Theme3 - Subtheme1
Subtheme Name
Coordinating future prediction data for environmental factors in marine ecosystems, and integrating predictive assessment for natural capital and ecosystem services
Research Summary
・Generating case study examples in the evaluation of natural capital and ecosystem services, based on the prediction of changes in environmental factors in marine ecosystems, data assimilation, usage and coordination of downscaled data.
・Coordinating of a database for biomass and functional and ecosystem services that have been accumulated for each subtheme.
・Evaluation of the integrated assessment indices, based on the assessment results of services in each subtheme, taking into consideration the trade-off and prioritization between services, biodiversity-based critical marine area, as well as mitigation and adaptation strategy for future changes. Making reference to internationally applicable indices, such as EBSAs* and marine health indices, leading to the assessment of each scenario.
Data assimilation with high resolution downscaling that is applicable for coastal analysis, and the preparation of future prediction
Analysis integrated with common tools for service assumption and change prediction