Masui T. (2024) Introduction and overview of AIM (Asia-Pacific Integrated Model) to assess decarbonized society. JICA Training "Capacity Development for Progression of Nationally Determined Contribution under the Paris Agreement", -
Rajbhandari S. (2024) Activities in Nepal using AIM. JICA Training "Capacity Development for Progression of Nationally Determined Contribution under the Paris Agreement", -
Chaichaloem A. (2024) Thailand Decarbonization Analysis by using AIM. JICA Training "Capacity Development for Progression of Nationally Determined Contribution under the Paris Agreement", -
Su X., Shiogama H., Tanaka K., Tachiiri K., Hajima T., Watanabe M., Kawamiya M., Takahashi K., Yokohata T. (2024) Anthropogenic contributions to slow warming over 1998-2012. JPGU2024, Abstracts
Su X., Takahashi K., Yokohata T., Tanaka K., Fujimori S., Takakura J., Yamaguchi R., Xiong W. (2024) Developing an Integrated Assessment Model to determine optimal cost-benefit paths for SSP1-5. JPGU2024, Abstracts
Fujii M. (2024) Life Cycle Carbon Neutral: Carbon neutral production, consumption and disposal of all materials. The 19th International Conference on Waste Management and Technology, -
Masui T. (2024) Introduction of AIM (Asia-Pacific Integrated Model). Integrated Programme for Improving Air Quality in Asia (IBAQ), -
Rossita A. (2024) Indonesia's Low carbon Assessment on Land and Food System (AIM Activities in Indonesia). Integrated Programme for Improving Air Quality in Asia (IBAQ) Seminar on "Co-benefit Approach", -
Hanaoka T. (2024) Cobenefits and Tradeofs of Deep-Decarbonization on Air Pollutants Reductions in Asia. Integrated Programme for Improving Air Quality in Asia (IBAQ), -