Latest Update:2024/05/24 09:30:39


Researcher Name
Div (Section) name/title
Earth System Division(Satellite Observation Center)/Research Associate
Research Subject
Study on terrestrial carbon cycle using solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence (SIF) observation
Ph.D. (Environmental Science)
Professional Qualification(s)
Earth Science,Agricultural Science,Science
Environmental Speciality Field
Plant Ecology,Forest Ecosystem,Remote Sensing
Field Spectroscopy,Site-scale Observation,Fraunhofer Line Depth Method,Solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence,Leaf-scale measurement,Satellite image analysis,Canopy radiative transfer model,Vascular Plants
Brief Description of Research
Studies in a relationship between photosynthesis and SIF on terrestrial ecosystems. Radiative transfer model to demonstrate a structural effect on canopy SIF emissions. Multi-site analysis of tower-based SIF observations and satellite observations in various ecosystem types. Validation of GOSAT-2 and GOSAT-GW SIF products
Membership of Academic Society
Japan Geoscience Union,American Geophysical Union,Ecological Society of Japan,The Society of Agricultural Meteorology of Japan,The Remote Sensing Society of Japan (RSSJ)
Research Subject
  • Fiscal Year: 2024
    • 26815 : Quantitative evaluation of natural and anthropogenic sinks and sources of greenhouse gases at global scale
    • 26874 : Satellite Observation Project
    • 26884 : Development of the vertical assessment for canopy photosynthesis with chlorophyll fluorescence in understory based on forest stratifications
  • Fiscal Year: 2023
    • 26409 : Quantitative evaluation of natural and anthropogenic sinks and sources of greenhouse gases at global scale
    • 26459 : Satellite Observation Project
    • 26484 : Evaluation of the variation in forest CO2 fixing in the trees leafy period using the ground and satellite SIF observations
    • 26485 : Estimation of photosynthetic activity using solar induced chlorophyll fluorescence in a larch forest: Linkage of modeling and observations
    • 26711 : Measurement and modeling of solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence in tropical forest
  • Fiscal Year: 2022
    • 26023 : Satellite Observation Project
    • 26329 : Evaluation of the variation in forest CO2 fixing in the trees leafy period using the ground and satellite SIF observations
    • 26330 : Estimation of photosynthetic activity using solar induced chlorophyll fluorescence in a larch forest: Linkage of modeling and observations
Research Result (Publication)
  • all
  • Original Paper
Research Result (Presentation)
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  • Research Presentation