- 馬渕浩司,西田一也 (2024) 琵琶湖の砂・礫・岩質湖岸におけるホンモロコの産卵:潜在的な産卵場所に関する新たな知見. 魚類学雑誌, 71(1), 111-120
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- 吉田 誠, 宮脇勇伍 (2024) 外来魚チャネルキャットフィッシュによる希少なサナエトンボ科ヤゴの捕食. 伊豆沼・内沼研究報告, 18, 39–51
- 吉田 誠, 山本大輔,鶴田博嗣 (2024) 矢作川水系における外来魚チャネルキャットフィッシュの現状:分布情報の確度を考慮した生息域の再検討. 保全生態学研究, 早期公開
- 馬渕浩司,西田一也,吉田 誠 (2024) 琵琶湖につながる水田水路におけるフナ属魚類の卵の分布の傾向と範囲:河口からの直線距離と標高から見た概要. Ichthy, Natural History of Fishes of Japan, 42, 15-30
- Sueyoshi M., Miyagawa Y., Onoda Y., Hotta T., Kayaba Y., Nakamura K. (2023) Effects of repeated sediment bypassing on stream ecosystems in a Japanese mountainous river. Restoration Ecology, 32(3), e14049
- Sueyoshi M., Tojo K., Ishiyama N., Nakamura F. (2023) Population stability and asymmetric migration of caddisfly populations, Stenopsyche marmorata (Stenopsychidae), in a forest–agriculture landscape. Aquatic Sciences, 85, 98
- Yoshida M.A., Mabuchi K. (2023) Using a drifting GPS-Argos satellite buoy as a method for detecting acoustic-tagged fish offshore in an ancient lake. Animal Biotelemetry, 11, 30
- 馬渕浩司, 西田一也(2023)琵琶湖・北湖の北岸の礫浜で検出されたカマツカの産着卵. 魚類学雑誌, 70(2), 199-204
- 馬渕浩司, 西田一也, 吉田誠 (2023) 琵琶湖の南湖へ流入する都市小河川へのビワマスの遡上記録. 魚類学雑誌, 70(2), 213-221
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論文紹介はこちら→ - Yoshida M.A., Nishida K., Mabuchi K. (2023) The first record of spawning-season homing of gin-buna crucian carp Carassius sp. to a lakeside biotope connected to Lake Biwa confirmed via acoustic telemetry and egg surveys. Ichthyological Research 70(3), 386–397
論文紹介はこちら→ - 馬渕浩司, 西田一也, 吉田誠 (2022) 琵琶湖沿岸におけるホンモロコ産着卵の分布:野外および文献調査に基づく最近80年の歴史的変遷. 魚類学雑誌, 70(1), 1-20
- 西田一也, 馬渕浩司, 吉田誠 (2022) 琵琶湖北東部に流入する改修済み幹線排水路・中小河川におけるコイ科魚類の産着卵の出現状況. 農業農村工学会論文集, 90(1), IV_9-IV_12
- 吉田誠, 阿部貴晃, 菊地デイル万次郎, 木下千尋, 中村乙水 (2022) 飛翔・遊泳する動物の移動におけるエネルギー制約と、形態や移動様式によるコスト節約. 日本生態学会誌, 72, 95–107
- Kazama T., Hayakawa, K., Nagata, T. Shimotori K., Imai A., Komatsu K. (2022) Size-dependent susceptibility of lake phytoplankton to light stress: An implication for succession of large green algae in a deep oligotrophic lake. Hydrobiologia, 849, 1115–1130
- Kazama T., Hayakawa K., Shimotori K., Imai A. (2021) Measuring photophysiology of attached stage of Colacium sp. by a cuvette-type fast repetition rate fluorometer. JoVE (Journal of Visualized Experiments), e63108
- 入江政安, 永野隆紀, 霜鳥孝一 (2021) 密閉系での酸素消費速度実験とデータ同化を用いた大阪湾の貧酸素水塊規模の推計. 土木学会論文集B2(海岸工学), 77(2), I_853-I_858
- 馬渕浩司, 西田一也, 吉田誠 (2021) 琵琶湖・早崎内湖干拓地外の造成ヨシ帯におけるゲンゴロウブナ(コイ科フナ属)の産卵: 産着卵のDNA 種判別にもとづく確認. 伊豆沼・内沼研究報告, 15, 31-45
- Mabuchi K., Nishida K., Nakajima N. (2021) Complete F mitochondrial genomes of two freshwater mussels from the Lake Biwa system in Japan: Beringiana fukuharai and Sinanodonta tumens. Mitochondrial DNA Part B, 6 (9), 2491-2493
- Qian J., Shimotori K., Liu X., Ban S., Akizuki S., Fujiwara M., Kodera T., Toda T., Imai A. (2021) Enhancement of algal growth by Mg2+ released from anaerobic digestion effluent of aquatic macrophytes through photolysis. Biochemical Engineering Journal, 172, 108065
- Mabuchi K., Nishida K., Nakajima N. (2021) Complete female-transmitted mitochondrial genomes of two freshwater mussels from the Lake Biwa system in Japan: Nodularia douglasiae and N. nipponensis. Mitochondrial DNA Part B, 6(4), 1536-1538
- Kazama T., Hayakawa K., Kuwahara V. S., Shimotori K., Imai A., Komatsu K. (2021) Development of photosynthetic carbon fixation model using multi-excitation wavelength fast repetition rate fluorometry in Lake Biwa. PLOS ONE, 16(2), e0238013
- Kazama T., Urabe J., Yamamichi M., Tokita K., Yin X., Katano I., Doi H., Yoshida T., Hairston N.G., Jr (2021) A unified framework for herbivore-to-producer biomass ratio reveals the relative influence of four ecological factors. Communications Biology, 4 (49)
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- 吉田誠, 馬渕浩司 (2020) 湖沼におけるバイオロギング研究:個体ベースで解き明かす魚類の行動と生態. 地球環境, 25, 65–78
- 西田一也, 馬渕浩司 (2020) 湖魚の産卵場としての琵琶湖沿岸の水田地帯:その現状とモニタリング手法の開発. 地球環境, 25, 53–64
- 風間健宏, 早川和秀, 霜鳥孝一, 今井章雄, 小松一弘(2020) 高速フラッシュ蛍光光度法を用いた光合成活性と基礎生産のリアルタイム計測. 地球環境, 25, 31–42
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- Yoshida M.A., Totsu K., Sato K., Mabuchi K. (2020) Underwater video and still-image dataset of fishes and other aquatic animals in Lake Biwa, Japan, observed via carp-mounted video loggers. Ecological Research, 35, 1001–1008
- Shimotori K., Yamamoto H., Imai A., Kohzu A., Okamoto T. (2020) Development of a new high-throughput and small-size method for measuring sediment oxygen demand in lakes. Journal of Soils and Sediments, 21, 1222–1231
- Tsuchiya K., Tomioka N., Sano T., Kohzu A., Komatsu K., Imai A., Hayakawa K., Nagata T., Okamoto T., Hirose Y. (2020) Decrease in bacterial production over the past three decades in the north basin of Lake Biwa, Japan. Limnology, 21, 87–96
- Mabuchi K., Nishida K. (2020) A DNA mini-barcoding system for endangered unionid mussels in the Lake Biwa system in Japan. Conservation Genetics Resources, 12, 581–584
- 馬渕浩司, 西田一也, 吉田誠, 桑原 雅之 (2020) 琵琶湖南湖の南部で得られたビワマス成熟雄の記録. 魚類学雑誌, 67, 215–222
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- Kohzu A., Watanabe H., Imai A., Takaya N., Miura S., Shimotori K., Komatsu K. (2020) Magnetic Resonance Imaging as a Novel Method for Elucidating Sediment Burrow Structures and Functions. ACS OMEGA, 5 (25), 14933-14941
- 馬渕浩司, 西田一也, 吉田誠 (2020) マルチプレックス PCR 法を用いた琵琶湖水系産タモロコ属 2 種のミトコンドリア DNA の簡易識別法: 手法開発と南湖の産着卵への適用. 魚類学雑誌, 67, 51–65
- Nakamura Y., Tsuji A., Makino W., Matsuzaki S. S., Nagata N., Nakagawa M., Takamura N. (2020) Feeding ecology of a mysid species,Neomysis awatschensis in the Lake Kasumigaura: combining approach with microscopy, stable isotope analysis and DNA metabarcoding. Plankton Benthos Research, 15 (1), 44-54
- Mabuchi K., Nishida K., Nakajima N. (2020) The complete mitochondrial genome of Silurus lithophilus, a catfish endemic to Lake Biwa, Japan. Mitochondrial DNA Part B Resources, 5 (2), 1311-1312
- Matsuzaki S. S., Kohzu A., Kadoya T., Watanabe Mirai., Osawa T., Komatsu K., Kondo N., Yamaguchi H., Ando H., Shimotori K., Fukaya K., Nakagawa M., Kizuka T., Yoshioka A., Sasai T., Saigusa N., Matsushita B., Takamura N. (2019) Role of wetlands in mitigating the tradeoff between crop production and water quality in agricultural landscapes. Ecosphere, 10 (11), e02918
- 馬渕浩司, 西田一也, 吉田誠 (2019) 琵琶湖流入河川・丁野木川の人工護岸支流におけるホンモロコ・ニゴロブナ・在来コイの産卵: 産着卵のDNA 種判別にもとづく知見. 魚類学雑誌, 66, 237-243
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- Tsuchiya K., Sano T., Tomioka N., Kohzu A., Komatsu K., Shinohara R., Takamura N., Nakagawa M., Sugai Y., Kuwahara V. S. , Toda T., Fukuda H., Imai A. (2019) Seasonal variability and regulation of bacterial production in a shallow eutrophic lake. Limnology and Oceanography,64 (6), 2441-2454
- Fukumori K., Ishida S., Shimoda M., Takenaka A., Akasaka M., Nishihiro J., Takamura N., Kadoya T. (2019) Incorporating species population dynamics into static prioritization: targeting species undergoing rapid change. Journal of Applied Ecology, 56, 450-458
- Yoshida T., Mabuchi K., Motomura H. (2019) Rhabdamia novaluna, a new species of cardinalfish (Perciformes: Apogonidae) from the western Pacific Ocean, with comments on the synonymy of Rhabdamia gracilis. Ichthyological Research, 66 (1), 129-139
- Mabuchi K., Nishida K, Nakajima N. (2018) Complete F mitochondrial genomes of the Biwa pearl mussel, Hyriopsis schlegelii: the first report from the species' native lake in Japan. Mitochondrial DNA part B Resources, 3 (2), 1294-1295
- Kohzu A., Shimotori K., Imai A. (2018) Effects of macrophyte harvesting on the water quality and bottom environment of Lake Biwa,Japan. Limnology, 20 (5), 1-10
- Yamamichi M., Kazama T., Tokita K., Katano I., Doi H., Yoshida T., Hairston N.G., Urabe J. (2018) A shady phytoplankton paradox: when phytoplankton increases under low light. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 285 (1882)
- Matsuzaki S. S., Suzuki K., Kadoya T., Nakagawa M., Takamura N. (2018) Bottom-up linkages between primary production, zooplankton, and fish in a shallow, hypereutrophic lake. Ecology, 99 (9), 2025-2036
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- 馬渕浩司, 松崎慎一郎 (2017) 日本の自然水域のコイ: 在来コイの現状と導入コイの脅威. 魚類学雑誌, 64 (2), 213-218
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