Predicting and Assessing Natural Capital and Ecosystem Services through an Integrated Social-Ecological Systems Approach


Theme4 - Subtheme1

Subtheme Name

Development of the assessment procedure for social-economic value and the elucidation of optimal multi-level governance of natural capital

Research Summary

・Developing procedures that enable the prediction of social usefulness (social-economic value) of natural capital and ecosystem services, based on the adequate monitoring of a natural capital mechanism, which produces ecosystem services that are elucidated by Themes 2 and 3, beyond the traditional, snapshot-type economic assessment.

・Normatively and empirically elucidating what conditions can make top-down environmental policies or bottom-up grassroots campaigns that lead to the optimal multi-level governance of natural capital.



Predicting and Assessing Natural Capital and Ecosystem Services through an Integrated Social-Ecological Systems Approach

Strategic Research and Development Area (Project Code: S-15)