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高村典子 業績一覧

論文(査読あり) 2000~ | 論文(査読あり) ~1999 | Proceedingなど 2000~ | Proceedingなど ~1999 | 国立環境研究所研究報告 | 著書・編著・その他

  • 研究論文(査読のあるもの)2000~

Sharma S., Blagrave K., Watson S.R., O’Reilly C.M., Batt R., Magnuson J.J., Clemens T., Denfeld B.A., Flaim G., Grinberga L., Hori Y., Laas A., Knoll L.B., Straile D., Takamura N., Weyhenmeyer G.A. (2020) Increased winter drownings in ice-covered regions with warmer winters. PLoS ONE, 15(11), e0241222. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0241222

中川惠, 岡本実希, 赤坂宗光, 高村典子 (2020) 釧路湿原シラルトロ湖の水草生育初期と繁茂期の水質分布特性について. 陸水学雑誌, 81, 137-152

Ito H.C., Shiraishi H., Nakagawa M., Takamura N. (2020) Combined impact of pesticides and other environmental stressors on animal diversity in irrigation ponds. PLoS ONE, 15(7), e0229052

Nakamura, Y., Tuji, A., Makino, W., Matsuzaki, S.S., Nagata, N., Nakagawa, M., Takamura, N. (2020) Feeding ecology of a mysid species, Neomysis awatschensis in the Lake Kasumigaura: combining approach with microscopy, stable isotope analysis and DNA metabarcoding, Plankton and Benthos Research, 15 (1), 44-54. DOI: 10.3800/pbr.15.44

Matsuzaki, S.S., Kohzu, A., Kadoya, T., Watanabe, M., Osawa, T., Fukaya, K., Komatsu, K., Kondo, N., Yamaguchi, H., Ando, H., Shimotori, K., Nakagawa, M., Kizuka, T., Yoshioka, A., Sasai, T., Saigusa, N., Matsushita, B. and Takamura, N. (2019) Role of wetlands in mitigating the tradeoff between crop production and water quality in agricultural landscapes. Ecosphere, 10, e02918. DOI: 10.1002/ecs2.2918 論文概要紹介

Tsuchiya, K., Sano, T., Tomioka, N., Kohzu, A., Komatsu, K., Shinohara, R., Takamura, N., Nakagawa, M., Sugai, Y., Kuwahara, V. S., Toda, T., Fukuda, H., Imai, A. (2019) Seasonal variability and regulation of bacterial production in a shallow eutrophic lake. Limnology and Oceanography, 64, 2441-2454. DOI: 10.1002/lno.11196

Ye, L., Chang, C.W., Matsuzaki, S.S., Takamura, N., Widdicombe, C.E., and Hsieh, C.H. (2019) Functional diversity promotes phytoplankton resource use efficiency. Journal of Ecology, 107, 2353-2363. DOI: 10.1111/1365-2745.13192

Fukumori, K., Ishida, S., Shimoda, M., Takenaka, A., Akasaka, M., Nishihiro, J., Takamura, N., Kadoya, T. (2018). Incorporating species population dynamics into static prioritization: targeting species undergoing rapid change. Journal of Applied Ecology, 56(2), 450-458. プレスリリースへのリンク

Matsuzaki, S.S., Suzuki, K., Kadoya, T., Nakagawa, M. and Takamura, N. (2018). Bottom-up linkages between primary production, zooplankton, and fish in a shallow, hypereutrophic lake. Ecology, 99(9), 2025-2036. DOI: 10.1002/ecy.2414

Akasaka, M., Higuchi, S., Takamura, N. (2018). Landscape- and local-scale actions are essential to conserve regional macrophyte biodiversity. Frontiers in Plant Science, 9, 599. DOI: 10.3389/fpls.2018.00599

Hill, M.J., Hassall, C., Oertli, B., Fahrig, L., Robson, B.J., Biggs, J., Samways, M.J., Usio, N., Takamura, N., Krishnaswamy, J., Wood, P.J. (2018). New policy directions for global pond conservation. Conservation Letters, e12447. DOI: 10.1111/conl.12447

Kidera, N., Kadoya, T., Yamano, H., Takamura, N., Ogano, T., Wakabayashi, T., Takezawa, M., and Hasegawa, M. (2018). Hydrological effects of paddy improvement and abandonment on amphibian populations; long-term trends of the Japanese brown frog, Rana japonica. Biological Conservation, 219, 96-104.

Iwai, N., Akasaka, M., Kadoya, T., Ishida, S., Aoki, T., Higuchi, S., Takamura, N. (2017). Examination of the link between life stages uncovered the mechanisms by which habitat characteristics affect odonates. Ecosphere, 8(9), e01930. DOI:10.1002/ecs2.1930

Usio, N., Nakagawa, M., Aoki, T., Higuchi, S., Kadono, Y., Akasaka, M., Takamura, N. (2017). Effects of land use on trophic states and multi-taxonomic diversity in Japanese farm ponds. Agricultural Ecosystems & Environment, 247, 205-215. DOI:10.1016/j.agee.2017.06.043

Makino, W., Maruoka, N., Nakagawa, M., Takamura, N. (2017). DNA barcoding of freshwater zooplankton in Lake Kasumigaura, Japan. Ecological Research, 32, 1. DOI:10.1007/s11284-017-1458-z

Ishii, Y., Hayashi, S., Takamura, N. (2017). Radiocesium Transfer in Forest Insect Communities after the Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant Accident. PLOS ON, 12(1), e99709. DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0099709

Takamura, N., Nakagawa, M., Hanazato, T. (2017). Zooplankton abundance in the pelagic region of Lake Kasumigaura (Japan): Monthly data since 1980. Ecological Research, 32, 1. DOI:10.1007/s11284-016-1406-3

Usio N.,Azuma N.,Larson ER,Abbott CL,Olden JD,Akanuma H,Takamura K.,Takamura N. (2016) Phylogeographic insights into the invasion history and secondary spread of the signal crayfish in Japan. Ecology and Evolution :10.1002/ece3.2286.

山ノ内崇志, 赤坂宗光, 西廣淳, 角野康郎, 高村典子(2016) 水生植物保全の視点に基づく保全上重要な湖沼選定の試み. 保全生態研究, 21, 135-146.

西廣淳, 赤坂宗光, 山ノ内崇志, 高村典子(2016) 散布体バンクを含む湖沼底質からの水生植物再生可能性の時間的低下. 保全生態研究, 21, 147-154.

木塚俊和, 石田真也, 角谷 拓, 赤坂宗光, 高村典子(2016)地理空間情報から推定した野生生物の生育・生息場所としての小規模止水域の空間分布. 保全生態研究, 21, 181-192.

Takamura N.,Nakagawa M. (2016) Photosynthesis and primary production in Lake Kasumigaura (Japan) monitored monthly since 1981. Ecological Research 31,287.

松崎慎一郎, 西廣淳, 山ノ内崇志, 森明寛, 蛯名政仁, 榎本昌宏, 福田照美, 福井利憲, 福本一彦, 後藤裕康, 萩原彩華, 長谷川裕弥, 五十嵐聖貴, 井上栄壮, 神谷宏, 金子有子, 小日向寿夫, 紺野香織, 松村俊幸, 三上英敏, 森山充, 永田貴丸, 中川圭太, 大内孝雄, 尾辻裕一, 小山信, 榊原靖, 佐藤晋一, 佐藤利幸, 清水美登里, 清水稔, 勢村均, 下中邦俊, 戸井田伸一, 吉澤一家, 湯田達也, 渡部正弘, 中川惠, 高村典子 (2016) 純淡水魚と水生植物を指標とした湖沼の生物多様性広域評価の試み. 保全生態研究, 21, 155-165.

今井葉子,野波寛,高村典子(2016)ため池保全の環境行動意図を規定する要因の分析:農家と非農家の間でのコモンズ評価の差異に着目した検討-保全生態研究 21,1-14.

Fukumori K, Yoshizaki E, Takamura N and Kadoya T (2016) Detritivore diversity promotes a relative contribution rate of detritus to the diet of predators in ponds. Ecosphere 7(3):e01211.10.1002/ecs2.1211

小松一弘, 今井章雄, 冨岡典子, 高村典子, 中川惠, 佐藤貴之, 霜鳥孝一, 高津文人, 篠原隆一郎(2015)FRRF (Fast Repetition Rate Fluorometry)法による一次生産速度測定手法の検討.土木学会論文集G(環境)71(7):309-314

Natsumeda T.,Takamura N.,Nakagawa M.,Kadono Y.,Furukawa-Tanaka T.,Mitsuhashi H. (2015) Environmental and biotic characteristics to discriminate farm ponds with and without exotic largemouth bass and bluegill in western Japan. Limnology 16:139-148.

Kizuka T., Akasaka M., Kadoya T., Takamura N. (2014) Visibility from roads predict the distribution of invasive fishes in agricultural ponds. PLOS ONE. 9(6): e99709. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0099709

Nishihiro J., Akasaka M. Ogawa M. Takamura N. (2014) Aquatic vascular plants in Japanese lakes. Ecological Research. 29. 369.

今井葉子,角谷拓,上市秀雄,高村典子 (2014)市民の生態系サービスへの認知が保全行動意図に及ぼす影響: 全国アンケートを用いた社会心理学的分析. 保全生態学研究. 19(1) 15-26.

Usio N., Imada M., Nakagawa M., Akasaka M., Takamura N. (2013) Effects of pond draining on biodiversity and water quality of farm ponds. Conservation Biology. 27. 1429-1438.

Azuma N., Okano T., Tamaoki M., Nakajima N., Takamura N., Yokohata Y., Shindo J., Onuma M. (2013) Isolation and characterization of 25 polymorphic microsatellites of the large Japanese wood mouse (Apodemus speciosus). Conservation Genet Resour, 5 (2)

Seto M., Takamura N., Iwasa Y. (2013) Individual and combined suppressive effects of submerged and floating-leaved macrophytes on algal blooms. Journal of Theoretical Biology. 319: 122-133.

Takamura, N. and Nakagawa, M. (2012) The densities of bacteria, picophytoplankton, heterotrophic nanoflagellates and ciliates in Lake Kasumigaura (Japan) monitored monthly since 1996: Ecological Research. 27: 839. DOI: 10.1007/s11284-012-0972-2

Takamura, N. and Nakagawa, M. (2012) Phytoplankton species abundance in Lake Kasumigaura (Japan) monitored monthly or biweekly since 1978: Ecological Research. 27:837. DOI: 10.1007/s11284-012-0971-3

Akasaka,M., Takamura,N (2012): Hydrologic connection between ponds positively affects macrophyte α and γ diversity but negatively affects β diversity: Ecology 93(5) 967-973

Matsuzaki SS, Sakamoto M, Kawabe K & Takamura N (2012) : A laboratory study of the effects of shelter availability and invasive crayfish on the growth of native stream fish" - Freshwater Biology 57:874-882

Matsuzaki,SS., Takamura,N., Arayama,K., Tominaga, A.,Iwasaki,J. and Washitani, I (2011): Potential impacts of non-native channel catfish on commercially important species in a Japanese lake, as inferred from long-term monitoring data. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 21:348-357

Matsuzaki S.S., von Wehrden H., Moller A.P., Takamura N. (2012) Fukushima disaster indirectly threatens lake ecosystems. Frontiers in Ecology & the Environment. 10: 464

Azuma,N.,Usio,N.,Korenaga,T.,Koizumi, I., and Takamura,N.(2011): Genetic population structure of the invasive signal crayfish Pacifastacus leniusculus in Japan inferred from newly developed microsatellite markers. Plankton and Benthos Research 6 (4), 187-194

Kadoya,T, Akasaka,M.,Aoki,T. and Takamura,N.(2011): A proposal of framework to obtain an integrated biodiversity indicator for agricultural ponds incorporating the simultaneous effects of multiple pressures. Ecological Indicators 11:5 1396-1402.

中川 惠・高村典子(2011)フィコシアニンセンサーによる野外でのアオコの定量.陸水雑誌(Japanese Journal of Limnology)72: 145-152.

中武禎典・高村典子・佐治あずみ・宇野晃一(2011):スジエビの在・不在が動物プランクトン群集と水質に与える影響.応用生態工学.14(1) 11-20.

Akasaka,M., Takamura,N (2011): Relative importance of hydrological connection and water quality on species richness of aquatic macrophytes in ponds: comparison between floating-leaved and submerged macrophytes. Oikos 120:38-46.


Matsuzaki,SS., Mabuchi,K.., Takamura,N., Hicks,BJ, Nishida, M. and Washitani, I.(2010): Stable isotope and molecular analyses indicate that hybridization with non-native domesticated common carp influence habitat use of native carp. Oikos 119:964-971.

Akasaka,M., Takamura,N., Mitsuhashi,H. and Kadono,Y.(2010): Effects of land-use on aquatic macrophyte diversity and water quality of ponds. Freshwater Biology, 55,909-922.

西廣淳・岡本実希・高村典子(2009): 釧路湿原シラルトロ湖の植生と植物相.陸水学雑誌, 70: 183-190.

西川潮・今田美穂・赤坂宗光・高村典子(2009):ため池の管理形態が水棲外来動物の分布に及ぼす影響.陸水学雑誌, 70: 261-266.

Matsuzaki,SS., Mabuchi,K.., Takamura,N., Nishida, M. and Washitani, I.(2009): Behavioral and morphological differences between feral and domesticated strains of common carp. Journal of Fish Biology, 75: 1206-1220.

Usio,N., Kamiyama,R., Saji,A. and Takamura,N. (2009): Size-dependent engineering impacts of invasive alien crayfish on a littoral marsh community. Biological Conservation,142:1480-1490.

Ha,K., Takamura,N. and Jang,MH (2009): Microcystin production by Microcystis aeruginosa exposed to phytoplanktivorous and omnivorous fish at different kairomone concentrations. Bull Environ Contam Toxicol, 83: 761-765.

今田美穂・青柳みどり・渡辺貴史・高村典子(2009):ため池の管理組織形態と存続をめぐる費用負担の実態-兵庫県北播磨・東播磨地域を事例に-.農村計画学会誌, 28,239-234.

Matsuzaki,SS., Usio,N., Takamura,N. and Washitani, I. (2009): Contrasting impacts of invasive engineers on freshwater ecosystems: an experiment and meta-analysis. Oecologia, 158,673-686.

Takamura,N., Ito,T., Ueno,R., Ohtaka,A., Wakana,I ,Nakagawa, M., Ueno,Y. and Nakajima, H.(2009): Environmental gradients determining the distribution of benthic macroinvertebrates in Lake Takkobu, Kushiro wetland, northern Japan. Ecological Research, 24,371-381.

Jang, M.-H., Ha,K. and Takamura, N. (2008):Microcystin production by Microcystis aeruginosa exposed to different stages of herbivorous zooplankton. Toxicon, 51,882-889.

宇田川弘勝・高村典子(2007):霞ヶ浦における湖水白濁現象の原因物質の特定. 陸水学雑誌, 68,425-432.

Nakamura,K., Kayaba,Y., Nishihiro,J. and Takamura, N. (2007): Effects of submerged plants on water quality and biota in large-scale experimental ponds, Landscape Ecological Engineering, 10.1007/s11355-007-0033-0.

Jang, M.-H., Jung, J -M. and Takamura, N. (2007):Changes in microcystin production in cyanobacteria exposed to zooplankton at different population densities and infochemical concentrations. Limnology and Oceanography, 52,1454-1466.

Jang, M.-H., Ha,K. and Takamura, N. (2007):Reciprocal allelopathic interactions between toxic cyanobacteria (Microcystis aeruginosa) and duckweed (Lemna japonica) Toxicon, 49, 727-733.

高村典子・中川 惠・若菜 勇・五十嵐聖貴・辻 ねむ(2007):達古武沼の水質分布特性および水質分布に影響する要因について.陸水学雑誌,68,81-95.





中島久男・高村典子(2007):数理モデルによる達古武沼生態系のレジームシフトの解析. 陸水学雑誌,68,187-194.

Kim, B., Hwang, S., Kim, Y., Takamura, N. and Han, M. (2007): Effects of biological control agents on nuisance cyanobacterial and diatom blooms in freshwater systems. Microbes and Environments, 22, 52-58.

Matsuzaki,SS., Usio,N., Takamura,N. and Washitani, I.(2007): Effects of common carp on nutrient dynamics and littoral community composition: roles of excretion and bioturbation. Fundamental and Applied Limnology. Archiv fur Hydrobiology, 168(1),27-38.

渡辺貴史・高村典子(2006):兵庫県東播磨地域における水生植物保全に対するため池管理者の意識.農村計画学会誌, 25:353-358.

Jang, M.-H., Ha, K., Jung, J -M., Lee, Y. -J. and Takamura, N. (2006): Increased Microcystin production of Microcystis aeruginosa by indirect exposure of nontoxic cyanobacteria: potential role in the development of Microcystis bloom. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology,76,957-962.

Usio, N., Nakajima, H., Kamiyama, R., Wakana, I., Hiruta, S. and Takamura, N. (2006): Predicting distribution of invasive crayfish (Pacifastacus leniusculus) in Kusiro Moor marsh (Japan) using classification and regression trees. Ecological Research, 21,271-277.

Ueno,R., Takamura,N and Nakagawa, M. (2005) A new Fittkauimyia Karunakaran from Japan (Diptera:Chironomidae). Aquatic Insect, 27, 35-42.

Tsuda,K.,Takamura,N.,Matsuyama, M. and Fujii, Y. (2005) Assessment method for leaf litters allelopathic effect on cyanobacteria. Journal of Aquatic Plant Management, 43, 43-46.

Amemiya,T.,Enomoto,T.,Rossberg,G.A., Takamura,N. and Ito,K. (2005) Lake restoration in terms of ecological resilience: A numerical study of biomanipulations under bistable conditions. Ecology and Society, 10(2), 3.


Ha,K., Min-Ho Jang, and Takamura,N. (2004) Colony formation in planktonic algae induced by zooplankton culture media filtrate. J. Freshwater Ecology, 19,1,9-16.

Fukushima, T.,Matsushige, K., Takamura, N. and Fukushima,M.(2004) Metabolic Quotient Measured by Free-water Method in Six Enclosures with Different Silver Carp Densities. Hydrobiologia, 511,201-213.

Sun, L., Takamura, N., Kim, B., Fukushima, M., Nakagawa, M., and Otsuki, A. (2004) The effects of filter-feeding planktivorous fish on production of protozoa and carbon flow from protozoa to zooplankton in a eutrophic lake. J. Freshwater Ecology, 19, 363-373.

Jang,M.H., Ha,K., Lucas,M.C., Joo,G.J. and Takamura,N.(2004) Changes in microcystin production by Microcystis aeruginosa exposed to phytoplanktivorous and omnivorous fish. Aquatic toxicology, 68, 51-59.

Wang,J.,Xie,P.,Takamura,N.,Xie L.,Shao,Z. and Tang,H. (2004) The picophytoplankton in three Chinese lakes of different trophic status and its relationship to fish populations. J. Freshwater Ecology, 19, 2, 285-293.

Mori,S. and Takamura,N. (2004) Changes in morphological characteristics of an introduced population of the threespine stickleback Gasterosteus aculeatus in Lake Towada, northern Japan. Ichthyological Research, 51, 295-300.


Makino, W., Mikami, H., Katano, N., Nakagawa, M. and Takamura, N. (2003): Biological productivity of Lake Towada, a north temperate, oligotrophic kokanee-fishery lake. Limnology, 4,79-90.

Kim,B.H., Han, M.S. and Takamura, N. (2003): Effects of fish introduction on the length of the tail of cryptomonads in mesocosm experiments. Oecologia,136,73-79.

Jang,M.H., Ha,K., Joo,G.J. and Takamura,N.(2003): Toxin production of cyanobacteria is increased by exposure to zooplankton. Freshwater Biology, 48,1540-1550.

Takamura,N., Kadono,Y., Fukushima, M., Nakagawa, M. and Kim, BH (2003) : Effects of aquatic macrophytes on water quality and phytoplankton community in shallow lakes. Ecological Research, 18, 381-395.

Kim,BH, Choi,MK and Takamura,N. (2003): Phytoplankton preferences of young silver carp, Hypophthalmichthys molitrix, in hypereutrophic mesocosms during a warm season. J. Freshwater Ecology, 18,1,69-77.

Ha, K., Jang, MH., Joo, GJ. and Takamura, N. (2001): Growth and morphological changes in Scenedesmus dimorphus induced by substances released from grazers, Daphnia magna and Moina macrocopa. Korean J. Limnol., 34, 285-291.

Makino, W., Kato, H., Takamura, N., Mizutani, H., Katano, N. and Mikami, H. (2001): Did chironomid emergence release Daphnia from fish predation and lead to a Daphnia-driven clear-water phase in lake Towada, Japan? Hydrobiologia, 442; 309-317.

Havens, K.E., Fukushima, T., Xie, P., Iwakuma, T., James, R.T., Takamura, N., Hanazato, T. and Yamamoto, T. (2001): Nutrient Dynamics and the Eutrophication of Shallow Lakes Kasumigaura (Japan), Donghu (P.R. China), and Okeechobee (USA). Environ. Pollution, 111, 263-272.

Takamura, N., Mikami, H., Houki, A. and Nakagawa, M. (2001): How did replacement of the dominant fish community influence water quality and plankton community structure in an oligotrophic lake in Japan? Verhandlungen der Internationalen Vereinigung der Limnologie, 27: 3319-3328.

Sun, L., Takamura, N., Kim, B., Fukushima, M., Nakagawa, M. and Otsuki, A. (2000): The role of heterotrophic nanoflagellates and ciliates and their different fate in fishless and fish-stocked ecosystems. Verh. Internat. Verein. Limnol.,27, 2853-2860.

Fukushima, M., Takamura, N., Kim, B., Nakagawa, M., Sun, L. and Zheng, Y. (2000): Response of biomanipulation using the filter-feeding silver carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix). Verh. Internat. Verein. Limnol., 27, 1033-1039.

Takamura, N., Shen, Y. and Xie, P. (2000): Species richness of protozoa in Japanese lakes. Limnology, 1, 91-101.

Kim,B.H. and Takamura, N. (2000): Morphological study of the coenobium of Coronastrum lunatum (Chlorophyceae). Phycologia, 39:153-156.

  • 研究論文(査読のあるもの)~1999

Kato, H., Takamura, N. and Mikami,H.(1999): Distribution of macroinvertebrates in deep and oligotrophic Lake Towada, Japan. Acta Hydrobiologica Sinica, 23:96-105.

Dai, M., Ni, L., Xie,P., Wang, J. and Takamura, N. (1999):Experimental studies on the effects of submerged macrophytes on the eutrophication on lake water using large-sized enclosures. Acta Hydrobiologica Sinica, 23, 97-101.

Xie, P., X.F. Huang and Takamura, N. (1999): Changes of Leptodora kindti abundance (1957-1995) in a planktivorous fishes-dominated subtropical Chinese lake (Lake Donghu). Arch. Hydrobiol.147, 351-372.

Fukushima, M., Takamura, N., Sun, L., Nakagawa, M., Matsushige, K. and Xie, P. (1999): Changes in plankton communities following the introduction of filter-feeding planktivorous fish. Freshwater Biology 42,719-736.

Song, B., Xie, P. and Takamura, N. (1999): Species composition and seasonal density dynamics of ciliated protozoa in Baoan Lake with particular reference to the submerged macrophytes. Chin. J. Oceanol. Limnol., 7:86-96.

Takamura, N., Mikami, H., Mizutani, H. and Nagasaki, K. (1999): Did a drastic change in fish species from kokanee to pond smelt decrease the secchi disc transparency in the oligotrophic Lake Towada, Japan ? Arch Hydrobiol.144: 283-304.

Recknagel, F., Fukushima, T., Hanazato, T. Takamura, N. and Wilson, H. (1998): Modelling and prediction of phyto- and zooplankton dynamics in Lake Kasumigaura by artificial neutral networks. Lake & Reservoirs Research and Management 3:123-133.

Utsumi,M.,Nojiri,Y.,Nakamura,T.,Nozawa,T.,Otsuki,A., Takamura, N. Watanabe,M.M. and Seki,F. (1998): Dynamics of dissolved methane and methane oxidation in dimictic Lake Nojiri during winter. Limnol. Oceanogr., 43,10-17.

Xie, P. and Takamura, N. (1998): Community structure of planktonic Copepoda in a shallow, macrophytic lake, Lake Biandantang (Hubei, China). Acta Hydrobiologica Sinica, 22, 135-142.

Xie, P. and Takamura, N. (1997): Morphological and ecological studies on a cyclopoid copepoid copepod, Mesocyclops notius Kiefer, 1981 in a subtrophical Chinese lake. Acta Hydrobiologica Sinica, 21, 334-340.

Yasuno, M., Hanazato, T., Miyashita, M. & Takamura, N. (1996): Comparison of the impact of oxadiazon and thiobencarb on planktonic and benthic communities in floating bags. Ecological Chemistry, 5:275-286.

Xie, P. and Takamura, N. (1996): Impact of filter feeding silver and bighead carps on the long-term changes in the community structure of cladocera in Lake Donghu. Acta Hydrobiologica Sinica, 20, 47-59.

Xie, P., Zhuge, Y., Dai, M. and Takamura, N. (1996):Impacts of eutrophication on biodiversity of plankton community. Acta Hydrobiologica Sinica, 20, 31-37.

Xie, P. and Takamura, N. (1996): Changes in community structure and biodiversity of planktonic copepods in Lake Donghu, Wuhan. Acta Hydrobiologica Sinica, 20, 24-29.

高村典子・石川靖・三上英敏・三上一・藤田幸生・樋口澄男・村瀬秀也・山中直・南條吉之・猪狩忠光・福島武彦(1996):日本の湖沼34水域の栄養塩レベルと細菌、ピコ植物プランクトン、鞭毛藻(虫)および繊毛虫の密度の関係。陸水学雑誌、57: 245-259.

高村典子(1995):河川の重金属汚染を教える付着藻類。水環境学会誌、18, 12, 18-23.

Takamura, N., Zhu, X., Yang, H., Jiang, X., Li, J., Mei, Z., Shi, Z. and Tan, Y. (1995): Characteristics of plankton communities in Chinese integrated fish ponds: Effects of excessive grazing by planktivorous carps on plankton communities. Hydrobiologia 315: 211-225.

Otsuki, A., Omi, T., Hashimoto, S., Aizaki, M. and Takamura, N. (1994): HPLC fluorometric determination of natural phytoplankton phycocyanin and its usefulness as cyanobacterial biomass in highly eutrophic shallow lake. Water, Air and Soil Pollution 76:383-396.

Takamura, N., Iwata, K., Fang, G., Zhu, X. and Shi, Z.(1994): Feeding habits of mixed cyprinid species in a chinese integrated fish culture pond: change in planktivorous density induces feeding changes in planktivorous carps. Jpn. J. Limnol.55: 131-141.

Takamura, N. and Nojiri, Y. (1994): Picophytoplankton biomass inrelation to lake trophic state and the TN:TP ratio of lake water in Japan. J. Phycol., 30:439-444.

Kasai, F., Takamura, N. and Hatakeyama, S.(1993): Effects of simetryne on growth of various freshwater algal taxa. Environ. Pollution 79:77-83.

Takamura, N., Li, J., Yang, H., Zhu, X. and Miura, T. (1993): A novel approach to evaluate feeding by mixed cyprinid species in a Chinese integrated fish culture pond using measurements of chlorophyll derivatives and photosynthesis in gut contents. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 50:946-952.

岩田勝哉・高村典子・朱学宝・三浦泰蔵 (1992):中国綜合養魚におけるコイ科の魚の生理生態学的研究 I.実験下における草魚の糞の分解について。陸水学雑誌, 53:341-354.

Watanabe, M. M., Kaya,Y. and Takamura, N. (1992): Fate of the toxic cyclic heptapeptides, the Microcystins from blooms of Microcystis (Cyanobacteria) in a hypertrophic lake. J.Phycol.28: 761-767.

Takamura, N., Zhu, X., Yang, H., Lin, Y., Hong, F. and Miura, T.(1992):High biomass and production of picoplankton in a Chinese integrated fish culture pond. Hydrobiologia, 237:15-23.

Takamura, N., Otsuki, A., Aizaki, M. and Nojiri, Y. (1992): Phytoplankton species shift accompanied with transition from nitrogen dependence to phosphorus dependence of primary productioon In Lake Kasumigaura, Japan. Arch.Hydrobiol.124.129-148.

Takamura, N. and Aizaki, M. (1991): Changes in primary production in Lake Kasumigaura (1986-1989) accompanied by transition of dominant species. Jpn. J. Limnol. 52:173-187.

Aizaki, M. and Takamura, N. (1991): Regeneration of nutrient and detritus formation from aerobic decomposition of natural phytoplankton. Jpn.J.Limnol.52: 83-94.

Hanazato, T., Takamura, N. and Yasuno, M. (1991):Occurrence of Bosmina longirostris and B. fatalis in enclosures in relation to phytoplankton biomass. Pol.Arch.Hydrobiol. 38:177-182.

Takamura, N. and Iwakuma, T. (1991): Nitrogen uptake and C: N: P ratio of epiphytic algae in the littoral zone of Lake Kasumigaura.Arch.Hydrobiol.121:161-170.

Takamura, N., Hatakeyama, S. and Sugaya, Y. (1990): Seasonal changes in species composition and production of periphyton in an urban river running through an abandoned copper mining region. Jpn. J. Limnol. 51:225-235.

Takamura, N., Kasai, F. and Watanabe,M.M.(1990):Unique response of Cyanophyceae to copper. J. Appl. Phycol. 2:293-296.

Takamura, N., Iwakuma, T., Aizaki, M. and Yasuno, M. (1990): Primary production of epiphytic algae and phytoplankton in the littoral zone of Lake Kasumigaura. Marine Microbial Food Webs 4:239-255.

Takamura, N., Kasai, F. and Watanabe, M. M. (1989): Effects of Cu, Cd and Zn on photosynthesis of freshwater benthic algae. J. Appl.Phycol. 1:39-52.

Takamura, K., Sugaya, Y., Takamura, N., Hanazato, T., Yasuno, M. and Iwakuma, T. (1989): Primary production of phytoplankton and biomasses of zooplankton and zoobenthos in hypertrophic Lake Teganuma. Hydrobiologia, 173:173-184.

Otsuki, A. and Takamura, N. (1988): Comparison of chlorophyll a concentrations measured by flurometric HPLC and spectrophotometric methods in highly eutrophic shallow Lake Kasumigaura. Vehr. Internat. Verein. Limnol. 23:944-951.

高村典子(1988):ラン藻による水の華、特にMicrocystis 属の生態学的研究の現状。藻類。 36:65-79.

Yasuno, M., Hanazato, T., Iwakuma, T., Takamura, K., Ueno, R. and Takamura, N. (1988): Effects of permethrin on an enclosure ecosystem in a pond. Hydrobiologia 159:247-258.

Takamura, N. and Yasuno, M. (1988): Sedimentation of phytoplankton population dominated by Microcystis in a shallow lake. J. Plankton Res. 10:283-299.

Takamura, N. and Watanabe, M. M. (1987): Seasonal changes in the biomass of four Microcystis species in Lake Kasumigaura. Jpn.J.Limnol.S139-S144.

Takamura, N., Iwakuma, T. and Yasuno, M. (1987): Primary production in Lake Kasumigaura, 1981-1985. Jpn.J.Limnol. S13-S38.

Takamura, N., Iwakuma, T. and Yasuno, M. (1987): Uptake of 13C and 15N (ammonium, nitrate and urea) by Microcystis in Lake Kasumigaura. J. Plankton Res., 9:151-165.

Takamura, N., Iwakuma, T. and Yasuno, M. (1986): Photosynthesis of size fractionated phytoplankton population in hypertrophyc Lake Kasumigaura, Japan. Arch.Hydrobiol.108: 235-237.

Otsuki, A., Aizaki, M., Iwakuma, T., Takamura, N., Hanazato, T., Kawai, T. and Yasuno, M. (1985): Coupled transformation of inorganic stable carbon-13 and nitrogen-15 isotopes into higher trophic levels in a eutrophic shallow lake. Limnol. Oceanogr., 30:820-825.

Takamura, N., Iwakuma, T. and Yasuno, M. (1985): Photosynthesis and primary production of Microcystis aeruginosa Kutz. in Lake Kasumigaura. J. Plankton Res., 7:303-312.

Takamura, N., Yasuno, M. and Sugahara, K. (1984): Overwintering of Microcystis aeruginosa Kutz. in a shallow lake. J. Plankton Res., 6:1019-1029.

Takamura, N. and Yasuno, M. (1984): Diurnal changes in the vertical distribution of phytoplankton in hypertrophic Lake Kasumigaura,Japan. Hydrobiologia 112:53-60.

Hanazato, T., Yasuno, M., Iwakuma, T. and Takamura, N. (1984): Seasonal changes in the occurrence of Bosmina longirostris and B.fatalis in relation to Microcystis in Lake Kasumigaura. Jpn. J. Limnol. 45:153-157.

Takamura, N. and Yasuno, M. (1983): Food selection of the ciliated protozoa, Condylostoma Vorticella (Ehrenberg) in Lake Kasumigaura. Jpn. J. Limnol. 44: 184-189.

Takamura, N., Iwakuma, T. and Yasuno, M. (1983): A method of collecting Microcystis with an inverted bottle. Jpn. J. Limnol.4: 139-141.

Yasuno, M., Hasegawa, J., Iwakuma, T., Imamura, N. and Sugaya, Y. (1982): Effects of temephos on chironomid and plankton population in eel culture ponds. Jap.J.Saint.Zool.33: 207-212.

Imamura, N. (1981): Studies on the water blooms in Lake Kasumigaura. Verh. Internat. Verein.Limnol.21: 652-658.

  • Proceedingなど 2000~

高村典子(2021):淡水生態系の保全-水質・生態系管理から生物多様性と生態系の機能やサービスへ.用水と廃水, 63, 1, 78-85.

高村典子(2019)ため池の生物多様性損失の評価と保全.農村計画学会誌,38, 3, 332-335.  PDF:304KB

高村典子(2019)地域の自然資源としてのため池,その価値の再評価と活用. 水環境学会誌 第42巻(A) 第2号:43-43.  PDF:1.2MB

高村典子 (2018). 水辺の保全と再生―保全戦略の必要性とその実現.グリーン・エイジ2018, 4, 2-4.  PDF:369KB

高村典子(2016)淡水域の保全、その政策を支える生物多様性評価の現状と課題. 保全生態研究, 21,117-124.  PDF:851KB

高村典子(2016)環境研究・技術開発戦略(答申)の背景にある自然共生社会.環境技術会誌.162,30-31. PDF:140KB

高村典子 (2014) アオコ研究におけるこれまでの取り組みと湖沼管理に向けた今後の課題. 水環境学会誌 第37巻(A) 第5号. 156-159.

高村典子 (2010):変貌する釧路湿原東部湖沼の生態系-不可逆的な生態系劣化の予防とその再生-生物の科学「遺伝」, 64,3,72-78. PDF:3MB

高村典子・中川惠・一柳英隆(2008):ダム貯水池におけるプランクトンの出現特性-評価のための課題.水源地生態研究会議10周年報告書, 153-166.

松田裕之・矢原徹一・竹門康弘・波田善夫・長谷川眞理子・日鷹一雅・ホーテス シュテファン・角野康郎・鎌田麿人・神田房行・加藤真・國井秀伸・向井宏・村上興正・中越信和・中村太士・中根周歩・西廣(安島)美穂・西廣淳・佐藤利幸・嶋田正和・塩坂比奈子・高村典子・田村典子・立川賢一・椿宜高・津田智・鷲谷いづみ(2005):自然再生事業指針.保全生態学研究 10: 63-75

高村典子 (2005): 土壌シードバンクとバイオマニピュレーションを活用した水辺移行修復・再生技術. 環境研究, 139, 97-106.

高村典子 (2005): 水辺移行修復・再生技術の開発-霞ヶ浦での植生帯復元の取り組みから. 生活と環境, 5, 24-30.

高村典子(2003):十和田湖で起きた生態系の変化と健全な湖沼生態系の維持管理について.海洋と生物.149,476-484. PDF:448KB



Takamura, N.,Kadono,Y.,Fukushima,M.,Nakagawa,M. & Kim, B.(2001): The role of submerged macrophytes and their critical condition of three lakes in Kushiro Moor. The 9th International Conference on the Conservation and Management of lakes. Conference Proceedings, session 4, pp.163-166.

Takamura, N. (2000): The effectiveness of biomanipulation with silver carp. Proc. Int. Symp. of Ecotechnology in environmental protection and fresh water lake management. pp.22-27.RINS.


  • Proceedingなど ~1999

Takamura, N., Hanazato, T., Iwakuma,T., Nojiri,Y., Otsuki,A., Aizaki, M. & Kasumiogaura Research Group of NIES (1998):Long-term monitoring of nutrients, plankton and benthos in Lake Kasumigaura. Proc.2nd East Asia-Pacific Regional Conferenceon Long-Term Ecological Research, pp.155-165. CGER-I03'98.

高村典子(1998):アオコの特性とその発生機構IV.発生と水質要因との関係(霞ケ浦)、Nippon Suisan Gakkaishi,64,2,305-306.

高村典子・野崎久義・木幡邦男・渡辺信(1995):ピコプランクトンの異常発生:ピコプランクトンの分類。Nippon Suisan Gakkaishi, 61,6,930-931.

Yasuno, M., Takamura, N. & Hanazato, T. (1993):Nutrient enrichment experiments using small microcosms. Wetlands and Ecotones: Studies on Land-water interactions,pp.181-193.

Takamura, N., Watanabe, M. M., Nozaki,H. & Kohata, K.(1993): Taxomony of picophytoplankton in Japanese lakes. Jpn.J.Limnol., 54,156-157.

Takamura, N. (1993):Introductory remarks of the organizer in reports of the symposia at the 57the Conference of the Japanese Society of Limnology titled 'A new perspective for studies of plankton community:Ecology and taxonomy of picophytoplankton and flagellates'. Jpn. J. Limnol., 54,155.

Otsuki, A., M. Aizaki, T. Iwakuma, N. Takamura, T. Hanazato & T. Kawai (1990) : A trial on removal of nutrients from eutrophic Lake Kasumigaura water by waterhyacinth using enclosures. In:Proceedings of UNESCO/MAB International Seminor: Future Research Trends in MAB. Aug.20-22, 1990, Tokyo, pp.95-115.

Takamura, N. (1990): Trends in the occurrence of phytoplankton in Lake Kasumigaura from 1978 to 1988 (the unusual occurrence of Microcystis in 1987 and 1988). Jpn.J.Limnol.51: 43-45.

Watanabe, M. M., Takeuchi, Y. & Takamura, N.(1988):Copper resistance of the freshwater diatom, Achnanthes minutissima. Proc.4th IUBS Internat.Symp.of biomonitoring of the State of the Environment, pp.171-179.

  • 国立環境研究所研究報告


高村典子(2004):ため池の評価と保全への取り組み-生態学からのメッセージ-。国立環境研究所研究報告 183:1-4.

三橋弘宗・高村典子(2004):ため池周辺のランドスケープからみたハビタット評価。国立環境研究所研究報告 183:12-15.

田渕敏雄・高村典子・黒田久雄(2004):ため池の水源特性からみた多様性と水質解析。国立環境研究所研究報告 183:47-60.

藤井義晴・津田久美子・高村典子(2004):アオコを抑制する植物検索のためのバイオアッセイ法の検討。国立環境研究所研究報告 183:98-101.

中川惠・高村典子(2001):十和田湖における植物プランクトンと繊毛虫の計数データ (1998-2000年) 。国立環境研究所研究報告 167:


従属性鞭毛虫の計数データ(1998-2000年) 。国立環境研究所研究報告 167:153-152.

高村典子・片野登(2001):十和田湖におけるサイズ別クロロフィルa量 (1998-1999年)。国立環境研究所研究報告 167:150-152.

高村典子・西川雅高(2001):十和田湖における珪素量 (1998-1999年) 。国立環境研究所研究報告 167:149.

高村典子・中川惠(2001):十和田湖における無機態炭素量 (1995-1999年)。国立環境研究所研究報告 167:147. ・ 高村典子・三上一(2001):十和田湖における水質測定データ(1998-1999年)。国立環境研究所研究報告 167:141-146.

三上一・松尾章・野澤直史・前田寿哉・野澤久志・神毅統・片野登・加藤潤・泰良幸男・渡辺寿・珍田尚俊・高村典子(2001):十和田湖の光環境(1995-1999年)。国立環境研究所研究報告 167:130-140.

藤原英史・坂野博之・高村典子・野原精一・上田宏(2001):炭素・窒素安定同位体比を用いた洞爺湖の食物網解析-沿岸帯有機物の沖帯食物連鎖への流入-。国立環境研究所研究報告 167:115-124.

加藤秀男・高村典子(2001):底生魚類の捕食とその季節変化が底生動物群集に及ぼす影響-野外実験による検証。国立環境研究所研究報告 167:89-98.

加藤秀男・高村典子・上野隆平・大高明史・戸塚利明(2001):十和田湖沿岸域における底生動物群集構造の決定要因?餌環境と魚類による捕食からの検討。国立環境研究所研究報告 167:75-88.

佐藤由紀・中島久男・高村典子(2001):十和田湖におけるヒメマスとワカサギの動態に関する数理モデルによる解析。国立環境研究所研究報告 167:52-63.

高村典子・三上 一・片野登・加藤 潤(2001):十和田湖における一次生産量。国立環境研究所研究報告 167:31-37.

牧野渡・加藤秀男・高村典子・水谷寿・片野登・三上一(2001):ユスリカ蛹の浮上は魚の捕食からミジンコを解放し間接的に透明度を向上させたか?国立環境研究所研究報告 167:15-25.

高村典子(2001):はじめに。国立環境研究所研究報告 167.

高村典子(2000):生態系を理解した湖沼保全に結びつけるために。国立環境研究所研究報告 153:1-4.

中川恵・高村典子・松重一夫(2000): 霞ヶ浦におけるプランクトン群集の季節変動。国立環境研究所研究報告 153:173-190.

伯耆晶子・高村典子(1999):十和田湖における植物プランクトンと繊毛虫の計数データ(1995-1997年)。国立環境研究所研究報告 146、170-184.

高村典子・中川恵(1999):十和田湖における細菌、ピコ植物プランクトン、鞭毛藻及び従属性鞭毛虫の計数データ(1995-1997年)。国立環境研究所研究報告 146、163-169.

高村典子(1999):十和田湖におけるサイズ別クロロフィルa量(1995-1997年)。国立環境研究所研究報告 146、160-162.

高村典子(1999):十和田湖における懸濁態炭素、懸濁態窒素及び懸濁態リン量(1995-1997年)。国立環境研究所研究報告 146、157-159.

高村典子・西川雅高(1999):十和田湖におけるSi(珪素)量(1995-1997年)。国立環境研究所研究報告 146、156.

片野登・加藤 潤・三上 一・高村典子(1999):十和田湖の水質(1998年)。国立環境研究所研究報告 146、110-116.

上野隆平・大高明史・高村典子(1999):十和田湖沿岸域のユスリカ相。国立環境研究所研究報告 146、83-86.

加藤秀男・高村典子・三上 一(1999):十和田湖沿岸域の底生動物群集の特徴。国立環境研究所研究報告 146、72-82.

野原精一・加藤秀男・高村典子・三上 一(1999):十和田湖の水生植物の現状-1997年の調査結果から。国立環境研究所研究報告 146、49-54.

高村典子・三上 一・伯耆晶子・中川恵(1999):ワカサギからヒメマスへ、1980年代と逆の優占魚種の変化がプランクトン群集と水質に及ぼした影響についてー1995-1997年の調査結果から。国立環境研究所研究報告 146、16-26.

高村典子・三上 一・水谷 寿・長崎勝康(1999):ワカサギの導入に伴う十和田湖の生態系の変化について。国立環境研究所研究報告 146、1-15.

福島路生・高村典子・金白虎・中川恵・孫麗偉・鄭允文(1998):ハクレンを用いたバイオマニピュレーションの可能性。国環研研究資料 F138:37-43.

野尻幸宏・福島武彦・松重一夫・高木博夫・稲葉一穂・矢木修身・高村典子・河合崇欣・相崎守弘・海老瀬潜一・相崎守弘・今井章雄・井上隆信・岩熊敏夫・花里孝幸(1997):霞ヶ浦全域調査資料。国環研研究資料 F98:1-79.

木幡邦男・福島路生・高村典子・松重一夫・今井章雄・竹下俊二・田中秀之・中川恵(1997):直列多そう型溶出測定装置による霞ヶ浦隔離水界実験にあける底泥からの栄養塩溶出測定、国環研研究資料 F99:17-21.

高村典子・福島路生・孫 麗偉・中川 恵・Otto Albinger・松重一夫(1997):ハクレンはアオコを制御できるか?国環研研究資料 F99:1-16.

大槻晃・大井武彦・橋本信也・相崎守弘・高村典子(1995):高速液体クロマトグラフィーを用いたフィコシアニンの定量法と霞ヶ浦におけるランソウ類現存量変化に関する研究。国環研研究資料 F72:7-14.

海老瀬潜一・相崎守弘・細見正明・小沢秀明・岩熊敏夫・高村典子・河合崇欣・野尻幸宏・福島武彦・花里孝幸・稲葉一穂(1994):霞ヶ浦全域調査資料。国環研研究資料 F61:1-90.

相崎守弘・福島武彦・花里孝幸・稲葉一穂・白石寛明・河合崇欣・野尻幸宏・岩熊敏夫・高村典子・海老瀬潜一・細見正明・大槻晃(1990):霞ヶ浦全域調査資料。国環研研究資料 F25:1-52.

高村典子(1988):なぜアオコ(Microcystis)が優占するのか。国立公害研究所研究資料、 F4:47-50.

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Last updated Feb. 5, 2021