model assimilated with the LIDAR monitoring network data and environmental effective research by its attached bio-aerosol
    • 21440 : Study of data quality control technique for Mie scattering lidar
    • 21580 : Analyses of aerosols in Asian region using ground-based and spaceborne lidars
    • 21581 : Retrievals of spatial distribution of aerosols and its temporal variations in East Asian region
    • 21640 : Study on formation mechanism of ozone and secondary particles in Asian megacities
  • Fiscal Year: 2010
    • 20877 : Development of Evaluation Methods of Atmospheric Environment in Asia
    • 20896 : Monitoring of climatic effects by aerosols using SKYNET observation network
    • 20923 : Improvement of kosa forecasting model assimilated with the LIDAR monitoring network data and environmental effective research by its attached bio-aerosol
    • 20991 : Study on formation mechanism of ozone and secondary particles in Asian megacities
    • 21153 : Study of data quality control technique for Mie scattering lidar
    • 21156 : Retrievals of spatial distribution of aerosols and its temporal variations in East Asian region
    • 21158 : Interaction of observation, analysis and modeling for understanding of global dust dynamics
    • 21160 : Analyses of aerosols in Asian region using ground-based and spaceborne lidars
    • 21264 : Long term monitoring at CHAAMS and Fukue station to investigate the atmospheric change of emission and chemical compositions in East Asia
  • Fiscal Year: 2009
    • 20424 : Development of Evaluation Methods of Atmospheric Environment in Asia
    • 20436 : Study on temporal and spatial distribution of aerosols over ocean retrieved from data measured with a dual-wavelength polarization Mie-scattering lidar.
    • 20443 : Study on formation mechanism of ozone and secondary particles in Asian megacities
    • 20566 : Retrievals of spatial distribution of aerosols and its temporal variations in East Asian region
    • 20568 : Interaction of observation, analysis and modeling for understanding of global dust dynamics
    • 20595 : Analyses of aerosols in Asian region using ground-based and spaceborne lidars
    • 20615 : Improvement of kosa forecasting model assimilated with the LIDAR monitoring network data and environmental effective research by its attached bio-aerosol
    • 20645 : Monitoring of climatic effects by aerosols using SKYNET observation network
    • 20646 : Study on lidar technology for improving the NIES lidar network
    • 20647 : Study of effect of detector characteristics sensitivity for Mie scattering lidar
  • Fiscal Year: 2008
    • 20065 : Study on temporal and spatial distribution of aerosols over ocean retrieved from data measured with a dual-wavelength polarization Mie-scattering lidar.
    • 20083 : Retrievals of spatial distribution of aerosols and its temporal variations in East Asian region
    • 20125 : Network observation of dust and sandstorm (DSS) in northeast Asia and its applications to realtime forecast, analysis of movement, and evaluation of the effects on the environment
    • 20126 : Development of Evaluation Methods of Atmospheric Environment in Asia
    • 20127 : Monitoring of climatic effects by aerosols using SKYNET observation network
    • 20128 : Study on lidar technology for improving the NIES lidar network
    • 20130 : Study of effect of detector characteristics sensitivity for Mie scattering lidar
    • 20369 : Interaction of observation, analysis and modeling for understanding of global dust dynamics
  • Fiscal Year: 2007
    • 10533 : Network observation of dust and sandstorm (DSS) in northeast Asia and its applications to realtime forecast, analysis of movement, and evaluation of the effects on the environment
    • 10586 : Development of Evaluation Methods of Atmospheric Environment in Asia
    • 10630 : Monitoring of climatic effects by aerosols using SKYNET observation network
    • 10698 : Study on lidar technology for improving the NIES lidar network
    • 10700 : Study on temporal and spatial distribution of aerosols over ocean retrieved from data measured with a dual-wavelength polarization Mie-scattering lidar.
    • 10703 : Study of effect of detector characteristics sensitivity for Mie scattering lidar
    • 10745 : Retrievals of spatial distribution of aerosols and its temporal variations in East Asian region
  • Fiscal Year: 2006
    • 10011 : Study on observation methods for clouds and aerosols using lidar methods
    • 10042 : Study on aerosol variability detection and data distribution method using lidar
    • 10046 : Study of effect of detector characteristics sensitivity for Mie scattering lida
    • 10271 : Study on kosa transport dynamic mechanism by the wide monitoring network in the north Asia countries, and development of forecast and estimation models for kosa aerosols
    • 10319 : Development of Evaluation Methods of Atmospheric Environment in Asia
    • 10364 : Monitoring of climatic effects by aerosols using SKYNET observation network
  • Fiscal Year: 2005
    • 9403 : International collaborative studies on a wide-area air pollution of continental scale
    • 9405 : Study on the dynamic transport mechanism and environmental effect of kosa aerosol originated from the northern Chinese areas
    • 9419 : Observation of spatial distribution and optical characteristics of aerosols using using lidars
    • 9427 : Study on observation methods for clouds and aerosols using lidar methods
    • 9516 : Study of effect of detector characteristics sensitivity for Mie scattering lida
    • 9517 : Study on aerosol variability detection and data distribution method using lidar
  • Fiscal Year: 2004
    • 9038 : International collaborative studies on a wide-area air pollution of continental scale
    • 9040 : Study on the dynamic transport mechanism and environmental effect of kosa aerosol originated from the northern Chinese areas
    • 9068 : Research on the effects of organic aerosols on regional/global climate
    • 9103 : Observation of spatial distribution and optical characteristics of aerosols using using lidars
    • 9265 : Study of effect of detector characteristics sensitivity for Mie scattering lida
    • 9266 : Study on aerosol variability detection and data distribution method using lidar
  • Fiscal Year: 2003
    • 8615 : Study of climatological characteristics of aerosols and clouds using Mie scattering lidar data
    • 8656 : Study on the dynamic transport mechanism and environmental effect of kosa aerosol originated from the northern Chinese areas
    • 8754 : International collaborative studies on a wide-area air pollution of continental scale
    • 8819 : Observation of spatial distribution and optical characteristics of aerosols using using lidars
  • Fiscal Year: 2002
    • 8381 : Study of climatological characteristics of aerosols and clouds using Mie scattering lidar data
    • 8536 : International collaborative studies on a wide-area air pollution of continental scale
  • Fiscal Year: 2001
    • 8134 : Study of climatological characteristics of aerosols and clouds using Mie scattering lidar data
    • 8167 : Development of the analysis method for the vertical transport of aerosols with the combination of remote sensing techniques.
    • 8174 : Long-term monitoring of aerosols over Asian Pacific region using lidars
    • 8297 : International collaborative studies on a wide-area air pollution of continental scale
Research Result (Publication)
  • all
  • Original Paper
  • Review
  • Other Publications
Research Result (Presentation)
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  • Research Presentation
  • Research Lecture