国立研究開発法人 国立環境研究所
環境リスク・健康領域 Health and Environmental Risk Division


2023年 2022年 2021年 2020年 2019年 2018年 2017年 2016年 2015年


Determination of perfluoroalkyl acids in seawater and sandworm samples by high-performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry
Sevilla-Nastor J. B., Sakurai T.(櫻井健郎), Mozo M. J., Villanueva J. D.
International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, 19:6655-6666 (2021)

前川文彦, 掛山正心
日仏生物学会誌, 61:29-35 (2021)

生態人類学は挑む SESSION3 病む・癒す, 223-251 (2021)

Association between Experience of Pet Ownership and Psychological Health among Socially isolated and Non-isolated Older Adults.
Taniguchi Y.(谷口優)
Animals, 24(11):595 (2021)

Quantitative structure-activity relationship and a category approach to support algal toxicity assessment of human pharmaceuticals
Yamada T., Kawamura T., Maruyama T., Kurimoto M., Yamamoto H.(山本裕史), Katsutani S., Hirose A.
Fundamental Toxicological Sciences, 8(7):195-204 (2021)

Reduction in Indoor Airborne Endotoxin Concentration by the Use of Air Purifier and Its Relationship with Respiratory Health: A Randomized Crossover Intervention Study
Yoda Y., Tamura K.(田村憲治), Otani N., Hasunuma H., Nakayama S.F.(中山祥嗣), Shima M.
Atmosphere, 12:1523 (2021)

Spatial Variations of Indoor Air Chemicals in an Apartment Unit and Personal Exposure of Residents
Sakamoto H.(坂元宏成), Uchiyama S., Isobe T.(磯部友彦), Kunugita N., Ogura H., Nakayama S.F.(中山祥嗣)
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18:11511 (2021)

A New OECD Definition for Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances
Wang Z., Buser A.M., Cousins I.T., Demattio S., Drost W., Johansson O., Ohno K.(大野浩一), Patlewicz G., Richard A.M., Walker G.W., White G.S., Leinala E.
Environmental Science & Technology, 55(23):15575-15578 (2021)

l-Menthol increases extracellular dopamine and c-Fos-like immunoreactivity in the dorsal striatum, and promotes ambulatory activity in mice
Umezu T.(梅津豊司), Sano T.(佐野友春), Hayashi J.(林順子)
PLOS ONE, 16(11):e0260713 (2021)

Chlorantraniliprole application differentially affects adult emergence of Sympetrum dragonflies in rice paddy fields.
Nakanishi K.(中西康介), Usio N., Yokomizo H.(横溝裕行), Takashima T., Hayashi T.(林岳彦)
Paddy and Water Environment (2021)

10.4 環境中の化学物質濃度
第7冊 環境年表 2021-2022, 432-458 (2021)

Sr Isotopic Composition of NIES Certified Reference Material No. 28 Urban Aerosols
Yamakawa A.(山川茜), Nagano K.(永野公代), Ukachi M.(宇加地幸), Onishi K.(大西薫), Yamashita K., Shibata T., Takamiya K., Kani T., Bérail S., Donard O.F.X., Amouroux D.
Frontiers in Environmental Chemistry, 2:1-8 (2021)

改訂6版 分析化学データブック, 226 (2021)

17-2 大気環境
改訂6版 分析化学データブック, 220-223 (2021)

公衆衛生, 85(5):286-291 (2021)

Defining the Scope of Exposome Studies and Research Needs from a Multidisciplinary Perspective
Zhang P., Carlsten C., Chaleckis R., Hanhineva K., Huang M., Isobe T.(磯部友彦), Koistinen V.M., Meister I., Papazian S., Sdougkou K., Xie H., Martin J.W., Rappaport S.M., Tsugawa H., Walker D.I., Woodruff T.J., Wright R.O., Wheelock C.E.
Environmental Science & Technology Letters, 8(10):839-852 (2021)

Association between Haematological Parameters and Exposure to a Mixture of Organophosphate and Neonicotinoid Insecticides among Male Farmworkers in Northern Thailand
Suwannarin N., Prapamontol T., Isobe T.(磯部友彦), Nishihama Y.(西浜柚季子), Mangklabruks A., Pantasri T., Chantara S., Naksen W., Nakayama S.F.(中山祥嗣)
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18:10849 (2021)

The complete mitochondrial genome of the non-biting midge Chironomus yoshimatsui (Diptera: Chironomidae)
Hiki K.(日置 恭史郎), Oka K.(岡健太), Nakajima N.(中嶋信美), Yamamoto H.(山本裕史), Yamagishi T.(山岸隆博), Sugaya Y.(菅谷芳雄)
Mitochondrial DNA Part B, 6(10):2995-2996 (2021)

Assessment of the efficacy of an advanced tertiary sewage treatment lant to remove biologically active chemicals using endocrine and genotoxicity bioassays
Hamilton L.A., Shiraishi F.(白石不二雄), Nakajima D.(中島大介), Boake M., Lim R.P., Champeau O, Tremblay L.A.
Emerging Contaminants, 7:124-131 (2021)

Nishihama Y.(西浜柚季子), Nakayama S.F.(中山祥嗣), Tabuchi T.(田淵貴大)
日本小児禁煙研究会雑誌, The Journal of Pediatric Tobacco Research, 11(1):8-15 (2021)

Development of a database strategy based on LC/quadrupole time-of-flight MS for the screening of 75 estrogenic chemicals from treated sewage effluent
Yagishita M., Kubo T., Otsuka K., Nakayama S.F.(中山祥嗣), Nakajima D.(中島大介)
Separation Science Plus, 4:286-295 (2021)

家田曜世, 高澤嘉一, 橋本俊次
分析化学, 70(6):397-402 (2021)

認知症の始まりは歩幅でわかる ちょこちょこ歩きは危険信号
認知症の始まりは歩幅でわかる ちょこちょこ歩きは危険信号 (2021)

Application of inert gas-mediated ionization for qualitative screening of chlorinated aromatics in house dust by comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography-high-resolution time-of-flight mass spectrometry
Ieda T.(家田曜世), Hashimoto S.(橋本俊次), Tanabe K.(田邊潔), Goto A., Kunisue T.
Journal of Chromatography A, 1657(8):462571 (2021)

Organic carbon stock and composition in 3.5-m core mangrove soils (Trat, Thailand)
Kida M., Watanabe I., Kinjo K., Kondo M.(近藤美由紀), Yoshitake S., Tomotsune M., Iimura Y., Umnouysin S., Suchewaboripont V., Poungparn S., Ohtsuka T., Fujitake N.
Science of the Total Environment, 801(149682):1-9 (2021)

Sexually dimorphic expression of sexual differentiation genes in the internal genital organs of Japanese quail embryos
Tsukahara S., Morishita M., Sasaki S., Wakayama K., Kobayashi K., Ohno K.(大野浩一), Kawashima T.(川嶋貴治)
General and Comparative Endocrinology, 314(113917): (2021)

現代化学, 606:62-65 (2021)

Female-dominant estrogen production in healthy children before adrenarche
Igarashi M., Ayabe T., Yamamoto-Harada K., Matsubara K., Sasaki H., Saito-Abe M., Sato M., Mise N., Ikegami A., Shimono M., Suga R., Ohga S., Sanefuji M., Oda M., Mitsubuchi H., Michikawa T.(道川武紘), Yamazaki S.(山崎新), Nakayama S.F.(中山祥嗣), Ohya Y., Fukami M.
Endocrine Connections, 10(10):1221-1226 (2021)

Taku Kamami(金見拓), Mari Asami(浅見真理), Michihiro Akiba(秋葉道宏), Ohno K.(大野浩一)
リスク学研究, Japanese Journal of Risk Analysis, 31(1):11-30 (2021)

A human biomonitoring (HBM) Global Registry Framework: Further advancement of HBM research following the FAIR principles
Jeddi M.Z., Virgolino A., Fantke P., Hopf N.B., Galea K.S., Remy S., Viegas S., Mustieles V., Fernandez M.F., von Goetz N., Vicente J.L., Slobodnik J., Rambaud L., Denys S., St-Amand A., Nakayama S.F.(中山祥嗣), Santonen T., Barouki R., Pasanen-Kase R., Mol H.G.J., Vermeire T., Jones K., Silva M.J., Louro H., van der Voet H., Duca R-C., Verhagen H., Canova C., van Klaveren J., Kolossa-Gehring M., Bessems J.
International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health, 238:113826 (2021)

Mind the Exposure Gaps-Modeling Chemical Transport in Sediment Toxicity Tests
Fischer F.(FISCHER Fabian Christoph), Hiki K.(日置 恭史郎), Soetaert K., Endo S.(遠藤智司)
Environmental Science & Technology, 55(17):11885-11893 (2021)

Effect of COVID-19-restrictive measures on ambient particulate matter pollution in Yangon, Myanmar
Aung W.Y., Oo P.M.T., Thein Z.L., Matsuzawa S., Suzuki T.(鈴木武博), Ishigaki Y., Fushimi A.(伏見暁洋), Mar O., Nakajima D.(中島大介), Tin-Tin-Win-Shwe(Tin-Tin-Win-Shwe)
Environmental Health and Preventive Medicine (2021)

Exposure to Organophosphate and Neonicotinoid Insecticides and Its Association with Steroid Hormones among Male Reproductive-Age Farmworkers in Northern Thailand
Suwannarin N., Prapamontol T., Isobe T.(磯部友彦), Nishihama Y.(西浜柚季子), Hashimoto Y.(橋本有樹), Mangklabruks A., Pantasri T., Chantara S., Naksen W., Nakayama S.F.(中山祥嗣)
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(11):5599 (2021)

Exposure science perspective on disaster preparedness and resilience
Scheepers P.T.J., Nakayama S.F.(中山祥嗣)
Journal of Exposure Science & Environmental Epidemiology, 31:795-796 (2021)

Indoor air quality of 5,000 households and its determinants. Part B: Volatile organic compounds and inorganic gaseous pollutants in the Japan Environment and Children's study
Jung C., Nishihama Y.(西浜柚季子), Nakayama S.F.(中山祥嗣), Tamura K.(田村憲治), Isobe T.(磯部友彦), Michikawa T., Iwai-Shimada M. (岩井美幸), Kobayashi Y.(小林弥生), Sekiyama M.(関山牧子), Taniguchi Y.(谷口優), Yamazaki S.(山崎新)
Environmental Research, 197:111135 (2021)

Indoor air quality of 5,000 households and its determinants. Part A: Particulate matter (PM2.5 and PM10-2.5) concentrations in the Japan Environment and Children's Study
Nishihama Y.(西浜柚季子), Jung C.(JUNG Chau-Ren), Nakayama S.F.(中山祥嗣), Tamura K.(田村憲治), Isobe T.(磯部友彦), Michikawa T., Iwai-Shimada M.(岩井美幸), Kobayashi Y.(小林弥生), Sekiyama M.(関山牧子), Taniguchi Y.(谷口優), Yamazaki S.(山崎新)
Environmental Research, 198:111196 (2021)

Urinary Metabolites of Organophosphate Pesticides among Pregnant Women Participating in the Japan Environment and Children's Study (JECS)
Nishihama Y.(西浜柚季子), Nakayama S.F.(中山祥嗣), Isobe T.(磯部友彦), Jung CR., Iwai-Shimada M.(岩井美幸), Kobayashi Y.(小林弥生), Michikawa T., Sekiyama M.(関山牧子), Taniguchi Y.(谷口優), Yamazaki S.(山崎新)
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(11):5929 (2021)

Dietary supplement use in elementary school children: a Japanese web-based survey
Ishitsuka K., Sasaki S., Mezawa H., Konishi M., Igarashi M., Yamamoto-Harada K., Nakayama S.F.(中山祥嗣), Ohya Y.
Environmental Health and Preventive Medicine, 26(1):63 (2021)

Estimating monthly concentrations of ambient key air pollutants in Japan during 2010-2015 for a national-scale birth cohort
Araki S., Hasunuma H., Yamamoto K., Shima M., Michikawa T., Nitta H.(新田裕史), Nakayama S.F.(中山祥嗣), Yamazaki S.(山崎新)
Environmental Pollution, 284:117483 (2021)

A national-scale 1-km resolution PM2.5 estimation model over Japan using MAIAC AOD and a two-stage random forest model
Jung CR., Chen WT., Nakayama S.F.(中山祥嗣)
Remote Sensing, 13(18):3657 (2021)

Contribution of industrial and traffic emissions to ultrafine, fine, coarse particles in the vicinity of industrial areas in Japan
Fujitani Y.(藤谷雄二), Takahashi K., Katsumi S., Fushimi A.(伏見暁洋), Hasegawa S., Kondo Y.(近藤美則), Tanabe K.(田邊潔), Takami A.(高見昭憲), Kobayashi S.(小林伸治)
Environmental Advances, 5: (2021)

化学物質と環境, 168:1-3 (2021)

Impact of dietary exposure to low-dose tris(1,3-dichloro-2-propyl)phosphate in allergic asthmatic mice
Yanagisawa R.(柳澤利枝), Koike E.(小池英子), Tin-Tin-Win-Shwe(Tin-Tin-Win-Shwe), Maiko Kawaguchi, Hirohisa Takano

Fruit and Vegetable Consumption and Incident Frailty in Older Adults: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Kojima G., Taniguchi Y.(谷口優), Urano T.
The Journal of Frailty & Aging (2021)

Prevalence of frailty in people living with HIV aged 50 or older: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Taniguchi Y.(谷口優), Yamada Y., Kobayashi T., Condo A., Ko F.C., Kojima G.

Identification of Faecalibacterium prausnitzii strains for gut microbiome-based intervention in Alzheimer’s-type dementia
Ueda A., Shinkai S., Shiroma H., Taniguchi Y.(谷口優), Tsuchida S., Kariya T., Kawahara T., Kobayashi Y., Kohda N., Ushida K., Kitamura A., Yamada T.
Cell Reports Medicine (2021)

Neurons expressing the aryl hydrocarbon receptor in the locus coeruleus and island of Calleja major are novel targets of dioxin in the mouse brain
Kimura E.(木村 栄輝), Koda M.(甲田雅伸), Maekawa F.(前川文彦), Fujii-Kuriyama Y,, Tohyama C.(遠山千春)
Histochemistry and Cell Biology, 156(2):147-163 (2021)

Liver-specific decrease in Tff3 gene expression in infant mice perinatally exposed to 2,3,7,8-tetrabromodibenzofuran or 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin
Kimura E.(木村 栄輝), Suzuki G.(鈴木剛), Uramaru N., Kakeyama M., Maekawa F.(前川文彦)
Journal of Applied Toxicology, 1-13 (2021)

Anthropogenic and natural organohalogen compounds in melon-headed whales (Peponocephala electra) stranded along the Japanese coastal waters: Temporal trend analysis using archived samples in the environmental specimen bank (es-BANK)
Kunisue T., Goto A., Sunouchi T., Egashira K., Ochiai M., Isobe T.(磯部友彦), Tajima Y., Yamada T.K., Tanabe S.
Chemosphere, 269:129401 (2021)

磯部友彦, 小林弥生, 岩井美幸, 中山祥嗣
計測と制御, 60(8):599-603 (2021)

Koike E.(小池英子), Aoki Y.(青木康展), Matsumoto M.(松本理), Ohno K.(大野浩一)
大気環境学会誌, Journal of Japan Society for Atomospheric Environment, 56(5):108-122 (2021)

A combined stepping and visual tracking task predicts cognitive decline in older adults better than gait or visual tracking tasks alone: a prospective study
Taniguchi Y.(谷口優)
Aging Clinical and Experimental Research , 33(7): (2021)

Association of prenatal exposure to cadmium with neurodevelopment in children at 2 years of age: The Japan Environment and Children's Study
Ma C.(MA Chaochen), Iwai-Shimada M.(岩井美幸), Nakayama S.F.(中山祥嗣), Isobe T.(磯部友彦), Kobayashi Y.(小林弥生), Tatsuta N., Taniguchi Y.(谷口優), Sekiyama M.(関山牧子), Michikawa T.(道川武紘), Yamazaki S.(山崎新), Kamijima M.
Environment International, 156(106762): (2021)

Cold Spells and Cause-Specific Mortality in 47 Japanese Prefectures: A Systematic Evaluation
Ma C.(MA Chaochen), Yang J., Nakayama S.F.(中山祥嗣), Iwai-Shimada M.(岩井美幸), Jung C.(JUNG Chau-Ren), SUN X. L.(SUN xian liang), Honda Y.
Environmental Health Perspectives, 129(6):067001-1-067001-10 (2021)

Evaluation of identification accuracy using AIQS for GC-MS for measuring heavily contaminated samples
Omagari R.(大曲遼), Nakayama T., Miyawaki T., Yagishita M., Hashimoto S.(橋本俊次), Kadokami K., Nakajima D.(中島大介)
Chemosphere, 285: (2021)

Fushimi A.(伏見暁洋), Tanabe K.(田邊潔), Takahashi K.(高橋 克行), Takami A.(高見昭憲)
大気環境学会誌, Journal of Japan Society for Atmospheric Environment, 56(5):85-95 (2021)

昆蟲(ニューシリーズ), 24(2):44-46 (2021)

Differential performance of contrasting defensive traits of cocoons of two moth species against bird predation
Furukawa M, Nakanishi K.(中西康介), Honma A, Takakura KI, Matsuyama K, Hidaka N, Sawada H
Entomological Science (2021)

Identification of novel target molecules of l-menthol
Umezu T.(梅津豊司)
Heliyon, 7:e07329 (2021)

Hg isotopic composition of one-year-old spruce shoots: Application tolong-term Hg atmospheric monitoring in Germany
Yamakawa A.(山川茜), Amouroux D., Tessier E., Berail S., Fetting I., Barre J.P.G., Koschorreck J., Rudel H., Donard O.F.X.
Chemosphere, 279: (2021)

Comparison of Simultaneous Quantitative Analysis of Methylmercury and Inorganic Mercury in Cord Blood Using LC-ICP-MS and LC-CVAFS: The Pilot Study of the Japan Environment and Children’s Study
Iwai-Shimada M.(岩井美幸), Kobayashi Y.(小林弥生), Isobe T.(磯部友彦), Nakayama S.F.(中山祥嗣), Sekiyama M.(関山牧子), Taniguchi Y.(谷口優), Yamazaki S.(山崎新), Michikawa T.(道川武紘), Oda M., Mitsubuchi H., Sanefuji M., Ohga S., Mise N., Ikegami A., Suga R., Shimono M.
Toxics, 9(82): (2021)

前川文彦, 遠藤俊裕, 掛山正心

Occurrence, distribution, and potential exposure risk of organophosphate flame retardants in house dust in South Korea
Gwon H.-R., Oh H.-J., Chang K.-H., Isobe T.(磯部友彦), Lee S.-Y., Kim J.-H., You S.-J., Kim J.-G., Kim J.-W.
Science of the Total Environment, 770:144571 (2021)


